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PHP 5 (php5)



Installs and configures PHP 5 and selected extensions

Part of the BAS Ansible Role Collection (BARC)


  • Installs the latest stable version of PHP 5 from non-system, or optionally, from system only sources
  • Harmonises defaults for SAPIs, and some optional extensions, between CentOS and Ubuntu Operating Systems
  • Configures the PHP configuration file for the CLI SAPI using recommended settings to improve security
  • Optionally, installs, enables and configures the Zend OpCache extension, this is enabled by default
  • Optionally, installs and enables the cURL PHP extension, this is enabled by default
  • Optionally, installs and enables the GMP PHP extension, this is enabled by default
  • Optionally, installs and enables the XSL PHP extension, this is enabled by default
  • Optionally, installs and enables the Multibyte (MBString) PHP extension, this is enabled by default
  • Optionally, installs and enables the PDO PHP extension, this is enabled by default
  • Optionally, installs, enables and configures the XDebug debugger extension, this is disabled by default
  • Optionally, installs the latest stable version of Composer, the PHP package manager, this is enabled by default

Quality Assurance

This role uses manual and automated testing to ensure the features offered by this role work as advertised. See tests/ for more information.


  • None


  • None


  • The PHP version varies depending on which operating system is used and if non-system package sources are permitted

As the package policy varies between system and non-system package sources, and between operating systems, the version of PHP installed is variable between supported operating systems.

For Ubuntu machines, a non-system PPA is installed resulting in more recent versions of PHP 5 to be installed. On CentOS machines, a non-system repository is installed resulting in more recent versions of PHP 5 to be installed.

It is a convention of BARC roles to use the latest version of packages. Where a suitable non-system package source is available it will be used. Otherwise system packages will be used. Suitable non-system packages require a reputable, maintainer, typically a company or well respected individual. Where non-system packages are used, the variable BARC_use_non_system_package_sources can be set to false to always use system packages if this is needed.

This limitation is NOT considered to be significant. Solutions will NOT be actively pursued. Pull requests addressing this limitation will be considered.

See BARC- for further details.

  • On Ubuntu where only system packages are permitted, the 'php5-cli' package is selected, rather than the 'php5' package

The php5 meta package has dependencies which will, by default, install the Apache web-server. Though this is likely convenient for some, as a generic role, this is completely unsuitable. Other roles can be used to integrate PHP with a web-server if that is desired.

See this source for further details.

This limitation is considered to be significant. A workaround is in place to mitigate this limitation, pending a permanent resolution by Ubuntu. Pull requests addressing this limitation will be considered.

See BARC- for further details.

  • On CentOS, the PHP configuration file is the same for all SAPIs

CentOS uses a single configuration file, /etc/php.ini, for all SAPIs, there is no CLI SAPI specific configuration, unlike on Ubuntu.

CentOS does support loading configuration files from a directory of configuration files, specifically, /etc/php.d/*.ini, but these configuration files are included by the main configuration file, and so used by all SAPIs.

This limitation is considered to be significant. Solutions will be actively pursued. Pull requests to address this will be gratefully considered and given priority.

See BARC- for further details.

  • Extensions which have been enabled, and later disabled, are not actively disabled on machines this role is applied to

This behaviour relates to how disabled applies to extensions managed by this role.

  • Where an extension is enabled it will be installed, if necessary, and enabled on machines this role is applied to
  • Where an extension is disabled it will not installed on machines this role is applied to

This means:

  • If an extension would not normally be enabled, and is disabled in this role it will remain disabled
  • If an extension would normally be enabled, and is disabled in this role it will remain enabled
  • Additionally, if an extension would not normally be enabled, is enabled in this role, applied, then disabled and applied, it will remain enabled

This is considered acceptable a machines are assumed to be easily replaceable, and so in situations where a previously enabled extension should now be disabled, it is assumed it is acceptable to rebuilt the relevant machines where the extension will start disabled.

