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2690 lines (2053 loc) · 106 KB
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2023, 2024
DevSecOps, cli, IBM Cloud


DevSecOps CLI

{: #cd-devsecops-cli}

DevSecOps CLI adopts compliance solutions under {{}} DevSecOps reference implementation; for example, the shift-left reference pipelines. For more information about the shift-left compliance architecture, see DevSecOps with {{}}. {: shortdesc}

CLI interface

{: #devsecops-cli-interface}

The CLI uses a multipart structure on the command line that you must specify in the following order:

cocoa <command> <subcommand> [options]

{: pre}

  1. The base call to the CLI.

  2. The main command, which typically corresponds to a service or a module that is used by the shift-left architecture; for example, change request, inventory, or tekton.

  3. The subcommand that specifies which action to perform.

  4. CLI options required by the action. On condition that they follow steps 1-3, you can specify the CLI options in any order.

Some commands use environment variables to get API Keys or to configure an option value that was not provided in the command line. You need to export these variables before you run the command. {: important}

Command-line options can take various types of input values, such as numbers, strings, Boolean values, arrays, and JSON objects. The options type is dependent upon the command that you specify. Use cocoa <command> <subcommand> --help to see the options types. {: tip}

Retrying failed API calls

{: #cd-devsecops-cli-api}

The Cocoa CLI retries any API call that fails with a response status of 5xx three times. You can override this behavior by providing following environment variables:

  • MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS - The number of retry attempts Cocoa CLI makes before it gives up. For example, MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS=5
  • RETRY_STATUS_CODE - The response status codes for which the retry happens. For example, RETRY_STATUS_CODE=409,422,500 to retry on these three status codes.
export MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS=5                 # Retry API calls 5 times.
export RETRY_STATUS_CODE=409,422,500            # Retry API calls for response codes 409, 422 and 500.

The retries are exponentially spaced in time, so setting up higher retry attempts causes the retries to be spaced further apart.

Elapsed time for command execution

{: #cd-devsecops-cli-elapse}

Cocoa CLI can display the elapsed time of any command in seconds by setting DISPLAY_ELAPSED_TIME to a nonempty string as follows:

export DISPLAY_ELAPSED_TIME=1`                # Display a snippet showing the total execution time of the cli command, example `Elapsed time: 5.32 seconds`

CLI commands

{: #devsecops-cli-commands}

Although ServiceNow is documented, it is not supported by the default {{}} DevSecOps reference implementation. However, if you want to learn about using ServiceNow with the DevSecOps reference implementation, get help from {{}} development teams by joining us on Slack{: external}. {: note}

cocoa pull request commands

{: #pull-request-commands}

cocoa check pull-request-approval

{: #pull-request-approval}

Checks the approval state of a Pull Request on a commit hash. If the Pull Request was not approved, it creates a new incident issue in the specified repository. The command can identify emergency pull requests marked with a label, in this case it has an exit code of 0.

Required Environment Variables:

GHE_TOKEN=              # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path field)
GHE_ORG=                # The owner of the repository
GHE_REPO=               # The repository name
INCIDENT_ISSUE_REPO=    # The incident issue repo name
EMERGENCY_LABEL=        # Emergency Label name
GIT_COMMIT=             # Commit hash of the Pull Request
GITLAB_TOKEN=           # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=             # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider) removed temporarily from above env var list. gitlab is not supported

{: screen}


--label                 # Label to add to possible pr incident issue
--git-provider          # SCM provider (GitHub or GitLab)
--git-token-path        # (Optional) GitHub or GitLab Token's path
--git-api-url           # (Optional) GitHub or GitLab API url

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using GitHub, you can use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both of them are provided, --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

Running the command:

cocoa check pull-request-approval

{: codeblock}

cocoa check pull-request-status

{: #pull-request-status}

Checks a given Pull Request's status and the repositories settings.

  • Branch Protection: Rules to disable force pushing, prevent branches from being deleted, and optionally require status checks before merging.
  • Commit Status Check: External services to mark commits with an error, failure, pending, or success state, which is then reflected in pull requests that involve those commits.
  • Check Runs: Apps that perform continuous integration, code linting, or code scanning services and provide detailed feedback on commits.

Required Environment Variables:

REQUIRED_CHECKS=        # Minimum required checks to be compliant set by client
GIT_BRANCH=             # Branch name for branch protection check
GIT_COMMIT=             # Commit hash of the Pull Request
GHE_TOKEN=              # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path field)
GHE_ORG=                # The owner of the repository
GHE_REPO=               # The repository name

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using GitHub, you can use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both GHE_TOKEN GH_URL and --git-token-path --git-api-url pairs are provided, then --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.


      "type": "status",
      "name": "unit-test",
      "params": {
        "name": "travis/ci"
      "type": "check-run",
      "name": "secret-detection",
      "params": {
        "name": "detect-secrets"
      "type": "branch-protection",
      "name": "code review",
      "params": {
        "checks": ["travis/ci", "detect-secrets"]
      "type": "check-run",
      "name": "open-source-license-scan",
      "params": {
        "name": "ossc/ci"

{: screen}

Running the command:

 cocoa check pull-request-status

{: codeblock}

cocoa change-request commands

{: #change-request-commands}

The cocoa change-request commands support three different change management providers:

  • ServiceNow V1
  • ServiceNow V3
  • GitLab

You can specify the provider by using the --provider option with the following values: servicenow (default), servicenow-v3, or gitlab.

