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587 lines (406 loc) · 53.6 KB

< 2021-08-23 >

3,121,853 events, 1,470,440 push events, 2,325,818 commit messages, 186,853,502 characters

Monday 2021-08-23 00:00:03 by mohantechnology


Open Source Love License: MIT Open Source Helpers

Первый вклад в проект

Сложно. Всегда сложно начинать что-то с самого начала. Довольно неприятно совершать ошибки, особенно если вы работаете в команде. Весь open source состоит из сотрудничества и совместной работы. Мы хотим облегчить первые шаги в обучении и сотрудничестве начинающим разработчикам.

Чтение статей и учебников может помочь, но что может быть лучше, чем настоящий практический опыт, без риска что-либо испортить. Цель этого проекта - должным образом направить молодых новобранцев, а также предоставить им возможность сделать их первый вклад. Помните: чем меньше вы напряжены, тем лучше вы учитесь. Если вы ищете возможность осуществить свой первый вклад, просто следуйте простым шагам, расположенным ниже. Обещаем, будет интересно.

fork this repository

Если у вас не установлен git на компьютере, установите его

Создайте ответвление

Создайте собственное ответвление, нажав на кнопку fork сверху этой страницы. Таким образом вы создадите копию этого репозитория в своем аккаунте.

Клонируйте репозиторий

clone this repository

Теперь клонируйте ваш репозиторий на пк. Нажмите на кнопку clone, а затем на иконку copy to clipboard, чтобы скопировать ссылку.

Откройте терминал и запустите следующую git команду:

git clone "url you just copied"

Где "url you just copied" (без кавычек) это ссылка на ваш репозиторий. Посмотрите предыдущие шаги, чтобы получить эту ссылку.

copy URL to clipboard


git clone

Где this-is-you ваш логин на github'e. Таким образом вы копируете репозиторий 'first-contributions' с GitHub на ваш пк.

Создайте ветвь

Перейдите в каталог репозитория на вашем компьютере, если вы еще не там.

cd first-contributions

Теперь создайте ветвь, с помощью команды git checkout

git checkout -b <add-your-name>


git checkout -b add-alonzo-church

(Синтаксически не требуется, чтобы название ветви содержало слово add, но это оправдано, поскольку подчеркивает назначение этой ветви - добавить ваше имя в список.)

Внесите необходимые изменения и создайте коммит

Теперь откройте файл в вашем текстовом редакторе, впишите ваше имя и сохраните файл. Если вы перейдете в директорию проекта и выполните git status, вы увидите изменения. Добавьте эти изменения с помощью команды git add.

git add

Теперь закоммитьте данные изменения с помощью команды git commit.

git commit -m "Add <your-name> to Contributors list"

Измените <your-name> на ваше имя

Запушьте изменения на github

Запушьте ваши изменения с помощью git push

git push origin <add-your-name>

Измените <add-your-name> на имя ветви, которую вы создали ранее.

Подтвердите изменения для ревью

Если вы зайдете в свой репозиторий на GitHub, вы увидите кнопку Compare & pull request. Нажмите на нее.

create a pull request

Теперь подтвердите пулл-реквест.

submit pull request

Скоро я произведу объединение всех ваших изменений с основной ветвью данного проекта. Вы получите сообщение по электронной почте, когда изменения будут приняты (смержены).

Основная ветвь вашего репозитория не будет изменена. Для синхронизации выполните шаги, расположенные ниже.

Синхронизируйте ваше ответвление с данным репозиторием

Прежде всего перейдите в основную ветвь:

git checkout master

Затем добавьте url моего репозитория в поле upstream remote url:

git remote add upstream

Таким образом мы сообщим git'у, что существует другая версия данного проекта по определенной ссылке, и мы ее считаем мастером. Как только изменения смержены, подгрузите новую версию моего репозитория.

git fetch upstream

Таким образом мы забрали все изменения в моем ответвлении (upstream remote). После, вам нужно смержить новую версию моего репозитория с вашей мастер-ветвью.

git rebase upstream/master

Так вы применяете все изменения, которые вы подтянули к вашей мастер-ветви. Если вы запушите сейчас мастер-ветвь, ваше ответвление тоже будет содержать изменения.

git push origin master

Обратите внимание, что вы пушите в удаленной репозиторий origin.

