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About is a decentralized exchange on Aleo that offers two major benefits:

  • Private swaps. Users swap encrypted Records for encrypted Records.
  • Zero slippage, no front-running. Quotes are cryptographically signed so users trade with 100% price certainty.


Program id: rfq_v000003.aleo

Deployment tx id: at1vr7mt5706yntaf8xgyscer4f7v5fps34nstptum4pmks9g29ssgspxf8hx

Live Demo

Live demo is available at

Use Private faucet to get some test tokens (1000 tokens max per transaction) and Swap interface to trade them.

Please note that sometimes fetching private records takes time. If it takes longer then 3-5 minutes, please try refreshing a page and/or re-syncing Leo wallet (see "Advanced settings" tab).

Motivation: classic AMMs and Aleo

Constant function Automated Market Makers (AMMs), such as Uniswap or Curve, are perhaps the most integral part of the traditional DeFi ecosystem.

While having many advantages, AMMs on Aleo cannot fully utilize the core privacy-enabling primitives of Aleo: off chain transition functions and encrypted Records. Because an AMM needs to know up-to-date pool reserves, most of its code has to be placed in a finalize function, which is executed on chain and cannot operate on Records. This can fixed by relaxing constraints on price function invariant, but this introduce new challenges e.g. with correct handling of slippage.

For the Aleo ecosystem to grow and be competitive, its decentralized exchanges need to leverage unique privacy-preserving features of Aleo and off-chain computation. This is why we are building a DEX on an entirely different model called "Request-For-Quote" (RFQ).

What is a Request-For-Quote?

Request-for-quote (RFQ) is a form of P2P swaps. Our protocol offers users OTC (over-the-counter) desk experience, but automated, private and cryptographically signed.

Here’s traditional how OTC trades work:

  1. You ask the seller: “Hey, I want to trade my 10 BTC for USDT.”
  2. She responds with an offer: “260,079 USDT. Take it or leave it.”
  3. If you like the offer, you execute the trade.

Now imagine that you receive cryptographically signed quotes from several sellers, automatically pick the best deal and can execute the trade immediately if you like it. And all this while remaining private. Sounds good? This is exactly how our RFQ DEX works.

In a nutshell, an AMM pricing function x*y=k is now replaced with a cryptographically signed, private quote, which is verified off chain, in a transition. The pricing is done off chain but the trade is executed on chain.

Some examples of DeFi projects that use RFQ model are: Hashflow, Orbiter Finance, Hop, Airswap

How can an RFQ DEX benefit the Aleo Ecosystem?

While this project is an early stage Proof-of-Concept, it already shows that Aleo enables building privacy-preserving DeFi protocols that have real competitive advantages over existing solutions.

There are other considerations behind our choice of RFQ model on Aleo:

  1. Institutional Adoption

RFQ model is rooted in traditional financial markets. The adoption of RFQ mechanics can attract to Aleo more sophisticated, institutional participants, with deep liquidity and diverse assets.

  1. Expansion to Other Asset Classes

RFQ-based execution engines are extremely flexible and can easily be expanded to accommodate derivatives and other financial instruments.

  1. Transformation to Dark Pools

Our long term vision includes an extension to RFQ model that would allow for completely trustless, but fully regulated dark pools. This will provide additional liquidity and anonymity for trading large blocks of securities without incurring market impact costs.

Build, deploy and test instructions

Create a .env file with your private key and fee record:

  owner: aleo1....private,
  microcredits: ...u64.private,

Run source .env before each command.

To deploy the program run:

snarkos developer deploy "rfq_v000003.aleo" --private-key "${PRIVATE_KEY}" --query "" --path "./build/" --broadcast "" --fee 1000 --record "${RECORD}"

To initialize demo tokens run with ids 1,2,3 and 4:

snarkos developer execute "rfq_v000003.aleo" "init_demo_tokens" "1field"  --private-key "${PRIVATE_KEY}" --query "" --broadcast "" --fee 1000 --record "${RECORD}"

Test tokens correspond to following real assets:

Token ID Token
1 Tether USD (USDT)
2 Cicle USD (USDC)
3 Bitcoin (BTC)
4 Ethereum (ETH)

To simplify testing, all test tokens have 6 decimals.

