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Código do Futuro (Code of the Future)

🗂 Modules

1 Front-end

Class 01 | Agile Methodology

-  Agile Methodology
-  Tradicional model x Agile teams
-  Agile Manifest
-  What is Scrum?
-  Scrum Roles
-  Scrum Advantages
-  Scrum: Rituals and Cerimonies
-  Scrum: Artifacts
-  Scrum Practices I
-  Scrum Practices II
-  Scrum: Backlog Refinement
-  Kanban

Class 02 | GIT

-  Presentation and introduction to the theme
-  Installation and basic commands
-  Github and Remote repository
-  Branch and Merge
-  Fork, Pull Request and Github Pages

Class 03 | Introduction to JavaScript

-  Review Basic JavaScript
-  Exercises

Class 04 | JavaScript Practice

-  Review Basic JavaScript
-  Template String
-  Ternary Operator
-  Arrow Functions
-  Arrays, Spread & Methods
-  Objects Destructuring
-  SPA, PWA, and Web Components
-  Project

Class 05 | Angular: Components

-  Angular CLI
-  Angular: Generate new project
-  Angular: Structure
-  Angular: Components

Class 06 | Angular: Properties and Events

-  Data Binding
-  Property Binding
-  Exercise: Property Binding
-  Event Binding
-  Customized Event Binding
-  Exercise: Counter
-  Two Way Data Binding
-  Augury

Class 07 | Angular: Directives

-  Introduction to Directives
-  Directive ngIf
-  Directive ngFor
-  Exercise: Directives ngIf and ngFor
-  Exercise: Directives ngIf and ngFor
-  Directive ngClass

Class 08 | Angular: Encapsulation and Pipes

-  View Encapsulation
-  Lifecycle Hooks
-  Pipes I
-  Pipes II
-  Localization
-  Exercise: Pipes I
-  Exercise: Pipes II
-  Reorganizing the Project

Class 09 | Angular: Routes and Modules

-  Routes
-  Routes: Router link
-  Routes: Default route and Not found route
-  Install Bootstrap
-  Services and Dependency Injection I
-  Services and Dependency Injection II
-  Modules
-  Module Review
-  HTTP Requests I
-  HTTP Requests II

Class 10 | Angular: Interfaces

-  Creating Interfaces
-  Environment variables
-  Adding Loading and Error Handling
-  Working with RxJS operators
-  Observables and RxJS
-  Adding pagination at Extract
-  Exercise: Creating contacts screen
-  Contact details screen with Parameterized Routes
-  Exercise: Contact Details

Class 11 | Angular: Forms

-  POST, PUT and DELETE Requests
-  Introduction to Forms
-  ngForm, ngSubmit and ngModel
-  ngModel Directive
-  Forms validation
-  Displaying form errors
-  Applying styles at fields validations
-  Applying own styles at fields validations
-  Using ViewChild decorator I
-  Using ViewChild decorator II
-  Correction of Form parameter type
-  Login Service I
-  Login Service II
-  Adding loading validations on Login
-  Creating Authentication Service I
-  Creating Authentication Service II
-  Upgrading Authentication Service
-  Adding Route Guards I
-  Adding Route Guards II
-  Modularization and Lazy Loading
-  Augury Routinging and Contacts Refactoring
-  Son Routes: Logged Area Component I
-  Son Routes: Logged Area Component II
-  Modularizating Login and Logout Button

Class 12 | Angular: Libraries and Deploy with Firebase

-  Adding libraries to the project I
-  Adding libraries to the project II
-  Deleting a contact
-  New Contact Component
-  Reactive Forms
-  Applying validation on form fields
-  Applying CSS classes
-  Creating a contact by POST request
-  Create Edit Contact screen I
-  Create Edit Contact screen II
-  Grouped Forms
-  Adding Headers with HTTP Interceptor
-  Uploading an application in Firebase
-  End of the Course