На этом этапе я объединил вашу ветвь <add-your-name> со своей мастер-ветвью, а вы объединили свою мастер-ветвь с моей. Ваша ветвь больше не нужна, вы можете удалить ее:

git branch -d <add-your-name>

Так же можете удалить ее версию в удаленном репозитории:

git push origin --delete <add-your-name>

Это совершенно не обязательно, но название этой ветви отражает ее довольно специфическое назначение. И продолжительность ее жизни может быть соответствующе короткой.

Использование других инструментов

GitHub Desktop Visual Studio 2017 GitKraken VS Code Sourcetree App IntelliJ IDEA
GitHub Desktop Visual Studio 2017 GitKraken Visual Studio Code Atlassian Sourcetree IntelliJ IDEA

Что дальше?

Ниже несколько популярных репозиториев, где вы можете найти задания для новичков. Вперед, перейдите в репозитории, чтобы узнать больше.

exercism fun-retro habitat scikit-learn elasticsearch
exercism Fun Retros react habitat scikit-learn Leiningen numpy elasticsearch
homebrew rust vuejs Suave OpenRA PowerShell coala moment
homebrew Rust vuejs Suave OpenRA PowerShell coala moment
ava freeCodeCamp webpack hoodie pouchdb neovim babel
ava freeCodeCamp webpack hoodie pouchdb neovim babel brackets
Node.js Semantic-UI-React

Monday 2021-08-23 01:33:14 by AMDG

Weaken restriction on sinful use intent to proximate occasions of sin

It is not the place of any civil entity to do what is the work of the Church. (cf. Lateran Council IV, Canons 43-44, 45-46; cf. Quanta Cura, Pope Pius IX

The sins of the unjust must be tolerated and cannot be wholly prevented nor restrained without causing a greater evil. (cf. Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas, SS, Q10, A11

Monday 2021-08-23 01:45:57 by laurieryan

Automated caxis tears of joy and love and happiness and all thinngs amazing and positive

Monday 2021-08-23 01:59:38 by Nick Bukovec

Moved all API calls to ESRIMap load

This needs to be fixed. Right now it's super slow because I can't send over 5MB thru getStaticProps, which sucks b/c I would love to pre-load that data. Next solution is probably to store data on Vercel's server and pull every few hours

Monday 2021-08-23 10:43:00 by MGheewala

Best overseas job consultants in India

Best overseas job consultants in India[] The core aim of our agency has always been to ensure that clients worldwide are given human resources based on their needs and requirements. Having been a direct serving agency in the overseas job marker and carrying a wealth of experience in this field, M Gheewala Global, HR Consultants have been ranked as an outstanding performer. It will not be out of place to mention that we are considered as one of the best overseas job consultants in India.

Innovation has been the key strengths and has been ingrained as a management philosophy thus making every employee imbibe and inculcate the same. In fact the vision and mission of the organisation is completely shared by every employee which results in the impeccable deliveries it has been delivering for years now. Actually our longevity in the field of overseas recruitments, especially in the middle-east and the gulf sector, speaks volumes of our dedication and uncompromising commitment to ensure that the client gets exactly what he wants and the only way he wants. Simultaneously we also ensure that the candidates to get their dream jobs based on their skills sets and expertise.

Words like - excellence, integrity, relationship, commitment, guidance, expertise, are easily associated by the job seekers. The candidates know where they are heading and are at ease when they get a call from M Gheewala HR Consultants. For them we are easily one of the best overseas job consulting firms in India.

M Gheewala Overseas consultancy Mumbai M Gheewala HR Consultants has provided a platform for both employers and employees over four decades. Based out of Mumbai we have ensured that we have gone from strength to strength. Today as one of the most renowned, highly valued and respected recruiting agency and HR solutions provider, young prospective employees have our organisation on their lips when they have to recommend someone for a job abroad. And this reputation we have earned based on our physical practices and visible results. However it is not just in India but also among all the corporations in the Gulf and Middle-East who vote for us when it comes to delivering HR Solutions for them. It has been our experience that often we get direct enquiries from overseas organizations who faithfully put forward their requests based on their past experience. And we deliver in accordance with their wishes.

