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Cvxportfolio follows the semantic versioning specification for changes in its public API. The public API is defined as:

  • public methods, i.e., without a leading underscore _
  • methods and objects clearly documented as such and/or used in the examples.

Internal methods that are used by Cvxportfolio objects to communicate with each other (or other tasks) and don't have a leading underscore, are considered public if they are exposed through the HTML documentation and/or are used in the examples.

In this document we list the planned changes, in particular the ones that are relevant for semantic versioning, and their planned release.


  • [ ] Not part of public API; to be redesigned and probably dropped. Should use _loader_* and _storer_* from


  • cache logic needs improvement, not easily exposable to third-parties now with dataclass.__hash__
  • [ ] drop decorator
  • [ ] drop dataclass, PR #133
  • [ ] cache IO logic should be managed by forecaster not by simulator, could be done by initialize_estimator; maybe enough to just define it in the base class of forecasters
  • [ ] lots of stuff can be re-used at universe change
  • [X] generalize the mean estimator
  • [X] use same code for past_returns, past_returns**2, past_volumes, .... Done in #126, target 1.2.0
  • [X] add rolling window option, should be in pd.Timedelta. Done in #126, target 1.2.0
  • [X] add exponential moving avg, should be in half-life pd.Timedelta. Done in #126, target 1.2.0
  • [X] add same extras to the covariance estimator. Done in #126, target 1.2.0
  • goal: make this module crystal clear; third-party ML models should use it (at least for caching)


  • [ ] DataEstimator needs refactoring, too long and complex methods.
  • [ ] Estimator could define base logic for on-disk caching. By itself it wouldn't do anything, actual functionality implemented by forecasters' base class.
  • [ ] initialize_estimator could get optional market data partial
    signature for caching. Default None, no incompatible change.
  • [X] Could get a finalize_estimator method used for storing
    data, like risk models on disk, doesn't need arguments; it can use the partial signature got above. No incompatible change.
  • [ ] Leverage finalize_estimator; obvious one is in CvxpyExpressionEstimator, delete all cvxpy parameters. Need to be carefully tested for memory safety (cvxpy semi-compiled objects are not memory safe). Same for the parameter in DataEstimator.
  • [ ] To Estimators throughout; set internal variables to None as necessary.

  • [X] Handle user-defined, time-varying investable universes both in UserProvidedMarketData and DownloadedMarketData. Requested in #137. Idea: add investable_assets_at_times parameter to both. It is specified as bool dataframe with datetime index and as columns all assets in the universe. From the datetime index it is selected at each point in time the most recent line, DataEstimator already has that capability. Make sure logging throughout the library is accurate about changes in investable universe. The selection is done in addition to the min_history filtering and non-nan returns for the period. (We don't want to lose the guarantees coming from those.)
  • [X] Improve YahooFinance data cleaning. Idea is to factor it in a base OpenLowHighCloseVolume class, which should flexible enough to accommodate adjusted closes (i.e., with backwards dividend adjustments like YF), total returns like other data sources, or neither for non-stocks assets. This would implement all data cleaning process as sequence of small steps in separate methods, with good logging. It would also implement data quality check in the preload method to give feedback to the user. PR #127
  • [X] Factor in data/ submodule. PR #127
  • [ ] Consider factoring cleaning methods for use by UserProvidedMarketData as well; many choices would need to be done. Has been requested in #137 to work with user-provided prices and volumes in shares, doing internal conversion and cleaning.


  • [ ] Make BackTestResult interface methods with MarketSimulator public. It probably should do a context manager b/c logging code in BackTestResult does cleanup of loggers at the end, to ensure all right in case back-test fails, or ends in bankruptcy, ...
  • [ ] Move caching logic out of it; see above.
  • [ ] Make sure not touching any method specific to Cvxpy policies.
  • [ ] Make clear where to subclass for changing simulate logic (which seems already understandable).
  • [ ] Simplify a lot backtest logic flow; backtest_many should parallelize backtest; backtest should incorporate the logic of _backtest.
  • [ ] Remove all copy.deepcopy. Depends on robustifying testing, tricky issues are: re-use of Policy objects, multiprocessing, parametric semi-compiled Cvxpy object (not memory safe). Testing should do many intersections of these. Hunch that finalize_estimator is key.


  • [ ] Consider adding user-specified benchmark (policy) object that supersedes the one defined by the S/MPO policy. To do it clean needs some base methods and super() invocations, not sure if worth it.


Partially public; only cvx.Gamma() (no arguments) and optimize_hyperparameters (simple usage) are public, all the rest is not.

  • [ ] Clean up interface w/ MarketSimulator, right now it calls private methods, maybe enough to make them public.