Each provider requires different environment variable configuration:

  • servicenow:
    • SERVICENOW_TOKEN - ServiceNow V1 API Token
    • SERVICENOW_URL - ServiceNow V1 API URL
  • servicenow-v3:
    • IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN - IBMCloud IAM OAuth Token
    • SERVICENOW_URL - ServiceNow V3 API URL
  • gitlab:
    • GITLAB_TOKEN - Gitlab API Token
    • GITLAB_URL - Gitlab API URL
    • GITLAB_ORG - Owner organization of the change management repository
    • GITLAB_REPO - Name of the change management repository

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API url instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If both of them are provided --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

cocoa change-request get

{: #change-request-get}

Queries a Change Request from the ServiceNow API and saves it to a file or prints it to the console.

Required Environment Variables for ServiceNow v1 or v2:


{: screen}

Required Environment Variables for ServiceNow v3:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN= # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}


--change-request-id='CHGXXXXXX'  # (Required) The Change Request ID to query from ServiceNow.
--output='filename.json'         # (Optional) If provided, the Change Request data will be written to this file.
--provider='servicenow'          # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Running the command:

# Read Change Request with number 'CHG123456' and output the JSON Data to the console.
$ cocoa change-request get --change-request-id='CHG123456'

# Read Change Request with number 'CHG123456' and output the JSON Data to the file named 'cr.json'.
$ cocoa change-request get --change-request-id='CHG123456' --output='cr.json'

# Read Change Request with number 'CHG123456' using the ServiceNow v3 API
$ cocoa change-request get --change-request-id='CHG123456' --provider='servicenow-v3'

{: codeblock}

cocoa change-request create

{: #change-request-create}

Creates a change request and posts it to the ServiceNow API.

Two usage methods:

  • Provide all required CR fields from CLI options.


--assigned-to      # A ServiceNow validated user (defaults to value found in the pull request)
--system           # the name of the system in ServiceNow
--impact           # impact explanation (defaults to value found in th pull request)
--outage-duration  # duration of the outage (format: 'd HH:mm:ss' or 'none')
--priority         # change priority, valid options: critical, high, moderate, low, planning (defaults to value found in the pull request)
--environment      # the environment for the deployment
--purpose          # purpose explanation (default to value found in the pull request)
--description      # description of the change
--backout-plan     # description of the backout plan (defaults to the value found in the PR)
--planned-start    # planned start time of the change (required format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, e.g 2020-05-13 13:00:12, in UTC)
--planned-end      # planned end time of the change (required format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, e.g 2020-05-13 13:00:12, in UTC)
--deployment-ready # readiness for deployment (choices: 'yes', 'no', default: 'yes')
--type             # change request type, option: standard, emergency
--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', 'gitlab', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

  • Provide a file name to parse the change request data from. JSON format is expected.


--file --f         # json file name to parse the cr data from
--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', 'gitlab', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Example file:

  "type": "emergency",
  "assignedto": "",
  "backoutplan": "rollback",
  "priority": "critical",
  "purpose": "bugfix",
  "description": "test description",
  "environment": "crn:v1:bluemix:public::ch-ctu-2::::",
  "impact": "bug",
  "system": "devopsinsights",
  "outageduration": "0 00:00:00",
  "plannedstart": "2020-10-05 14:48:00",
  "plannedend": "2020-10-05 14:49:00",
  "deploymentready": "yes",

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables for ServiceNow v1 or v2:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=   # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables for ServiceNow v3:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=   # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables for GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=           # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=             # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_ORG=             # The owner of the repository (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_REPO=            # The repository name (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

Running the command:

 cocoa change-request create --file=test.json

{: pre}


$ cocoa change-request create \
  --assigned-to=<your-ibm-email> \
  --system=<servicenow-configuration-item> \
  --impact=<impact description> \
  --outage-duration='0 00:00:00' \
  --priority=<the-priority> \
  --environment=<involved-environment> \
  --purpose=<purpose-explanation> \
  --description=<description-of-the-change> \
  --backout-plan=<description-of-a-backout-plan> \
  --planned-start='2020-05-13 13:00:12' \
  --planned-end='2020-05-13 13:10:12' \
  --deployment-ready=<yes/no> \
  --type=<change-type> \

{: codeblock}

cocoa change-request change-state-to-implement

{: #change-request-change-state-to-implement}

Changes the state of a Change Request to implement through the ServiceNow API.


--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', 'gitlab', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables regardless of the provider:

CHANGE_REQUEST_ID=  # ID of the Change Request

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using the GitLab provider:

GITLAB_TOKEN=           # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=             # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_ORG=             # The owner of the repository (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_REPO=            # The repository name (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

Running the command:

 cocoa change-request change-state-to-implement

{: pre}

cocoa change-request close

{: #change-request-close}

Closes a Change Request through the ServiceNow API. You can attach 'close notes' by using the --close-notes option and specify the 'close category' using the --close-category option.


