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What Is The CoAP Protocol?

The CoAP Protocol, short for Constrained Application Protocol, is a specialized internet application protocol for constrained devices. It was designed to allow small, low-power devices to join the Internet of Things (IoT). The protocol allows these devices to communicate with the wider Internet using minimal resources.

The CoAP protocol has a small base specification that can be extended with additional functionality when needed. It operates over UDP and provides a request/response interaction model between application endpoints, enabling interoperability among different types of devices.

CoAP is also highly reliable, with mechanisms in place to ensure message delivery, even in cases of limited network connectivity or device power. This makes it suitable for IoT devices, which often operate in challenging network environments.

Key Features of CoAP

RESTful Architecture

CoAP uses a RESTful (Representational State Transfer) architecture. It follows a set of constraints that allow it to operate efficiently over a large, distributed network. In a RESTful system, data and functionality are considered resources, and these resources are accessed using a standard, uniform interface.

In the case of CoAP, this RESTful architecture allows it to provide a high level of interoperability among different types of devices. It also makes it easy for developers to build applications that use the protocol, as they can use standard HTTP methods (such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) to interact with resources.

Built-In Discovery

The CoAP protocol’s built-in discovery mechanism allows devices to discover resources on other devices without requiring any prior knowledge of their existence. This is especially useful in IoT networks, where devices may be constantly joining and leaving the network.

The built-in discovery feature in CoAP is achieved through the use of a well-known 'core' resource that provides a list of available resources on a device. This resource can be queried by other devices on the network, allowing them to discover what resources are available and how to interact with them.

Asynchronous Message Exchanges

CoAP supports asynchronous message exchanges, which is crucial for IoT networks where devices may not always be connected or available. With asynchronous message exchanges, a device can send a request to another device and then continue with other tasks without waiting for a response. The response can be processed once it arrives, even if delayed.

This feature uses a message identifier in each CoAP message, which allows a device to match responses with requests. This, in conjunction with the ability to retransmit lost messages, ensures a high level of reliability in message exchanges.

Optional Reliability with Confirmable Messages

CoAP offers optional reliability through the use of confirmable messages. When a device sends a confirmable message, it expects an acknowledgement from the recipient. If no acknowledgement is received within a certain time, the message is retransmitted.

This feature allows CoAP to provide reliable communication in environments where network connectivity is unreliable. Devices can ensure that critical messages are received and processed.

Use Cases of CoAP

Smart Home Automation

CoAP is increasingly being used in smart home automation systems due to its low overhead and high reliability. In these systems, various devices such as lights, thermostats, and security cameras can all communicate using the CoAP protocol. This allows for a high level of interoperability and makes it easy to add new devices to the network.

Industrial IoT

In industrial IoT applications, reliability and efficiency are crucial. Devices such as sensors and actuators can communicate using CoAP, allowing for real-time monitoring and control of industrial processes. The protocol's support for multicast communication is particularly useful in these scenarios, as it allows a single device to communicate with multiple others simultaneously.

Wearables and Healthcare

CoAP is becoming increasingly popular in wearable devices and healthcare applications. These applications often involve small, battery-powered devices that need to communicate with each other or with a central server. CoAP's low overhead and power requirements make it useful for these types of applications.

Energy Management

CoAP is used in energy management systems, where it allows for real-time monitoring and control of energy usage. Devices such as smart meters and energy management controllers can use the protocol to communicate with each other and with a central server, providing a high level of control over energy usage.

Pros of CoAP Protocol

Here are some of the main advantages of CoAP for IoT devices.


The protocol has been designed for constrained environments, such as low-power sensors, switches, valves, and other IoT devices that need to be controlled or supervised remotely. These constrained environments often have minimal processing power and memory, so they can benefit from the CoAP protocol's lightweight nature.

The CoAP protocol uses a simple binary header, which reduces the amount of data transmitted over the network. The header includes important information about the message, such as the type of message, the message ID, and the message code. This simplicity and compactness make the protocol efficient and better suited for resource-constrained devices and networks.

The protocol’s communication model is also lightweight. It uses a request-response model similar to HTTP, enabling straightforward communication between devices.


The CoAP protocol operates over UDP (User Datagram Protocol). UDP is a simple transmission protocol that does not require the establishment of a connection before data is sent. This contrasts with TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), which requires a connection to be established before data can be transmitted.

UDP is useful for IoT devices, which often need to send small amounts of data quickly and efficiently. With UDP, the devices can send data as soon as it is ready, without waiting for a connection to be established.

Efficient Encoding

CoAP uses a binary encoding scheme, which is more efficient than the text-based encoding used by HTTP. Binary encoding reduces the size of the messages, which saves bandwidth and increases the speed of communication.

The CoAP protocol also supports the use of compressed URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), which further reduces the size of the messages. This is particularly useful in constrained environments, where bandwidth is often limited.

