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Observer Design Pattern

Observer is a behavioral design pattern that is aimed to simplify communication between objects by providing means for notification handling and incapsulating logic around communication, without the need know how exactly those notifications are processed and sent to the observers.The pattern decreases coupling between objects that listen for events and an object that raises them. Observer pattern decouples their relationship by separating objects into two layers called Observer and Subject.

Observer is represented as a protocol that defines common interface for communication. Subject is an object that emits events and sends them to multiple Observers. That forms one-to-many relationship, where one Subject sends notifications to many Observers. As a notification we may use a common protocol and in some implementations concrete classes, structs or enum types.

The pattern has some similarities with Multicast Delegate and Event Listener, however Observer is a different pattern and has its own applications.


In order to implement the pattern, we start off from defining the Observer protocol. The protocol will be used for each type that requires to receive notifications from an emitter:

protocol Observer: class {
    func notify(with notification: Notification)

The protocol defines a single method called notify(with notification:). This method will be called by the Subject (a.k.a. emitter). The parameter of type Notification is represented as a protocol:

protocol Notification: class {
    var data: Any? { get }

Notification protocol defines the base interface for all kinds of notifications that are sent by the Subject to all the observers. The protocol contains a single property that represents any data. We will implement the concrete notification type for type-safety a bit later and take a look at a real usege example.


The next step is to implement the Subject layer. It's going to be a class with a number of methods such as:

  • Add an Observer - adds a new Observer to the list of observers for a particular Subject
  • Remove an Observer - immediately removes an Observer from a Subject
  • Send Notification - sends a Notification to all the Observers
  • Dispose an Observer - waits until the next notification will be sent to remove an Observer

Our implementation is minimal and pretty intuitive. You may extend the functionality, for example, to add support for willSend(notification:) and didSend(notification:) for more complicated notification handling.

Weak Observer

In order to be able to manage a collection of observers, we need to store them. By directly holding the references of objects we may create retain-cycle, which leads to memory leaks. That is why we create a wrapper type called WeakObserver that weakly holds a reference to an observer:

private final class WeakObserver {
	// MARK: - Properties
	weak var value: Observer?
	// MARK: - Initializers
	nit(_ value: Observer) {
		self.value = value

The class declared as private final since it's defined inside the Subject class. We don't need to expose the way we manage the internals of our Subject by marking WeakObserver as internal or public, since the whole point of making an intermediate abstraction layer will be lost in this case. In a minute you will see how this class is used to manage a collection of observers.

Subject Class

The implementation of Subject class has many similarities with Multicast Delegate class: the we store a collection of observers is hidden, as well a we hide all the notification sending code and recycling of observers. We will break down the implementation step by step, starting from the class declaration and its properties:

class Subject {

    // MARK: - Properties
    private var observers = [WeakObserver]()
    private var queue = DispatchQueue(label: "concurrentQueue", attributes: .concurrent)


We have declared two properties: one to keep track of all the attached observers, and the other one for making safe concurrent access to the non thread-safe collection.

Next, we implement the API:

	// MARK: - Methods
    func add(observer: Observer) {
        // .barrier flag ensures that within the queue all reading is done before the below writing is performed and pending readings start after below writing is performed
        queue.sync(flags: .barrier) {
    /// Removes an Observer. The difference between dispose(observer:) and this method is that this method immediately removes an observer.
    /// - Parameter observer: is an Observer to be removed immediately
    func remove(observer: Observer) {
        queue.sync(flags: .barrier) {
            guard let index = self[observer] else {
            self.observers.remove(at: index)
    /// Sends notification to all the Observers. The method is executed synchronously.
    /// - Parameter notification: is a type that conforms to Notification protocol
    func send(notification: Notification) {
        queue.sync {
            for observer in observers {
                observer.value?.notify(with: notification)
    /// Disposes an observer. The difference between remove(observer:) and this method is that this method delays observer removal until the recycle method will be called (the next time when a new Notification is sent)
    /// - Parameter observer: is an Observer to be disposed
    func dispose(observer: Observer) {
        queue.sync(flags: .barrier) {
            if let index = self[observer] {
                observers[index].value = nil

There is a bit of code to digest. First of all we create a method that grants thread-safe addition of a new Observer by making it syncronious. We use barrier lock in a form of a flag parameter to the sync(flags: .barrier) method. The lock is used to restrict the readings over writings, making sure that we won't be able to attempt to delete an Observer that has already been removed. The same rule is applied to an addition of a new observer.

The next method is remove(observer:) - which gets an observer instance, finds and immediately removes it from the collection. You may be wondering, what this line in remove method means: self[observer]. It's a custom subscript and we take a closer took in Swiftification section.

Then we implemented send(notification:) method that synchronously calls notify(with:) method for each observer in the collection of observers. However before calling sending the notifications, it calls recycle method, that has the following implementation:

	// MARK: - Private
    private func recycle() {
        for (index, element) in observers.enumerated().reversed() where element.value == nil {
            observers.remove(at: index)

This method simply iterates over the observers and removes those that were dereferenced.

Getting back to the non-private methods, we have the last one called dispose(observer:). This method sets the specified Observer to nil and makes it eligible for dereferensing in the next send(notification:) method call.


This section is optional and you may skip it. Do you still reading? - Great! 😉

In order to make the code more swifty we can implement several custom subscripts and operators which make the code slightly less verbous and "more visual" (in terms of using symbols rather than explicit method names).

Earlier we saw the following line of code in remove(observer:) method - self[observer]. It's a custom subscript that is used as an accessor to a particular Observer.