To initalize demoe a market maker run:

snarkos developer execute "rfq_v000003.aleo" "init_demo_market_maker" "1field"  --private-key "${PRIVATE_KEY}" --query "" --broadcast "" --fee 1000 --record "${RECORD}"

To mint test tokens with id 1 (USDT) run:

snarkos developer execute "rfq_v000003.aleo" "mint_private" "${YOUR_ADDRESS}" "1u64" "1000000000u128" --private-key "${PRIVATE_KEY}" --query "" --broadcast "" --fee 1000 --record "${RECORD}"

To execute a swap run:

snarkos developer execute "rfq_v000003.aleo" "quote_swap" "{TOKEN}" "{QUOTE}" "{SIGNATURE}" --private-key "${PRIVATE_KEY}" --query "" --broadcast "" --fee 1000 --record "${RECORD}"


  • {TOKEN} is a record returned by mint_private
  • {QUOTE} and {SIGNATURE} can be obtained by sending a GET query request to our market maker with the following format:<AMOUNT>&token_in=<TOKEN_YOU_SELL>&token_out=<TOKEN_YOU_BUY>


  • <AMOUNT> should be the amount you want to sell (all test tokens are fixed point integer with 6 decimals)
  • <TOKEN_YOU_SELL> the id of the token you sell, i.e. the id of the {TOKEN}
  • <TOKEN_YOU_BUY> the id of the token you want to buy.

For example, to get a quote for a swap of 1000 USDT for ETH, request:

It will return a json with a quote and a signature:

  "signature": "{challenge:134761902584291722445245311261060722474143214429316094887383208318845166464scalar,response:1174910261812754497995625895072005505083850262557116981170653056543943978848scalar,pk_sig:3281664209406841603541028760915163024036467969430202533099724532705308889105group,pr_sig:5539506505093814818821647255067173289296108627180178059588713937273990243414group,sk_prf:51394841380773997286630059211554203011051867539942123398656527573489016493scalar}",
  "quote": "{amount_in:1000000000u128,amount_out:594132u128,token_in:1u64,token_out:4u64,maker_address:aleo1r3qlsxnuux6rkrhk24rktdtzu7kjr3c2fw5fvtp6a9dwghe0xgzs9c2nhu,nonce:264473671193890215536616807758839040807335648385338432938227630636884179618field,valid_until:999999u32}"

This means you will get 0.594132 ETH for 1000 USDT.

Program specification

This section provides a detailed description of all elements of the main Aleo program.



Token record stores tradeable, fungible tokens.

record Token {
    owner: address,
    amount: u128,
    token_id: u64,

Record fields:

Name Type Description
owner address token owner's address
amount u128 amount stored in a records
token_id u64 a unique id to distinguish between different kinds of token


Our program operates on test tokens that are defined in the same program because Aleo currently doesn't have a common token standard and primitives required to build one are missing (e.g. self.parent proposed here Our team is working on relevant ARCs.



TokenInfo defines the basic properties of a token.

struct TokenInfo {
    token_id: u64,
    max_supply: u128,
    decimals: u8,

Struct fields:

Name Type Description
token_id address a unique token identifier
max_supply u128 supply cap
decimals u8 fixed point decimals in this token's amounts


Quote contains the maker's quote information. A Quote with a valid Signature is a commitment of a maker (seller) to enter a swap.

struct Quote {
    amount_in: u128,
    amount_out: u128,
    token_in: u64,
    token_out: u64,
    maker_address: address,
    nonce: field,
    valid_until: u32,

Struct fields:

Name Type Description
amount_in u128 amount of tokens a user wants to swap
amount_out u128 amount of tokens a maker offers for amount_in
token_in u64 id of the token users wants to sell
token_out u64 id of the token users wants to buy
maker_address address address of maker (seller)
nonce field random/semi-random number that a maker can use just once
valid_until u32 block number the quote is valid until


  • Quote is private for a user (buyer): it does not include any user information.
  • Quote is pseudo private for a maker (seller): a maker can use several unrelated values for maker_address
  • nonce is used to prevent replay attacks, i.e. using the same quote in more than one trade.
  • valid_until limits the commitment of a maker to enter a swap up until a certain block. More accurate time constraints will be introduced as Leo finalize functions will be able to access current time information.


