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1023 lines (760 loc) · 107 KB

< 2020-02-06 >

2,074,126 events, 1,054,884 push events, 1,753,589 commit messages, 132,059,052 characters

Thursday 2020-02-06 00:05:58 by Marko Idzan

Included small js directly in page

Sometimes i hate myself with doing doble work, but yeah because it is for a single page this is well, best solution to-do: find css only typing script if possible, if not use it like this

Thursday 2020-02-06 00:20:19 by Krypton Cougars

Well I'm sitting here contimplating existance. I figure it isn't that big of a deal, just a few changes. Honestly not sure what I'm doing with my life. I think that I need to get some work ethic when it comes to school, and maybe some lotion because my skin is dead. Oh yea got my hair cut, and my face hurts. Anyway, doing this so that git doesn't fall behind have fun

Thursday 2020-02-06 05:21:23 by Cory Andrew Hofstad

Kyla Jones is Yvonne Spencer

Mikail Nickerson is an active human trafficker and identity theft. Mikail wears wigs, Mikail wears bright pink lipstick and nail polish. This shit is illegal. I am realizing now that my entire relationship with Mikail Nickerson was started from me hooking up with her thinking it was Yvonne because Mikail had her uniform on. I say this because I feel like a fool, but I met Yvonne Spencer when I was an 18-year-old war veteran and ace pilot, I thought I had something. Everything else after that has been a train wreck. Mikail is part of a gang that kidnaps people in the government including Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and others.

Thursday 2020-02-06 05:54:03 by Them23

added the god damn about me section because fuck that

Thursday 2020-02-06 06:48:09 by Jordan Denishgit config --global

Me and Malcolm went through it. Showed Jordan how to commit. Yay! Devan we saw you used HR 2019 in your models. We think you mean 2018. Alright now it's time for bed. Good night boys! Cya tomorrow

Thursday 2020-02-06 07:44:38 by Sebastián R. Vansteenkiste

Typo and clarification of

Hi! I love your project but I wasted about 2 hours until I figured these things out. Please rephrase if my wording sucks, I just don't want more people to be turned away by this.

Thursday 2020-02-06 08:22:09 by NewsTools

Created Text For URL []

Thursday 2020-02-06 10:10:53 by Floor Drees

add VS Code Online shield

I'm terribly sorry for using this repo for a demo, BUT ALSO I'll be making changes from VS Code Online and this just makes my life 100x easier. LOVE YALL.

Thursday 2020-02-06 10:32:51 by Marko Grdinić

"9:05am. Today and yesterday sure are cold.

9:20am. Ah, fuck it. Let me chill. Since I haven't watched Bofuri yesterday let me do it now.

10:30am. Let me finally start. I even did the chores ahead of time.

10:35am. Focus me, focus.

Today in the morning the mission is to deal with the top level parsing issue where it expects an expression at the end.

I need to do it better.


let parser_expressions expr s = (expressions expr |> operators_unary |> application_tight |> application |> operators) s
let rec parser_inner s = (((statements false parser_inner |>> ParserStatement) <|> (exprpos (parser_expressions parser_inner) |>> ParserExpr)) |> indentations |> annotations) s
let parser_outer d =
    let i = col d
    (many1 (expr_indent i (=) (statements true parser_inner |>> ParserStatement)) .>>. preturn (Some RawB) >>= process_parser_exprs) d

let parser d = (parser_outer .>> eof) d

How about this? This should work. Let me give it a try.

10:55am. Stop reading the PL sub threads, focus. Do not go off on a rant on how great top down reasoning is.

Focus on getting closer to world conquest.

Run the damn thing.


let test1: SpiralModule =
    description="Does it run?"
inl main () =
    inl a = 5
    inl b = 10
    dyn (a + b)

Wonderful. That is one issue down.

Done in a record time.

One thing...rather than main being (), I'll leave it as _.

inl main _ =
    inl a = 5
    inl b = 10
    dyn (a + b)

Who knows, maybe later I will be passing command line args and whatnot.

11:10am. Focus me, focus.

What is next? Let me just get on with it to the next thing.

Let me do a bunch more tests today.

Right now I am thinking about union types. Rather than having them be R _ _ _ I think I will instead make it a tuple like F# does. The reason for that is that I frequently want to just put a _ there. It would really be annoying to have to write out the exact number of _s every time.

But otherwise first class constructors should be fine.

11:15am. Forget Union types for the time being. They will come much later, after both typechecking and editor support is done.

For now just focus on the task at hand.

I might not have managed to go as far as I wanted with my RL agent plan, but I can go all the way to the end of the Spiral branch. It is really a pity - if ML was just a level higher than it is currently, I could have made up my mind to go for it. Instead the way it is now has put me seemingly permanently in the exploration stage.

Just a little bit more understanding, just a little bit more insight and progress will resume.

11:20am. Just like I would not use sloppy ML algorithms, I should not use sloppy languages.

Either way, in 2020 I am going to reach satisfaction when it comes to Spiral. I am not going to drop it here.

11:25am. Let me do the next few tests.

After that I'll take a break.

let test2: SpiralModule =
    description="Do the join points work?"
inl main _ =
    inl a () = join 5
    inl b () = join 10
    a () + b ()
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: Spiral.CodegenFsharp+H`1[Spiral.PartEval+JoinPointKey]
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
   at Spiral.CodegenFsharp.Tagger`1.Tag(a ty) in C:\Users\Marko\Source\Repos\The Spiral Language\The Spiral Language v0.2\CodegenFsharp.fs:line 26

Now what is this?

member t.Tag ty = memoize dict (fun ty' -> let x = dict.Count in queue.Enqueue(ty,x); dict.Add(ty',x); x) (H ty)

Ah, why am I adding to dict twice. No wonder.

{ parse = 00:00:00.2480635
  prepass = 00:00:00.0263292
  peval = 00:00:00.0650761
  codegen = 00:00:00.0246395 }
let rec method_0 () : int64 =
and method_1 () : int64 =
let ((var_0 : int64)) = method_0 ()
let ((var_1 : int64)) = method_1 ()
let ((var_2 : int64)) = var_0 + var_1

C:\Users\Marko\Source\Repos\The Spiral Language\Testing v0.2\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Testing v0.2.exe (process 10384) exited with code 0.

The parse times are really large.

I really am going to have to do a performance deep dive of the parser at some point. But it is not important.