It is recognised some extensions are initially enabled (by the relevant PHP package, not this role) and that these extensions cannot therefore be disabled. However disabling these extensions is by definition not typical and therefore acceptable to require users to override with their own tasks. If this is needed, this role will not interfere, unless the relevant extension is enabled in this role. This currently only applies to the Zend OpCache extension.

This limitation is NOT considered to be significant. Solutions will be NOT actively pursued as it is intentional. Pull requests to address this will NOT be considered.

See BARC- for further details.

  • Not all extensions installed by default are available on all supported Operating Systems or PHP versions

Specifically a number of optional, lesser used, PHP extensions are installed by default in some Operating Systems and PHP versions and not others.

Note: The version of PHP installed can be considered a proxy as to whether non-system or system only packages are used.

In the case of well-used or important modules, this role will harmonise which extensions are available (for example OpCache). For these other, lesser used, extensions there will be an inconsistency.

Where these lesser used extensions are a requirement, for a particular project for example, it is NOT safe to rely on this role to ensure they are available. Instead it would be required to use additional roles or playbooks to test for, and if necessary ensure, these extensions being available.

This limitation is NOT considered to be significant. Solutions will NOT be actively pursued. Pull requests addressing this limitation will be considered.

See BARC- for further details.


PHP version

Depending on the operating system used, the version of PHP installed will different, though it will be at least PHP 5.4, and not greater than the latest PHP 5 release. The table below hopes to clarify the version you can expect:

Operating System Non-System Package Sources Permitted PHP Version Notes
Ubuntu Yes 5.6 -
Ubuntu No 5.5 -
CentOS Yes 5.6 -
CentOS No 5.4 -

Because the exact version installed cannot be guaranteed by this role, you should be careful if using depending on this role in another role or a project that relies on PHP. If any version of PHP greater than 5.4 and less than 7.0, is acceptable this role is suitable, however where you depend on some feature added to minor releases (e.g. 5.5) this role is unsuitable.

This ambiguity is considered a limitation, see the limitations section for more information.

Non-system packages

It is a convention of BARC roles to use the latest version of packages. Where a suitable non-system package source is available it will be used. Suitable non-system packages require a reputable, maintainer, typically a company or well respected individual. If this is for some reason unsuitable, it is possible to only use system packages by setting the BARC_use_non_system_package_sources variable to false.

Note: As the package policy varies between system and non-system package sources, and between operating systems, the version of installed packages is variable.

Note: On Ubuntu when using system packages only, the php5-cli package is selected rather than the php5 package. This is considered a limitation, see the limitations section for more information.

PHP configuration files

PHP uses a configuration file to set various options, such as which modules are enabled and how these are configured, e.g. which time-zone to use.

This configuration file uses the INI format, which consists of sections containing options with a value. In PHP this configuration file can be a single file (e.g. php.ini) and or a directory of files (e.g. php.d/*.ini).

E.g. Core configuration options can be set in a main php.ini file, with module specific configuration contained in per-module configuration files included in the main configuration file.

In addition, configuration options can be set on a per SAPI (Server API) basis. For example settings may differ between the cli SAPI (i.e. the Command Line) and the apache SAPI (i.e. a Web Server).

The combination of these various configuration options differ by Operating System, and package used to install PHP. This variation is considered a limitation, see the limitations section for more information.

This role, which configures the cli SAPI only, will only configure options relevant to the cli SAPI specifically (such as a longer execution time). However, on CentOS there is no configuration file limited to the cli SAPI, and the options set by this role therefore apply to all SAPIs. This is considered a limitation, see the limitations section for more information.

Settings for other SAPIs, such as web-servers, SHOULD be set in other roles, or project/purpose specific playbooks. The tasks used in this role can be used as a template for setting additional options. Providing the Ansible INI module is used, setting additional INI options will not cause conflicts with this role and so preserve idempotency.