That the client is king is a policy we have adopted from inception. That we exist because of them is the truth. Hence we have delivered on all job fronts virtually. So whether it is : construction, operations & maintenance; oil& gas; engineering & project management; engineering procurement installation construction (EPC); power & utility; IT & telecommunications; Manufacturing; commerce & retail; hospitality; teaching & education administration AND healthcare, we are best equipped to handle complete recruitment for each of these.

We have a solid base of professionals who come with the right education as well as behavioural qualities. Then the skilled and semi-skilled employee base too is readily available while the search for more and more is happening all the time. Matching the comfort of the jobseeker and the job giver is our motto which is never compromised at any time. The idea is to create a long lasting alliance to the mutual benefit of both of them.

Our organisation has the right mix of experts and young turks which makes the team members highly well balances. So with speed, you get expertise and efficiency and results which are always timely. With multitasking as the forte, candidates are handled in a one-contact manner.

With user-friendly portal, that allows candidates to apply online, the waiting period is almost negligible. The members are also in constant touch with the Indian authorities in order to gain an insight into all the latest developments which are then appraised to the corporate and the candidates too.

M Gheewala HR Solutions is suitably located in the commercial heart and hub of India - Mumbai. While it also has its recruiting offices and associates in metros two and three tier cities. There are international tie-ups too which make us a widespread and reliable entity. Our state of the art server network keeps track of the database of all categories and levels staring from the top to the general workforce for a host of industries already mentioned above.

Our success story, that of becoming one of the best overseas job consultants in India is solely because our management is actively participative in the day to day proceedings and is solely focussed on delivering as per the client’s demands. Today we have come to a stage where the first name for overseas recruitments is taken as Gheewala.

Monday 2021-08-23 10:47:39 by MGheewala

gulf jobs

M Gheewala Recruitment Agency for Gulf Jobs The gulf and the middle-east jobs, sectors have been active ever since the 70s. The construction, engineering, and infrastructure were beginning to boom and take a big shape in the scheme of things for organizations and the economy there. But where then would you get the right people, manpower, staff, skilled, semi-skilled workers? Nearly 40 years when the demand for this kind of personnel was extremely high and shooting…who would fulfill their requirements? It was not going to be an easy task. Getting the brief from the clients and studying them thoroughly was important as the Indian manpower resources although came from good stock, yet there were fears of working in countries with different laws and cultures.

The fears were from sides. But M Gheewala HR Solutions came as one big troubleshooter and relief for meeting the requirements of both the interested parties – the employer on one side and the employee on the other. M Gheewala HR Solutions actually bridged the yawning gap and became a force to reckon with very soon. It was a huge blessing for all.

A detailed study by our young professionals even in those days made us a brand entity as "people who could arrange the best people for all kinds of job openings in the gulf." A reputation that precedes us to date. And this reputation has been further solidified and fortified over the years. Today with a serving period of over 40 years job seekers recollect M Gheewala HR Solutions with awe and fondness.

Monday 2021-08-23 11:18:03 by Deez

fixez :)

god will bring the day of reckoning upon us all when the day of rapture comes, those holy will be granted their homes back in heaven, as the world below will be left to rot in sin god will also leave a bunch of giant man eating feral crabs there cus hes a real homie :)

Monday 2021-08-23 11:27:08 by yilmaznaslan

create index

<title>Hank Quinlan, Horrible Cop</title>

Hi there, I'm Hank Quinlan!

I'm best known as the horrible cop from A Touch of Evil Don't trust me. Read more about my life...

Monday 2021-08-23 11:34:16 by Bruno Shiohei


This C program asks the user to enter a date. Then the software will check which day of the week that date refers to. This was my first project in the area, so sorry if it's bad, I did it with all love :D

Monday 2021-08-23 15:05:17 by Zee

Guest may accept Invitation (#327)

Co-authored-by: KellyAH Co-authored-by: CJ Joulain

  • Use rspec-rails built in matcher in place of stubs

Manually stubbing means we have to understand how Rails sends email and how it's job queue works; which kinda is fine, but we also have the rspec-rails package which abstracts that for us.

That said, there's not any documentation of how to do argument comparisons for the have_enqueued_mail matcher; which gave us a bit of a wild chase

We may want to update the documentation, which can be found here:

Co-authored-by: Kelly Hong

  • Setup Sidekiq for delivering email + background job

While we deliver emails in test, we don't in development. This gives us a background job queue!