Signature is a Schnorr signature that is used to verify a quote.

struct Signature {
    challenge: scalar,
    response: scalar,
    pk_sig: group,
    pr_sig: group,
    sk_prf: scalar,

Struct fields:

Signature has the same fields as pk_sig, pr_sig and sk_prf represent Compute Key, see


Leo will soon have a native signature verification op code, see PR ProvableHQ/leo#2519. It will replace our custom signature implementation when released.


Deposit is a struct that packs maker's address and token id, so that they can be hashed together to form a unique deposit id.

struct Deposit {
    maker_address: address,
    token_id: u64,

Struct fields:

Name Type Description
maker_address address address of maker (seller)
token_id u64 id of the token that maker deposits to trade


This section describes the public, on chain state of the main program.


registered_tokens tracks which internal tokens have been created.

mapping registered_tokens: u64 => TokenInfo;
Key Value
Id of a token TokenInfo that describes the token


maker_balance keeps track of reserves of makers. These reserves guarantee execution of valid quotes.

mapping maker_balances: field  => u128;
Key Value
hash(maker's address) + hash(token_id) amount of token reserves


A key in maker_balance is a sum of hashes of the maker's address and an id of a token reserved. This allows a maker to create several pseudo-anonymous reserve buckets using different addresses.


executed_quotes is used to prevent using the same Quote more than once.

mapping executed_quotes: field  => u32;
Key Value
hash(Quote) block in which Quote was executed


A maker should use a different nonce in every new quote, regardless of whether it has been executed or not. For example, it can be achieved by picking random or monotonically increasing nonces.

RFQ Transitions/Functions

Below is the description of functions and transitions related to RFQ swaps.


A maker executes add_liquidity to provide token reserves that will be used to execute swaps she quoted.

transition add_liquidity(t: Token, maker_address: address, amount: u128) -> Token


Parameter Description
t: Token token record
maker_address: address signing address of a maker
amount: u128 amount of liquidity to reserve

Returns: a "change" Token if the amount of liquidity to reserve is less than the amount stored in the Token record t.


A maker can use different signing addresses to provide liquidity for the same token. This allows her to have "buckets" of liquidity that do not reveal information on which token she is going to trade, only the amount, i.e. finalize for this transition reveals neither maker's address nor token id:

finalize add_liquidity(deposit_id: field, amount: u128)

Finalize only makes public the amount and deposit_id, which is calculated off chain as:

let deposit_id: field = Poseidon8::hash_to_field(
    Deposit {
        token_id: t.token_id

and thus conceal token_id because maker_address can by any address controlled by the maker.

This means that before the maker signs and sends the first quote using this maker_address, it is impossible to know that a certain amount of a particular token has been deposited to the DEX.


remove_liquidity withdraws maker's reservers from the exchange. Must be called using the same address that was passed as a parameter while depositing tokens using add_liquidity

transition remove_liquidity(token_id: u64, amount: u128) -> Token


Parameter Description
token_id: u64 token to be withdrawn
amount: u128 amount to be withdrawn

Returns: a private Token record if there are enough tokens to withdraw.

Similar to add_liquidity, remove_liquidity by itself does not make public which token is withdrawn and which address is the owner.