The configuration options set by this role are considered suitably generic and applicable to all situations such that they are safe to be used as defaults - however it is accepted there are situations they would not be suitable. They include options for:

  • Maximum execution time and memory limits
  • Default timezone - localised to Europe/London
  • Error reporting and logging
  • Concealing the PHP version for security purposes

See the php5_sapi_cli_options variable in the role defaults file (defaults/main.yml) for the specific options set. Where any of these options are unsuitable, override this variable with a copy of these defaults, omitting the unsuitable options.

PHP extensions

Non-Harmonised extensions

This role aims to ensure the same extensions are available regardless of the Operating System used, or the version of PHP that is installed.

For the extensions in the named sub-sections listed here this is true. However there are some, lesser used, extensions which may exist on some combinations of Operating System and PHP version, and not others. This inconsistency for lesser used extensions is considered a limitation, see the Limitations section for more information.

The following extensions are NOT harmonised:

  • bcmath
    • "For arbitrary precision mathematics PHP offers the Binary Calculator which supports numbers of any size and precision, represented as strings"
    • More information
    • As this extension is so similar to the GMP extension, which is made available on all OS/PHP combinations by this role, it is not considered necessary to install this extension as well
    • Available on: Ubuntu - all PHP versions
    • NOT available on: CentOS - all PHP versions
  • dba
    • "Foundation for accessing Berkeley DB style databases, a general abstraction layer for several file-based databases"
    • More information
    • Available on: Ubuntu - all PHP versions
    • NOT available on: CentOS - all PHP versions

Zend OpCache

"OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request. This extension is bundled with PHP 5.5.0 and later"


This extension is enabled by default - it is controlled by the php5_use_opcache variable.

This role configures options for this extension. It is not safe to override options this role sets, however it is safe to override the php5_ext_opcache_options variable to remove options or change values this role sets.

It is safe to set any other options this role does not outside this role, they will not be overridden.

The following options are set:

  • opcache.fast_shutdown
  • opcache.interned_strings_buffer
  • opcache.max_accelerated_files
  • opcache.memory_consumption

Note: As the version of PHP installed is inconsistent, this role ensures the OpCache extension is present and enabled in all versions of PHP on all supported Operating Systems, where this feature is desired.

Note: If you enable this extension and then later choose to disable it, or where this extension is enabled by default, such as on Ubuntu, this role will not disable the extension. Instead you will need to re-build any machines this role has been applied to.

This is considered a limitation, but by intention and will not be addressed, see the Limitations section for more information.


"PHP supports libcurl, a library created by Daniel Stenberg, that allows you to connect and communicate to many different types of servers with many different types of protocols."


This extension is enabled by default - it is controlled by the php5_use_curl variable. Currently this role does not configure options for this extension, however it is safe to do this outside this role.

Note: If you enable this extension and then later choose to disable it, or where this extension is enabled by default, such as on CentOS, this role will not disable the extension. Instead you will need to re-build any machines this role has been applied to.

This is considered a limitation, but by intention and will not be addressed, see the Limitations section for more information.


"These functions allow for arbitrary-length integers to be worked with using the GNU MP library."


This extension is enabled by default - it is controlled by the php5_use_gmp variable. Currently this role does not configure options for this extension, however it is safe to do this outside this role.

Note: If you enable this extension and then later choose to disable it, or where this extension is enabled by default, such as on CentOS, this role will not disable the extension. Instead you will need to re-build any machines this role has been applied to.

This is considered a limitation, but by intention and will not be addressed, see the Limitations section for more information.


"The XSL extension implements the XSL standard, performing XSLT transformations using the libxslt library"


This extension is enabled by default - it is controlled by the php5_use_xsl variable. Currently this role does not configure options for this extension, however it is safe to do this outside this role.

Note: If you enable this extension and then later choose to disable it, or where this extension is enabled by default, such as on CentOS, this role will not disable the extension. Instead you will need to re-build any machines this role has been applied to.

This is considered a limitation, but by intention and will not be addressed, see the Limitations section for more information.


