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Arduino networking API implementations



library year TCP/IP network interfaces maintainer
Ethernet 2008 in fw Ethernet (Wiznet W5x00) Arduino
WiFi (1) 2011 in fw WiFi STA (AT32UC3 with wifiHD fw) Arduino
WiFi101 2015 in fw WiFi STA and local AP (ATWINC1500) Arduino
WiFiNINA 2018 in fw WiFi STA and SoftAP (ESP32 with nina-fw) Arduino
WiFiS3 2023 in fw WiFi STA and SoftAP (ESP32S3 with Uno R4 WiFi fw) Arduino
Mbed core 2018 LwIP Ethernet/WiFi (any HW with Mbed EMAC driver) Arduino
C33 core 2023 LwIP Ethernet (Eth peripheral), WiFi STA and SoftAP (ESPHost) Arduino
ESP8266 core 2014 LwIP WiFi STA and SoftAP, Ethernet (W5500, W5100, ENC28J60), PPP community
ESP32 core 2016 LwIP WiFi STA and SoftAP, Ethernet (Ethernet peripheral, W5500, ENC28J60, ...) Espressif
WiFiEspAT 2019 in fw WiFi STA and SoftAP (ESP8266 or ESP32 with AT fw) Juraj A
EthernetENC 2013 uIP Ethernet (ENC28J60) Juraj A
STM32Ethernet 2017 LwIP Ethernet (STM32 Eth peripheral) STM
QNEthernet 2021 LwIP Ethernet (Teensy 4.1 Eth peripheral, W5500) Shawn S
RP2040 Core 2022 LwIP WiFi STA and SoftAP (Pico W, ESPHost, ATWINC1500), Ethernet (W5500, W5100, ENC28J60) Earle P

(1) The Arduino WiFi library is obsolete. It is included in the research only because it was the first WiFi library.

Legend for the tables in this document:

  • library has the function
  • * the official Arduino library with the first introduction of the API function(s).
  • + the function was added in API unification effort after the research
  • library will not support the function

Ethernet/WiFi object

Module control

library hw setup detection with firmwareVersion end power save
Ethernet init(CS) hardwareStatus
WiFi status* (1)
WiFi101 setPins status ✓* ✓* lowPowerMode
WiFiNINA defines status lowPowerMode
WiFiS3 status
Mbed WiFi status lowPowerMode
Mbed Ethernet init(CS) hardwareStatus
C33 Wifi status returns a constant lowPowerMode
C33 Ethernet hardwareStatus
esp8266 WiFi status sleepMode
esp8266 LwipIntfDev (2) constructor hardwareStatus (3), status
esp32 WiFi status sleep
esp32 Ethernet defines
WiFiEspAT init(Stream&) status sleepMode
EthernetENC init(CS) hardwareStatus +
QNEthernet hardwareStatus
RP2040 WiFi status lowPowerMode
RP2040 LwipIntfDev constructor hardwareStatus (3), status

(1) status() is for the WiFi state, but returns WL_NO_SHIELD/WL_NO_MODULE if the hardware is not detected

(2) LwipIntfDev is the common class for (wired) network interface libraries

(3) with EthernetCompat from lwIP_Ethernet library

Ethernet network interface

library linkStatus begin DHCP begin static IP config (1) auto dns, gw, mask maintain
Ethernet *
Mbed Ethernet
C33 Ethernet
esp8266 EthernetCompat +
esp8266 LwipIntfDev not blocking +
esp32 Ethernet (2) not blocking wrong param. order
RP2040 EthernetCompat + + + + +
RP2040 LwipIntfDev + not blocking +

(1) Modern Ethernet libraries use configfor static IP

(2) EthernetESP32 library has standard Ethernet API for esp32 platform's LwIP networking

WiFi station network interface

library status begin beginEnterprise config auto dns, gw, mask disconnect
WiFi *
WiFi101 PR
Mbed WiFi PR +
C33 Wifi
esp8266 WiFi not blocking +
esp32 WiFi not blocking PR +
RP2040 WiFi +

Network interface getters and setters

All libraries have localIP(), gatewayIP() and subnetMask() getters. Many Ethernet libraries now have the getters and setters introduced in WiFi libraries.

library setHostname setDNS dnsIP(n) macAddress
Ethernet PR PR PR PR
WiFi ✓* ✓* R
WiFi101 hostname PR PR ✓ R
WiFiNINA ✓* PR ✓ R
WiFiS3 ✓* R PR
Mbed WiFi + ✓ R
Mbed Ethernet + ✓ R !!! issue
C33 Wifi ✓ (1) + R PR
C33 Ethernet PR PR PR
esp8266 WiFi +
esp8266 LwipIntfDev + + +
esp32 WiFi +
esp32 Ethernet (2)
WiFiEspAT + R
EthernetENC + + +
RP2040 WiFi +
RP2040 LwipIntfDev + + +

Flag R is for "reversed". Arduino WiFi libraries copied the bug of the first WiFi library. The bytes of the MAC address are from macAddress getter returned in reversed order.