Co-authored-by: Kelly Hong

  • Prevent flow from exploding when existing Neighbor accepts invite

We think what we want to do, is if an Invitation is sent to an email address we already have on file; we don't even show them the ability to accept the email address unless they are signed in.

This way someone can't just "accept" invitations for other people.

However, we didn't have time to rework the RSVP show flow and fix the bug where it explodes horribly, so we defered the improvements to the flow (for now)

Co-authored-by: Kelly Hong

Co-authored-by: KellyAH Co-authored-by: CJ Joulain

Monday 2021-08-23 15:06:27 by botanyzoey

Add files via upload

These figures were created as part of an interview process, where I was asked to do some analysis on an opportunity insights dataset of my choosing ( I decided to work with this dataset: The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014. I used female life expectancy compared to the Shannon Diversity Index, as measured from the available data, as a baseline and compared the trends seen within this figure to other metrics like male life expectancy and whiteness to get a more complete picture of what’s driving the trends.

Monday 2021-08-23 17:29:11 by Marko Grdinić

"3:20pm. The thunder has passed. Yeah, let me take it easy for a few days to set my mind in order.

It is true, 10 days ago I firmly decided that I need to get that AI chip and that I am not going to get anywhere with my current hardware.

But deep down inside, I was thinking that I could do some easy job and get back to my research. Rather than being a real goal, the current predicament was merely an annoyance I had to brush off somehow even though the signs were all there that it would not be that easy.

What I need is to make room in my heart for it. And in order to do that, I am going to have to eject some of the other goals for the sake of that. Right now I am spread too thin.

It is going to be harsh looking for a job. I am at the whim of fate too much for my liking here. I have an option I can play. If I were to give myself ample time to look for paid work, I could set things up.

Spiral has some advantages no other language has and that is a combination of performance and integration with Python. So this series of articles is a very good step in the direction of attacking it. I have a support Spiral header on the top of the docs. Once I do the first article, I should say I am looking for work and attach my resume there.

That would be a much better strategy that randomly firing a resume to different companies.

3:35pm. Yeah, it is worth considering how to do this properly. Integrating my skill development with paid work is what I need to master. It is not merely about maximizing earnings potential. Beyond 6k/month it does not really matter too much as after a couple of years, most of my income will be through trading anyway. If I got an offer to work on implementing ML algorithms in a research engineering position that would be best.

It is inevitable that such kinds of jobs would eventually take advantage of new AI hardware.

I should be angling for jobs that will give me access to that.

But to get that, I need to reach the right audience. I need to be known for being good at the kinds of things I've been doing. I should also seriously consider taking my stable transformer architecture and testing it on some SL task. Maybe if it beats the benchmark hard enough that will be enough to gain me some clout.

3:40pm. I am not sure about the Forward Networks opening, but Zenna's job opening was pretty good. If I do not hear from him again then so be it, but if I get a reject, I'll ask if he can refer me to some other research engineering jobs.

For the next month, I should be patient and go over my work from top to bottom, doing those articles on posting them on the RL sub.

3:45pm. Ordinarily, attention from other people would be useless, but now that I am job hunting it is quite valuable as it will net me the kind of paid work that I want.

3:50pm. Ok, let me do just a bit. I saw those Jupyter notebook files in the past, and in fact what I am using in VS Code right now is a Jupyter server. I just need to figure out how to write the files themselves. Is there a VS Code extension, or maybe I could download whatever is on the main site.

This I mean.

Jupyter (formerly IPython Notebook) is an open-source project that lets you easily combine Markdown text and executable Python source code on one canvas called a notebook.

I actually had no idea it was combining markdown text. That is literally what I want to do.

You can create a Jupyter Notebook by running the Jupyter: Create Blank New Jupyter Notebook command from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) or by creating a new .ipynb file in your workspace.

Under the hood, Jupyter Notebooks are JSON files.

4:05pm. All this is pretty cool. Let me give it a try. As I said, I need to take it easy. Sometimes good things happen from giving up on the old ways and trying out new things. I can tell right away that without a doubt these notebooks are a superior way of doing what I want than raw markdown.

I am thinking how I had to create that UI for inspecting the results of training the tabular player. Since these notebooks have interactivity, I might be able to get away with doing all that in them with far less effort.