--close-category  # Choices: "successful" (default), "successful_issues", "unsuccessful", "cancelled"
--close-notes     # String, defaults to "Deployment done."
--provider        # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', 'gitlab', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables regardless of the provider:

CHANGE_REQUEST_ID=  # ID of the Change Request

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using the GitLab provider:

GITLAB_TOKEN=           # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=             # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_ORG=             # The owner of the repository (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_REPO=            # The repository name (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

Running the command:

 cocoa change-request close

{: pre}

cocoa change-request check-approval

{: #change-request-check-approval}

Queries the approval status of a change request. If the Change Request is an emergency, the command does not fail but prompts for a retroactive approval.


--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', 'gitlab', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables regardless of the provider:

CHANGE_REQUEST_ID=  # ID of the Change Request

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using the GitLab provider:

GITLAB_TOKEN=           # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=             # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_ORG=             # The owner of the repository (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_REPO=            # The repository name (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

Running the command:

 cocoa change-request check-approval

{: pre}

cocoa change-request prepare

{: #change-request-prepare}

Creates the change request data and prints it to the console or a file.

Required Environment Variables:

GHE_TOKEN=              # Github Enterprise API Token (only required when parsing from pr)
GHE_ORG=                # The owner of the repository (optional, when --org is not provided)
GHE_REPO=               # The repository name (optional, when --repo is not provided)
EMERGENCY_LABEL=        # Emergency Label (optional, when --emergency-label is not provided)

{: screen}

The following fields can be parsed from the pull request body:


{: screen}

In case they are provided by using the CLI option, the CLI option overrides the value that is found in the pull request. If all of them are provided, pr is not parsed, --org, --repo, and GHE_TOKEN is not necessary.


--org              # github organization where the parsed pr is (only needed if fields are parsed from pr, defaults to GHE_ORG)
--repo             # github repository name whre the parsed pr is (only needed if fields are parsed from pr, defaults to GHE_REPO)
--pr               # the pull request number to parse (mutually exclusive with sha and branch)
--sha              # infer the pr number from hash (mutually exclusive with pr and branch)
--branch           # infer PR based on the last merged pr into this branch (defaults to master)
--assigned-to      # A ServiceNow validated user (defaults to value found in the pull request)
--system           # the name of the system in ServiceNow
--impact           # implact explanation (defaults to value found in th pull request)
--outage-duration  # duration of the outage
--planned-start    # planned start time of the change (required format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, e.g 2020-05-13 13:00:12, in UTC)
--planned-end      # planned end time of the change (required format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, e.g 2020-05-13 13:00:12, in UTC)
--priority         # change priority, valid options: critical, high, moderate, low, planning (defaults to value found in the pull request)
--environment      # the environment for the deployment
--purpose          # purpose explanation (default to value found in the pull request)
--backout-plan     # description of the backout plan (defaults to the value found in the PR)
--deployment-ready # description of the change
--type             # change request type, option: standard, emergency
--emergency-label  # emergency label to look for in the pull request
--file             # file name to print the cr data to (optional, prints to stdout by default)
--service-environment # service environment of the change, valid options: production, pre_prod
--service-environment-detail # brief description of the service environment where change is deployed.

{: screen}

Running the command:

$ cocoa cr prepare \
  --org=<github-organization> \
  --repo=<github-repo-name> \
  --pr=<pr number>

{: codeblock}

cocoa change-request request-approval

{: #change-request-request-approval}

Requests approval for records in the new state with approval not requested. When running, the record follows the manual approval path.


# or
--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', 'gitlab', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using the GitLab provider:

GITLAB_TOKEN=           # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=             # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_ORG=             # The owner of the repository (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_REPO=            # The repository name (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

Running the command:

 cocoa change-request request-approval --crid="<insert-change-request-id-here>"

{: pre}

cocoa change-request task add

{: #change-request-task-add}

This command is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.0. Use cocoa change-request attachment add instead! {: important}

Adds a Change Task to a specific Change Request.


--description      # A more detailed description for the Change Task. [string]
--name             # Name of the Change Task. [string] [required]
--data             # Data for the Change Task or a path prefixed with @ to read the data from. [string] [default: "@/dev/stdin"]
--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', 'gitlab', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using the GitLab provider:

GITLAB_TOKEN=           # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=             # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_ORG=             # The owner of the repository (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_REPO=            # The repository name (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

Running the command:

$ cocoa change-request task add "CHGXXXXXXX" \
        --name='<task-name>' \

$ cat data.txt | cocoa change-request task add "CHGXXXXXXX" --name='<task-name>'

$ cocoa change-request task add "CHGXXXXXXX" \
        --name='<task-name>' \

{: pre}

cocoa change-request task get

{: #change-request-task-get}

This command is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.0. Use cocoa change-request attachment get instead! {: important}

Gets a specific Change Task of a Change Request.