Let me try another test and I will take a break.


let test3: SpiralModule =
    description="Does `dyn` work?"
inl main _ =
    inl a = dyn 5
    inl b = dyn 10
    a + b

Ok, enough. Let me stop here for a bit."

Thursday 2020-02-06 10:40:51 by Rasmus Wriedt Larsen

Python: Clean up six tests

We can't understand the real file, so we have some internal plumbing that enables us to handle six anyway. While updating that, I had a hell of a lot of trouble with these tests.

What we actually want, is to see that we can understand what the values imported from six are (i.e., their points-to information). I added a few more, that I think would be useful. If we can figure out all of these, I don't actually care if we're doing it by understanding the real file, or by some internal trick.

I verified that we don't get results with the real file by disabling our internal tricks, and putting a copy of just next to

We used to have an other file that would list all the properties we knew and their value, but that turned out to be a fragile and annoying test, since the results differed from which version of python you ran it with (3.5 vs 3.8) and which machine you ran it on (my machien vs jenkins). I don't care about the results in this file, and I can certainly not eyeball it to see if it's correct or not.

Thursday 2020-02-06 10:51:00 by jonoroboto

Added Roboto Studio to Sites.yml

Hi we're a Nottingham based dev studio, and we'd absolutely love it if you'd be able to showcase our site on the official Gatsby website. We're huge believers in Gatsby, to the degree that we have pivoted our entire dev process to focus on producing ultra-fast, SEO rich website using Gatsby.js and we're proactive in a lot of Headless CMS/JAMstack projects out there.

If there's any changes you'd love to see, drop a message across, we're always looking to improve the site.

Thursday 2020-02-06 11:00:38 by Kshitij Gupta

vendor: notch-city: Add 3 mode display cutout handler [2/3]

  • Introduces the HideCutout and StatusBarStock overlay used in the 3 mode display cutout handler. The HideCutout overlay is necessary since we can't register a content observer in the display manager code. We only have access to resources during boot. Thus, leave this as an overlay and let the config and overlay change methods handle this. Though we can probably do statusbar stock height toggling in the SystemUI code without overlays, I kinda got lazy by the end, just live with it god damn it xD

Signed-off-by: Kshitij Gupta Change-Id: I62f63f39bcb410cfbc68e0028b9cef3d748d7eb6

Thursday 2020-02-06 12:32:15 by velketor

Update spells_us.txt

Spell: Calm now works on creatures up to level 55 Removed Spell: Abduction of Strength from the game Spell: Siphon Life now has a classic particle effect Spell: Shroud of Pain now has a classic particle effect Spell: Annul Magic now has a classic particle effect Spell: Illusion Werewolf now turns you into a classic werewolf Spell: Boon of the Garou now turns you into a classic werewolf Removed Spell: Armor of the Faithful from the game Renamed the PLAYER based version of Complete Heal to Complete Healing, per classic Fixed cleric spell list to allow Complete Heal to be the priority spell when 50% or less hp Spell: Scourge now has a classic particle effect

Thursday 2020-02-06 13:16:48 by wm4

path: change win32 semantics for joining drive-relative paths

win32 is a cursed abomination which has "drive letters" at the root of the filesystem namespace for no reason. This requires special handling beyond tolerating the idiotic "" path separator.

Even more cursed is the fact that a path starting with a drive letter can be a relative path. For example, "c:billsucks" is actually a relative path to the current working directory of the C drive. So for example if the current working directory is "c:/windowsphone", then "c:billsucks" would reference "c:/windowsphone/billsucks".

You should realize that win32 is a ridiculous satanic trash fire by the point you realize that win32 has at least 26 current working directories, one for each drive letter.

Anyway, the actual problem is that mpv's mp_path_join() function would return a relative path if an absolute relative path is joined with a drive-relative path. This should never happen; I bet it breaks a lot of assumptions (maybe even some security or safety relevant ones, but probably not).

Since relative drive paths are such a fucked up shit idea, don't try to support them "properly", and just solve the problem at hand. The solution produces a path that should be invalid on win32.

Joining two relative paths still behaves the same; this is probably OK (maybe).

The change isn't very minimal due to me rewriting parts of it without strict need, but I don't care.

Note that the Python os.path.join() function (after which the mpv function was apparently modeled) has the same problem.

Thursday 2020-02-06 13:46:28 by Marko Grdinić

"12:35pm. Let me finish reading Astrid and then I'll resume.

12:55pm. I finished it like 10m ago and then started reading Reddit ML sub threads...


It is time to focus.

I know this is annoying as shit, but I have to do it.

I have to do the testing. There are like 100 tests to go through before I can conclude that the language is in decent shape.

I'll ignore those tests related to the union types, but I am going to have to put macros in before I am done.

1pm. No matter how this thing turns out, I absolutely must do the typechecking. I need the power of top-down reasoning unless I want to end up going through the same hardship that I did in 2018.

Editor support, jobs and whatever else is optional.

Without typechecking on the other hand, I can forget about ever scaling the language.

If I can at least do typechecking then I will have a lot of options open to me.

If I can do typechecking I will be capable of writing programs in the language properly the same as I do in F#.

1:05pm. Just this, just this much...

Ahhhh...damn it, I really should be doing ML...

But more than that, I need to be making strides into new things, I won't win a war by just standing in place.

Typechecking definitely qualifies as something new.


let test4: SpiralModule =
    description="Does the and pattern work correctly?"
inl f (a, b) (c, d) = dyn (a+c,b+d)
inl q & (a, b) = dyn (1,2)
inl w & (c, d) = dyn (3,4)
f q w
Error trace on line: 3, column: 7 in module test4.
inl q & (a, b) = dyn (1,2)
Expected one of: end of file

At least the error position is precise.

1:10pm. I have no idea, why is the pattern not getting parsed correctly?

...Ah, maybe because I forgot to put the main. Whops.

Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: The input array was empty. (Parameter 'array')
   at Spiral.Parsing.parse(SpiralModule m) in C:\Users\Marko\Source\Repos\The Spiral Language\The Spiral Language v0.2\Parsing.fs:line 875
   at Spiral.Compile.p@63.Invoke(Unit _arg1) in C:\Users\Marko\Source\Repos\The Spiral Language\The Spiral Language v0.2\Compile.fs:line 63

I've commented out the core library and I am getting this error now.

if d.Index = d.Length then fail [Array.last l, UnexpectedEof]

How unusual that this is raising an error.

        | Error [] ->
            if d.Index = d.Length then
                match Array.tryLast l with
                | Some x -> fail [x, UnexpectedEof]
                | None -> Error "Unknown parse error."
            else Error "Unknown parse error."

