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Vault Sample Application

This is a sample application that demonstrates various aspects of interacting with HashiCorp Vault, including:


  1. docker to easily run the application in the same environment regardless of your local operating system
  2. docker compose to easily set up all the components of the demo (the application's web server, the Vault server, the database, etc.) all at once
  3. curl to test our endpoints
  4. jq (optional) for prettier JSON output

Try it out

WARNING: The Vault server used in this setup is configured to run in -dev mode, an insecure setting that allows for easy testing.

1. Bring up the services

This step may take a few minutes to download the necessary dependencies.

[+] Running 8/8
 ⠿ Network sample-app_default                          Created        0.1s
 ⠿ Volume "sample-app_trusted-orchestrator-volume"     Created        0.0s
 ⠿ Container sample-app-secure-service-1               Started        0.6s
 ⠿ Container sample-app-database-1                     Started        0.6s
 ⠿ Container sample-app-vault-server-1                 Started        1.3s
 ⠿ Container sample-app-trusted-orchestrator-1         Started        8.6s
 ⠿ Container sample-app-app-1                          Started       10.3s
 ⠿ Container sample-app-app-healthy-1                  Started       11.7s

Verify that the services started successfully:

docker ps --format "table {{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}"
NAMES                                   STATUS                        PORTS
sample-app-app-1                    Up 3 minutes (healthy)>8080/tcp
sample-app-trusted-orchestrator-1   Up 3 minutes (healthy)
sample-app-vault-server-1           Up 3 minutes (healthy)>8200/tcp
sample-app-secure-service-1         Up 3 minutes (healthy)>80/tcp
sample-app-database-1               Up 3 minutes (healthy)>5432/tcp

2. Try out POST /payments endpoint (static secrets workflow)

POST /payments endpoint is a simple example of the static secrets workflow. Our service will make a request to another service's restricted API endpoint using an API key value stored in Vault's static secrets engine.

curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/payments | jq
  "message": "hello world!"

Check the logs:

docker logs sample-app-app-1
2022/01/11 20:29:01 getting secret api key from vault
2022/01/11 20:29:01 getting secret api key from vault: success!
[GIN] 2022/01/11 - 20:29:01 | 200 |    7.366042ms | | POST     "/payments"

3. Try out GET /products endpoint (dynamic secrets workflow)

GET /products endpoint is a simple example of the dynamic secrets workflow. Our application uses Vault's database secrets engine to generate dynamic database credentials, which are then used to connect to and retrieve data from a PostgreSQL database.

curl -s -X GET http://localhost:8080/products | jq
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Rustic Webcam"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Haunted Coloring Book"

Check the logs:

docker logs sample-app-app-1
2022/01/11 20:22:55 getting temporary database credentials from vault
2022/01/11 20:22:55 getting temporary database credentials from vault: success!
2022/01/11 20:22:55 connecting to "postgres" database @ database:5432 with username "v-approle-dev-read-SHPJSHXdVWJ5dTdE22TA-1641932575"
2022/01/11 20:22:55 connecting to "postgres" database: success!
[GIN] 2022/01/11 - 20:29:10 | 200 |    2.781958ms | | GET      "/products"

4. Examine the logs for renew logic

One of the complexities of dealing with short-lived secrets is that they must be renewed periodically. This includes authentication tokens and database credential leases.

NOTE: it may be easier to understand how the secrets are renewed in this diagram.

Examine the logs for how the Vault auth token is periodically renewed:

docker logs sample-app-app-1 2>&1 | grep auth
2022/01/11 20:22:55 logging in to vault with approle auth; role id: demo-web-app
2022/01/11 20:22:55 logging in to vault with approle auth: success!
2022/01/11 20:22:55 auth token: successfully renewed; remaining duration: 120s
2022/01/11 20:24:21 auth token: successfully renewed; remaining duration: 120s
2022/01/11 20:25:47 auth token: successfully renewed; remaining duration: 120s
2022/01/11 20:27:13 auth token: successfully renewed; remaining duration: 120s
2022/01/11 20:27:33 auth token: successfully renewed; remaining duration: 120s
2022/01/11 20:28:34 auth token: successfully renewed; remaining duration: 105s
2022/01/11 20:28:34 auth token: can no longer be renewed; will log in again
2022/01/11 20:28:34 logging in to vault with approle auth; role id: demo-web-app
2022/01/11 20:28:34 logging in to vault with approle auth: success!
2022/01/11 20:28:34 auth token: successfully renewed; remaining duration: 120s
2022/01/11 20:29:58 auth token: successfully renewed; remaining duration: 120s
2022/01/11 20:31:23 auth token: successfully renewed; remaining duration: 120s

Examine the logs for database credentials renew / reconnect cycle:

docker logs sample-app-app-1 2>&1 | grep database
2022/01/11 20:22:55 getting temporary database credentials from vault
2022/01/11 20:22:55 getting temporary database credentials from vault: success!
2022/01/11 20:22:55 connecting to "postgres" database @ database:5432 with username "v-approle-dev-read-SHPJSHXdVWJ5dTdE22TA-1641932575"
2022/01/11 20:22:55 connecting to "postgres" database: success!
2022/01/11 20:22:55 database credentials: successfully renewed; remaining lease duration: 100s
2022/01/11 20:24:07 database credentials: successfully renewed; remaining lease duration: 100s
2022/01/11 20:25:20 database credentials: successfully renewed; remaining lease duration: 100s
2022/01/11 20:26:33 database credentials: successfully renewed; remaining lease duration: 82s
2022/01/11 20:27:33 database credentials: successfully renewed; remaining lease duration: 22s
2022/01/11 20:27:33 database credentials: can no longer be renewed; will fetch new credentials & reconnect
2022/01/11 20:27:33 getting temporary database credentials from vault
2022/01/11 20:27:33 getting temporary database credentials from vault: success!
2022/01/11 20:27:33 connecting to "postgres" database @ database:5432 with username "v-approle-dev-read-96y8N3aQdliwjo4bfpuD-1641932853"
2022/01/11 20:27:33 connecting to "postgres" database: success!
2022/01/11 20:27:33 database credentials: successfully renewed; remaining lease duration: 100s
2022/01/11 20:28:34 database credentials: can no longer be renewed; will fetch new credentials & reconnect
2022/01/11 20:28:34 getting temporary database credentials from vault
2022/01/11 20:28:34 getting temporary database credentials from vault: success!
2022/01/11 20:28:34 connecting to "postgres" database @ database:5432 with username "v-approle-dev-read-Yzob1xVLehrxpZzLIHJl-1641932914"
2022/01/11 20:28:34 connecting to "postgres" database: success!

NOTE: the third time we fetch database credentials (at 20:28:34 in the log) is due to the auth token expiring. Any leases created by a token get revoked when the token is revoked, which includes our database credentials.

Integration Tests

The following script will bring up the docker-compose environment, run the curl commands above, verify the output, and bring down the environment:


Stack Design


Endpoint Description
POST /payments A simple example of Vault static secrets workflow (refer to the example above)
GET /products A simple example of Vault dynamic secrets workflow (refer to the example above)

Docker Compose Architecture

Architecture overview of the docker-compose setup. Our Go service authenticates with a Vault dev instance using a token provided by a Trusted Orchestrator. It then fetches an api key from Vault to communicate with a Secure Service. It also connects to a PostgreSQL database using Vault-provided credentials.