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The DrawOp class is responsible for taking one or more input coordinates/marks and producing output blocks

Some visual examples of draw operations [TODO sample image]


  • Draw operations do not only have to draw shapes (ReplaceDrawOp, RestoreSelectionDrawOp TODO)


Properties & Methods

abstract string Name { get; }

Returns the name of this draw operations

abstract long BlocksAffected(Level lvl, Vec3S32[] marks)

Estimates the total number of blocks that this draw operation may affect


  • This should be implemented as a simple estimate (shouldn't perform any complex calculations)
  • This is an upper bound/worst case estimate (assumes that all potentially affected blocks will actually be changed)

abstract void Perform(Vec3S32[] marks, Brush brush, DrawOpOutput output)

Performs the draw operation (actually outputs the block using output)

void Setup(Player p, Level lvl, Vec3S32[] marks)

Initialises/Prepares the state of this draw operation from the given arguments


  • Initialises Player, Level, Min, Max etc fields
protected DrawOpBlock Place(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, Brush brush)

Returns a DrawOpBlock with the given x,y,z and block calculated by the given brush

protected DrawOpBlock Place(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, BlockID block)

Returns a DrawOpBlock with the given x,y,z and the given block type

protected Vec3U16 Clamp(Vec3S32 pos)

Constrains/Clamps the given coordinates to lie within the Level's boundaries


Vec3S32 Min

The minimum coordinates of the bounds of this draw operation


  • This is the smallest X/Y/Z from all of the input coordinates/marks

Vec3S32 Max

The maximum coordinates of the bounds of this draw operation


  • This is the largest X/Y/Z from all of the input coordinates/marks

DrawOpBlock Coords

The coordinates of the current block being processed by this draw operation


  • This field is mainly intended for use by Brushes

Player Player

The player that is executing this draw operation

Level Level

The Level that this draw operation is being performed on

ushort Flags

The BlockDB change type for blocks affected by this draw operation

[TODO /b example image]


  • This field should be set in the constructor of the draw operation class
  • The supported flag values from the BlockDBFlags class are
    • Drawn, Replaced, Pasted, Cut, Filled, Restored, UndoOther, UndoSelf, RedoSelf, FixGrass
bool AffectedByTransform

Whether the output of this draw operation can potentially be transformed (e.g. scaled or rotated) by a Transform

  • Draw operations whose output must not be transformed (e.g. Replace, Restore, UndoPlayer) should set this field to false


using MCGalaxy;
using MCGalaxy.Drawing;
using MCGalaxy.Drawing.Brushes;
using MCGalaxy.Drawing.Ops;
using MCGalaxy.Maths;

public class OddBoxDrawOp : DrawOp
	public override string Name { get { return "OddBox"; } }
	public override long BlocksAffected(Level lvl, Vec3S32[] marks) {
		long width  = Max.X - Min.X + 1;
		long height = Max.Y - Min.Y + 1;
		long length = Max.Z - Min.Z + 1;
		// NOTE: strictly speaking, the marks should be examined to calculate the number of rows
		// that will actually get drawn - but it's simpler to just always assume the worst case
		return (width / 2 + 1) * height * length;
	public override void Perform(Vec3S32[] marks, Brush brush, DrawOpOutput output) {
		//  Min contains the smallest X,Y,Z of the marks, so can be used as lower left corner of the box
		//  Max contains the largest X,Y,Z of the marks, so can be used as upper right corner of the box
		// Both coordinates are then constrained/clamped to lie within the boundaries of the level
		Vec3U16 min = Clamp(Min), max = Clamp(Max);
		for (ushort y = min.Y; y <= max.Y; y++)
			for (ushort z = min.Z; z <= max.Z; z++)
				for (ushort x = min.X; x <= max.X; x++)
			// skip even coordinates on X axis
			if ((x % 2) == 0) continue;
			// use the given brush to determine the type of block to place at x,y,z
			// then actually output the block by invoking 'output' callback function
			output(Place(x, y, z, brush));

[TODO output example image]