--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', 'gitlab', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using the GitLab provider:

GITLAB_TOKEN=        # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=          # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_ORG=          # The owner of the repository (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_REPO=         # The repository name (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

Running the command:

 cocoa change-request task get "CHGXXXXXXX" "CTASKXXXXXXX"

{: pre}

cocoa change-request task list

{: #change-request-task-list}

This command is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.0. Use cocoa change-request attachment list instead! {: important}

Lists Change Tasks for a Change Request.


--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Running the command:

 cocoa change-request task list "<insert-change-request-id-here>"

{: pre}

cocoa change-request task update

{: #change-request-task-update}

This command is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.0. Use cocoa change-request attachment update instead! {: important}

Updates a Change Task in a specific Change Request.


--change-request-id  # The change request the change task belongs to [string] [required]
--change-task-id     # The change task id to be updated [string] [required]
--description        # A more detailed description for the Change Task. [string]
--data               # Data for the Change Task or a path prefixed with @ to read the data from. [string]
--provider           # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Running the command:

$ cocoa change-request task update
        --change-request-id='CHGXXXXXXX' \
        --change-task-id='CTASKXXXXXXX' \
        --data='<data-for-the-task>' \

$ cat data.txt | cocoa change-request task update --change-request-id='CHGXXXXXXX' --change-task-id='CTASKXXXXXXX' --data='@/dev/stdin'

$ cocoa change-request task update --change-request-id='CHGXXXXXXX' --change-task-id='CTASKXXXXXXX' --data='@<path/to/file>'

{: codeblock}

cocoa change-request attachment add

{: #change-request-attachment-add}

Adds a Change attachment to a specific Change Request.


--description      # A more detailed description for the Change Task. [string]
--name             # Name of the Change Task. [string] [required]
--data             # Data for the Change Task or a path prefixed with @ to read the data from. [string] [default: "@/dev/stdin"]
--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', 'gitlab', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using the GitLab provider:

GITLAB_TOKEN=        # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=          # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_ORG=          # The owner of the repository (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_REPO=         # The repository name (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

Running the command:

$ cocoa change-request attachment add "CHGXXXXXXX" \
        --name='<attachment-name>' \

$ cat data.txt | cocoa change-request attachment add "CHGXXXXXXX" --name='<attachment-name>'

$ cocoa change-request attachment add "CHGXXXXXXX" \
        --name='<attachment-name>' \

cocoa change-request attachment get

{: #change-request-attachment-get}

Gets a specific Change attachment of a Change Request.


--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', 'gitlab', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using the GitLab provider:

GITLAB_TOKEN=        # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=          # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_ORG=          # The owner of the repository (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_REPO=         # The repository name (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

Running the command:

 cocoa change-request attachment get "CHGXXXXXXX" "CTASKXXXXXXX"

cocoa change-request attachment list

{: #change-request-attachment-list}

Lists Change attachments for a Change Request.


--provider         # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Running the command:

 cocoa change-request attachment list "<insert-change-request-id-here>"

cocoa change-request attachment update

{: #change-request-attachment-update}

Updates a Change attachment in a specific Change Request.


--change-request-id  # The change request the change task belongs to [string] [required]
--change-task-id     # The change task id to be updated [string] [required]
--description        # A more detailed description for the Change Task. [string]
--data               # Data for the Change Task or a path prefixed with @ to read the data from. [string]
--provider           # (Optional) Change Management service provider (choices: 'servicenow', 'servicenow-v3', default: 'servicenow')

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v1 or v2 provider:

SERVICENOW_TOKEN=    # ServiceNow API Token

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using ServiceNow v3 provider:

IAM_ACCESS_TOKEN=    # Access token obtained from the IAM service corresponding to `pnp-ibmcloud-api-key`.

{: screen}

Running the command:

$ cocoa change-request attachment update
        --change-request-id='CHGXXXXXXX' \
        --change-attachment-id='CTASKXXXXXXX' \
        --data='<data-for-the-attachment>' \

$ cat data.txt | cocoa change-request attachment update --change-request-id='CHGXXXXXXX' --change-attachment-id='CTASKXXXXXXX' --data='@/dev/stdin'

$ cocoa change-request attachment update --change-request-id='CHGXXXXXXX' --change-attachment-id='CTASKXXXXXXX' --data='@<path/to/file>'

cocoa evidence commands

{: #evidence-commands}

cocoa evidence create

{: #evidence-create}

Creates evidence from the specified options and saves it to a file or prints it to the console.

Running the command:

$ cocoa evidence create \
  --namespace=[choices: "ci", "cd"] \               # Pipeline type the evidence was collected from
  --evidence-name=<evidence-name> \                 # It will be used to name evidence-file in git
  --evidence-type=<evidence-type> \                 # e.g:
  --evidence-type-version=<evidence-type-version> \
  --result=[choices: "failure", "success"] \        # The result of the scan/test
  --issue=<issue-url> \                             # e.g: --issue=foo --issue=bar || --issue=foo
  --artifact=<artifact_url> <artifact_hash>\        # Url and hash pair(s) to the test artifact(s)
  --log=<log_url> <log_hash> \                      # Url and hash pair(s) to the log(s)
  --pipeline-id=<pipeline-id> \
  --pipeline-run-id=<pipeline-run-id> \
  --pipeline-run-url=<pipeline-run-url> \
  --toolchain-crn=<toolchain-crn> \                 # Name of the toolchain cloud resource
  --output=<filename>                                # If present, the evidence will be saved to the given file.

