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479 lines (336 loc) · 13.5 KB

File metadata and controls

479 lines (336 loc) · 13.5 KB


Note: the easiest way to use a preset is with the preset option described below.

You can specifically disable any preset rule by creating a .jscsrc config file and assigning it to null, like so:

    "preset": "jquery",
    "requireCurlyBraces": null

Friendly packages



jscs can be installed using npm:

npm install jscs -g

To run jscs, you can use the following command from the project root:

jscs path[ path[...]]

You can also pipe input into jscs:

cat myfile.js | jscs

Programmatic Usage

jscs can be used directly from your application code:

var Checker = require("jscs");
var checker = new Checker();

You can configure the checker instance to use specific options, or a preset:

// Configure the checker with an options object
    "requireCurlyBraces": [

// Use the jQuery preset
    preset: "jquery"

// Use the Google preset, but override or remove some options
    preset: "google",
    disallowMultipleLineBreaks: null,
    validateIndentation: "\t"

To check a string of code, pass it to the checkString method:

var results = checker.checkString(stringOfCode);
var errors = results.getErrorList();

The results object can be used to render a descriptive explanation of each error:

results.getErrorList().forEach(function(error) {
    var colorizeOutput = true;
    console.log(results.explainError(error, colorizeOutput) + "\n");


Some CLI options can be put in your .jscsrc as well (such as esnext).

--fix (-x)

Will apply fixes to all supported style rules. (Currently whitespace rules, EOF rule, and validateIndentation)

jscs path[ path[...]] --fix


Presents a walkthrough that allows you to generate a JSCS configuration by choosing a preset and handling violated rules.

jscs --auto-configure path

path can be a file or directory to check the presets against

--config (-c)

Allows to define path to the config file.

jscs path[ path[...]] --config=./.config.json

If there is no --config option specified, jscs it will consequentially search for jscsConfig option in package.json file then for .jscsrc (which is a just JSON with comments) and .jscs.json files in the current working directory then in nearest ancestor until it hits the system root.

--preset (-p)

If defined will use predefined rules for specific code style.

jscs path[ path[...]] --preset=jquery

In order to add/remove preset rules you will need to create a .jscsrc config file.

--reporter (-r)

jscs itself provides eight reporters: checkstyle, console, inline, inlinesingle, junit, text, unix and json.

jscs path[ path[...]] --reporter=console

But you also can specify your own reporter, since this flag accepts relative or absolute paths too.

jscs path[ path[...]] --reporter=./some-dir/my-reporter.js

--esnext (-e)

Attempts to parse your code as ES6+, JSX, and Flow using the babel-jscs package as the parser. Please note that this is experimental, and will improve over time.

--esprima (-s)

Attempts to parse your code with a custom Esprima version.

jscs path[ path[...]] --esprima=esprima-fb

--error-filter (-f)

The path to a module that determines whether or not an error should be reported.

jscs path[ path[...]] --error-filter=path/to/my/module.js

--no-colors (-n)

Clean output without colors.

--max-errors (-m)

Set the maximum number of errors to report

--help (-h)

Outputs usage information.

--verbose (-v)

Prepends the name of the offending rule to all error messages.

--version (-V)

Outputs version of jscs.



Paths to load plugins. See the wiki page for more details about the Plugin API

Values: Array of NPM package names or paths

"plugins": ["jscs-plugin", "./lib/project-jscs-plugin"]


Path to load additional rules

Type: Array

Values: Array of file matching patterns


"additionalRules": ["project-rules/*.js"]


Extends defined rules with preset rules.

Type: String

Values: You can choose one of the default presets: "airbnb", "crockford", "google", "jquery", "mdcs", "node-style-guide", "wikimedia", "wordpress", "yandex".

Or you can load from it local path or as node module


"preset": "jquery"
"preset": "./path-to-your-preset"

// If your preset called "jscs-your-preset-node_modules-path"
// You can either define full name or omit "jscs-" prefix -
"preset": "your-preset-node_modules-path"

You can specifically disable any preset rule by assigning it to null, like so:

    "preset": "jquery",
    "requireCurlyBraces": null


Disables style checking for specified paths declared with glob patterns.

Type: Array

Values: Array of file matching patterns


"excludeFiles": ["node_modules/**", "src/!(bar|foo)"]


"excludeFiles": ["node_modules/**"]


Changes the set of file extensions that will be processed.

Type: Array or String or "*"

Values: A single file extension or an Array of file extensions, beginning with a .. The matching is case insensitive. If "*" is provided, all files regardless of extension will match.