Let me do this.

1:20pm. I'll also change so that modules can have zero statements.

No need to push this any harder than it needs to be.


let test4: SpiralModule =
    description="Does the and pattern work correctly?"
inl main _ =
    inl q & w = 1
    //inl f (a, b) (c, d) = dyn (a+c,b+d)
    //inl q & (a, b) = dyn (1,2)
    //inl w & (c, d) = dyn (3,4)
    //f q w

I have to figure out why the and here is not getting parsed correctly.

Now that I have the core library commented out, tracking this down should be easier.


        let inline name_pats_body on_else =
            tuple3 var_op (many pattern') (statement_body expr) >>= fun (name,pats,body) d ->
                match List.foldBack (<|) pats (join_point_entry_method body) with
                | RawInl _ | RawForall _ as x -> Ok(name,x)
                | x -> if is_global then d.FailWith ExpectedGlobalFunction else on_else (name,x) d

Ah crap. Note how it is expecting a var_op in the first place rather than a pattern.

inl main _ =
    inl (q, w) = 1, 2

This does not work either.



let pattern_to_rawinl pat body =
    let inline f expr_pos = function
        | PatE -> RawInl("", expr_pos body)
        | PatVar name -> RawInl(name, expr_pos body)
        | _ -> RawInl(pat_main, expr_pos <| pattern_to_rawexpr(pat_main, [|pat, body|]))
    match pat with
    | PatPos x -> f (expr_pos x.Pos) x.Expression
    | x -> f id x

Agh, this stupid thing.

Let me adjust it a bit.


let name_body pat body =
    let inline f expr_pos = function
        | PatE -> ("", expr_pos body)
        | PatVar name -> (name, expr_pos body)
        | _ -> (pat_main, expr_pos <| pattern_to_rawexpr(pat_main, [|pat, body|]))
    match pat with
    | PatPos x -> f (expr_pos x.Pos) x.Expression
    | x -> f id x
let pattern_to_rawinl pat body = name_body pat body |> RawInl

This is the power of abstraction.

2:10pm. Actually this part is giving me quite a bit of trouble.

let pat_body = pattern true false expr .>>. statement_body expr |>> fun (pat,body) -> name_body pat body
        | Error _ ->
            let name_pats_body d = name_pats_body (fun x _ -> Ok x) d
            if is_global then (name_pats_body |>> handle_inl_statement) d
            else ((attempt pat_body <|> name_pats_body) |>> handle_inl_statement) d

I just do not see how to do this one without backtracking.

Well, the error reporting right now is such a horrid state that it does not even matter.

Unhandled exception. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key ' pat_main' was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at Spiral.Prepass.prepass@312.Invoke(PrepassError x) in C:\Users\Marko\Source\Repos\The Spiral Language\The Spiral Language v0.2\Prepass.fs:line 315


let handle_inl_statement (name, body) = fun on_succ -> l name body on_succ

This might be wrong.

2:20pm. I am such an imbecile. I mean I already had a solution a while ago, but I skipped it just because I wanted to optimize the expressions a little. Fuck.

        let pat_body = pattern true false expr .>>. statement_body expr |>> fun (pat,body) ->
            fun on_succ -> l pat_main body (pattern_to_rawexpr(pat_main, [|pat, on_succ|]))

Let me just go with this. For fuck's sake.

        let pat_body = pattern true false expr .>>. statement_body expr |>> fun (pat,body) ->
            fun on_succ ->
                match pat with PatPos x -> x.Expression | x -> x
                |> function
                    | PatE -> l "" body on_succ
                    | PatVar name -> l name body on_succ
                    | _ -> l pat_main body (pattern_to_rawexpr(pat_main, [|pat, on_succ|]))

Fuck. Let me go with this.

I often in situation like these have the urge to try to reuse past code and just end up spending time for no reason on this.

let pat_pos pos x = PatPos(Pos(pos,x))
let patpos expr d = (expr |>> function PatPos _ as x -> x | x -> pat_pos (pos' d) x) d

Let me do it like this so I absolutely do not make a mistake...

let expr_pos pos = function
    | RawPos _ as x -> x
    | x -> RawPos(Pos(pos,x))
let exprpos expr d =
    let pos = pos' d
    (expr |>> function RawB | RawType _ | RawInline _ | RawRecBlock _ | RawInl _ | RawForall _ as x -> x | x -> expr_pos pos x) d
let pat_pos pos = function
    | PatPos _ as x -> x
    | x -> PatPos(Pos(pos,x))
let patpos expr d = (expr |>> pat_pos (pos' d)) d

Let me do this.


let test4: SpiralModule =
    description="Does the and pattern work correctly?"
inl main _ =
    inl f (a, b) (c, d) = dyn (a+c,b+d)
    inl q & (a, b) = dyn (1,2)
    inl w & (c, d) = dyn (3,4)
    f q w
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: f
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
   at Spiral.ParserCombinators.ParserEnv.Ok[a](TokenPosition pos, String t) in C:\Users\Marko\Source\Repos\The Spiral Language\The Spiral Language v0.2\ParserCombinators.fs:line 81

Now what is going on here?

...Ah yes. Backtracking behavior is causing a var to get added twice.


    member d.Ok (pos : TokenPosition, t) =
        d.var_positions.[t] <- {module_=d.module_; column=pos.start_column; line=pos.start_line}

Let me go with this.


Unhandled exception. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key '+' was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at Spiral.Prepass.prepass@312.Invoke(PrepassError x) in C:\Users\Marko\Source\Repos\The Spiral Language\The Spiral Language v0.2\Prepass.fs:line 315

This is unusual.

This should just be a regular error, why is it raising an exception?

match d.ReadOp' with

Ah, note that I am using the wrong op.

So far every time I did not take account of positional information, I've regretted it.

Error trace on line: 3, column: 27 in module test4.
    inl f (a, b) (c, d) = dyn (a+c,b+d)
Error: Variable dyn not found in the environment.Error trace on line: 3, column: 33 in module test4.
    inl f (a, b) (c, d) = dyn (a+c,b+d)
Error: Variable + not found in the environment.

Finally the thing parses properly.