"mbstring provides multibyte specific string functions that help you deal with multibyte encodings in PHP"


This extension is enabled by default - it is controlled by the php5_use_mbstring variable. Currently this role does not configure options for this extension, however it is safe to do this outside this role.

Note: If you enable this extension and then later choose to disable it, or where this extension is enabled by default, such as on CentOS, this role will not disable the extension. Instead you will need to re-build any machines this role has been applied to.

This is considered a limitation, but by intention and will not be addressed, see the Limitations section for more information.


"The PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension defines a lightweight, consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP."


This extension is enabled by default - it is controlled by the php5_use_pdo variable. Currently this role does not configure options for this extension, however it is safe to do this outside this role.

Note: If you enable this extension and then later choose to disable it, or where this extension is enabled by default, such as on CentOS, this role will not disable the extension. Instead you will need to re-build any machines this role has been applied to.

This is considered a limitation, but by intention and will not be addressed, see the Limitations section for more information.

Note: By default only the SQLite PDO driver will be installed. Other drivers can be installed outside of this role, either using other BARC roles, or through additional playbooks.


"Xdebug is a PHP extension which provides debugging and profiling capabilities. It uses the DBGp debugging protocol."


This extension is disabled by default - it is controlled by the php5_use_xdebug variable.

Important: Enabling this extension introduces additional performance and security considerations. This extension MUST NOT be enabled in production environments, or in any environment where sensitive information is involved, unless these considerations are suitably addressed.

This role configures options for this extension. It is not safe to override options this role sets, however it is safe to override the php5_ext_xdebug_options variable to remove options or change values this role sets.

It is safe to set any other options this role does not outside this role, they will not be overridden.

The following options are set:

  • xdebug.remote_connect_back
    • XDebug documentation
    • Enabled to allow any machine to debug a session - note this has security implications meaning this extension MUST NOT be used in production environments
  • xdebug.remote_enable
    • XDebug documentation
    • Instructs XDebug to contact potentially listening remote clients, or otherwise continue with normal execution

Note: If you enable this extension and then later choose to disable it, this role will not disable the extension. Instead you will need to re-build any machines this role has been applied to.

This is considered a limitation, but by intention and will not be addressed, see the Limitations section for more information.


Composer is the de-facto package manager for PHP. Its use is similar to other language package managers such as Gem for Ruby, Pip for Python and NPM for NodeJS.

Composer uses a composer.json to define project dependencies, which are then downloaded to a vendors directory and can be easily imported into a project using the bundled autoload.php file, which leverages the PSR-0 and PSR-4 autoloading standards. Dependency versions can be expressed using Semantic Versioning or with more direct identifiers.

This role will install Composer as a locally available utility as it is considered best practice. This means to run composer install is as simple as:

$ cd /srv/project-containing-composer.json
$ composer install

Though it is strongly encouraged to use Composer, if not desired it can be ignored and will not interfere with the use of PHP. Alternatively you can set the php5_use_composer variable to false to prevent its installation.

Typical playbook


- name: install php 5
  hosts: all
  become: yes
  vars: []
    - BARC.php5


BARC roles use standardised tags to control which aspects of an environment are changed by roles. Where relevant, tags will be applied at a role, or task(s) level, as indicated below.

This role uses the following tags, for various tasks:



  • MAY be specified
  • Specifies whether non-system sources can be used to install packages
  • Note: This variable is scoped to all other BARC roles which install packages from non-system sources
  • Values MUST use one of these options, as determined by Ansible:
    • true
    • false
  • Values SHOULD NOT be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to a string
  • Where not specified, a value of true will be assumed
  • Default: true


MAY be specified.

Specifies configuration options for the CLI (Command Line) SAPI.

Note: On some Operating Systems, these options may apply beyond the scope of the CLI SAPI. See the Limitations section for more information.

