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Weblogic CVE-2023-21931 vulnerability exploration technique: post-deserialization exploitation


In recent years, Weblogic deserialization vulnerabilities have been discovered and focused on the triggering point of deserialization. However, there are many points that involve deserialization but cannot be exploited in real-time, which are easily overlooked during regular vulnerability research. There have been further discussions in the industry about "post-deserialization" vulnerabilities, where seemingly unexploitable vulnerabilities can actually be exploited through subsequent techniques. For example, if the vulnerability is not triggered after performing a bind() or rebind() operation, you can try other methods such as lookup() or lookupLink() to trigger the vulnerability.

Using this approach, we have discovered two Weblogic post-deserialization vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-21931, CVE-2023-21839), which have been officially confirmed by Oracle. In this article, we will use these two Weblogic vulnerabilities as examples to share the thought process behind exploiting post-deserialization vulnerabilities. We believe that there are many similar vulnerabilities that will be gradually discovered in the future, and we hope this article can provide some inspiration for researchers.

Deserialization vulnerability

The approach for exploiting Weblogic deserialization vulnerabilities involves manipulating maliciously crafted serialized data using deserialization methods such as readObject(), readResolve(), readExternal(), etc. to achieve the attacker's goals. Conventional vulnerability research focuses on exploiting Weblogic during the deserialization process, while ignoring the post-deserialization phase. The post-deserialization vulnerability research focuses on identifying vulnerabilities triggered by certain operations or events after the deserialization process is completed.

In Weblogic, if no vulnerabilities are triggered after bind() or rebind() operations, other methods such as lookup() and lookupLink() can be attempted to trigger the vulnerability.

This article will analyze the attack process and provide examples of post-deserialization vulnerabilities in Weblogic, focusing on the lookup() method as the vulnerability trigger.


By tracing the call stack, we found the following process of the lookup() method:

  • After receiving a request, Weblogic parses the incoming data using the invoke() method in the BasicServerRef class.

  • Using the _invoke() method, Weblogic executes the resolve_any() method based on the passed-in method name of resolve_any.

  • In the resolve_any() method, the incoming binding name is resolved using the resolveObject() method.

  • In the resolveObject() method, the lookup() method is called based on the context information.

  • Based on the context information, a series of lookup() method calls are made in classes such as WLContextImpl, WLEventContextImpl, RootNamingNode, ServerNamingNode, and BasicNamingNode, resulting in the resolveObject() method call in the BasicNamingNode class.

  • Since the obj passed into the resolveObject() method is not an instance of the NamingNode class and the mode value defaults to 1, the getObjectInstance() method in the WLNamingManager class is called.

Finally, it can be seen that the getObjectInstance() method in the WLNamingManager class calls the getReferent() method in the passed-in object based on the object interface type, completing the invocation of the lookup() method in the vulnerability trigger point. In fact, both CVE vulnerabilities are triggered through the two branches of getObjectInstance().


The vulnerability trigger point of CVE-2023-21931 is in the getObjectInstance() method of the WLNamingManager class. When the passed-in boundObject object is an implementation class of LinkRef, the getLinkName() method of the passed-in object boundObject is called, and the lookup() method is used to perform remote JNDI loading on the linkAddrType address returned by the getLinkName() method. When instantiating the LinkRef class, a JNDI address can be passed to the linkAddrType through the constructor of the class. In this way, we can call the lookup() method to remotely load a custom JNDI address and achieve the goal of the attack.

package weblogic.jndi.internal;
public final class WLNamingManager {
    public static Object getObjectInstance(Object boundObject, Name name, Context ctx, Hashtable env) throws NamingException {
        if (boundObject instanceof ClassTypeOpaqueReference) {
        } else if (boundObject instanceof LinkRef) {
            String linkName = ((LinkRef)boundObject).getLinkName();
            InitialContext ic = null;
            try {
                ic = new InitialContext(env);
                boundObject = ic.lookup(linkName);  // vulnerability trigger point
            } catch (NamingException var15) {
            } finally {......}

The vulnerability lies in the construction of a JNDI address within the LinkRef class, which is a native Java class. By using the constructor of the LinkRef class, we can control the value of the linkAddrType variable and then use the getLinkName() method to return the linkAddrType as a string.

package javax.naming;
public class LinkRef extends Reference {
    static final String linkClassName = LinkRef.class.getName();
    static final String linkAddrType = "LinkAddress";

    public LinkRef(Name linkName) {
        super(linkClassName, new StringRefAddr(linkAddrType, linkName.toString()));

    public LinkRef(String linkName) {
        super(linkClassName, new StringRefAddr(linkAddrType, linkName));

    public String getLinkName() throws NamingException {
        if (className != null && className.equals(linkClassName)) {
            RefAddr addr = get(linkAddrType);
            if (addr != null && addr instanceof StringRefAddr) {
                return (String)((StringRefAddr)addr).getContent();
        throw new MalformedLinkException();

During the aforementioned process, the rebind() and lookup() methods' deserialization processes do not execute malicious operations. Instead, after completing the deserialization process, the vulnerability is triggered by calling the lookup() method of the getObjectInstance() method in the WLNamingManager class to perform a remote malicious loading of the JNDI address.

