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DGP Cookie Consent

Size Stable version Monthly downloads CDN Maintainability Codacy Badge

Awesome one-of-a-kind Cookie Consent panel.

Table of Contents

Key features

  • Lightweight
  • Zero dependency
  • All-in-one - no aditional css needed
  • GDPR Compliant
  • Custom themes
  • Custom translations

How to install

  1. Download the latest release or use CDN.
  2. Insert this code on the bottom of the page, or inject it via GTM.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="<path-to-your>cookies.min.js"></script>
  3. Customize and run.

    <script type="text/javascript">
      window.CookieConsentTranslations = {};
      window.CookieConsentTheme = {};
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<path-to-your>cookies.min.js"></script>


You can use your own translation for every text in DGP Cookie Consent.

window.CookieConsentTranslations = {
  locale: 'cs-CZ',
  tabAgree: {
    title: 'Souhlas',
    body: `
     <p><strong>Tato webová stránka používá cookies</strong></p>
     <p>K personalizaci obsahu a reklam, poskytování funkcí sociálních médií a analýze naší návštěvnosti využíváme soubory cookie. Informace o tom, jak náš web používáte, sdílíme se svými partnery pro sociální média, inzerci a analýzy. Partneři tyto údaje mohou zkombinovat s dalšími informacemi, které jste jim poskytli nebo které získali v důsledku toho, že používáte jejich služby.</p>
  tabAbout: {
    title: 'O aplikaci',
    body: `
      <p>Cookies jsou malé textové soubory, které mohou být používány webovými stránkami, aby učinily uživatelský zážitek více efektivní.</p>
      <p>Zákon uvádí, že můžeme ukládat cookies na vašem zařízení, pokud jsou nezbytně nutné pro provoz této stránky. Pro všechny ostatní typy cookies potřebujeme vaše povolení.</p>
      <p>Tato stránka používá různé typy cookies. Některé cookies jsou umístěny službami třetích stran, které se objevují na našich stránkách.</p>
      <p>Kdykoliv můžete změnit nebo zrušit svůj souhlas prostřednictvím Vyjádření o souborech cookie na našich webových stránkách.</p>
  tabDetail: {
    title: 'Detail',
    necessary: {
      title: 'Nutné',
        'Nutné cookies pomáhají, aby byla webová stránka použitelná tak, že umožní základní funkce jako navigace stránky a přístup k zabezpečeným sekcím webové stránky. Webová stránka nemůže správně fungovat bez těchto cookies.',
    preferences: {
      title: 'Preferenční',
        'Preferenční cookies umožňují, aby si webová stránka zapamatovala informace, které mění, jak se webová stránka chová nebo jak vypadá. Je to například preferovaný jazyk nebo region, kde se nacházíte.',
    statistics: {
      title: 'Statistické',
        'Statistické cookies pomáhají majitelům webových stránek, aby porozuměli, jak návštěvníci používají webové stránky. Anonymně sbírají a sdělují informace.',
    marketing: {
      title: 'Marketingové',
        'Marketingové cookies jsou používány pro sledování návštěvníků na webových stránkách. Záměrem je zobrazit reklamu, která je relevantní a zajímavá pro jednotlivého uživatele a tímto hodnotnější pro vydavatele a inzerenty třetích stran.',
  buttonEdit: {
    label: 'Nastavit',
  buttonAllowAll: {
    label: 'Povolit vše',
  buttonRejectAll: {
    label: 'Odmítnout vše',
  buttonConfirm: {
    label: 'Potvrdit',
  badge: {
    label: 'Upravit nastavení cookies',
  lastUpdated: 'Prohlášení o cookies bylo naposledy aktualizováno %date.',

Info: Key %date in window.CookieConsentTranslations.lastUpdated will be replaced with locale date, based on window.CookieConsentTranslations.locale.

Info: perex and body values are rendered as HTML content.

Since v1.6.2

Since version 1.6.2 you can insert anchor links to other tabs in perex and body. The script will look for anchor elements and if they have #tab-agree|#tab-details|#tab-about|#allow-all|#reject-all in href attribute, click on such element will switch to selected tab.