{: codeblock}

CLI options can be also set from environment variables except for issue, log, and artifact. Multiple issues or artifacts must be provided with multiple issue or artifact flags. For example:

 cocoa evidence create --artifact <url> <hash>  --artifact <url> <hash> --issue <issue-url> --issue <issue-url>

{: pre}

artifact consists of a URL that points to the artifact file and a hash, they must be provided the same way as in the previous example. {: note}

cocoa evidence format-summary

{: #evidence-format-summary}

Formats the evidence summary into a human readable format. It can be fed into the change request content.

Running the command:

$ cocoa evidence format-summary \
  --input=<filepath> \          # (default: -, referring to stdin) If present, the formatted evidence will be read from the given file.
  --output=<filepath>           # (default: -, referring to stdout) If present, the formatted evidence will be saved to the given file.

{: codeblock}

# Reading from stdin and printing to stdout:
$ cat raw-summary.json | cocoa evidence format-summary -i - -o - | tee formatted-summary.txt
$ cat raw-summary.json | cocoa evidence format-summary | tee formatted-summary.txt
# Reading to and from file:
$ cocoa evidence format-summary --input=raw-summary.json --output=formatted-summary.txt

{: codeblock}

cocoa evidence markdown-summary

{: #evidence-markdown-summary}

Formats the evidence summary into a markdown format that can be fed as a GitHub or GitLab pull request comment.

The input is a raw summary and can be in one of two formats:

  • Summary in JSON format (output of the cocoa evidence summarize command).
  • Aggregated summary, which is a JSON array of individual app summaries.

When an aggregated summary is passed as input, the output groups the evidence status based on the apps in the summaries.

Optional flag:

  • --detailed: A detailed markdown summary is generated if the flag is set to true (true by default, set to false for a trimmed down summary).

Running the command:

$ cocoa evidence markdown-summary \
  --input=<filepath> \          # (default: -, referring to stdin) If present, the formatted evidence will be read from the given file.
  --output=<filepath>           # (default: -, referring to stdout) If present, the formatted evidence will be saved to the given file.

{: codeblock}

# Reading from stdin and printing to stdout:
$ cat raw-summary.json | cocoa evidence markdown-summary -i - -o - | tee
$ cat aggr-summary.json | cocoa evidence markdown-summary | tee
# Reading to and from file:
$ cocoa evidence markdown-summary --input=raw-summary.json

{: codeblock}

cocoa evidence upload

{: #evidence-upload}

Uploads evidence to the specified backends. Backends can be different evidence locker types, for example {{}}, GitHub or {{}}. Different lockers require different parameters to be provided.

{{}} is not yet supported. {: note}

Required Options:


{: screen}

Required Environment Variables:

EVIDENCE_REPO_ORG=  # Evidence repo org (Required if you are using 'git' backend)
EVIDENCE_REPO_NAME= # Evidence repo name (Required if you are using 'git' backend)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=          # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=        # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=          # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using Cloud Object Storage:

COS_API_KEY=        # Cloud Object Storage API Key (Required if you are using 'cos' backend)
COS_BUCKET_NAME=    # Bucket Name where the evidence will be uploaded in the COS Instance (Required if you are using 'cos' backend)
COS_ENDPOINT=       # The COS API Endpoint matching the region where the bucket is located (Required if you are using 'cos' backend)

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both of them are provided, --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

Running the command:

$ cocoa evidence upload

$ cocoa evidence upload \
  --backend=[choices: "git", "insights", "cos"] \   # e.g. --backend=cos,git,insights
  --namespace=[choices: "ci", "cd"] \               # Pipeline type the evidence was collected from
  --evidence-name=<evidence-name> \                 # It will be used to name evidence-file in git
  --evidence-type=<evidence-type> \                 # e.g:
  --evidence-type-version=<evidence-type-version> \
  --result=[choices: "failure", "success"] \        # The result of the scan/test
  --issue=<issue-url> \                             # e.g: --issue=foo --issue=bar || --issue=foo
  --artifact=<artifact_url> <artifact_hash>\        # Url and hash pair(s) to the test artifact(s)
  --log=<log_url> <log_hash> \                      # Url and hash pair(s) to the log(s)
  --pipeline-id=<pipeline-id> \
  --pipeline-run-id=<pipeline-run-id> \
  --pipeline-run-url=<pipeline-run-url> \
  --toolchain-crn=<toolchain-crn>                   # Name of the toolchain cloud resource

{: codeblock}

CLI options can be also set from environment variables except for backend, issue, log, and artifact. Multiple issues or artifacts must be provided with multiple issue or artifact flags. For example:

 cocoa evidence upload --backend=git --artifact <url> <hash>  --artifact <url> <hash> --issue <issue-url> --issue <issue-url> --git-provider='gitlab'

{: codeblock}

artifact consists of a URL that points to the artifact file and a hash, provide these items in the same way as in the previous example. {: note}

cocoa evidence summarize

{: #evidence-summaries}

Queries evidence from the Evidence Locker and generates an Evidence Summary from their contents. Backends can be different evidence locker types, such as {{}} or GitHub. Currently, git and cos are supported as backend. Different lockers require different parameters to be provided.