Note that due to the private nature of swaps, a maker can always withdraw her deposit via executing a swap against her own quote. The remove_liquidity transition is just a more convenient way to do it.


quote_swap is the transition that performs swap of a given Token record t, by verifying a signature s of a maker's quote q.

transition quote_swap(
    t: Token,
    q: Quote,
    s: Signature
) -> (Token, Token, Token)


Parameter Description
t: Token token record to be swapped
q: Quote maker's quote
s: Signature signature to verify quote q

The transition returns three token records:

  1. record with tokens bought by a user (owner: user)
  2. record with the "change" remaining from t (owner: user)
  3. record with tokens sold by a user (owner: maker)

The finalize function makes public only the following fields:

finalize quote_swap(
    withdraw_from: field, // deposit id
    quote_hash: field,    // hash of a quote
    amount_out: u128,     // amount of tokens bought
    valid_until: u32      // expiry block of a quote

The following information remains entirely private:

  • What token has a user sold
  • How many tokens has a user sold
  • At what price was the trade executed


This function uses a modified Schnorr signature algorithm from snarkVM to validate a Signature of a quote.

function verify_signature(q: Quote, s: Signature) -> bool
Parameter Description
q: Quote a signed quote
s: Signature a signature to verify

Returns: true if a signature is valid and maker_address in a quote is the signer, else returns false.


The signing and verification algorithms are modified versions of the algorithms found in snarVM (see, There are two major differences:

  • Rather than using g_scalar_multiply with 251 generators, we had to use only the first generator of GENERATOR_G. Initially, we used all generators, but the size of a proving key for quote_swap was 4.6GB (see program with id leoswapxyz_v000004.aleo). But because WASM32 only supports 4GB, no wallet could execute this transition.
  • Because there are no arrays, we had to sum hashes of individual values instead of hashing (r * G, pk_sig, pr_sig, address, message) at once. This can decrease cryptographic security of the signature. A better choice would be to pack these values in a struct and hash it in a single operation, but we decided to leave it as is and wait until proper hash verification is introduced to Leo.


get_deposit_id is a helper function that hashes the maker's address and token id to get a deposit bucket id.

function get_deposit_id(maker_address: address, token_id: u64) -> field


Parameter Description
maker_address: address maker's address
token_id: u64 id of a token to be deposited

Returns a field element that uniquely identifies a deposit.


init_demo_market_maker is an auxiliary configuration function that simplifies testing by providing 1M test token liquidity for each demo tokens with ids 1,2,3 and 4 for a test market maker with an address aleo1r3qlsxnuux6rkrhk24rktdtzu7kjr3c2fw5fvtp6a9dwghe0xgzs9c2nhu.

transition init_demo_market_maker(dummy: field) -> field


Parameter Description
dummy: field any value, see comment below

Returns a dummy value plus one.


This transition does not requireany input parameters or return values. Dummy parameter and output value are used only as a workaround for

Tokens: Transitions/Functions

Our program uses internal tokens.For the sake of brevity, it implements only the required minimum of token-related functions.


create_token transition registers a new internal token.

transition create_token(token_id: u64, decimals: u8, max_supply: u128)


Parameter Description
token_id: u64 id of a new token
decimals: u8 the number of decimal digits
max_supply: u128 maximum supply

Result: a new token is registered and the registered_tokens map is updated.


mint_private transition performs a private mint

transition mint_private(
    receiver: address,
    token_id: u64,
    amount: u128,
) -> Token


Parameter Description
receiver: address owner of the minted tokens
token_id: u64 token to mint
amount: u128 amount to mint

Result: a new Token record is created with the specified amount and an owner set to be the receiver


Each call of mint_private can mint at most 1000 tokens (assuming 6 decimals) to prevent depletion of demo maker resources.


init_demo_tokens is an auxiliary configuration function that simplifies testing. Running init_demo_tokens configures 4 test tokens with 6 decimals in one transaction.

transition init_demo_tokens(dummy: field) -> field


Parameter Description
dummy: field any value, see comment below

Result: a dummy value plus one


Similar to init_demo_market_maker , dummy parameters are used only as a workaround.


Arcane.Finance - an RFQ DEX on Aleo






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