We have integrated the CVE-2023-21931 vulnerability in GOBY and added functionality for command execution and shell access. A demo of the exploit is shown below:


ForeignOpaqueReference is an implementation class of the OpaqueReference interface. Two private variables, jndiEnvironment and remoteJNDIName, are declared in the ForeignOpaqueReference class, and two constructors are also declared. In the parameterized constructor, env and remoteJNDIName are received and assigned to the above two private class variables, respectively.

The getReferent() method in the ForeignOpaqueReference class is an implementation method of the OpaqueReference interface. In the getReferent() method, retVal = context.lookup(this.remoteJNDIName); performs a remote loading of the JNDI address in the remoteJNDIName variable of this class, which leads to the deserialization vulnerability.

package weblogic.jndi.internal;
public class ForeignOpaqueReference implements OpaqueReference, Serializable {
    private Hashtable jndiEnvironment;
    private String remoteJNDIName;
    public ForeignOpaqueReference(String remoteJNDIName, Hashtable env) {
        this.remoteJNDIName = remoteJNDIName;
        this.jndiEnvironment = env;
    public Object getReferent(Name name, Context ctx) throws NamingException {
        InitialContext context;
        if (this.jndiEnvironment == null) {
            context = new InitialContext();
        } else {
            Hashtable properties = this.decrypt();
            context = new InitialContext(properties);
        Object retVal;
        try {
            retVal = context.lookup(this.remoteJNDIName);   // vulnerability point
        } finally {
        return retVal;

Analysis of the getReferent() method invocation

package weblogic.jndi;
public interface OpaqueReference {
    Object getReferent(Name var1, Context var2) throws NamingException;
    String toString();

The OpaqueReference interface has two abstract methods: getReferent() and toString().

The getReferent() method in the ForeignOpaqueReference class is called in the WLNamingManager class.

In the getObjectInstance() method of the WLNamingManager class, if the passed-in boundObject object implements the OpaqueReference interface, then the object's getReferent() method is called as follows: boundObject = ((OpaqueReference)boundObject).getReferent(name, ctx);.

As mentioned above, the ForeignOpaqueReference class implements the OpaqueReference interface, so its getReferent() method is called, leading to a deserialization vulnerability.

package weblogic.jndi.internal;
public final class WLNamingManager {
	public static Object getObjectInstance(Object boundObject, Name name, Context ctx, Hashtable env) throws NamingException {
        if (boundObject instanceof ClassTypeOpaqueReference) {
        } else if (boundObject instanceof OpaqueReference) {
            boundObject = ((OpaqueReference)boundObject).getReferent(name, ctx);
        } else if (boundObject instanceof LinkRef) {

Similar to the CVE-2023-21931 vulnerability, CVE-2023-21839 does not execute any malicious operations during the deserialization process. Instead, the vulnerability is triggered by calling the lookup() method in the getReferent() method of the ForeignOpaqueReference class after the deserialization process is completed.

We have integrated the CVE-2023-21839 vulnerability in GOBY and added functionality for command execution and shell access. Below is a demo of the exploit:



  • August 12, 2022: Vulnerability reported to official channels
  • August 19, 2022: Vulnerability officially confirmed
  • April 18, 2023: Vulnerability officially fixed


  • July 31, 2022: Vulnerability reported to official channels
  • August 5, 2022: Vulnerability officially confirmed
  • January 16, 2023: Vulnerability officially fixed

research environment

Vulfocus WebLogic environment

docker pull vulfocus/vcpe-1.0-a-oracle-weblogic:
docker pull vulfocus/vcpe-1.0-a-oracle-weblogic:
docker pull vulfocus/vcpe-1.0-a-oracle-weblogic:
docker pull vulfocus/vcpe-1.0-a-oracle-weblogic:
docker pull vulfocus/vcpe-1.0-a-oracle-weblogic:
docker pull vulfocus/vcpe-1.0-a-oracle-weblogic:
docker pull vulfocus/vcpe-1.0-a-oracle-weblogic:
docker pull vulfocus/vcpe-1.0-a-oracle-weblogic:
docker pull vulfocus/vcpe-1.0-a-oracle-weblogic:


Java“后反序列化漏洞”利用思路 - Ruilin (

Ruil1n/after-deserialization-attack: Java After-Deserialization Attack (

The vulnerabilities and features demonstrated in this article are compatible with Goby version: Beta 2.4.7, which already supports scanning and verification for Goby Red Team and Missed Scan versions. Latest version download experience:

Author: 14m3ta7k

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