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Jessie edited this page Feb 13, 2018 · 97 revisions

Day 0: Introduction to R

Wednesday, February 21st.

See details and registration here. This workshop is open to all ACEMS industry collaborators.

Day 1: Short Course - Modern Methods in Sport Statistics

Thursday, February 22nd.

Start End Activity
8:30 8:45 Introduction (Kerrie Mengersen)
8:45 9:45 SESSION 1: Overview of Modern Statistical Methods in Sport Science Research (Kerrie Mengersen- ACEMS/QUT, Marijke Walvaert - University of Canberra/AIS, David Pyne- University of Canberra/AIS)
9:45 10:45 Quick Overview of Traditional Methods - linear regression & hypothesis Testing (Kerrie Mengersen- ACEMS/QUT)
Practice in R
10:45 11:00 Morning Tea
11:00 12:00 SESSION 2: Clustering and Tree Based Methods (Kerrie Mengersen- ACEMS/QUT)
Practice in R
12:00 1:00 Lunch
1:00 2:30 SESSION 3: Hierarchical Models (Chris Drovandi- QUT/ACEMS)
Practice in R
2:30 3:00 Afternoon Tea
3:00 4:30 SESSION 4: Hidden Markov Models (Paul Wu- QUT/ACEMS)
Practice in R
4:30 5:00 Wrap-up

Day 2:

Friday, February 23rd

AIM: To share cutting edge methods in resilience research and explore research challenges and opportunities.

Start End Activity
8:45 Registration
9:00 9:30 Overview of Objective for the Day - Performance, Resilience & Funding (Jeff Greenhill - QAS, David Pyne - AIS/Uni Canberra & Paul Wu - ACEMS/QUT
9:30 10:30 SESSION 1: methods for n = 1
Pres 1: Title TBC James McGree
Pres 2: Title TBC Lachlan Mitchell
Group Discussion: Opportunities & challenges
10:30 11:00 Morning tea
11:00 12:15 SESSION 2: Methods for Diverse Data (n > 10)
Pres 1: Diversity of Sport Science Data: random small examples (Marijke Welvaert)
Pres 2: Title TBC Paul Wu
Pres 3: QAS
Group Discussion: Opportunities & Challenges
12:15 1:15 Lunch
1:15 2:30 SESSION 3: Methods for n = Big Data
Pres 1: Current Modern Applications
Pres 2: Statistical Machine Learning (SML) Methods for Big Data (ACEMS)
Group Discussion: Opportunities & Challenges
2:30 3:00 Afternoon Tea
3:00 4:00 Special Interest Group: Pushing Forward with ARC Application - Enhancing the Performance and Resilience of Sportspeople (Lead by Jeff Greenhil, David Pyne, Paul Wu & Kerrie Mengersen).
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