That is actually huge as I spent so much effort on doing those UIs.

Yeah, I can still get better. I do have some holes in my workflow.


Focus me. It says that the particular editor in VS Code is deprecated and linked me to this.

4:20pm. Oh, it works without a problem. How do I upgrade to the new notebook?

The the inbuilt support for Jupyter notebooks is quite recent.

Ugh, is there a way to remove the depreciation notice at the top? How do I upgrate to the newest thing.

Does it want me to install the Insiders version?


Let me convert the tutorial that I've done so far to the Notebook.

5pm. Wow, I love these notebooks. This is so much better than raw markdown. It has a lot of potential. I'll have to figure how to display charts and data in them.


class Union(PU):
    def __init__(self,pus) -> None:
        assert 0 < len(pus), "The number of cases in `pus` should be greater than zero."
        self.pus = pus
        self.size = 0
        for ins,pu in pus: self.size += pu.size

    def pickle(self,x,i,ar):
        for ins,pu in self.pus:
            if isinstance(x,ins): pu.pickle(,i,ar); return
            i += pu.size
        raise Exception("The input does not match the schema.")

    def unpickle(self,i,ar):
        c = 0
        for ins,pu in self.pus:
            x,c2 = pu.unpickle(i,ar)
            if c2 == 1: r = ins(x)
            assert not (c == 1 and c2 == 1), "Only one case of the union should be active."
            i += pu.size
        return r

Let me do the chores here and then I will test this.

5:50pm. Where was I? Yes, let me test union combinator.

6:35pm. Done with lunch. Let me finish testing the thing out and I will call it a day.


class Card:
    def __init__(self,suit,rank) -> None: = suit,rank

This is killing me during deserialization.

Holy shit, how annoying.


class Union(PU):
    def __init__(self,pus) -> None:
        assert 0 < len(pus), "The number of cases in `pus` should be greater than zero."
        self.pus = pus
        self.size = 0
        for ins,pu in pus: self.size += pu.size

    def pickle(self,x,i,ar):
        for ins,pu in self.pus:
            if isinstance(x,ins):
            i += pu.size
        raise Exception("The input does not match the schema.")

    def unpickle(self,i,ar):
        r,c = None,0
        for ins,pu in self.pus:
            x,c2 = pu.unpickle(i,ar)
            assert not (c == 1 and c2 == 1), "Only one case of the union should be active."
            if c2 == 1: r = ins(x); c = 1
            i += pu.size
        return r,c
class UnionData:
    def __init__(self,data) -> None: = data
    def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: return ==

class Action(UnionData): pass
class Fold(UnionData): pass
class Call(UnionData): pass
class Raise(UnionData): pass
class Card(UnionData): pass

stack_size = 10
action = Union(((Fold,Unit()),(Call,Unit()),(Raise,Int(stack_size+1))))
suit = Int(1)
rank = Int(3)
card = Tuple(suit,rank)
observation = Union(((Action,action),(Card,card)))
observations = Array(observation,5)

args = observations,[Card((0,0)),Card((0,1)),Action(Call(())),Action(Call(())),Action(Raise(2))]

Finally got this to work. It was really annoying to get right. The Union class was not difficult to write, I had more difficulty trying to figure out how to define the cases.

7:20pm. Damn I am tired. I'll write the commentary tomorrow. After that I'll clean up the Spiral version and benchmark the two against each other.

I'll also want the wrap combinator.

Let me close here. These Jupyter notebooks will be good tutorial vehicles."

Monday 2021-08-23 18:02:07 by bebrahimi


Hi, I am Bashir Ebrahimi from Iran. I came up with an idea for blockchain and smart contracts, this idea can be very effective and can be easily implemented for many jobs in the world and anywhere in the world. I have studied and experienced blockchains and cryptocurrencies for years to come up with this idea, now this idea is my dream and can even increase the value of your company. In return for implementing this important idea and project, I want to partner with each other and enjoy the benefits of a partnership with a lifetime contract, because implementing this project will always be profitable and efficient. And that for each stadium or team in which the advertisement is done, a token or a special Cryptocurrency is produced and paid to the companies that provide the advertisement by proving the shares, and thus the income, quality and number of advertisements. Increases and also the desired currency becomes valuable. With the implementation of this project, billboards will no longer be limited to one ad, and each billboard can be assigned to one ad from one company, thus giving more ads to the places where the ads are displayed, as well as increasing their income and thus fame. And the speed of introducing companies increases and their income also increases. This idea is very valuable and can save even sports clubs from bankruptcy in this situation of coronavirus and other cases and increase their income and even boost many businesses and companies and other businesses. I wanted to name this idea smart advertising, because smart advertising not only on digital billboards in stadiums and other places, but everywhere and everywhere in the world, including social networks. And media will also be playable and executable. Smart advertising can be both revenue-generating. These ideas or advertisements can be in the form of a token or a special currency to be traded with.