Required Environment Variables for Git:

EVIDENCE_REPO_ORG=  # Use this environment varibale to provide the owner organisation of the evidence repository (Required if you are using 'git' backend)
EVIDENCE_REPO_NAME= # Use this environment varibale to provide the name of the evidence repository (Required if you are using 'git' backend)
PIPELINE_RUN_ID=    # Can be used instead of '--pipeline-run-id' option
TOOLCHAIN_CRN=      # Can be used instead of '--toolchain-crn' option

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=          # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=        # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=          # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

Options for Git:

--backend           # (Required) Specifies the type of locker from where the evidences are queried
--repo              # Evidence Repositories name (can be substituted by EVIDENCE_REPO_NAME environment variable)
--org               # Evidence Repositories owner organisation (can be substituted by EVIDENCE_REPO_ORG environment variable)
--pipeline-run-id   # (Required)
--toolchain-crn     # (Required)
--prefix-list       # (Required) a list of paths separated by comma where evidences can be found in the repository
--output            # (Optional) file name to write the evidence summary into
--git-token-path    # (Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url       # (Optional) Github or Gitlab API url

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both GHE_TOKEN GH_URL and --git-token-path --git-api-url pairs are provided, then --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

By default, the CLI on each invocation ensures that you work with an up-to-date version of a Git locker. This behavior can be disabled by setting COCOA_USE_CACHE to any value except 0, false, no, or n. In this case, the CLI uses its internal cache to look up evidence (much faster), but results might be stale.

Required Environment Variables, if you are using Cloud Object Storage:

COS_API_KEY=      # COS api token
COS_BUCKET_NAME=  # COS bucket name where evidences are stored
COS_ENDPOINT=     # COS endpoint where the bucket is available
PIPELINE_RUN_ID=  # Can be used instead of '--pipeline-run-id' option
TOOLCHAIN_CRN=    # Can be used instead of '--toolchain-crn' option

{: screen}

Options for cos:

--backend         # (Required) Specifies the type of locker from where the evidences are queried
--pipeline-run-id # (Required)
--toolchain-crn   # (Required)
--prefix-list     # (Required) a list of paths separated by comma where evidences can be found in the repository
--output          # (Optional) file name to write the evidence summary into

{: screen}

Running the command:

# Save the evidence summary to 'summary.json' file.
$ cocoa evidence summarize \
  --backend='git' \
  --pipeline-run-id='id-123-123' \
  --toolchain-crn='crn-123-123' \
  --prefix-list='raw/ci/pipeline-run-id-1,raw/ci/pipeline-run-id-2' \

# Print the evidence summary to the console
$ cocoa evidence summarize \
  --backend='git' \
  --pipeline-run-id='id-123-123' \
  --toolchain-crn='crn-123-123' \

{: codeblock}

cocoa artifact commands

{: #artifact-commands}

cocoa artifact upload

{: #artifact-upload}

Uploads an artifact to the specified backends. Backends can be different evidence locker types, for example {{}}, GitHub or {{}}. Different lockers require different parameters to be provided.


--backend           # (Required) Specifies the types of lockers we upload the artifact ('cos', 'git')
--pipeline-run-id   # The ID of the PipelineRun running the CLI command
--namespace         # Specifies the pipeline the evidence is collected from
--upload-path       # If present, this overrides the artifact name with the specified value
--is-summary        # If present, this uploads the artifact to the location where evidence summary is usually stored

{: screen}

Options for Git:

--git-token-path    #(Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url           #(Optional) Github or Gitlab API url

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables:

PIPELINE_RUN_ID=    # Can be used instead of '--pipeline-run-id' option
NAMESPACE=          # Can be used instead of '--namespace' option

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using 'git' provider:

EVIDENCE_REPO_ORG=  # The Git repo org (Required if you are using 'git' backend)
EVIDENCE_REPO_NAME= # The Git repo name (Required if you are using 'git' backend)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=          # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=       # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)
GITLAB_URL=         # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using Cloud Object Storage:

COS_API_KEY=        # Cloud Object Storage API Key (Required if you are using 'cos' backend)
COS_BUCKET_NAME=    # Bucket Name where the artifact will be uploaded in the COS Instance (Required if you are using 'cos' backend)
COS_ENDPOINT=       # The COS API Endpoint matching the region where the bucket is located (Required if you are using 'cos' backend)

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both GHE_TOKEN GH_URL and --git-token-path --git-api-url pairs are provided, then --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

Running the command:

$ cocoa artifact upload

$ cocoa artifact upload \
  --backend=[choices: "git", "cos"] \ # e.g. --backend=cos,git
  --pipeline-run-id=<pipeline-run-id> # can be substituted by PIPELINE_RUN_ID
  --namespace=[choices: "ci", "cd"] \ # Pipeline type the evidence was collected from, can be substituted by NAMESPACE
  --is-summary        # If present, this uploads the artifact to the location where evidence summary is usually stored

{: codeblock}

CLI options can be also set from environment variables except for backend and upload-path.

cocoa set-status

{: #set-status}

Sets a commit's status. The current implementation is tested on GitHub. See documentation about GitHub statuses{: external}.