2:40pm. Let me put the core library back in.

let ((var_0 : int64)) = 1L
let ((var_1 : int64)) = 2L
let ((var_2 : int64)) = 3L
let ((var_3 : int64)) = 4L
let ((var_4 : int64)) = var_0 + var_2
let ((var_5 : int64)) = var_1 + var_3

This seems right.

2:45pm. It is really amazing how many bugs there are even in simplest things.

Let me continue moving forward.

...Actually both Kumo and Kengan Omega are out. Let me take a break here."

Thursday 2020-02-06 15:21:59 by Noah Davis

Remove human avatars

Summary: There were some complaints about the female avatar and during a discussion in the VDG channel, someone mentioned that the male avatar was rather ugly too.

Reviewers: #vdg

Subscribers: davidedmundson, leinir, ngraham, niccolove, plasma-devel

Tags: #plasma

Differential Revision:

Thursday 2020-02-06 16:36:59 by Randall S. Bitchford

8 fucking dollars.


  • Minor geometry changes
  • Water shader added. I paid 8 god damn dollars for this crap. Fite me.

Thursday 2020-02-06 16:44:06 by Gaur, Vipul

Advent of Code 2018 - Solution added for Day #15, holy fucking shit it was tedious, still some quirks left

Thursday 2020-02-06 18:50:34 by Charles Lowell

Strictly define order of operations when halting a tree


When converting fork to an operation, we changed the way that continuation and failure are reported up the tree to the parent of the operation. Instead of calling the join() method on the parent, we used the general "exit hook" mechanism to control the flow of the program. When a child was created, the parent added shutdown hooks to it that would handle the result of the child finishing and use that to pass control back to the parent.

The problem with this is that if one of your shutdown hooks has the responsibility of running other shutdown hooks, which could cause shutdowns, that run other shutdown hooks, you can zig and zag across different contexts and experience wildly different orders of shutdown and context settlement depending on how a context resolves (success, failure, cancellation, etc..)

In fact, we were observing this behavior, when shutdown hooks were running in different orders, we'd see vastly different results.

What we'd like to see however is a strict reverse-depth-order teardown so that whenever a portion of the tree is de-comissioned, nodes that can have dependencies on prior nodes are de-commissioned first.

For example, in the following tree:

(A, (B) (C))

As children, both B, and C can depend on A, and even though B and C are siblings, since C was created later in the computation, it is conceivable that it depends on B. The reverse is not (easily) true. Therefore, the order of destruction we want is C -> B -> A.


We address this problem by splitting shutdown callbacks into two distinct categories. The first is the original mechanism, added by ensure(), and which now has zero effect on the control flow of the application. The exit hooks added in this way are just a flat list of functions to run a single time when the context is finalized. Each hook in the list only operates within the single context, and is mainly just meant to be added from user-land to control runtime resources.

The second kind of hook is used exclusively for handing off control of the computation from the finalizing context. In other words, "the computation represented by this context is now complete, what happens next?" While exit hooks can be many, there can only be a single continuation hook, and if we think about it, this make sense. Like a normal function, it can do a great many things, call out to a number of other functions, but it can only return to a single place.

In summary, by placing these two callbacks into different worlds, we can guarantee that shutdown hooks are run in a very precise order, and that they cannot (without dedicated nefarious hackery) interfere with the continuation of the computation.


This uses the simplest thing that could possibly work: leave the current teardown mechanism as-is, and introduce a single callback to a new context. This callback is aptly name "continue", and is invoked as the very last thing a context ever does.

Now, finalize can only every be invoked a single time, and has a very strict structure.

  1. record results
  2. halt all children in reverse order
  3. run all exit hooks in reverse order
  4. finalize the promise.
  5. continue.

New Guarantees:

  • spawn: all spawned child contexts are destroyed before their parent context is finalized. There is no continuation by default, so it just goes away without having any effect on the parent. However, if the parent is halted at any point during its run, it will be halted immediately.
  • monitor: In addition to spawn guarantees, any failed monitor raises failure in its parent
  • fork: In addition to monitor guarantees. parent may not continue until completed (though it may spawn more operations).
  • join: In addition to fork guarantees, parent may not run any operations until joined child is completed.

For further context:


Open Questions

  • There is probably a way to model the internal continuations semi-monadically so that we don't have to store state like required children and waiting and what not on the context, and so that in monitor and fork and other control functions, we don't have to fiddle with that state, but instead allow the control function itself to somehow pass control to the "next" thing, which naturally unfolds the computation. If it sounds hand-wavy, it is, but until that elegant solution is found, we can start with a hackier one.
  • We will need some way to "re-direct" the continuation of a context in the case of joining a fork. In other words, if we join a fork, something else needs to happen when it continues, not what happens when it was originally conceived.

Thursday 2020-02-06 18:52:02 by trollbreeder

Medway, a floor tile, medkits, and more cogmap shenanigans

Adds THE MEDWAY, the ultimate in ambulance technology. Fuck you PressF and janine. Also adds a new floor type for cogmap, adds goon variants of the 4 basic medkits, and continues developing cogmap.

Thursday 2020-02-06 19:26:57 by Sprax2013

Move back to maven

Fuck that shit: Bin müde. IntelliJ will nicht, wie ich will. Compiler springt nach jedem IntelliJ-Neustart zurück auf Java 13 und jammert dass er nicht mit 13 compilen kann...

In maven kann ich schön sagen Java 8 und alles UTF-8 und er hält seine Fresse und macht einfach... Hätte Gradle genommen aber kb auf was fremdes. Nazi halt und so. Ich weiß das Gradle auch maven repo etc. nutzen kann. Ich weiß dass Android Studio gradle nutzt. Aber juckt. Fremd = Böse hat uns die gute AFD beigebracht also done.

Thursday 2020-02-06 19:38:18 by eileen

Revert WMF delete vs truncate hacks

There are 3 places in the code where we have hacked CiviCRM core to do DELETE FROM rather than TRUNCATE.

These go right back to civicrm 4.2 and last time I tested (some years ago) running

TRUNCATE TABLE civicrm_acl_contact_cache

Was terribly slow on our system, despite it being empty. I never determined a reason for it being slow as received wisdom is that truncate is faster. Quite a lot has happened with our server since I last tested including various versions changing and re-testing on staging and live just now the above truncate is instant.