2 Back-end

Class 01 | Introduction to .NET

-  .NET origins
-  Servers to run .NET (Integration with systems)
-  Resources

Class 02 | .NET Frameworks

-  .NET Versions
-  Exercises

Class 03 | Identity Server and Visual Studio

-  Identity Server: Creating the Solution
-  Identity Server: Setting the API
-  Identity Server: Setting the Client
-  Identity Server: Using Access Token
-  Identity Server: Identity Server with Microservices
-  Visual Studio: Productivity Resources
-  Visual Studio: "Hello World"
-  Visual Studio: Refactoring and IntelliSense

Class 04 | Object-oriented

-  Introduction to Object-oriented
-  Classes, instances and encapsulation
-  Solving a logical problem
-  Creating lists
-  Creating console application menu
-  Function to register students
-  Listing students and calculating grades average
-  Refactoring code and encapsulated variables
-  Creating methods at class Student
-  Understanding the properties of a class
-  Talking a little bit about methods
-  Adding methods
-  Static methods
-  Contructor methods
-  Overwritten inheritance and polymorphism
-  Public, protected, internal and private
-  Code documentation
-  Interfaces
-  Abstract classes and classes members
-  Sealed classes and classes members

Class 05 | SOLID Principles

-  Introduction to SOLID
-  SPR - Single Responsibility Principle
-  OCP - Open-Closed Principle
-  LSP - Liskov Substitution Principle
-  ISP - Interface Segregation Principle
-  DIP - Dependency Inversion Principle

Class 06 | Best pratices for software development and testing

-  Introduction to Best Practices
-  Clean Code Principles
-  Clean Code: Classes Name
-  Clean Code: Methods Name
-  Clean Code: Function Creation
-  Clean Code: Code Sample
-  Clean Code: Class Creation 

Class 07 | Database: Fundamentals

-  Database Selection: Reasons
-  Normalized Databases x Non Normalized Databases

Class 08 | Database: MySQL

-  Installing MySQL
-  Creating database and tables with SQL I
-  Creating database and tables with SQL II
-  Creating tables at Workbench I
-  Creating tables at Workbench II
-  Altering structures and removing tables
-  Inserting data at tables
-  Making changes and understanding results
-  Simple queries
-  Groupings and totals
-  Joins with 2 tables
-  Joins with 3 or more tables
-  Outer joins
-  Subqueries

Class 09 | MVC Pattern, Models and Views

-  MVC Pattern: WebForms vs MVC
-  MVC Pattern: Introduction to MVC Pattern
-  MVC Pattern: Routing
-  MVC Pattern: Attribute Routing
-  MVC Pattern: Action Result
-  MVC Pattern: Views
-  Models: Models Creation
-  Models: Input I
-  Models: Input II
-  Models: HTTP Verbs
-  Models: Model Validation I
-  Models: Model Validation II
-  Views: Partial Views
-  Views: Layouts

Class 10 | Design Patterns

-  Unit of Work: Repository I
-  Unit of Work: Repository II
-  Unit of Work: Generic Repository
-  Unity of Work
-  Explaining Strategy pattern
-  Creating Strategy pattern structure
-  Strategy: Coupling strategies
-  Singleton: The Sigleton pattern
-  Singleton: Abstract Factory

Class 11 | API's

-  Building an API
-  Entity Framework
-  DTO
-  Authentication
-  Cookies X Session
-  JWT: Json Web Token

Class 12 | Message Brokers and Traceability ID

-  Presenting RabbitMQ
-  Message Broker with Rebus and RabbitMQ
-  Azure Service Bus: Sending Messages to the Queue
-  Azure Service Bus: Receiving Queue Messages
-  Virtualization: ASP.NET Core Microservices Project
-  Traceability ID with Jaeger UI

Class 13 | Idempotence, Circuit Breaker and Telemetry

-  Idempotency in commands
-  Circuit Breaker concept
-  Setting Polly for HTTP Requests
-  Demonstrating Circuit Breaker and retries with Polly
-  Presenting Telemetry
-  Using telemetry in ASP.NET Core I
-  Using telemetry in ASP.NET Core II
-  Telemetry: Introduction to Jaeger

Class 14 | Testing and Error handling

-  Tests: concepts and types
-  Testing: Unit testing
-  Testing: Integrated tests
-  CI (continuous integration) & CD (Continuous delivery)
-  Deploy application