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278 lines (245 loc) · 11.2 KB

Quick summary

Instruction General theme Writemask Optional special features
matint (47≠4) z[j][i] ±= f(x[i], y[j]) 9 bit X or Y Indexed X or Y, shuffle X, shuffle Y,
right shift, sqrdmlah, popcnt
matint (47=4) z[j][i]  = f(z[j][i]) 9 bit X or Y Right shift, saturation

Instruction encoding

Bit Width Meaning Notes
10 22 A64 reserved instruction Must be 0x201000 >> 10
5 5 Instruction Must be 20
0 5 5-bit GPR index See below for the meaning of the 64 bits in the GPR

Operand bitfields

Bit Width Meaning Notes
(47=4) 63 1 Z is signed (1) or unsigned (0)
(47≠4) 63 1 X is signed (1) or unsigned (0)
58 5 Right shift amount Ignored when ALU mode in {5, 6, 9}
57 1 Ignored
55 2 Must be zero No-op otherwise
(53=1) 54 1 ALU mode 8 (1) or mode 0 (0)
(53=0) 54 1 Must be zero No-op otherwise
53 1 Indexed load (1) or regular load (0)
(53=1) 52 1 Ignored
(53=1) 49 3 Register to index into
(53=1) 48 1 Indices are 4 bits (1) or 2 bits (0)
(53=1) 47 1 Indexed load of Y (1) or of X (0)
(53=0) 47 6 ALU mode
46 1 Ignored
42 4 Lane width mode Meaning dependent upon ALU mode
41 1 Ignored
38 3 X or Y enable mode See bit 25
32 6 X or Y enable value Meaning dependent upon associated mode
31 1 Ignored
(47=4) 30 1 Saturate Z (1) or truncate Z (0)
(47=4) 29 1 Right shift is rounding (1) or truncating (0)
(47≠4) 29 2 X shuffle
27 2 Y shuffle
(47=4) 26 1 Z saturation is signed (1) or unsigned (0)
(47≠4) 26 1 Y is signed (1) or unsigned (0)
25 1 Enable mode is Y (1) or is X (0)
22 3 Ignored Would be middle bits of Z row
20 2 Z row High bits ignored in some lane width modes
19 1 Ignored
10 9 X offset (in bytes)
9 1 Ignored
0 9 Y offset (in bytes)

ALU modes:

Integer operation 47 Notes
z+((x*y)>>s) 0
z-((x*y)>>s) 1
z+((x+y)>>s) 2 Particular write enable mode can skip x or y
z-((x+y)>>s) 3 Particular write enable mode can skip x or y
z>>s or sat(z>>s) 4 Shift can be rounding, saturation is optional
sat(z+((x*y*2)>>16)) 5 Shift is rounding, saturation is signed
sat(z-((x*y*2)>>16)) 6 Shift is rounding, saturation is signed
no-op 7
z+((x*y)>>s) 8 Same as 0, but different lane width modes
z+popcnt(~(x^y)) 9 See XNOR-Net
no-op anything else

When ALU mode < 4, lane width modes:

X,Y Z 42
i16 or u16 i32 or u32 (all rows, interleaved pairs) 3
i16 or u16 i16 or u16 (one row from each two) anything else

When ALU mode = 4, lane width modes:

Z Z saturation 42
i32 or u32 (one row from each four) i16 or u16 3
i32 or u32 (one row from each four) i32 or u32 4
i32 or u32 (one row from each four) i8 or u8 10
i16 or u16 (one row from each two) i8 or u8 11
i16 or u16 (one row from each two) i16 or u16 anything else

When ALU mode in {5, 6}, lane width modes:

X,Y Z 42
i16 or u16 i16 or u16 (one row from each two) anything

When ALU mode = 8, lane width modes:

X Y Z 42
i8 or u8 i8 or u8 (only every fourth lane is used, said lanes are used four times each) i32 or u32 (all rows) 10
i8 or u8 i16 or u16 (only even lanes used, said lanes are used four times each) i32 or u32 (all rows) 12 (M3 only)
i8 or u8 i8 or u8 (only even lanes used, said lanes are used twice each) i16 or u16 (all rows) anything else