<a href="#tab-agree">Go to tab Agree</a>
<a href="#tab-details">Go to tab Details</a>
<a href="#tab-about">Go to tab About</a>
<a href="#allow-all">Allow all cookies</a>
<a href="#reject-all">Reject all cookies</a>

Theme Customisation

For theming purposes, these all the keys with it's default values.

window.CookieConsentTheme = {
  'base-color': '#393939',
  'base-font-size': '15px',
  'base-line': '1px solid #d0d0d0',
  'base-font-family': 'sans-serif',
  'base-shadow': '0 1px 6px rgba(5,27,44,.06),0 2px 32px rgba(5,27,44,.16)',
  'border-radius': '6px',
  'button-border-radius': '6px',

  'color-grey': '#d6d6d6',
  'color-primary': '#f8c132',
  'color-text-light': '#757575',
  'color-text': '#242424',
  'color-white': '#fff',

  'button-default__bg-color': '#f4f4f4',
  'button-default__color': '#242424',
  'button-default__text-transform': 'none',
  'button-default__border': '1px solid #f4f4f4',
  'button-default__box-shadow': 'none',

  'button-default--hover__bg-color': '#fff',
  'button-default--hover__color': '#242424',
  'button-default--hover__border': '1px solid #d1d1d1',
  'button-default--hover__box-shadow': '0 0 17px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1)',

  'button-primary__bg-color': '#f8c132',
  'button-primary__color': '#242424',
  'button-primary__text-transform': 'uppercase',
  'button-primary__border': '0 none',
  'button-primary__box-shadow': 'none',

  'button-primary--hover__bg-color': '#efaf08',
  'button-primary--hover__color': '#242424',
  'button-primary--hover__border': '0 none',
  'button-primary--hover__box-shadow': 'none',

  'badge__bg-color': '#ffffff',
  badge__color: '#f8c132',
  badge__border: '0 none',
  'badge__border-radius': '10rem',
    '0 1px 6px rgba(5,27,44,.06),0 2px 32px rgba(5,27,44,.16)',
  badge__position: 'auto auto 1rem 1rem',

  'base-link__color': '#242424',
  'base-link__text-decoration': 'underline',
  'base-link--hover__color': '#efaf08',
  'base-link--hover__text-decoration': 'underline',

Predefined themes

  • ZOOT / Default theme
    window.CookieConsentTheme = {
      /* ZOOT theme is same as default theme */
  • Different
    window.CookieConsentTheme = {
      'color-primary': '#008c95',
      'button-default__bg-color': '#fff',
      'button-default__color': '#676767',
      'button-default__border': '2px solid #676767',
      'button-default--hover__color': '#676767',
      'button-default--hover__border': '2px solid #676767',
      'button-primary__bg-color': '#008c95',
      'button-primary__color': '#fff',
      'button-primary--hover__bg-color': '#007379',
      'button-primary--hover__color': '#fff',
      badge__color: '#008c95',
  • UrbanStore
    window.CookieConsentTheme = {
      'border-radius': '0',
      'button-border-radius': '0',
      'color-primary': '#cfad69',
      'button-default__bg-color': '#f3f3f2',
      'button-default__color': '#676767',
      'button-default__text-transform': 'uppercase',
      'button-default__border': '0 none',
      'button-default__box-shadow': 'none',
      'button-default--hover__bg-color': '#f3f3f2',
      'button-default--hover__color': '#676767',
      'button-default--hover__border': '0 none',
      'button-default--hover__box-shadow': 'none',
      'button-primary__bg-color': '#cfad69',
      'button-primary__color': '#fff',
      'button-primary--hover__bg-color': '#cfad69',
      'button-primary--hover__color': '#fff',
      badge__color: '#cfad69',
  • Bibloo
    window.CookieConsentTheme = {
      'base-color': '#3c3c3c',
      'border-radius': '0',
      'button-border-radius': '0',
      'color-primary': '#000000',
      'button-default__bg-color': '#f3f3f2',
      'button-default__color': '#676767',
      'button-default__text-transform': 'uppercase',
      'button-default__border': '0 none',
      'button-default--hover__bg-color': '#f3f3f2',
      'button-default--hover__color': '#676767',
      'button-default--hover__border': '0 none',
      'button-default--hover__box-shadow': 'none',
      'button-primary__bg-color': '#000000',
      'button-primary__color': '#fff',
      'button-primary--hover__bg-color': '#f3f3f2',
      'button-primary--hover__color': '#000',
      badge__color: '#000000',

Darkmode Theme Customisation

Same options like window.CookieConsentTheme. Darkmode theme is automatically applied by settings from the browser/OS.

window.CookieConsentThemeDark = {


You can set few settings options for Cookie Consent.

window.CookieConsentSettings = {
  tabAgree: {
    showButtonRejectAll: true,
  tabAbout: {
    showButtonRejectAll: true,
  enableDarkMode: true,
  disableBadge: false,
  disableCross: false,
  disableHeader: false,

Here is the complete list of setting options:

Property Value Description Default value
tabAgree.showButtonRejectAll boolean Enable reject all button in first tab. true
tabDetails.showButtonAllowAll boolean Enable allow all button in details tab. true
tabAbout.showButtonRejectAll boolean Enable reject all button in last tab. true
enableDarkMode boolean Enable automatic switch to dark mode theme. false
disableBadge boolean Disable badge button. false
disableCross boolean Disable cross button in header. false
disableHeader boolean Disable header. false

API Methods


Object to pass theme configuration to consent modal window. This needs to be placed before the consent script src tag.


