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120 lines (103 loc) · 7.72 KB

File metadata and controls

120 lines (103 loc) · 7.72 KB



  • Fixed a conflicting assembly and nuget versions.
  • Minor documentation fix.


  • Fixed a bug where documented static methods were internal rather than public.
  • Minor documentation fix.


  • Updated for .NET Core January 2020 Updates adding support for .NET Core 2.1.15, 3.0.2, and 3.1.1.
  • Updated dependencies as recommended in security notices for .NET Core January 2020 Updates.
  • Finbuckle.MultiTenant.AspNetCore targets netcoreapp3.1, netcoreapp3.0, and netcoreapp2.1.
  • Finbuckle.MultiTenant.Core targets netstandard2.1 and netstandard2.0.
  • Finbuckle.MultiTenant.EntityFrameworkCore targets netstandard2.1 and netstandard2.0.


  • Added support for ASP.NET Core 3.1.
  • Major refactor of how Entity Framework multitenant data isolation works. No longer need to derive from MultiTenantDbContext greatly improving flexibility. IdentityMultiTenantDbContext reworked under this new model and no longer requires or recommends use of multitenant support classes, e.g. MultiTenantIdentityUser. Attempted to minimize impact, but if using IdentityMultiTenantDbContext this may be a breaking change! Thanks @GordonBlahut!
  • Simplified EFCoreStore to use TenantInfo directly. This is a breaking change!
  • Fixed a bug with user id not being set correctly in legacy 'IdentityMultiTenantDbContext'.
  • Added ConfigurationStore to load tenant information from app configuration. The store is read-only in code, but changes in configuration (e.g. appsettings.json) are picked up at runtime. Updated most sample projects to use this store.
  • Deprecated InMemoryStore functionality that reads from configuration.
  • Added HttpRemoteStore which will make an http request to get a TenantInfo object. It can be extended with DelegatingHandlers (i.e. to add authentication headers). Added sample projects for this store. Thanks to @colindekker!
  • Fixed an exception with OpenIdConnect remote authentication if "state" is not returned from the identity provider. The new behavior will result in no tenant found for the request.
  • Updated samples.
  • Updated documentation.
  • Updated unit tests.


  • Added support for ASP.NET Core 3! Valid project targets are netcoreapp3.0, netcoreapp2.0, and netcoreapp2.1.
  • Added a sample app for ASP.NET 3 highlighting the route strategy improvements due to the endpoint routing mechanism.
  • Fixed a bug where route strategy could throw an exception when used with Razor Pages. Thanks @stardocs-services!
  • Support for configuring multiple multitenant strategies. Each will be tried in the order configured until a non-null tenant identifier is returned. The exception is the fallback strategy which always goes last.
  • Refactored component assemblies for better depdency control. EFCore can be excluded by referencing Finbuckle.MultiTenant.AspNetCore instead of Finbuckle.MultiTenant.
  • Updated documentation.
  • Updated unit tests to check against all valid project targets.
  • Symbols package included for debugging.


  • Added support for any preexisting global query filters in MultiTenantDbContext and MultiTenantIdentityDbContext. Thanks @nbarbettini!
  • Exposed the inner stores and strategies as a property on the respective StoreInfo and StrategyInfo properties of MultiTenantContext. Previously you could only access the wrapper object for each. Thanks @WalternativE!
  • Fixed certain methods on MultiTenantOptionsCache to be external as originally intended. Thanks @chernihiv!
  • Fix a bug with TryUpdateAsync in the wrapper store. Thanks @steebwba!
  • Updated documentation and fixed typos. Thanks @MesfinMo!


  • Added a strategy wrapper that handles validation and logging for the active strategy. When implementing IMultiTenantStrategy basic validation and logging are automatically provided.
  • Added the delegate strategy that accepts a lambda to return the tenant identifier. Configure by calling WithDelegateStrategy(...).
  • Added the fallback strategy that provides a tenant identifier if the normal strategy (or remote authentication, if applicable) fails to resolve a tenant. Configure by calling WithFallbackStrategy(...).
  • Added TrySetTenantInfo as an extension method to HttpContext. This will set the TenantInfo provided as the current tenant for the request and can optionally reset the service providers so that scoped services are regenerated under the new tenant.
  • Updated and improved documentation and sample projects.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes, code improvement, and unit tests.
  • Thanks to @nbarbettini for contributing to this release.


  • Refactored the global query filter used in MultiTenantDbContext and MultiTenantIdentityDbContext (Thanks @GordonBlahut!) for better performance and code quality.
  • Removed custom IModelCacheKeyFactory as it is no longer needed due to the global query filter changes.
  • Updated documentation and samples.


  • Allow resetting option cache per-tenant. This is a breaking change.
  • Host strategy can match entire domain as a special case (prior it only matched a single host segment).
  • Added a sample project demonstrating a common login page shared by all tenants.
  • Overhauled documentation.
  • Updated unit and integration tests.


  • Fixed bug in Identity where UserLogins primary key was not adjusted for multitenant usage.
  • Updated and Fixed the IdentityDataIsolation sample project.
  • General code and test cleanup.


  • Fixed bug where the TenantInfo constructor did not save the passed Items collection.
  • Tested for compatibility with ASP.NET Core 2.2.
  • Updated samples for ASP.NET Core 2.2.
  • Cleaned up library dependencies to target ASP.NET Core 2.1 or greater.

2.0.0 General Changes

  • Changed TenantContext to MultiTenantContext which includes TenantInfo, StrategyInfo, and StoreInfo properties.
  • Namespace changes (e.g. use of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection namespace for Configure and ConfigureServices methods).
  • Additional and improved unit tests.
  • Updated sample project dependencies.
  • Various other internal improvements to code and bug fixes.

2.0.0 MultiTenant Store Enhancements

  • TryUpdate method added to IMultiTenantStore interface.
  • Added EFCoreStore which allows an Entity Framework Core database context as the tenant store.
  • Added sample project demonstrating use of EFCoreStore.
  • Custom can be configured with custom dependency injection lifetime (single, scoped, or transient) via WithStore method overloads.
  • Custom stores automatically receive logging and error support via internal use of MultiTenantStoreWrapper.

2.0.0 MultiTenant Strategy Enhancements

  • Use of async/await for strategy execution for improved performance.
  • Custom strategies can be configured with custom dependency injection lifetime (single, scoped, or transient) via WithStrategy method overloads.
  • Moved route configuration for RouteStrategy from UseMultiTenant to WithRouteStrategy.


  • Added variants of MultiTenantIdentityDbContext which allows more flexible integration with Identity (Thanks @Cpcrook!)
  • Added sample project for data isolation with Identity
  • Minor refactoring and more unit tests
  • Various bug fixes


  • Fixed bug affecting per-tenant data isolation using a shared database
  • Added sample project for data isolation
  • Added new constructors for MultiTenantDbContext and MultiTenantIdentityDbContext


  • Remote authentication support
  • Strategy improvements
  • Store improvements
  • Per-tenant options improvements
  • Logging support
  • Updated samples
  • Improved unit and integration tests
  • Switch to Apache 2.0 license


  • Initial release