Required Environment Variables:

GHE_ORG=      # Github organization/username
GHE_REPO=     # Github repository
GHE_COMMIT=   # Github commit hash

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=    # Github token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=     # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)
GITLAB_URL=       # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both GHE_TOKEN GH_URL and --git-token-path --git-api-url pairs are provided, then --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

If you are using gitlab and the specified commit is associated with a merge request, use the optional --ref field to set the merge request’s source branch. For more information, see Set the pipeline status of a commit{: external}.

Options for Git:

--git-token-path    #(Optional) GitHub or GitLab token's path
--git-api-url       #(Optional) GitHub or GitLab API url
--ref               #(Optional, GitLab only) merge request's source branch to which the status refers

{: screen}

Running the command:

$ cocoa set-status \
 --state="pending" \
 --targetURL="" \
 --context="tekton/lint" \
 --description="Tekton linter is running."

{: codeblock}

cocoa inventory commands

{: #inventory-commands}

cocoa inventory add

{: #inventory-add}

Adds a value to the inventory repository. Creates a file with the name option, if it does not exist otherwise overwrites it.

Required Environment Variables:

GHE_ORG=     # Github Organization (required if --org option is not specified).
GHE_REPO=    # Github Repository (required if --repo option is not specified).

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=    # Github Enterprise API Token(Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=     # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)
GITLAB_URL=       # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)

{: screen}

Options for Git:

--git-token-path    #(Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url           #(Optional) Github or Gitlab API url

{: screen}

Option Description Value type Required or default value
artifact Artifact name.

If the artifact type is an image, use the following format: <static_name>:<version>@sha256:<sha256_digest> OR <static_name>@sha256:<sha256_digest>.

If entry type is not an image, use a static name that is constant across all entry updates. Use <static_name> parameter to provide the static name value.
String Required
version The version of the application. String Required
repository-url The application's source code repository URL (Github or GRIT/Gitlab) String Required
pipeline-run-id The id of the pipeline run. String Required
commit-sha The commit of the application repository from which the artifact is built.
You must use a long format commit sha (40 character lowercase)
String Required
name The name of the application the artifact belongs to String Required
build-number The number of the build. number Required
org The GitHub organization that owns the inventory repository. String
repo The name of the inventory repository. String
app-artifacts Arbitrary app content in JSON format String
type Type of the artifact. Use "image" for images. Use static values for generic type of artifacts such as deployment files, helm charts, etc. String Required
sha256 The sha256 hash of the artifact.
Use the format sha256:<64 character hash>
String Required
provenance URL pointing to the artifact (for example, built image).
If it is an image type entry, use the artifact name as this field's value.
String Required
signature The artifact's signature String Required
environment The name of the environment where the entry is added. String "master"
git-provider* The Git version control service provider, either GitHub or GitLab String* "github"
git-token-path Git token path to read the secret from String
git-api-url Git API URL String
{: caption="Table 1. Options for Git" caption-side="bottom"}

Running the command:

$ cocoa inventory add \
  --artifact=cocoa-script-cli \
  --type=type \
  --sha256=786800e8e48938664fe2397ca14ab8dabd48f34656ef5cfda4143b4519cb714f \
  --signature=123123valid \
  --name=cocoa-cli \
  --repository-url= \
  --commit-sha=8e86dc4647ce28632103dce46b756c70d339349a \
  --version=v4 \
  --build-number=33 \
  --pipeline-run-id=123123valid \
  --git-token-path=./git-token \
  --org=test \
  --app-artifacts='{"app": "test", "some_value": "value"}' \

{: codeblock}

$ cocoa inventory add \
  --environment=environment \
  --artifact=foo-helm-chart/foo/chart.yaml \
  --repository-url= \
  --commit-sha=786800e8e48938664fe2397ca14ab8dabd48f34656ef5cfda4143b4519cb714f \
  --build-number=33 \
  --pipeline-run-id=123123valid \
  --version=v4 \

{: codeblock}

cocoa inventory get

{: #inventory-get}

Gets an entry from the inventory repository. The target can be a specific version or an environment. Either use --version or --environment, and use only one of them. If the --property option is missing, the whole content of the inventory entry is printed.

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=    # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN= # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)
GITLAB_URL=   # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)

{: screen}

Options for Git:

--git-token-path       #(Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url          #(Optional) Github or Gitlab API url

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both GHE_TOKEN GH_URL and --git-token-path --git-api-url pairs are provided, then --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

By default, the CLI on each invocation ensures that you work with an up-to-date version of a Git locker. This behavior can be disabled by setting COCOA_USE_CACHE to any value except 0, false, no, or n. In this case, the CLI uses its internal cache to look up evidence (much faster), but results might be stale.