Structured as a list of items, with each item having the following properties:

  • section
    • MUST be specified
    • Specifies the section of the INI configuration file options for this item belong to
    • Values MUST be valid section names as determined by the INI configuration format
  • options
    • MAY be specified
    • Specifies the list of options, and values, to be set within the section set by the section item
    • Structured as a list of sub-items, with each sub-item having the following properties
      • option
        • MUST be specified if any part of the sub-item is specified
        • Specifies the option of the INI option/value pair
        • Values MUST be valid option names as determined by the INI configuration format and MUST be valid option names as determined by PHP and the XDebug extension
      • value
        • MUST* be specified if any part of the sub-item is specified
        • Specifies the value of the INI option/value pair
        • Values MUST be valid values as determined by the INI configuration format and MUST be valid option names as determined by PHP and the XDebug extension
        • Boolean values MUST be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to True/False which is invalid for PHP configurations


  - section: "Resource Limits"
      - option: max_execution_time  # (seconds)
        value: 30

Default: See role defaults


  • MAY be specified
  • Specifies whether the Zend OpCache extension should be installed to improve performance
  • This variable is used as a 'feature flag' for whether tasks related to the OpCache extension will be applied
  • See the Usage section for more information on this feature
  • Values MUST use one of these options, as determined by Ansible:
    • true
    • false
  • Values SHOULD NOT be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to a string
  • Where not specified, a value of true will be assumed
  • Default: true


MAY be specified.

Specifies configuration options for the OpCache Extension. See the Usage section for details on the default options set for this extension.

Structured as a list of items, with each item having the following properties:

  • section
    • MUST be specified as OPCache
    • Specifies the section of the INI configuration file options for this item belong to
    • Values MUST be the valid section names for this extension as determined by PHP
  • options
    • MAY be specified
    • Specifies the list of options, and values, to be set within the section set by the section item
    • Structured as a list of sub-items, with each sub-item having the following properties
      • option
        • MUST be specified if any part of the sub-item is specified
        • Specifies the option of the INI option/value pair
        • Values MUST be valid option names as determined by the INI configuration format and MUST be valid option names as determined by PHP and the OpCache extension
      • value
        • MUST* be specified if any part of the sub-item is specified
        • Specifies the value of the INI option/value pair
        • Values MUST be valid values as determined by the INI configuration format and MUST be valid option names as determined by PHP and the OpCache extension
        • Boolean values MUST be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to True/False which is invalid for PHP configurations


  - section: "XDebug"
      - option: remote_connect_back
        value: "On"

Default: See role defaults


  • MAY be specified
  • Specifies whether the cURL PHP extension should be installed to interact with remote services
  • This variable is used as a 'feature flag' for whether tasks related to the cURL extension will be applied
  • See the Usage section for more information on this feature
  • Values MUST use one of these options, as determined by Ansible:
    • true
    • false
  • Values SHOULD NOT be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to a string
  • Where not specified, a value of true will be assumed
  • Default: true


  • MAY be specified
  • Specifies whether the GMP PHP extension should be installed to support arbitrary precision arithmetic
  • This variable is used as a 'feature flag' for whether tasks related to the GMP extension will be applied
  • See the Usage section for more information on this feature
  • Values MUST use one of these options, as determined by Ansible:
    • true
    • false
  • Values SHOULD NOT be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to a string
  • Where not specified, a value of true will be assumed
  • Default: true


  • MAY be specified
  • Specifies whether the XLS PHP extension should be installed to support XSL transformations
  • This variable is used as a 'feature flag' for whether tasks related to the XSL extension will be applied
  • See the Usage section for more information on this feature
  • Values MUST use one of these options, as determined by Ansible:
    • true
    • false
  • Values SHOULD NOT be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to a string
  • Where not specified, a value of true will be assumed
  • Default: true


  • MAY be specified
  • Specifies whether the MBString PHP extension should be installed to support Multibyte encodings in PHP
  • This variable is used as a 'feature flag' for whether tasks related to the MBString extension will be applied
  • See the Usage section for more information on this feature
  • Values MUST use one of these options, as determined by Ansible:
    • true
    • false
  • Values SHOULD NOT be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to a string
  • Where not specified, a value of true will be assumed
  • Default: true