(1) hostname is not send with DHCP request

(2) EthernetESP32 library has standard Ethernet API for esp32 platform's LwIP networking

Legacy Ethernet getters and setters

library setDnsServerIP dnsServerIP MACAddress
Mbed Ethernet ✓ R issue
C33 Ethernet PR +
esp8266 EthernetCompat + + +
STM32Ethernet + is a setter! (issue)
RP2040 EthernetCompat + + +

WiFi station getters

library SSID BSSID encryptionType channel RSSI reasonCode
WiFi * ✓ R
WiFi101 ✓ R
WiFiNINA ✓ R ✓*
WiFiS3 returns 0
Mbed WiFi
C33 Wifi returns 0
esp8266 WiFi + PR
esp32 WiFi +
WiFiEspAT R +
RP2040 WiFi returns WL_NO_SHIELD

WiFi AP network interface

For libraries which can only run one WiFi interface, AP ends with begin for station.

library beginAP end configure
WiFi101 ✓*
Mbed WiFi
C33 Wifi
esp8266 WiFi softAP softAPdisconnect softAPConfig
esp32 WiFi softAP softAPdisconnect softAPConfig
WiFiEspAT ✓, softAP endAP, softAPdisconnect configureAP, softAPConfig
RP2040 WiFi ✓, softAP softAPdisconnect softAPConfig

WiFi AP getters

For libraries which can only run one WiFi interface, after beginAP standard getters read the AP information.

library MAC SSID Pass encryption ip gw mask
esp8266 WiFi softAPmacAddress softAPSSID softAPPSK softAPIP
esp32 WiFi softAPmacAddress softAPSSID softAPPSK softAPIP
WiFiEspAT apMacAddress, softAPmacAddress apSSID, softAPSSID apPassphrase, softAPPSK apEncryptionType apIP, softAPIP apGatewayIP apSubnetMask
RP2040 WiFi softAPmacAddress softAPSSID softAPIP

WiFi station networks scan

All researched libraries have methods scanNetworks(), SSID(n), encryptionType(n) and RSSI(n) defined by the first WiFi library. All libraries except of the old WiFi library have BSSID(n,bssid) and channel(n)defined by the WiFi101 library. WiFi101 and WiFiNINA have the BSSID in reversed ordering.

Encryption type constant names are in esp32 WiFi library very different from the common set used in all other WiFi libraries.

Network services

The Ethernet/WiFi objects have some functions for simple services. (Libraries may have these services in other classes or they may be available as separate libraries.)

library hostByName ping getTime
Ethernet PR
WiFi ✓*
WiFi101 ✓* ✓*
WiFiS3 returns 0
Mbed WiFi returns 0
Mbed Ethernet returns 0
C33 Wifi returns 0
C33 Ethernet PR
esp8266 WiFi
esp8266 LwipIntfDev
esp32 WiFi
esp32 Ethernet
EthernetENC +
QNEthernet +
RP2040 WiFi returns millis() !!!
RP2040 LwipIntfDev

Client class

Inherited methods

All Client classes in the researched libraries implement the Arduino Client class which forces the essential methods.

Method connected()

The method connected should return true if the Client has data available to read even if the underlying TCP connection is closed. Esp8266 and Esp32 libraries return false if the TCP connection is closed even if there are still data to read.

Client getters and setters

All libraries have remoteIP() and remotePort() with exception of the old WiFi library. A few libraries have localIP() to identify the network interface used for the Client.

library class localIP localPort status setConnectionTimeout
Ethernet EthernetClient ✓* ✓ *2018
WiFi WiFiClient
WiFi101 WiFiClient returns 0 PR PR
WiFiNINA WiFiClient PR
WiFiS3 WiFiClient +
Mbed SocketWrapper MbedClent (1) returns only 1 or 0
C33 lwIpWrapper lwipClient (1)
ESP8266WiFi WiFiClient (2) Stream's setTimeout discussion
esp32 Network NetworkClient (3) +
WiFiEspAT WiFiClient
EthernetENC EthernetClient +
STM32Ethernet EthernetClient +
QNEthernet EthernetClient + +
RP2040 WiFi WiFiClient (2) Stream's setTimeout

(1) common implementation for WiFiClient and EthernetClient in the platform's libraries

(2) WiFiClient is used for Ethernet interface too. EthernetCompat has EthernetClient as alias to WiFiClient.

(3) WiFiClient is alias for NetworkClient. EthernetClient is not defined, size) return value

There are differences for return value of, size). According to Arduino documentation return -1 is "no data available" and 0 is "connection is closed". And this is how it is in BSD sockets where there is no other way to get the closed state. But most Arduino libraries return 0 if no data are available and some return -1 if the client is not valid.

