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Stochastic GOEA Simulations

Stochastic simulations of multitudes of Gene Ontology Enrichment Analyses (GOEAs) are used to generate simulated values of FDR, sensitivity, and specificity for GOEAs run using GOATOOLS.

Two categories of simulations are contained herein:

  1. Preparatory: Hypotheses and multiple-test simulations; elements include:
    • Benjamini/Hochberg FDR simulation only
  2. Consequent: Gene Ontology Enrichment Results (GOEA) simulations; elements include
    • Fisher's exact test
    • Benjamini/Hochberg calculations
    • Gene ontology associations

All simulations shown use Benjamini/Hochberg multiple test correction with alpha=0.05.

Simulation results

Table of Contents


Stochastic simulations of multitudes of Gene Ontology Enrichment Analyses (GOEAs) are run on sets of randomly generated gene lists which are various sizes and contain various percentages of genes enriched with Humoral response.

The results are analyzed to determine the percentages the Humoral response genes in the study which are correctly discovered by the thousands of gene ontology analyses.


Using GOATOOLS grouping, we find over 2,000 genes having immune functions. A subset of the immune genes is the 124 Humoral Response genes, which are used as a background from which to draw upon for the study groups in the simulations. Study group sizes in the simulations include 4 genes, 16, 64, and all 124 Humoral Response genes.

The null hypotheses is that the study genes are no different that the population genes. The population genes in the simulations are the set of all protein-coding mouse genes which have gene ontology associations, which is over 18,600 genes out a total of over 22,000 Ensembl genes.

The study groups are composed of various percentages of both true and false null hypotheses. True null hypotheses in the study group are selected at random from a large general group of population genes. False null hypotheses in the study group are selected at random from the small group of 124 humoral response genes.


A randomly generated gene list used in a single GOEA simulation can contain both true null genes and false null genes.

True null genes are those that are randomly selected from the more than 18,000 genes in the population which are not involved with humoral response. True null genes are intended to be genes which have little to no difference between the study set and the population.

False null genes in these simulations are those that are randomly selected from the 124 genes associated with humoral response. False null genes are intended to be genes which are enriched in a specific function which in this simulation is humoral response.

GOATOOLS runs the GOEA and returns significant GO terms along with the study genes associated with the significant GO term.

In the table below:

  • The rows contain the input values of study genes and each gene's corresponding null value (True or False).
  • The columns contain the output results of the GOEA simuation which are the study genes and the reject value (True or False).
Fail to reject Null Reject Null
True Null Genes True Negative False Positive (Type I Error)
False Null Gene False Negative (Type II Error) True Positive

Combining the input and output information, the counts of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives are obtained according to the table above. Many simulations are run, resulting in a probability of true positives, true negative, false positives, and false negatives. Many more simulations are completed, resulting in a multitiude of probabilities having a distribuition which may be plotted and analyzed.

Results and Discussion

The figures show values of simulated FDRs, sensitivity, and specificity over thousands of simulations.

Sensitivity, also known as "true positive rate", recall, "probability of detection", is the proportion of false hypotheses (humoral respose genes in our study sets) which are correctly detected as being significant.

Specificity, is the proportion of of true hypotheses (general population genes in the study) which failed to reject the null (not declared as being significantly different that the population).

Figure 1) GOEA Simulations with downloaded Associations


The percentage of humoral genes in the study (false nulls) that were discovered by gene ontology analyses was high for all study gene group sizes of 64 genes or more (orange and magenta bars in panels B2, B3, B4, and B5). For studies containing 16 genes, discovery was high with over 96% of all humoral genes in the study discovered when the study groups contained 75% or 100% humoral genes (Green bars, panels B4 and B5) . This value dipped to 69% humoral genes discovered when the 16 gene group contained 8 humoral genes (green bar, panel B3) and was only 12% discovery if there were 4 humoral genes in the study (green bar, panel B2).

When the study size was 4 genes, 0%-39% of all humoral response genes in the studies were discovered over thousands of simulations as the percent of true null contents of the groups varied from 75% true null (25% of the study genes are humoral resonse genes) to 0% true null (all of the study genes are humoral response genes) shown in the figure above as blue bars in panels B2-B4.

The simulated FDR values, which are supposed to be guaranteed to be under the alpha value of 0.05 used in the simulations, was nearly 0.00 for the case where all genes are from the population or all genes are from the set of genes enriched in humoral response (A1 and A5). But the FDR rises above the alpha of 0.05 in the cases where there is a mix of true null (genes from the population) and false null (genes enriched in humoral response), especially for the study groups containing 64 or more genes (panels A2-A4).

The FDRs in this simulation are artificially high because we are finding genes enriched in categories other than humoral response. We next randomize genes with true null associations to remove the simulation artifact seen above.

Figure 2) GOEA Simulations with Associations randomized for true null genes

To simulate true FDRs, the original associations are randomized for all associations except for the Non-True Nulls (the humoral genes that are significantly different that the population of all mouse genes) from a randomly chosen study set of genes.

The results of the randomized association simulation were all simulated FDR values stayed under the alpha of 0.05. Also, the sensitivity was that 99% or more of the humoral genes in the study were discovered for all simulations except for two cases. The first case found only 2% of all humoral genes over all simulations when using a 4-gene study group where only 1 gene was a humoral response gene (Blue bar in B2). The second case showed a sensitivity of 86% when the 4 gene-study group had 2 genes that were enriched in humoral response genes (Blue bar in B3).

Figure 3) Benjamini/Hochberg-Only Simulated FDR values

FDR results It is interesting to note that the simulated FDR values in GOEA simulations vary by study size in a single panel in Figure 2. For example in Fig 2 panel A2, the mean simulated FDR is 0.004, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.04 for study group sizes of 4 genes, 16, 64 and 124. This is interesting because in the Benjimini/Hochberg-only simulations that contain no gene ontology or Fisher exact tests, the FDR stays the same for one set of simulations which all have the same “% Null” contents across different group sizes of tested hypotheses. In the Benjamini/Hochberg-only simulations the mean simulated FDR across the entire 75% null panel was 0.038 (Panels A2, B2, and B3)

Figure 4) Benjamini/Hochberg-Only Simulated Sensitivity values

Sensitivity results The sensitivity in Benjamini/Hochberg-only simulations is 100% when the study group hypotheses test results (P-values) are 0.01 or below when the alpha is set to 0.05 (panels A2-A4).

As the hypotheses test results for false nulls are randomly generated at values closer to 0.05, the sensitivity drops (B2-B4 and C2-C4)


Gene ontology enrichment analyses can discover large proportions of enriched study genes, especially when the study groups contain more genes or when the study groups contain a higher percentage of enriched genes. The simulated FDR can be as high as alpha, but becomes smaller as the proportion of false nulls (general population unenriched genes) drops.



  • numpy
  • statsmodels
  • datetime
  • seaborn
  • pandas
  • goatools
  • goatools_suppl


Copyright (C) 2016-present, DV Klopfenstein, Haibao Tang. All rights reserved.