Object to pass theme configuration for darkmode. This needs to be placed before the consent script src tag.


Object to pass translation to consent modal window. This needs to be placed before the consent script src tag.


Object to pass settings to consent modal window. This needs to be placed before the consent script src tag.


  • Returns <void>.

Open the consent modal window and hide the badge button.


<button type="button" class="js-consent-open">Open Modal</button>

  document.querySelectorAll('.js-consent-open').forEach((element) => {
    element.addEventListener('click', () => {

  • Returns <boolean>.

Returns a boolean value of consent category.


  • Returns <boolean>.

Returns a boolean value of consent category.


  • Returns <boolean>.

Returns a boolean value of consent category.


  • Returns <boolean>.

Returns a boolean value of consent category.


  • Returns <string>.

Returns a ISO string formated date and time, or empty string if consent has not yet been updated.

  • Returns <string>.

Returns a unique ID of user given consent, or empty string if consent has not yet been given.


  • Returns <string>.

Returns a consent type of user given consent, or empty string if consent has not yet been given.

Event consent-updated

Fires every time the consent is updated.


window.addEventListener('consent-updated', () => {
  console.log('Consent has been updated.', window.CookieConsent);

Event consent-show

Fires every time the modal consent window is being shown.


window.addEventListener('consent-show', () => {
  console.log('Consent window is being shown.');

Event consent-hide

Fires every time the modal consent window closes.


window.addEventListener('consent-hide', () => {
  console.log('Consent window closes.');

Event consent-ready

Fires one time when consent script is loaded on page and ready.


window.addEventListener('consent-ready', () => {
  console.log('Consent is ready.');

Event consent-close

Fires every time the modal consent window is closed by ESC key or by clicking on cross.


window.addEventListener('consent-close', () => {
  console.log('Consent is closed.');

Event consent-badge-show

Fires every time the consent badge is shown.


window.addEventListener('consent-badge-show', () => {
  console.log('Consent badge is shown.');

Event consent-badge-hide

Fires every time the consent badge hides.


window.addEventListener('consent-badge-hide', () => {
  console.log('Consent badge hides.');

Event consent-badge-click

Fires every time the consent badge is clicked.


window.addEventListener('consent-badge-click', () => {
  console.log('Consent badge is clicked.');

GTM Implementation with custom rules

1. Create Variables


    Type: JavaScript Code

    JavaScript Code:

    function () { return; }
  • CookieConsent.preferences

    Type: JavaScript Code

    JavaScript Code:

    function () { return CookieConsent.preferences.toString(); }
  • CookieConsent.statistics

    Type: JavaScript Code

    JavaScript Code:

    function () { return CookieConsent.statistics.toString(); }
  • CookieConsent Version (optional)

    This variable is only for simplified version changes.

    Type: Constant



2. Create Rules

  • CookieConsent - Marketing

    Rule type: Custom event

    Event name:


    This rule run on: Some custom events

    Run this rule when...:

    • contains
    • true
  • CookieConsent - Preference

    Rule type: Custom event

    Event name:


    This rule run on: Some custom events

    Run this rule when...:

    • CookieConsent.preferences
    • contains
    • true
  • CookieConsent - Statistics

    Rule type: Custom event

    Event name:


    This rule run on: Some custom events

    Run this rule when...:

    • CookieConsent.statistics
    • contains
    • true

3. Create tag

  • CookieConsent

    Type of tag: Custom HTML


    <script type="text/javascript" id="cookie-consent-init">
      // Optional: add own translations
      // window.CookieConsentTranslations = {};
      // Optional: add own theme
      // window.CookieConsentTheme = {};
      // Optional: add own theme for darkmode
      // window.CookieConsentThemeDark = {};
      // Optional: add own theme
      // window.CookieConsentSettings = {};
        function consentUpdatedListener() {
            event: 'cookieconsent_updated',
      window.addEventListener('consent-ready', function () {
          event: 'cookieconsent_ready',
      (function cookiesInit() {
        var scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
        scriptEl.src =
        scriptEl.type = 'text/javascript'; = 'cookie-consent';

    Note: You can replace version number with previously defined "CookieConsent Version" variable.


    Startup rules: All Pages


You just need node >= 12 and run these commands:

npm i
npm run dev

Then open the localhost url from terminal in browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/public/.

Production build

npm ci
npm run build:prod