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Tom edited this page Jul 30, 2016 · 61 revisions

Welcome to the SecGen wiki!
Caution: This wiki is still in development, therefore some parts may not be fully updated, finished or may be missing information

##SecGen Overview SecGen Overview


Getting started

Getting started
Command line arguments


SecGen Scenarios

Development guides

Module development

Module development overview

Import your first module

Create a SecGen Service Module from an existing puppet module

Module licensing

Module licensing - How to avoid precarious situations


SecGen Schemas - What are they and how to they relate to secgen_metadata.xml and scenario files


Baseboxes - An Overview (What are they and how are they used in SecGen)
Baseboxes - Importing your first basebox
Baseboxes - How to create custom baseboxes for SecGen


Networks - An Overview (What are they and how are they used in SecGen)
Networks - How to create custom Networks for SecGen


Services - An Overview (What are they and how are they used in SecGen)
Services - Importing your first service from puppetforge
Services - How to create custom services for SecGen


Vulnerabilities - An Overview (What are they and how are they used in SecGen)
Vulnerabilities - Create your first vulnerability for SecGen


Puppet - An Overview of the language and its structure
Puppet - How it is used in SecGen
Puppet - How to use it to your advantage (The advanced stuff)


Facter - How is it integrated into SecGen


Vagrant - How is it integrated into SecGen's core code

More reading

Other links for extra reading
SecGen glossary

SecGen development guides

Git workflow guide

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