When ALU mode = 9, lane width modes:

X,Y Z 42
i16 or u16 i32 or u32 (all rows, interleaved pairs) 3
i32 or u32 i32 or u32 (one row from each four) 4
i16 or u16 i16 or u16 (one row from each two) anything else

X or Y enable modes:

Mode Meaning of value (N)
0 Enable all lanes (0), or odd lanes only (1), or even lanes only (2), or enable all lanes but override the ALU operation to 0 (3) or enable all lanes but override their value to 0 (4 or 5) or no lanes enabled (anything else)
1 Only enable lane #N
2 Only enable the first N lanes, or all lanes when N is zero
3 Only enable the last N lanes, or all lanes when N is zero
4 Only enable the first N lanes (no lanes when N is zero)
5 Only enable the last N lanes (no lanes when N is zero)
6 No lanes enabled
7 No lanes enabled


When 47=4, performs an in-place reduction of a 2D grid of Z values, where reduction means right shift (either rounding or truncating), optionally followed by saturation (to i8/u8/i16/u16/i32/u32). Z values are 16 bit or 32 bit integers.

When 47≠4, performs some ALU operation in an outer-product manner between an X vector, a Y vector, and a 2D grid of Z values, accumulating onto Z. Various combinations of line widths are permitted.

When 47=8, FMA is performed with 8-bit multiplicands, accumlating onto 16-bit or 32-bit Z, using a slightly unusual (for AMX) data layout. For 32-bit Z, each 4 by 4 block of bytes ends up looking like:

Y0Z0,0:3 += X0 × Y0
Y1Z1,0:3 += X1 × Y0
Y2Z2,0:3 += X2 × Y0
Y3Z3,0:3 += X3 × Y0

For 16-bit Z, each 2 by 2 block of bytes ends up looking like:

Y0Z0,0:1 += X0 × Y0
Y1Z1,0:1 += X1 × Y0

When 47=8, M3 also supports 8-bit X, 16-bit Y, 32-bit Z, with each 4 by 4 block of bytes looking like:

Y0Z0,0:3 += X0 × Y0:1
Y1Z1,0:3 += X1 × Y0:1
Y2Z2,0:3 += X2 × Y0:1
Y3Z3,0:3 += X3 × Y0:1

Emulation code

See matint.c, and vecint.c for the shared ALU.

A representative sample is:

void emulate_AMX_MATINT(amx_state* state, uint64_t operand) {
    if ((operand >> 55) & 3) {
    if ((operand & (1ull << 54)) && !(operand & MATINT_INDEXED_LOAD)) {

    uint64_t z_row = (operand >> 20) & 3;
    int32_t omask = (((operand >> 32) & 0x1ff) == 3) ? 0 : -1;
    int alumode = (operand & MATINT_INDEXED_LOAD) ? (operand & (1ull << 54)) >> 51 : (operand >> 47) & 0x3f;
    uint32_t shift = (operand >> 58) & 0x1f;

    uint32_t xbits = 0, ybits = 0, zbits, satbits;
    if (alumode == 4) {
        switch ((operand >> 42) & 0xf) {
        case  3: zbits = 32; satbits = 16; break;
        case  4: zbits = 32; satbits = 32; break;
        case 10: zbits = 32; satbits =  8; break;
        case 11: zbits = 16; satbits =  8; break;
        default: zbits = 16; satbits = 16; break;
    } else if (alumode == 5 || alumode == 6) {
        xbits = ybits = 16; zbits = 16;
        shift = 15;
    } else if (alumode == 8) {
        switch ((operand >> 42) & 0xf) {
        case 10: xbits = ybits = 8; zbits = 32; break;
        case 12: xbits = 8; if (AMX_VER >= AMX_VER_M3) { ybits = 16; zbits = 32; } else { ybits = 8; zbits = 16; } break;
        default: xbits = ybits = 8; zbits = 16; break;
    } else if (alumode == 9) {
        switch ((operand >> 42) & 0xf) {
        case  3: xbits = ybits = 16; zbits = 32; break;
        case  4: xbits = ybits = 32; zbits = 32; break;
        default: xbits = ybits = 16; zbits = 16; break;
        shift = 64 - xbits; // Not actually used as a shift
    } else {
        switch ((operand >> 42) & 0xf) {
        case  3: xbits = ybits = 16; zbits = 32; break;
        default: xbits = ybits = 16; zbits = 16; break;
    uint32_t xbytes = xbits / 8;
    uint32_t ybytes = ybits / 8;
    uint32_t zbytes = zbits / 8;
    if (alumode == 4) {
    } else if (alumode == 7 || alumode >= 10) {