"fileExtensions": [".js", ".jsx"]


"fileExtensions": [".js"]


Set the maximum number of errors to report. Ignored if --fix flag is provided.

Type: Number

Default: 50


"maxErrors": 10


Attempts to parse your code as ES6+, JSX, and Flow using the babel-jscs package as the parser. Please note that this is experimental, and will improve over time.

Type: Boolean

Value: true


"esnext": true


Use ES3 reserved words.

Type: Boolean

Value: true


"es3": true


Prepends the name of the offending rule to all error messages.

Type: Boolean

Default: false


"verbose": true


Attempts to parse your code with a custom Esprima version.

Type: String


"esprima": "esprima-fb" // You should install custom esprima first


Custom options to be passed to esprima.parse(code, options)

Type: Object

Default: { "tolerant": true }


"esprimaOptions": { "tolerant": true }


A filter function that determines whether or not to report an error. This will be called for every found error.

Type: String


"errorFilter": "path/to/my/filter.js"

See how to define an error filter.

Error Suppression

Disabling a Rule

You can specifically disable any rule by ommitting it from your .jscsrc config or by assigning it to null, like so:

    "preset": "jquery",
    "requireCurlyBraces": null

Inline Comments

You can disable and re-enable rules inline with two special comments: // jscs:disable and // jscs:enable. Spacing in these comments is fairly lenient. All of the following are equivalent:

/* jscs: enable */
// jscs: enable

You can use them to disable rules in several ways.

Disabling All Rules

The placement of the special comments will disable or enable the checking of all rules against the code that appears after the comments

var a = b;
// jscs:disable
var c = d; // all errors on this line will be ignored
// jscs:enable
var e = f; // all errors on this line will be reported

Disabling Specific Rules

Including a comma separated list of rules to modify after // jscs:disable or // jscs:enable will modify only those rules.

// jscs:disable requireCurlyBraces
if (x) y(); // all errors from requireCurlyBraces on this line will be ignored
// jscs:enable requireCurlyBraces
if (z) a(); // all errors, including from requireCurlyBraces, on this line will be reported

Disabling Specific Rules For a Single Line

Rules can be disabled for a single line with // jscs:ignore.

if (x) y(); // jscs:ignore requireCurlyBraces
if (z) a();

You can enable all rules after disabling a specific rule, and that rule becomes re-enabled as well.

// jscs:disable requireCurlyBraces
if (x) y(); // all errors from requireCurlyBraces on this line will be ignored
// jscs:enable
if (z) a(); // all errors, even from requireCurlyBraces, will be reported

You can disable multiple rules at once and progressively re-enable them.

// jscs:disable requireCurlyBraces, requireDotNotation
if (x['a']) y(); // all errors from requireCurlyBraces OR requireDotNotation on this line will be ignored
// jscs:enable requireCurlyBraces
if (z['a']) a(); // all errors from requireDotNotation, but not requireCurlyBraces, will be ignored
// jscs:enable requireDotNotation
if (z['a']) a(); // all errors will be reported

Disabling rule checks on the entire file

All rule checks on the entire file can be disabled by placing the special comment below on the top of the file

// jscs:disable

As the comments are applicable only to the file they are placed in there is no requirement to put the special comment // jscs:enable at the end of the file.

The same concept is applicable to disable only specific rules in the file. So instead of // jscs:disable, you can put // jscs:disable requireCurlyBraces to disable a single rule or // jscs:disable requireCurlyBraces, requireDotNotation to disable multiple rules

Versioning & Semver

We recommend installing JSCS via NPM using ^, or ~ if you want more stable releases.

Semver ( dictates that breaking changes be major version bumps. In the context of a linting tool, a bug fix that causes more errors to be reported can be interpreted as a breaking change. However, that would require major version bumps to occur more often than can be desirable. Therefore, as a compromise, we will only release bug fixes that cause more errors to be reported in minor versions.

Below you fill find our versioning strategy, and what you can expect to come out of a new JSCS release.

  • Patch release:
    • A bug fix in a rule that causes JSCS to report less errors.
    • Docs, refactoring and other "invisible" changes for user;
  • Minor release:
    • Any preset changes.
    • A bug fix in a rule that causes JSCS to report more errors.
    • New rules or new options for existing rules that don't change existing behavior.
    • Modifying rules so they report less errors, and don't cause build failures.
  • Major release:
    • Purposefully modifying existing rules so that they report more errors or change the meaning of a rule.
    • Any architectural changes that could cause builds to fail.