It also supports the use of separate responses, allowing a device to acknowledge a request before it has processed it. This improves the efficiency of the communication and allows devices to manage their resources more effectively.

Stateless Communication

In stateless communication, each request from a client to a server is processed independently, without any knowledge of the previous requests. This makes the protocol more robust and resilient, as it is not affected by the failure of individual requests.

Stateless communication also simplifies the implementation of the protocol, as it does not require the server to maintain a state for each client. This reduces the resource requirements of the server. Stateless communication also allows CoAP to support asynchronous communication, which enhances the protocol's flexibility and suitability for a variety of IoT applications.

Cons of CoAP Protocol

The CoAP protocol also has several drawbacks in IoT environments:

Less Mature than Alternatives

The CoAP protocol is less mature than some of its alternatives, such as HTTP and MQTT. This means that there are fewer resources available for developers, such as libraries and tools, which can make the development process more challenging.

The CoAP protocol is also less widely adopted than its alternatives, which can result in compatibility issues. For example, not all IoT devices support the CoAP protocol, which can limit its usefulness in certain situations. However, CoAP is gaining popularity, and it is expected that these issues will be resolved as the protocol matures.

NAT Traversal

Another disadvantage is the protocol’s difficulty with NAT (Network Address Translation) traversal. NAT is a technique used by routers to share a single IP address among multiple devices. While this technique is widely used, it can cause problems for CoAP.

Because it uses UDP, which does not establish a connection before sending data, CoAP can have issues with NAT traversal, as the router may not know where to send the response. To overcome this issue, the CoAP protocol needs to use techniques such as UDP hole punching, which can be complex and resource-intensive.


The CoAP protocol is also prone to fragmentation, which occurs when a message is too large to fit into a single packet and needs to be divided into smaller fragments. This can increase the complexity of the protocol and decrease its efficiency.

Fragmentation can also result in issues with reliability, as the loss of a single fragment can result in the loss of the entire message. This can be particularly problematic in unreliable networks, where packet loss is common.


The CoAP protocol is lightweight, UDP-based, and efficient, making it suitable for constrained environments. It also supports stateless communication, which enhances its robustness and resilience. However, it is less mature than MQTT, has issues with NAT traversal, and is prone to fragmentation.

MQTT is a more mature protocol, with a large number of resources available for developers. It is also TCP-based, which makes it more reliable than CoAP in some scenarios. However, MQTT is more resource-intensive than CoAP, and does not support stateless communication.

CoAP and MQTT can work together. When a constrained CoAP network needs to communicate with external networks, it can use an MQTT broker to manage the communications.

The following table summarizes the detailed comparison of the two protocols:

Feature MQTT CoAP
Purpose Messaging and communication in IoT Designed for resource-constrained devices in IoT
Transport Protocol TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
Communication Style Publish/Subscribe model Request/Response model
Header Size 2 bytes fixed header 4 bytes fixed header
Payload Format Supports binary and text payloads Supports binary and text payloads
QoS (Quality of Service) Levels 0, 1, and 2 for message delivery Reliability through "confirmable" and "non-confirmable" messages
Message Types Publish, Subscribe, Connect, Disconnect, etc. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
Resource Discovery Not inherent, requires additional mechanisms Built-in resource discovery through CoRE Link Format
Security Supports SSL/TLS for encryption and authentication Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) for secure communication
Connection Overhead Maintains persistent connections Lightweight connection setup
Scalability Well-suited for large-scale deployments Designed for constrained devices and networks
Header Compression No built-in header compression Uses CoAP-specific header compression
Message Compression Supports message payload compression Supports message payload compression
Use Cases Wide range of IoT applications Constrained devices with limited resources

Enabling External Communication for CoAP Networks with EMQX

CoAP supports communication between low-consumption, low-power devices on constrained networks. While CoAP works well in restricted networks, it falls short when devices need to communicate with external networks. In addition, CoAP lacks support for resource processing centers because it was designed with the M2M network model in mind (the CoAP-based LwM2M protocol introduces concepts such as resource registration and resource services).

This problem can be solved using EMQX, the leading open source MQTT message broker. For CoAP devices that need to communicate with external networks, using EMQX as a broker makes it easy to:

  • Authenticate devices and reject data from untrustworthy devices.
  • Manage resource permissions, including specifying different resource read/write permissions for different devices.
  • Establish a data transfer hub between CoAP devices on different networks.
  • Integrate with other applications, such as CoAP management applications, data analysis applications, and data access between CoAP devices and networks.

EMQX supports Two different CoAP access methods, covering most CoAP business scenarios. They provide simple access methods and good support without any changes to the CoAP protocol itself. The cost of accessing EMQX is minimal for existing CoAP devices and applications.

Learn more about using EMQX for CoAP Networks

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