Note: The Arduino documentation mixes read() with read(buff, size). read() should definitely return -1 if no byte is available, because 0 is a valid returned value.

library class no data available connection is closed (1)
Ethernet EthernetClient -1 0
WiFi101 WiFiClient -1 0
WiFiNINA WiFiClient 0
WiFiS3 WiFiClient 0
Mbed SocketWrapper MbedClent -1
C33 lwIpWrapper lwipClient -1
ESP8266WiFi WiFiClient 0
esp32 Network NetworkClient 0
WiFiEspAT WiFiClient 0
EthernetENC EthernetClient 0 -1
STM32Ethernet EthernetClient 0 -1
QNEthernet EthernetClient 0 0
RP2040 WiFi WiFiClient (2) 0

(1) empty field means that the state of the connection is not checked in read(buff, size)

Secure layer

library secure client lastError() setInsecure allowSelfSignedCerts disableSNI
Ethernet (1)
WiFi101 WiFiSSLClient
WiFiS3 WiFiSSLClient
Mbed SocketWrapper MbedSSLClient (2) ✓*
C33 lwIpWrapper SSLClient (2) ✓* ✓*
ESP8266WiFi WiFiClientSecure getLastSSLError
esp32 Network NetworkClientSecure
WiFiEspAT WiFiSSLClient
EthernetENC (1)
RP2040 WiFi WiFiClientSecure getLastSSLError

(1) SSLClient library can add secure layer

(2) common implementation for WiFiSSLClient and EthernetSSLClient in the platform's libraries

Certificates for the connection:

library setPreSharedKey setCACert setCertificate setPrivateKey load (1)
Mbed SocketWrapper appendCustomCACert root CA from default block device
C33 lwIpWrapper *
ESP8266WiFi setTrustAnchors setClientRSACert setClientRSACert setCertStore
esp32 WiFi
RP2040 WiFi ✓, setTrustAnchors ✓, setClientRSACert ✓, setClientRSACert ✓, setCertStore

(1) loadCACert, loadCertificate, loadPrivateKey from a Stream, or other way for stored certificates

Additional properties:

library secure client setKnownKey setFingerprint setCiphers setCiphersLessSecure
Mbed SocketWrapper MbedSSLClient
C33 lwIpWrapper SSLClient
ESP8266WiFi WiFiClientSecure
esp32 Network NetworkClientSecure
RP2040 WiFi WiFiClientSecure

Server class


All Server classes have a constructor with parameter port. ESP8266, ESP32 and RP2040 WiFi library WiFiServer have additional constructor with IP to identify the network interface on which the server should listen.

Arduino core has Server class which inherits from the Print class. The idea is to use the methods of Print to output to all clients at once. The Server class itself doesn't define anything useful.

Modern server class implementations have constructor without parameters, method begin(port), method accept(), method end() and bool operator. Modern implementations of the server class do not implement available() and print-to-all-clients so they don't inherit from Server.

library class ctor without params print to all clients modern
Ethernet EthernetServer PR
WiFi WiFiServer
WiFi101 WiFiServer PR
WiFiNINA WiFiServer PR
WiFiS3 WiFiServer ✓*
Mbed SocketWrapper MbedServer (2) + ✗ (1) + PR
C33 lwIpWrapper lwipServer (2)
ESP8266WiFi WiFiServer (3) + ArduinoWiFiServer
esp32 Network NetworkServer (4) ✗ (1)
WiFiEspAT WiFiServer + ✗ (1)
EthernetENC EthernetServer + EthernetServerPrint
STM32Ethernet EthernetServer
QNEthernet EthernetServer
RP2040 WiFi WiFiServer (3) + ✗ (1)

(1) ArduinoWiFiServer in NetApiHelpers library has print-to-all-clients and proper server.available()

(2) common implementation for WiFiServer and EthernetServer in the platform's libraries

(3) WiFiServer is used for Ethernet interface too. EthernetCompat.h has EthernetServer as alias to WiFiServer.

(4) WiFiServer is alias for NetworkServer. EthernetServer is not defined


All Server classes have method begin without parameters.

library class begin(port) end op bool status available accept
Ethernet EthernetServer PR-> PR ✓ *2018 issue ✓* ✓ *2018
WiFi WiFiServer ✓*
WiFi101 WiFiServer PR PR PR returns 0 PR PR
WiFiS3 WiFiServer ✓* ✓* + +
Mbed SocketWrapper MbedServer + + + returns 0 issue ✗(1) +
C33 lwIpWrapper lwipServer
ESP8266WiFi WiFiServer + + (1)(2)
esp32 Network NetworkServer ✗(1)
WiFiEspAT WiFiServer + ✗(1)
EthernetENC EthernetServer +
STM32Ethernet EthernetServer + +
QNEthernet EthernetServer
RP2040 WiFi WiFiServer + + ✗(1)

(1) the method called available in WiFiServer works like accept method

(2) available() with ArduinoWiFiServer

UDP class


All UDP classes in the researched libraries implement the Arduino UDP class which forces to implement the essential methods.

library class
Ethernet EthernetUDP
WiFi101 WiFiUDP
Mbed SocketWrapper MbedUDP (1)
C33 lwIpWrapper lwipUDP (1)
esp32 Network NetworkUDP (3)
EthernetENC EthernetUDP
STM32Ethernet EthernetUDP
QNEthernet EthernetUDP
RP2040 WiFi WiFiUDP (2)

(1) common implementation for WiFiUdp and EthernetUdp in the platform's libraries

(3) WiFiUdp is used for Ethernet interface too. EthernetCompat.h has EthernetUdp as alias to WiFiUdp.

(4) WiFiUdp is alias for NetworkUdp. EthernetUdp is not defined