  • [ ] Add risk/fine default GammaTrade, GammaRisk (which are RangeHyperParameter) modeled after original examples from paper.

  • [X] Add Constant internal object throughout the library, also in DataEstimator in the case of scalar; it resolves to current_value if you pass a hyper-parameter.

    Replaced with _resolve_hyperpar in #126.

  • [ ] Distinguish integer and positive hyper-parameters (also enforced by Constant).

  • [ ] Consider changing the increment/decrement model; hyperparameter object could instead return a neighbors set at each point. Probably cleaner.

  • [ ] Together with rationalization of magic methods of Cost (removal of CombinedCost, ...), magic methods should be rationalized here, and similar logic should be used; cleaner and simpler. Hyperparameters are (mostly), symbolic scalars, but can also be timedeltas, ... Will probably have to the thought out a bit.


  • [ ] Add AllIn policy, which allocates all to a single name (like AllCash).

Optimization policies

  • [ ] Improve behavior for infeasibility/unboundedness/solver error. Idea: optimization policy gets arguments infeasible_fallback, ... which are policies (default to cvx.Hold), problem is that this breaks compatibility, it doesn't if we don't give defaults (so exceptions are raised all the way to the caller), but then it's extra complication (more arguments). Consider for 2.0.0.
  • [X] Improve __repr__ method, now hard to read. Target 1.1.0.
  • [ ] Leverage finalize_estimator to delete cvxpy problem object. Needs to be carefully tested (see note in simulator). Order of deletion of problem and parameters might matter. Cvxpy semi-compiled objects are not memory safe; We're currently defaulting to Python's garbage collection by using copy.deepcopy at the source.
  • [ ] Rationalize usage of is_dcp, is_convex, is_concave, is_dpp, some of those were put there as sanity checks, some are used to simplify error resolution and give to the user a pointer to their wrong syntax, some are used as guard against misspecified custom terms, ... This applies throughout the optimization-based terms.


  • [ ] CombinedCost to be removed. Cleaner to do SumCosts and MulCosts with good logic in the magic methods of Cost and simple recursive (using Python's arithmetics) resolution. Also can get rid of overridden base methods. SumCosts has left and right children (can only sum costs!), MulCosts has cost and scalar/hyperpar (can not multiply costs!). Sub and div are handled by same, so than we can put in the examples cvx.FullCovariance() / 2.!
  • [ ] Rethink logic that does convexity check in CombinedCost (if we even want it there).


  • [ ] Add missing constraints from the paper. List of currently missing ones follows.
  • [ ] Limits relative to asset capitalization, page 34; need to make sure interface is sensible.
  • [ ] No-hold constraint; is there in some form (depends on trading period). Needs cleaning.
  • [ ] Stress constraints, page 35. Nice one, need to make sure interface is sensible.
  • [ ] Liquidation loss constraint, page 36. Should be feasible now that TransactionCost interface has been finalized.
  • [ ] Concentration limit, page 36. Can be done easily but it's inefficient and not very useful.
  • [ ] Limits relative to trading volume, page 37. Should be easy now that HistoricalMeanVolume has been formalized.
  • [ ] No buy/sell/trade, page 37. Again it's already present in some form (e.g. MaxTrade with time-changing limit) but needs to be clarified/formalized.
  • [X] Make MarketNeutral accept arbitrary benchmark (policy object). Done in #126.


  • [ ] Add a bankruptcy property (boolean). Amend sharpe_ratio and other aggregate statistics (as best as possible) to return -np.inf if back-test ended in backruptcy. This is needed specifically for hyper-parameter optimization. Target 1.1.1.
  • [X] Capture logs from the back-test; add logs property that returns them as a string (newline separated, like a .log file). Make log level changeable by a module constant (like cvxportfolio.result.LOG_LEVEL) set to INFO by default. Then, improve logs throughout (informative, proactive on possible issues). Logs formatter should produce source module and timestamp.


  • [X] Exceptions are not too good, probably cvxportfolio.DataError should be ValueError, .... Research this, one option is to simply derive from built-ins (class DataError(ValueError): pass), .... No compatibility breaks.

Development & testing

  • [ ] Add extra pylint checkers: code complexity.
  • [ ] Consider removing downloaded data from, so only requires internet. Work in progress PR #140


  • [ ] Add plots and words to more examples (ideally all that are exposed in HTML); current code in Makefile for that is not good; make a script so you can run each example by itself.
  • [X] Manual. PR #124
  • [X] Quickstart, probably to merge into manual. PR #124


  • [ ] Finish restore examples from paper. Work in progress PR #143
  • [ ] Consider making examples a package that can be pip installed.
  • [ ] If not pip-installable, clarify as well as possible that many examples need to be run with python -m examples. ... because they import shared resources.