My theory is that changes to mysql in the interim have resolved our special quirk and we no longer need this. However, I have decided to only change one place in the code for now & the 2 other places can follow soon after, assuming nothing seems like it is of concern

Bug: T244325 Change-Id: I2064e70ea1d3694470689dacc04d0a606e2325e5

Thursday 2020-02-06 19:46:13 by Pete Beardmore

[add] hackerrank, 'the love-letter mystery', python port

Thursday 2020-02-06 21:11:56 by Isaac Pedisich

ugly hack to fix lengthy format bug that made me rethink my life decisions

Thursday 2020-02-06 21:37:52 by Jason Rohrer

In a low-pop case (one fertile mom), avoid getting born to mothers that you have cursed, and don't go to d-town if that lone mother has you cursed. Spawn as a normal Eve instead. This makes the 1-v-1 situation on a low-pop server more sane, in the case where both people have each other cursed, and prevents a lone griefer from monopolizing the whole server by killing or cursing all incoming babies. However, in the N=3 case, where two mothers agree about one griefer, that griefer will still go two d-town. Also, in all cases, if we have a choice between mothers, avoid those that we have curse-blocked, if possible. The 'if possible' part prevents us from cursing everyone in hopes of being Eve. Fixes #529.

Thursday 2020-02-06 21:42:32 by doctorpangloss


  • The client now shows colors on cards.
  • Inspecting a card on mobile in the collection interface no longer leaves it stuck on screen.
  • Issues in the client related to some kinds of targeting have been fixed.
  • Star Sculptor now correctly gives the summoned minion Guard/Can't Attack and not the original. (1518)
  • Fixed an interaction when General Hun'Zho summons Lumina, Light of the Forest. (1516)
  • Necronomicon is now an Occultist card like it was supposed to be. (1523)
  • Forge Suit now properly only gives Health and not Attack. (1525)
  • Sand Filter now actually Decays, and is properly now only active on your own turn. (1525)

In addition, extensive edits by @Logovaz summarized here:

  • Jek the Bonelord, Firefoxie, Sunbender, Timebidding Magi, Toothpick Fighter, Pawshop Trader, Vanal Petkiper

  • Freying Faimiliar is now a Fae from a Beast and called "Forest Familiar"

  • Stone Sentinel (10/9/9 -> 10/10/10), Stalwart Sculptor (4/3/2 -> 4/3/4)

  • Skeletower (Costs 8 -> Costs 7)

  • Siege Elephant is now ("Whenever this minion takes damage, gain 2 Armor.") from 1 Armor.

  • Macabre Samaritan is now ("Whenever this minion takes damage, restore 4 Health to your champion.") from 2 Health.

  • Hunchback Supplier now has Lifedrain

  • Forest Magistrate (Opener: Deals 2 damage -> Opener: Deals 3 damage)

  • Floating Crystal (2/0/4 -> 2/0/6), Fae Horncaster (2/1/2 -> 2/1/3), Burst Bug (4/2/1 -> 4/3/1)

  • Bone Guard is now (5/3/5 "Guard. Opener: Draw a card.")

  • Mind Controlled Mech reflavored to be Blind Acolyte. Also: (4/2/8 -> 4/3/8). The skill has been renamed to Echolocation from Mental Command.

  • Warclub Ruffian is now a (4/3/2 Demon, Dodge, Guard)

  • Mindswapper (3/3/2 -> 3/4/2) and is now a Fae.

  • Lightning Elemental is now ("Whenever this takes damage, deal 1 damage to all other minions.") from "After this..."

  • Hold Hunter is now a (1/1/2 Pirate "After this attacks and kills a minion, gain Dodge.")

  • Giant Serpent now has Hidden for 1 turn and is a Common.

  • Captain of the Guard (4/3/3 -> 3/3/3)

  • Mrs. Merria is now (4/4/4 Fae "Opener: If you played 4 other cards this turn, take control of an enemy minion.") from (7/6/6) and 5 cards.

  • Fixed text on Marie Annette

  • Corona, Fae Defender's aura is now ("Your other Fae have +2/+1 and Elusive.") from +1/+1.

  • Wolfcrier (4/3/7 -> 3/3/7 and summons a 3/3 wolf instead of a 2/3 wolf)

  • Uccian Hydra (5/2/2 -> 4/3/3 and has Hidden for 1 turn)

  • Sonorous Spectre is now (6/4/4 Spirit "Opener and Aftermath: Silence all other minions.") from just Opener.

  • Oni's Eye (2/0/2 -> 1/0/2), Sleepy Scarecrow (1/0/2 -> 1/0/3)

  • Crew Commander properly has Pirate Tag

  • Blackboar is now (3/3/3 Beast "Opener: Your next Dash minion this turn costs (3) less.")

  • Hybreeder is now (3/1/4 "At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Mutt with Guard.")

  • Nice Cream is now (3/3/3 Elemental "Opener: Restore 3 Health to all other characters.")

  • Holdout Soldier is now a Rare (4/2/6 "Opener: If your opponent has 4 or more minions, draw 3 cards.") from 2 and 1 respectively.

  • Added missing minion: Henchman Helper (5/5/2 "Opener: Give a friendly Guard minion +4/+4.")

  • Disco Inferno (4/4/3 -> 3/4/3), Alien Ravager now says ("Extra Strike")

  • Timewalker Initiate renamed to Patient Initiate

  • Lead by Example now costs 3 and does not draw a card.

  • Insurgency Captain Krika now requires 4 Champion Attacks (from 3).

  • Ruffian Shiro (2/2/2 -> 3/2/2)

  • 4th Ring Warden's effect should no longer stack.

  • Bogovey Jester is now an Aftermath from an Opener.

  • Darkfire Blaster (5/3/6 -> 6/3/7)

  • Warmongering is now ("Give a minion 'After this attacks, gain +2/+2'.")

  • Thousand Year Hatred is now ("Choose an enemy minion. Destroy all minions on the battlefield and in hand with the same name.")

  • Witching Traveler now sets cost of card to 0 from 1.

  • Major changes to Soulseeker: “Obvious nerfs," card deletions, reflavoring and set changes, new cards, in particular Secrets archetype.

  • Reverse Volition: 1 mana common spell "Secret: When your opponent plays a minion, return it to their hand." (Replaces Dormant Spirits)

  • Rebirth: 0 mana common spell "Destroy a friendly minion. Summon a random minion with the same Cost."

  • Seeker of Mysteries: 2 mana 2/3 common "Opener: If you control a secret, Soulbind twice."

  • Render Imaginary: 2 mana common spell "Destroy a minion. Its owner draws 2 cards."

