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139 lines (115 loc) · 5.28 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (115 loc) · 5.28 KB

You can contribute to the project in at least a couple ways.

Method 1. Non-technical

Suggest a new site to be covered by the tool.

How to do that:

  • Find the new site which has public profiles of people (with no authentication required)
  • Use this form to tell us about it.... OR....
  • Create a Github Issue and submit the link to an example profile. You can do that by navigating to Issues and clicking "New issue"

Method 2. Technical, no programming skills required

Requires a basic understanding of how Web/HTTP works (HTTP status codes, how what you see in a website translates to the source code). And some experience in Github contributions (fork, pull-request).

Implement support for a new site or fix an existing implementation for a site.

How to do that:

  • Among existing Issues or from somewhere else, establish which site you want to add
  • Using a web client of your choice (preferred curl or wget) perform simple requests for two different scenarios: existing profile, non-existing profile, e.g.
    # existing
    # non-existing
  • Observe the outcome for non-existing profile. Some sites use 404 (error), some use 302 (redirection), some confusingly use 200 (OK) for profiles which don't exist.
    $ curl
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
  • Observe the outcome for existing profile. The response code should be 200. And among the downloaded source code find a text expected to be observed in all profiles. Avoid picking a text which might be dynamic (e.g. include the profile name). This seems right:
<h2>You are browsing the profile of

This is too specific:

<h2>You are browsing the profile of WebBreacher</h2>

This is too general:

the profile
  • Add a section to wmn-data.json
  • Test your configuration by running a tool for a given site
  • Submit a pull request with that change
  • There is also the sample.json file that you can use for testing. Simply replace the existing content with new data and test.

Format of the JSON File

Format of the JSON file

Alphabetize by "Name"

We try to keep the entries in the wmn-data.json file alphabetized (A-Z) by the name value. So you can find "name" : "Github" earlier in the file than "name" : "Snapchat".

wmn-data.json JSON has 3 main elements

  1. License - The license for this project and its data
  2. Authors - The people that have recently contributed to this project
  3. Sites - This is the main data

Within the sites elements, the format is as follows (with several parameters being optional):

         "name" : "name of the site",
         "uri_check" : "URI to check the site with the {account} string replaced by a username",
         "uri_pretty" : "[OPTIONAL] if the check_uri is for an API, this element can show a human-readable page",
         "post_body" : "[OPTIONAL] if non-empty, then this entry is an HTTP POST and the content of this field are the data",
         "strip_bad_char" : "[OPTIONAL] checking apps should ignore or strip these characters from usernames",
         "e_code" : "the HTTP response code for a good 'account is there' response as an integer",
         "e_string" : "the string in the response that we look for for a good response",
         "m_string" : "this string will only be in the response if there is no account found",
         "m_code" : "the HTTP response code for a bad 'account is not there' response as an integer",
         "known" : ["a list of user accounts that can be used to test", "for user enumeration"],
         "cat" : "a category for what the site is mainly used for. The current categories are found at the top of the JSON",
         "valid" : "[OPTIONAL] single value of False. If it is present and False, then checkers should skip this site",
         "protection" : "[OPTIONAL] a list of 1 or more site protections like: [captcha, cloudflare, userauth, multiple, other]",
         "headers": {"[OPTIONAL] a dictionary of headers that should be passed to a site"}

Here are examples of the site elements for both HTTP GET and HTTP POST entries:

HTTP GET entry:

       "name" : "Example GET",
       "uri_check" : "{account}",
       "uri_pretty" : "{account}",
       "e_code" : 200,
       "e_string" : "regist_at",
       "m_code" : 404,
       "m_string" : "Account not found",
       "known" : ["whoami", "johndoe"],
       "cat" : "images",
       "protection" : ["captcha", "cloudflare"],
       "headers": {
                "accept": "text/html"

HTTP POST entry:

       "name" : "Example POST",
       "uri_check" : "",
       "post_body" : "Name=Gareth+Wylie&Age=24&Formula=a%2Bb+%3D%3D+21",
       "e_code" : 200,
       "e_string" : "regist_at",
       "m_code" : 404,
       "m_string" : "Account not found",
       "known" : ["whoami", "johndoe"],
       "cat" : "images"