  • MAY be specified
  • Specifies whether the PDO PHP extension should be installed to interact with various databases
  • This variable is used as a 'feature flag' for whether tasks related to the PDO extension will be applied
  • See the Usage section for more information on this feature
  • Values MUST use one of these options, as determined by Ansible:
    • true
    • false
  • Values SHOULD NOT be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to a string
  • Where not specified, a value of true will be assumed
  • Default: true


  • MAY be specified
  • Specifies whether the Composer PHP package manager should be installed to manage PHP project dependencies
  • This variable is used as a 'feature flag' for whether tasks related to Composer will be applied
  • See the Usage section for more information on this feature
  • Values MUST use one of these options, as determined by Ansible:
    • true
    • false
  • Values SHOULD NOT be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to a string
  • Where not specified, a value of true will be assumed
  • Default: true


  • MAY be specified
  • Specifies whether the XDebug extension should be installed to aid in debugging
  • This variable is used as a 'feature flag' for whether tasks related to the XDebug extension will be applied
  • See the Usage section for more information on this feature
  • Values MUST use one of these options, as determined by Ansible:
    • true
    • false
  • Values SHOULD NOT be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to a string
  • Where not specified, a value of true will be assumed
  • Default: false


MAY be specified.

Specifies configuration options for the XDebug Extension. See the Usage section for details on the default options set for this extension.

Structured as a list of items, with each item having the following properties:

  • section
    • MUST be specified as XDebug
    • Specifies the section of the INI configuration file options for this item belong to
    • Values MUST be the valid section names for this extension as determined by PHP
  • options
    • MAY be specified
    • Specifies the list of options, and values, to be set within the section set by the section item
    • Structured as a list of sub-items, with each sub-item having the following properties
      • option
        • MUST be specified if any part of the sub-item is specified
        • Specifies the option of the INI option/value pair
        • Values MUST be valid option names as determined by the INI configuration format and MUST be valid option names as determined by PHP and the XDebug extension
      • value
        • MUST* be specified if any part of the sub-item is specified
        • Specifies the value of the INI option/value pair
        • Values MUST be valid values as determined by the INI configuration format and MUST be valid option names as determined by PHP and the XDebug extension
        • Boolean values MUST be quoted to prevent Ansible coercing values to True/False which is invalid for PHP configurations


  - section: "XDebug"
      - option: remote_connect_back
        value: "On"

Default: See role defaults


Issue tracking

Issues, bugs, improvements, questions, suggestions and other tasks related to this package are managed through the BAS Ansible Role Collection (BARC) project on Jira.

This service is currently only available to BAS or NERC staff, although external collaborators can be added on request. See our contributing policy for more information.

Source code

All changes should be committed, via pull request, to the canonical repository, which for this project is:


A mirror of this repository is maintained on GitHub. Changes are automatically pushed from the canonical repository to this mirror, in a one-way process.

Note: The canonical repository is only accessible within the NERC firewall. External collaborators, please make pull requests against the mirrored GitHub repository and these will be merged as appropriate.

Contributing policy

This project welcomes contributions, see for our general policy.

The Git flow workflow is used to manage the development of this project:

  • Discrete changes should be made within feature branches, created from and merged back into develop (where small changes may be made directly)
  • When ready to release a set of features/changes, create a release branch from develop, update documentation as required and merge into master with a tagged, semantic version (e.g. v1.2.3)
  • After each release, the master branch should be merged with develop to restart the process
  • High impact bugs can be addressed in hotfix branches, created from and merged into master (then develop) directly


Copyright 2015 NERC BAS.

Unless stated otherwise, all documentation is licensed under the Open Government License - version 3. All code is licensed under the MIT license.

Copies of these licenses are included within this role.