  • Transmute Life: 1 mana rare spell "Secret: When a friendly minion dies, give your other minions +1/+1."

  • Mirror Phantom: 1 mana 1/3 rare Spirit "While in your hand, this is a copy of the last Spirit you played."

  • Split Soul: 2 mana epic spell "Destroy a friendly minion. Add two 1/1 copies of it to your hand that cost (1)."

  • Soul Warden: 4 mana 3/4 Spirit "Opener: Summon 1/1 copies of your minions that died this turn."

  • Knowledge Feeder: 4 mana 3/3 epic Spirit "Opener: Destroy a friendly minion to put three Secrets from your deck into the battlefield."

  • Ranabosh, in Memory: 3 mana 4/2 Legendary Spirit "Aftermath: Go dormant. Trigger two friendly Secrets to revive this minion."

  • Prophet Elenthris: 4 mana 4/5 Legendary "Opener: Add five Soulstones to your hand. Play them all to summon Magoria."

  • Soulstone (Token): 2 mana spell "Destroy a friendly minion. If you've played all five of these, awaken Magoria!"

  • Mother Magoria: 10 mana 10/10 "At the end of your turn, fill your board with random minions."

  • Channeler Initiate costs (3).

  • Dominant Will now costs (3).

  • Extract Nightmare costs (6).

  • Domineer costs (7).

  • Spectral Host no longer gives guard.

  • Essence Harvester’s heal reduced to 8.

  • Rite of Promise costs (1) and only Soulbinds once.

  • Rite of Pain costs (2) and only Soulbinds once.

  • Rite of Passage costs (3) and only Soulbinds once.

  • Stranded Memory is reworked into “Twisted Pathology”, a 5 mana 3/4 common spirit with “Dash. Opener: Each player draws 2 cards.”

  • Ravenous Soul has been reworked into Devoted Denizen, 2 mana 2/2 Spirit with Guard and "Aftermath: Soulbind."

  • Osiris is now a 5 mana 3/6 with "Opener: Return your other minions to your hand. Summon random minions with the same Costs."

  • Wailing Banshee is deleted.

  • Delve Into Memory is deleted.

  • Vaash Trinity is deleted.

  • Dormant Spirits is deleted.

  • Otherworld Wayfinder is deleted.

  • Olivia, the Successor is now a 4/3.

  • Channeler Initiate is now called "Seeker Initiate"

  • Jekk Trinity is now called "Lost Legionnaire"

  • Stranded Thought is now called “Afterthought”

  • Tortured Soul is now called "Dormant Soul"

  • Brink of Reality is now called "Brink of Existence"

  • Awaken is now a basic card (was core/classic).

  • Essence Harvester is now a core (classic) card (was setless).

  • Lost Legionnaire (formerly Jekk Trinity) is now a core (classic) card (was setless)