    uint8_t x[64];
    uint8_t y[64];
    load_xy_reg(x, state->x, (operand >> 10) & 0x1FF);
    load_xy_reg(y, state->y, operand & 0x1FF);
    if (operand & MATINT_INDEXED_LOAD) {
        uint32_t src_reg = (operand >> 49) & 7;
        uint32_t ibits = (operand & MATINT_INDEXED_LOAD_4BIT) ? 4 : 2;
        if (operand & MATINT_INDEXED_LOAD_Y) {
            load_xy_reg_indexed(y, state->y[src_reg].u8, ibits, ybits);
        } else {
            load_xy_reg_indexed(x, state->x[src_reg].u8, ibits, xbits);
    xy_shuffle(x, (operand >> 29) & 3, xbytes);
    xy_shuffle(y, (operand >> 27) & 3, ybytes);

    uint64_t x_enable, y_enable;
    if (operand & MATINT_ENABLE_MASK_IS_Y) {
        x_enable = ~(uint64_t)0;
        y_enable = parse_writemask(operand >> 32, ybytes, 9);
    } else {
        x_enable = parse_writemask(operand >> 32, xbytes, 9);
        y_enable = ~(uint64_t)0;
    if (((operand >> (32+6)) & 7) == 0) {
        uint32_t val = (operand >> 32) & 0x3F;
        if (val == 4 || val == 5) {
            memset((operand & MATINT_ENABLE_MASK_IS_Y) ? y : x, 0, 64);

    uint32_t xsignext = (operand & MATINT_SIGNED_X) ? (64 - xbits) : 0;
    uint32_t ysignext = (operand & MATINT_SIGNED_Y) ? (64 - ybits) : 0;
    uint32_t zsignext = 64 - zbits;
    uint32_t zmask = (zbytes / xbytes) - 1;
    uint32_t step = xbytes == 1 ? zbytes : xbytes;
    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 64; j += step) {
        if (!((y_enable >> j) & 1)) continue;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 64; i += xbytes) {
            if (!((x_enable >> i) & 1)) continue;
            int64_t xv = load_int(x + i, xbytes, xsignext);
            int64_t yv = load_int(y + j, ybytes, ysignext);
            void* z = &state->z[bit_select(bit_select(j, z_row, xbytes - 1), i / xbytes, zmask)].u8[i & -zbytes];
            int64_t zv = load_int(z, zbytes, zsignext);
            int64_t result = vecint_alu(xv, yv, zv, alumode, shift) & omask;
            store_int(z, zbytes, result);

int64_t vecint_alu(int64_t x, int64_t y, int64_t z, int alumode, uint32_t shift) {
    int64_t val = x * y;
    if (alumode == 5 || alumode == 6) {
        val += 1ull << (shift - 1);
    } else if (alumode == 2 || alumode == 3) {
        val = x + y;
    } else if (alumode == 9) {
        return z + __builtin_popcountll((~(x ^ y)) << shift);
    val >>= shift;
    if (alumode == 1 || alumode == 3 || alumode == 6) {
        val = -val;
    val += z;
    if (alumode == 5 || alumode == 6) {
        if (val > 32767) val = 32767;
        if (val < -32768) val = -32768;
    return val;