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Reflected Imports Feature Specification

Authors: Bob Nystrom, Jake Macdonald

Status: In progress

Version 1.0 (see CHANGELOG at end)


When a macro is applied to a declaration, it can introspect over various properties of the declaration. It can use that to generate code as well as building up generated Dart code "from scratch" as literal source. In many cases, a macro only needs to introspect over the applied declaration to know what code to produce. But often, a macro wants to refer to some known existing code.

Generating references to known code

For example, a macro that generates a serialization method for a class might want to implement the body of the method by generating some calls to a known utility function:

// package:serialize/helpers.dart:
Map<String, Object?> serializeIterable(Iterable<Object?> elements) {
  // Helper functionality...

// package:serialize/serialize.dart:
macro class Serialize {
  // Generate code that calls to `serializeIterable()`
  // from "serialize_helpers.dart"...

// my_app.dart
import 'package:serialize/serialize.dart';

class Foo {
  // ...

In theory, the macro could just inline the code for any utility functionality it needs right into the generated code, but that leads to code duplication and larger executables. We want it to be easy for macros to reuse code so that macros don't lead to bloated applications.

This is challenging because the macro generated code may refer to a library that hasn't been imported where the macro is applied. In the example here, "my_app.dart" doesn't know anything about "serialize/helpers.dart".

Accessing known declarations during introspection

In the above example, the macro doesn't use "serialize/helpers.dart" or even ask any questions about it while the macro is running. It just inserts a reference to it in the generated code. But sometimes a macro may want to introspect over a specific known declaration independent of the one that macro was applied to.

For example, consider a serialization macro. It walks over the fields of the class the macro is applied to. If it encounters a field whose type implements CustomSerializer, then it wants to generate code that defers to the field's own serialization behavior. Otherwise, it generates some default serialization code.

To do that, while the macro is running and introspecting over the class, it needs to be able to ask "Is this field's type a subtype of CustomSerializer?" Note that the macro can't just use Dart's own is operator for this: the field's type exposed to the macro is a metaobject representating the introspection of the field's type. While the macro is running, there is no actual field and no value for it.

What the macro needs is a way to get a corresponding metaobject for CustomSerializer that it can use in the macro introspection API for things like subtype tests, as in:

for (var field in await builder.fieldsOf(clazz)) {
  if (await field.type.isSubtypeOf(customSerializerType)) {
    // Generate code to call custom serializer...
  } else {
    // Generate default serialization code...

Here, customSerializerType needs to be an instance of StaticType (the macro introspection API's notion of a type) that refers to the Dart class CustomSerializer. In other words, the macro author needs a way to "lift" the CustomSerializer from a normal Dart type to the meta-level that macros operate at.

Static import graphs

A straightforward solution would be for the macro API to provide an imperative function that takes a library and declaration name and gives back an introspection object referring to it, like:

var customSerializerType = Identifier.fromLibrary(
    'package:serialize/serialize.dart', 'CustomSerializer');

However, this doesn't work with the compilation process. Macros require a Dart program to be compiled in a series of stages. A Dart library defining a macro must be completely compiled before the macro is applied by some other library. That ensures the macro is compiled and able to be run before any uses of it are encountered.

To enable that, a Dart compiler must be able to traverse the import graph of the entire program and stratify it into a well-defined compilation order where macro definitions are built before their uses. That process breaks if a new connection between libraries can spontaneously appear while a macro is running. With a procedural API, there is no way to know what other libraries the macro will refer to until the macro itself is running and calling that API.

To ensure that the entire dependency graph is known statically before any code is compiled, the compiler needs to be able to statically tell which known libraries the macro generate references to or introspects over.

References to unavailable libraries

An imperative API doesn't work, so maybe the macro should just directly import any known library that it wants to generate references to or use in introspection. Since the library applying the macro imports the library where the macro is defined, that ensures there is a transitive import from the library where the macro is used to the library the generated code refers to.

This solves the static import graph problem, but causes another one: It means that the entire known library must be compiled and available for use by the macro. It's unlikely that the macro needs to use the known library. It probably doesn't need to construct instances of its types or call functions when the macro itself is running. It just needs to generate code that does that.

And, in many cases, it may not be possible to use the library while the macro is running. Macros run in their own limited execution environment where core libraries like "dart:html" and "dart:io" aren't available. Any library that imports those directly or indirectly can't be imported by a macro, but we do want to support macros that can generate code that refers to those libraries.


Summarizing the above, the requirements are:

  • Give macros a way to insert references to known declarations in generated code.
  • Let macros introspect over declarations in known libraries for things like subtype tests.
  • Enable the Dart compiler to statically understand the library dependency graph of the program before executing any macros.
  • Allow macros to refer to declarations even in libraries that can't be run in the macro execution environment.