Thursday 2020-02-06 22:14:04 by skyblockz

Database update Changes: Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1425, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1425, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of grand_experience_bottle to 4142, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of grand_experience_bottle to 4142, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 85104, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 85104, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of rod_of_champions to 920931, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of rod_of_champions to 920931, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of sunflower to 3, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of sunflower to 3, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 27148, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 27148, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_oak_wood to 731, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_oak_wood to 731, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 271084, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 271084, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 574951, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 574951, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 570456, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 570456, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wolf_talisman to 69616, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wolf_talisman to 69616, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_emerald_block to 201354, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_emerald_block to 201354, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 26933, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 26933, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of spider_catalyst to 187486, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of spider_catalyst to 187486, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of golden_tooth to 121804, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of golden_tooth to 121804, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of mastiff_boots to 786106, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of mastiff_boots to 786106, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ice to 116, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ice to 116, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of rogue_sword to 12, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of rogue_sword to 12, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ice to 112, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ice to 112, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 566410, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 566410, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_eye_of_ender to 4385, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_eye_of_ender to 4385, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 255476, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 255476, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 107948, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 107948, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone to 302, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone to 302, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of magical_water_bucket to 42, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of magical_water_bucket to 42, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ice to 109, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ice to 109, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_oak_wood to 736, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_oak_wood to 736, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 180671, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 180671, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of crystal_fragment to 5101, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of crystal_fragment to 5101, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_oak_wood to 741, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_oak_wood to 741, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10802, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10802, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ice to 106, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ice to 106, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1540, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1540, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hamster_wheel to 20652, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hamster_wheel to 20652, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 177813, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 177813, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 107647, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 107647, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of magical_water_bucket to 42, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of magical_water_bucket to 42, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of grand_experience_bottle to 3968, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of grand_experience_bottle to 3968, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_birch_wood to 866, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_birch_wood to 866, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10666, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10666, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_cactus_green to 2330, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_cactus_green to 2330, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 569824, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 569824, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of protector_dragon_fragment to 209, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of protector_dragon_fragment to 209, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of rogue_sword to 12, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of rogue_sword to 12, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_string to 2229, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_string to 2229, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ghast_tear to 84, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ghast_tear to 84, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of first_strike_iv to 10236, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of first_strike_iv to 10236, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wolf_talisman to 72654, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wolf_talisman to 72654, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_cactus_green to 2335, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_cactus_green to 2335, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of protector_dragon_fragment to 198, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of protector_dragon_fragment to 198, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_oak_wood to 699, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_oak_wood to 699, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_raw_beef to 1200, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_raw_beef to 1200, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 461156, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 461156, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_gold to 1779, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_gold to 1779, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_raw_beef to 1177, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_raw_beef to 1177, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 457015, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 457015, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of ember_rod to 26118, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of ember_rod to 26118, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 157869, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 157869, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of spider_ring to 98561, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of spider_ring to 98561, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 105882, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 105882, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_birch_wood to 928, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_birch_wood to 928, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_dark_oak_wood to 1358, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_dark_oak_wood to 1358, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lapis_block to 87972, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lapis_block to 87972, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of spider_ring to 99285, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of spider_ring to 99285, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_cactus_green to 2308, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_cactus_green to 2308, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone to 319, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone to 319, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of lapis_armor_boots to 1050, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of lapis_armor_boots to 1050, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 79154, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 79154, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of ender_pearl to 16, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of ender_pearl to 16, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 103294, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 103294, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_carrot to 191, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_carrot to 191, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 104350, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 104350, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 105983, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 105983, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 457601, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 457601, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of lapis_armor_chestplate to 1975, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of lapis_armor_chestplate to 1975, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 103320, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 103320, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_birch_wood to 984, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_birch_wood to 984, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_baked_potato to 96418, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_baked_potato to 96418, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_snow_block to 627, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_snow_block to 627, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_raw_beef to 1207, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_raw_beef to 1207, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of leggings_of_growth to 716660, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of leggings_of_growth to 716660, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_string to 2244, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_string to 2244, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_nether_wart to 1161, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_nether_wart to 1161, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_magma_cream to 1193, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_magma_cream to 1193, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 81623, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 81623, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 564842, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 564842, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_iron_block to 134539, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_iron_block to 134539, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_cactus_green to 2284, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_cactus_green to 2284, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wolf_tooth to 546, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wolf_tooth to 546, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lapis_lazuli to 653, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lapis_lazuli to 653, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_string to 2257, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_string to 2257, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ghast_tear to 84, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ghast_tear to 84, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of magical_water_bucket to 42, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of magical_water_bucket to 42, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10550, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10550, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of young_dragon_chestplate to 716452, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of young_dragon_chestplate to 716452, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_string to 2197, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_string to 2197, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 253248, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 253248, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of purple_candy to 12552, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of purple_candy to 12552, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of mana_flux_power_orb to 5030084, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of mana_flux_power_orb to 5030084, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of feather_artifact to 241046, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of feather_artifact to 241046, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of farmer_boots to 248927, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of farmer_boots to 248927, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 102188, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 102188, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 563358, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 563358, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of compactor to 1097, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of compactor to 1097, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_emerald_block to 212113, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_emerald_block to 212113, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of purple_candy to 13157, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of purple_candy to 13157, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_gold to 1821, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_gold to 1821, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of farmer_boots to 240418, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of farmer_boots to 240418, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_cobblestone to 821, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_cobblestone to 821, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1643, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1643, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of silver_fang to 2995, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of silver_fang to 2995, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_string to 2215, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_string to 2215, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lapis_block to 89669, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lapis_block to 89669, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 559022, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 559022, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of lapis_armor_boots to 1025, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of lapis_armor_boots to 1025, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 124876, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 124876, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of young_dragon_helmet to 522709, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of young_dragon_helmet to 522709, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of ender_pearl to 15, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of ender_pearl to 15, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of young_dragon_boots to 275413, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of young_dragon_boots to 275413, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wolf_tooth to 589, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wolf_tooth to 589, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of spider_catalyst to 191550, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of spider_catalyst to 191550, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 26740, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 26740, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of lapis_armor_leggings to 1623, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of lapis_armor_leggings to 1623, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of minion_expander to 5763, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of minion_expander to 5763, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_clay to 716, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_clay to 716, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_clay to 734, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_clay to 734, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of purple_candy to 13373, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of purple_candy to 13373, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lapis_block to 92202, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lapis_block to 92202, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of ender_pearl to 14, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of ender_pearl to 14, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone to 308, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone to 308, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of bat_talisman to 64450, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of bat_talisman to 64450, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of purple_candy to 12862, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of purple_candy to 12862, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of bat_talisman to 60016, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of bat_talisman to 60016, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_emerald to 1238, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_emerald to 1238, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 118276, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 118276, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of protector_dragon_helmet to 144649, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of protector_dragon_helmet to 144649, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lapis_lazuli to 627, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lapis_lazuli to 627, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_iron to 843, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_iron to 843, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of ender_pearl to 14, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of ender_pearl to 14, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 449841, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 449841, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of spirit_mask to 169174, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of spirit_mask to 169174, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of squid_boots to 20, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of squid_boots to 20, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lapis_lazuli to 633, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lapis_lazuli to 633, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 273809, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 273809, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_spruce_wood to 337, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_spruce_wood to 337, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_dark_oak_wood to 1339, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_dark_oak_wood to 1339, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 157082, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 157082, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 560620, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 560620, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_hopper to 893899, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_hopper to 893899, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wise_dragon_boots to 248761, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wise_dragon_boots to 248761, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_iron to 852, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_iron to 852, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_iron to 864, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_iron to 864, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of lapis_armor_boots to 1003, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of lapis_armor_boots to 1003, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of first_strike_iv to 10212, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of first_strike_iv to 10212, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of silver_fang to 2896, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of silver_fang to 2896, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 269690, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 269690, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_flint to 1427, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_flint to 1427, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 556558, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 556558, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wise_dragon_boots to 259064, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wise_dragon_boots to 259064, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 552902, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 552902, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 82661, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 82661, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 547612, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 547612, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of spider_catalyst to 195208, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of