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This tutorial contains instructions for compiling and running the SimCov immunology model on the Wheeler cluster.

Download the SimCov Source Code from GitHub

Change directory to your home:

cd ~

Clone the simcov Github repository into your home directory:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Build SimCov from Source

Load Wheeler modules and set UPCXX variables (NOTE: modules subject to change use 'module spider' to find availability):

module load gcc/11.2.0-otgt
module load cmake/3.22.2-c2dw
module load upcxx/2021.9.0-r4of

Run the build script:

cd simcov
./ Release

Configure SimCov

The config files are in ~/simcov and end with ".config". You can edit them with a text editor.

Submit a SimCov Job

A wheeler PBS script is provided for you. We have submitted the script below to the simcov developers - so hopefully by the time you pull simcov the code below will already be in the wheeler_simcov_run.pbs. If not update the script to contain the following:

This PBS submission script will run simcov on a compute node using covid_default.config:


#PBS -q normal
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=8
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -N simcov_test
#PBS -j oe

module load gcc/11.2.0-otgt
module load upcxx/2021.9.0-r4of
module load cmake/3.22.2-c2dw


upcxx-run -n $PBS_NP -N $PBS_NUM_NODES -- install/bin/simcov --config=covid_default.config --output=results

To run simcov on a compute node enter

qsub wheeler_simcov_run.pbs

Outputs will be in a results folder by default