Reflected imports

To do all of the above, we add a new kind of import, a reflected import. The grammar is:

importSpecification ::=
    'import' configurableUri ('deferred'? 'as' identifier)? combinator* ';'
  | 'import' uri 'reflected' 'as' identifier combinator* ';'

It looks like

import 'package:serializable/serializable.dart' reflected as serializable;

The design is akin to deferred imports. An import marked with the reflected modifier provides access to the imported library for use in metaprogramming. This is not the same as a regular import. A reflected import doesn't provide direct access to the declarations or code in the library.

Instead, the import prefix (which must be provided) defines an object-like namespace that can be used to access reflective metaobjects describing the imported library. The prefix exposes a getter for every public declaration defined by the imported library. Each getter returns an Identifier object that is resolved to the corresponding declaration in the library.

import 'package:listenable/listenable.dart' reflected as listenable;

main() {
  print(listenable.Listenable.runtimeType); // "Identifier".

Getters are only defined for the declarations the library actually contains, so if a macro author mistakenly tries to refer to an unknown or misspelled declaration from a reflected import, the macro will fail to compile.

import 'package:listenable/listenable.dart' reflected as listenable;

main() {
  //               ^^^^^^^^^^ Error: Unknown getter "Listenible".

Using reflected imports in generated code

These Identifier objects can be inserted into code generated by a macro. When they are, the Identifier retains its original resolution to the imported library and generates an unambiguous reference to the corresponding declaration in the library.

TODO: Show an example of using a reflected import to refer to a class and a function from a library in macro generated code.

In concrete terms, when the macro execution environment compiles the macro's generated code to an augmentation library, it finds every Identifier that is resolved to a library. For each one, it generates a unique prefix. Then in the produced augmentation library, it synthesizes an import for the resolved library with that prefix and then compiles all Identifiers that resolve to that library to prefixed identifiers using that prefix.

In practical terms, the macro author doesn't have to worry about the name being shadowed by other names in scope where the generated code is output. They can call a getter on the reflected import's prefix, insert the result directly in generated code, and end up with a valid reference to the imported declaration.

Using reflected imports in introspection

In order to introspect over a declaration from a reflected import, the Identifier must first be resolved to a declaration. The macro introspection API exposes methods to do that.

The rules for introspection on identifiers from reflected imports are the same as other identifiers a macro might encounter. This means you cannot navigate to type declarations until after the types phase, and you cannot navigate to other declarations until after the declarations phase. All type declarations will also not be introspectable until the definitions phase.

TODO: Would be good to show a concrete example of a macro using a reflected import and introspecting over it in a subtype test.

Requiring the macro to go through those APIs instead of eagerly exposing the declaration introspection objects directly on the reflected import prefix spares the compiler and macro execution environment from having to build full introspection objects for every public declaration in the reflected on library.


Reflected imports pierce the boundary between compile-time and runtime. In order to avoid adding significantly complexity to our compilers and runtimes, and to avoid bloating end user programs, there are some limitations in how they can be used.

Using reflected imports

In order to define getters returning Identifier objects for every declaration in a reflected imported library, the compiler needs to know the static API signature of the library—the set of all public top level declarations. This way, it knows which getters are available.

Then, at runtime, the Dart program needs to be able to instantiate and return instances of the Identifier class whenever those getters are called. This class is defined in the macro API and is only available in the macro execution environment.

This implies that reflected imports can only appear in libraries that are run in the macro execution environment. You can think of the macro environment as a distinct Dart "platform" and only it supports reflected imports. When targeting any other execution environment, a Dart compiler reports a compile-time error if it encounters a reflected import.

TODO: How can we enforce this compile time restriction when macros themselves are imported via normal imports? Do we need something like #1831?

This also means that macros cannot be unit tested. That is, you cannot import, instantiate, and execute them as at runtime in the normal VM environment (or any other normal runtime environment).

Config-specific imports

When a reflected import is encountered, the compiler needs to know which declarations it contains. The compiler needs this when it is compiling the macro (which is targeting the macro execution environment) and not when it is compiling the end user program (which may target the web, Flutter, etc.).

That means that when the reflected import is compiled, the compiler doesn't know the final targeted platform. That in turn means that the compiler doesn't know which branch to choose in any config-specific imports since it doesn't know which platform flags will have which values. (Macros themselves are configuration-independent and don't have access to the program's target configuration either.)

Thus, when determining what declarations are available for a reflected import, the compiler always uses the default URI for any config-specific imports or exports that it encounters.. This may result in generating code which is not actually compatible with all platforms, if the API differs across the configuration specific imports.

TODO: Consider making it a compile-time error for a reflected import to having any config-specific imports, directly or transitively?