spider_catalyst to 195208, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_iron to 871, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_iron to 871, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of lapis_armor_helmet to 1265, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of lapis_armor_helmet to 1265, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of ember_helmet to 1140, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of ember_helmet to 1140, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of purple_candy to 12935, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of purple_candy to 12935, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lapis_lazuli to 587, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lapis_lazuli to 587, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 116448, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 116448, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lapis_lazuli to 563, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lapis_lazuli to 563, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_iron to 892, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_iron to 892, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wand_of_healing to 496, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wand_of_healing to 496, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1648, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1648, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of silver_fang to 2739, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of silver_fang to 2739, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of young_dragon_boots to 282872, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of young_dragon_boots to 282872, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 451144, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 451144, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of bat_talisman to 57532, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of bat_talisman to 57532, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of greater_backpack to 630366, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of greater_backpack to 630366, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of explosive_bow to 400372, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of explosive_bow to 400372, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of compactor to 1051, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of compactor to 1051, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of explosive_bow to 416607, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of explosive_bow to 416607, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 448096, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 448096, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of string to 8, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of string to 8, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 115803, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 115803, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_raw_beef to 1215, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_raw_beef to 1215, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of teleport_pad to 1210, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of teleport_pad to 1210, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 545851, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 545851, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_iron to 902, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_iron to 902, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ender_pearl to 208, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ender_pearl to 208, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ender_pearl to 207, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ender_pearl to 207, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_coal to 796, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_coal to 796, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 109343, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 109343, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of golem_armor_chestplate to 22830, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of golem_armor_chestplate to 22830, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of emerald_blade to 549890, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of emerald_blade to 549890, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ender_pearl to 206, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ender_pearl to 206, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10645, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10645, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of ender_boots to 19690, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of ender_boots to 19690, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of cheap_tuxedo_jacket to 724703, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of cheap_tuxedo_jacket to 724703, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ender_pearl to 205, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ender_pearl to 205, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 2808446, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 2808446, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 543266, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 543266, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 113103, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 113103, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 538939, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 538939, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1638, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1638, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ender_pearl to 204, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ender_pearl to 204, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of silver_fang to 2615, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of silver_fang to 2615, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of cheap_tuxedo_oxfords to 423740, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of cheap_tuxedo_oxfords to 423740, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 449286, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 449286, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 538045, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 538045, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 105657, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 105657, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_coal to 781, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_coal to 781, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of golden_tooth to 122022, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of golden_tooth to 122022, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_cobblestone to 806, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_cobblestone to 806, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 537240, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 537240, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 536516, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 536516, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of golem_armor_leggings to 18217, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of golem_armor_leggings to 18217, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 450357, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 450357, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of golden_tooth to 122218, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of golden_tooth to 122218, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of revenant_flesh to 10, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of revenant_flesh to 10, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of revenant_flesh to 10, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of revenant_flesh to 10, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of silver_fang to 2504, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of silver_fang to 2504, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_clay to 668, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_clay to 668, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1629, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1629, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of emerald_blade to 563901, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of emerald_blade to 563901, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1594, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1594, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of sunflower to 3, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of sunflower to 3, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 86305, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 86305, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of silver_fang to 2484, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of silver_fang to 2484, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of sponge to 68, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of sponge to 68, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of ender_helmet to 19437, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of ender_helmet to 19437, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 111182, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 111182, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_jungle_wood to 1337, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_jungle_wood to 1337, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_birch_wood to 979, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_birch_wood to 979, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 535864, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 535864, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 535278, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 535278, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 264013, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 264013, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 2556198, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 2556198, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 84518, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 84518, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_string to 2184, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_string to 2184, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10730, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10730, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wolf_tooth to 608, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wolf_tooth to 608, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 112793, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 112793, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_magma_cream to 1202, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_magma_cream to 1202, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 2530578, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 2530578, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of crystal_leggings to 133119, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of crystal_leggings to 133119, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of golem_armor_helmet to 13994, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of golem_armor_helmet to 13994, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 534750, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 534750, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of lapis_armor_helmet to 1218, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of lapis_armor_helmet to 1218, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 84816, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 84816, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of protector_dragon_chestplate to 147316, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of protector_dragon_chestplate to 147316, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of protector_dragon_chestplate to 144084, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of protector_dragon_chestplate to 144084, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of emerald_blade to 553137, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of emerald_blade to 553137, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_coal to 752, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_coal to 752, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of sunflower to 3, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of sunflower to 3, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wolf_tooth to 640, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wolf_tooth to 640, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_pork to 1999, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_pork to 1999, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 268376, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 268376, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_bone to 503, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_bone to 503, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 27133, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 27133, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of old_dragon_chestplate to 169035, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of old_dragon_chestplate to 169035, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 110644, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 110644, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 542225, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 542225, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of teleport_pad to 1204, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of teleport_pad to 1204, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10807, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 10807, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of fish_affinity_talisman to 222037, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of fish_affinity_talisman to 222037, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of protector_dragon_helmet to 141684, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of protector_dragon_helmet to 141684, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_coal to 714, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_coal to 714, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 541002, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 541002, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 267774, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 267774, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of magical_water_bucket to 42, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of magical_water_bucket to 42, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of silver_fang to 2464, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of silver_fang to 2464, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wolf_tooth to 685, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wolf_tooth to 685, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_clay to 691, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_clay to 691, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_jungle_wood to 1297, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_jungle_wood to 1297, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of raw_porkchop to 9, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of raw_porkchop to 9, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wolf_tooth to 726, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wolf_tooth to 726, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 547852, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 547852, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 27546, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 27546, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 157474, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 157474, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 552867, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 552867, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of sunflower to 3, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of sunflower to 3, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of emerald_blade to 551647, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of emerald_blade to 551647, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_clay to 640, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_clay to 640, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 112507, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 112507, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_string to 2172, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_string to 2172, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 273398, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 273398, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of candy_ring to 142993, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of candy_ring to 142993, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of new_year_cake_bag to 332462, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of new_year_cake_bag to 332462, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 112514, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_sugar_cane to 112514, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of golden_tooth to 122395, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of golden_tooth to 122395, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 558530, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 558530, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 451321, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 451321, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_cobblestone to 793, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_cobblestone to 793, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of silver_fang to 2446, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of silver_fang to 2446, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 86253, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 86253, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_snow_block to 600, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_snow_block to 600, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wolf_tooth to 713, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wolf_tooth to 713, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 452476, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 452476, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of jungle_axe to 786, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of jungle_axe to 786, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 560177, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 560177, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of old_dragon_boots to 120953, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of old_dragon_boots to 120953, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 460459, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 460459, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_cobblestone to 817, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_cobblestone to 817, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of protector_dragon_fragment to 212, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of protector_dragon_fragment to 212, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of grand_experience_bottle to 3819, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of grand_experience_bottle to 3819, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of remnant_of_the_eye to 484, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of remnant_of_the_eye to 484, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of cheap_tuxedo_oxfords to 395366, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of cheap_tuxedo_oxfords to 395366, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of emerald_blade to 556823, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of emerald_blade to 556823, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of revenant_flesh to 10, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of revenant_flesh to 10, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of wolf_tooth to 720, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of wolf_tooth to 720, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 454413, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 454413, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 114481, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 114481, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_clay to 594, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_clay to 594, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_string to 2161, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_string to 2161, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 455259, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 455259, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of grand_experience_bottle to 3637, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of grand_experience_bottle to 3637, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of magical_mushroom_soup to 8, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of magical_mushroom_soup to 8, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 83378, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_redstone_block to 83378, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of silver_fang to 2418, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of silver_fang to 2418, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 117025, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 117025, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 563959, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 563959, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 158402, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 158402, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the lower bound price of farmer_boots to 235926, responsible user: Automated Price Update Changed the upper bound price of farmer_boots to 235926, responsible user: Automated P…

Thursday 2020-02-06 22:19:01 by okke

small change to readme

elmo is not 'brand new' anymore. I started development more than three years ago but somehow took a very long pause. For me, elmo is a pet project I love to work on when I desperately in the need to tease my brain with coding. Nothing more yet but maybe someday it gets beyond the pet project status. For now, I just enjoy :-)

Thursday 2020-02-06 23:44:28 by NewsTools

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