By implementing this idea, it is possible to expand advertisements everywhere and everywhere, except for digital billboards on sites and everywhere, automatically and online, and this will help to generate more revenue and introduce advertisers, as well as to all displays. Advertisers also generate high revenue, which means increasing the value of blockchain and the value of businesses and their revenue and unlimited economies around the world. And that for each stadium or team in which the advertisement is done, a token or a special Cryptocurrency is produced and paid to the companies that provide the advertisement by proving the shares, and thus the income, quality and number of advertisements. Increases and also the desired currency becomes valuable. With the implementation of this project, billboards will no longer be limited to one ad, and each billboard can be assigned to one ad from one company, thus giving more ads to the places where the ads are displayed, as well as increasing their income and thus fame. And the speed of introducing companies increases and their income also increases.

Monday 2021-08-23 19:28:33 by Billy Einkamerer

Created Text For URL []

Monday 2021-08-23 23:40:13 by patimus-prime

lots of bugs fixed, ready to import all

fuck \graphicspath concha tu madre hijo de puta no funciona pieza de mierda god damn it chupa mis huevos AHHHHH have a work around, anyway. puta madre

Monday 2021-08-23 23:57:33 by NinaTaylor805

Software Engineer, Front End

AXS.COM Los Angeles, CA

AXS is a company whose core values reflect a culture that celebrates individual differences, collective achievements, and respect of one another. We start small and are never afraid to try (Be The Spark). We believe open, honest, and proactive communication builds trust and empowers us to be our best (Make it Personal). We handle our problems constructively and together (Be Real). We go above and beyond to build something truly special and lasting (Bring Your ‘A’ Game). Most importantly, we celebrate and communicate our success by recognizing each other across all teams and levels of our organization (Pat The Back).Our culture is a representation of who we are now, and whom we aspire to be in the future. If you are looking for a fast-paced environment where collaboration, accountability and visibility enable you to make a difference every day, then AXS may be a perfect match.We’re currently seeking a talented and motivated Software Engineer to join our Front End Engineering team. The ideal candidate enjoys and thrives in working with a variety of tools, languages, systems and architectures while building features and User Interfaces for our E-commerce and B2B products.

What you’ll be doing… Design, architect and build new features and enhancements for our frontend systems and tools. Work with our Design/UEX team to make a seamless and integrated experience for our customers and fans Optimize throughput and dynamically scale our distributed systems to handle traffic and requests in varying from the tens to hundreds of thousands Work closely with other engineers, architects, business analysts, and product managers to create innovative solutions that continue to push the boundaries of our business. Participate in design and code reviews to ensure best practices and high quality code. Develop consistent, well-tested code on Open Source Programming Languages and Frameworks. Takes initiative: stays focused: always accountable. Thrives in a fast paced environment with the ability to focus on achieving the target while minding longer term goals along the way

Skills and experience we’re seeking… 2+ years of software development experience Experience with UI Technologies like ReactJS, AngularJS, Javascript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS Deep understanding of the software and development life cycle Experience building and deploying re-usable JS modules, and Micro Front Ends Experience building mobile and responsive UI Excellent communication skills Ability to execute process and standards around code quality and the deployment lifecycle BS in Computer Science or a related experience And you’ll really get our attention if you have… Experience with C# and .NET, with a good knowledge of their ecosystems. Experience in working with relational databases including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySql, or PostgreSQL Development experience defining, developing, and maintaining REST based interfaces. Experience leading and mentoring more junior technical resources. Proven record of learning new languages, skills, and technologies quickly, with minimal guidance. Experience with TDD and/or BDD. Experience in the ticketing industry or with inventory management systems

< 2021-08-23 >