// MARK: - Subscripts
/// Convenience subscript for accessing observers by index, returns nil if there is no object found
public subscript(index: Int) -> Observer? {
	get {
		guard index > -1, index < observers.count else {
			return nil
		return observers[index].value
/// Searches for the observer and returns its index
public subscript(observer: Observer) -> Int? {
	get {
		guard let index = observers.index(where:{ $0.value === observer }) else {
			return nil
		return index

The first subscript returns an Observer for the specified index or nil, if the index is invalid. This subscript makes access to observers safer and hides the actual collection type that is used to store them. That is a big advantage because we will be able to change the array (that is used to store observers) to any other data structure that we will be needed, without the need to refactor all the code that uses our Subject class.

The next subscript is used to search an Observer in the collection of observers, by providing the reference that we are interested in. As a result the subscript will return the index of an Observer.

The next step is to implement custom operators.

// Removal of Observer
infix operator --=

// Disposal of Observer
infix operator -=

extension Subject {
    static func +=(lhs: Subject, rhs: Observer) {
        lhs.add(observer: rhs)
    static func +=(lhs: Subject, rhs: [Observer]) {
        rhs.forEach { lhs.add(observer: $0) }
    static func --=(lhs: Subject, rhs: Observer) {
        lhs.remove(observer: rhs)
    static func --=(lhs: Subject, rhs: [Observer]) {
        rhs.forEach { lhs.remove(observer: $0) }
    static func -=(lhs: Subject, rhs: Observer) {
        lhs.dispose(observer: rhs)
    static func -=(lhs: Subject, rhs: [Observer]) {
        rhs.forEach { lhs.dispose(observer: $0) }
    static func ~>(lhs: Subject, rhs: Notification) {
        lhs.send(notification: rhs)
    static func ~>(lhs: Subject, rhs: [Notification]) {
        rhs.forEach { lhs.send(notification: $0) }

Basically we have defined the following operators for the APIs of Subject class:

  • += adds an Observer to the Subject
  • += alternative method - adds an array of Observer to the Subject
  • --= removes an Observer from the Subject
  • --=alternative operator - removes an array of Observer from the Subject
  • -= disposes an Observer from the Subject
  • -= alternative operator - disposes an array of Observer from the Subject
  • ~> sends the specified Notification
  • ~> alternative operator - sends the specified array of Notification

There are quite a few operators, which may seem a bit heavy to understand immediately. However, there is nothing complicated, these are just syntactic sugar blocks that make the code easier to write and read. We will see that in the next section.


It's time to use the pattern and observer for events! First, let's create several classes that will conform to Observer protocol:

class ObserverOne: Observer {
    func notify(with notification: Notification) {
        print("Observer One: " , notification)

class ObserverTwo: Observer {
    func notify(with notification: Notification) {
        print("Observer Two: " , notification)

class ObserverThree: Observer {
    func notify(with notification: Notification) {
        print("Observer Three: " , notification)

These are just dummy classes for the demonstrtion purposes. They don't have any code rather than the conformance to the Observer protocol and print statements.

The next step is we create a custom EmailNotification class that conforms to the Notification protocol:

final class EmailNotification: Notification {
    // MARK: - Conformance to Notification protocol
    var data: Any?
    // MARK: - Initializers
    init(message: String) {
        data = message

We will use this concrete notification to send emails to our obserers that we have declared earlier.

let observerOne = ObserverOne()
var observerTwo: ObserverTwo? = ObserverTwo()
let observerThree = ObserverThree()

let subject = Subject()
subject += [observerOne, observerTwo!, observerThree]

Here we have created the observers and the Subject instance. Then we added the observers to the subject, so we will be able to send then emails:

subject ~> EmailNotification(message: "Hello Observers, this messag was sent from the Subject!")

Then we sent email notification to all the observers and got the following printed in the console:

Observer One:  data: Optional("Hello Observers, this messag was sent from the Subject!")
Observer Two:  data: Optional("Hello Observers, this messag was sent from the Subject!")
Observer Three:  data: Optional("Hello Observers, this messag was sent from the Subject!")

Next we removed one of the observers and again send the notification:

subject --= observerThree
subject ~> [notificationOne, notificationTwo, notificationThree]

After removing the third observer we sent several notification to the remaining observers and got the following output:

Observer One:  data: Optional("Message #1")
Observer One:  data: Optional("Message #2")
Observer One:  data: Optional("Message #3")
Observer Two:  data: Optional("Message #1")
Observer Two:  data: Optional("Message #2")
Observer Two:  data: Optional("Message #3")

In this example we used Subject as a standalone class, which may not always be the best case. Sometimes a Subject or several subjects should be included as a part of another class that emitts some notifications. Then the observers need to be added through the pattern known as Dependency Injection. That gives many advantagies such as:

  • Isolated code that handles all the things related to observer's management and notification handling. Which allows us to reuse the same Subject in multiple places, extend and refactor it without breaking dependent any code.
  • The code-base stays minimal in places that need to post notifications, since it's handled by a separate class.
  • Overall we achieve more loosely couples relationsships between the layer that needs to be notified and the layer that emits the notifications.


Observer is a widely used design pattern that changes the behaviour of a type that emits data in a form of notifications, and the dependent types that listen for those notifications. Instead of holding references of the listeners, observer pattern decomposes such relationship into two distinct layers called Observer and Subject layers. That makes must easier to manage the notifications' handling, extending the capabilities of observer layer and makes our code easier to reuse and test.