Running the command:

# Uses the environment as target, and pretty-prints only a given property of the inventory entry to the console.
$ cocoa inventory get \
  --org='Github-ID' \
  --repo='compliance-inventory-repo' \
  --entry='hello-compliance-app' \
  --environment='master' \

# Uses the version as target, and pretty-prints the whole content of the inventory entry to the console.
$ cocoa inventory get \
  --org='Github-ID' \
  --repo='compliance-inventory-repo' \
  --entry='hello-compliance-app' \

{: codeblock}

cocoa inventory get-sha

{: #get-sha}

Gets the latest commit hash by a label or environment from the inventory repository. Either use --label or --environment, and use only one of them.

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=    # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN= # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)
GITLAB_URL=   # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)

{: screen}

Options for Git:

--git-token-path    #(Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url       #(Optional) Github or Gitlab API url

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your Gitlab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If GHE_TOKEN GH_URL and --git-token-path --git-api-url pairs are provided, --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

Running the command:

# Get the latest commit hash of the staging branch
$ cocoa inventory get-sha \
  --org='Github-ID' \
  --repo='compliance-inventory-repo' \

# Get the commit hash of the "pipeline-run-id" label
$ cocoa inventory get-sha \
  --org='Github-ID' \
  --repo='compliance-inventory-repo' \

{: codeblock}

cocoa inventory label

{: #inventory-label}

Adds a label to an inventory entry, or moves a label in the inventory. The target can be the latest commit on a specific branch or another label.


--org          # The Github organisation which owns the inventory repository.
--repo         # The name of the inventory repository.
--environment  # The inventory branch
--to-label     # Another label in the inventory, that will be looked up/removed

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables:

GHE_ORG=     # Github Organization (required if --org option is not specified).
GHE_REPO=    # Github Repository (required if --repo option is not specified).

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=    # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=   # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)
GITLAB_URL=     # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as git-provider)

{: screen}

Options for Git:

--git-token-path    #(Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url           #(Optional) Github or Gitlab API url

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both GHE_TOKEN GH_URL and --git-token-path --git-api-url pairs are provided, then --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence. {: screen}

Running the command:

# label the latest state on "staging" branch
$ cocoa inventory label add \
  --org='Github-ID' \
  --repo='compliance-inventory-repo' \
  --environment='staging' \

{: codeblock}

# attach a label to another label (to the same commit)
$ cocoa inventory label add \
  --org='Github-ID' \
  --repo='compliance-inventory-repo' \
  --to-label="some-label" \

{: codeblock}

# move or create the `staging_latest` label to another label (to the same commit)
$ cocoa inventory label move \
  --org='Github-ID' \
  --repo='compliance-inventory-repo' \
  --to-label="some-label" \

{: codeblock}

cocoa inventory promote

{: #inventory-promote}

Promotes entries from the inventory from one environment to another. The source environment can be either a branch or a tag.

Required Environment Variables:

GHE_ORG=          # Github Organization (required if --org option is not specified).
GHE_REPO=         # Github Repository (required if --repo option is not specified).
PIPELINE_RUN_ID=  # Can be used instead of --pipeline-run-id (either the option or the variable is required).

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=    # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=        # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=          # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

Options for Git:

--git-token-path    #(Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url           #(Optional) Github or Gitlab API url

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both of them are provided --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

Running the command:

$ cocoa inventory promote \
  --org='Github-ID' \
  --repo='compliance-inventory-repo' \
  --source='master' \
  --target='prod' \
  --priority='Critical' \
  --assigned-to='' \
  --description='desc' \
  --purpose='purpose' \
  --impact='impact' \
  --customer-impact='impact' \
  --deployment-impact='small' \

{: codeblock}

cocoa incident commands

{: #incident-commands}

cocoa incident add

{: #incident-add}

Creates or updates an incident issue for a failing task in a pipeline run based on the commit-hash.


--task              # (Required) The name of the failing task
--commit-hash       # (Required) The commit hash which triggered the pipeline run
--pipeline-run-url  # The pipeline run url where the task ran
--org               # The incident issue repo org
--repo              # The incident issue repo name
--assignee          # (Optional) Assignee(s) for the incident issue (github/gitlab username) e.g: --assigne=jane-doe --assignee=john-smith
--app-repo-url      # The app repo URL
--label             # Label(s) to add to the incident issue (optional) e.g: --label=foo --label=bar
--git-token-path    # (Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url       #(Optional) Github or Gitlab API url

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables:

GHE_ORG=                    # Can be used instead of --org (either the option or the variable is required)
GHE_REPO=                   # Can be used instead of --repo (either the option or the variable is required)
PIPELINE_RUN_URL=           # Can be used instead of --pipeline-run-url (either the option or the variable is required)
APP_REPO_URL=               # Can be used instead of --app-repo-url (either the option or the variable is required)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=    # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=        # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=          # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both of them are provided, --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

Running the command:

 cocoa incident add --task=<failing-task-name> --commit-hash=<abc123>

{: codeblock}

cocoa incident process

{: #incident-process}

This command processes provided scan results and creates incident issues in the provided repository per vulnerability (not per task run like cocoa incident add does). If issues exist already for subject-incident pairs, it does not create new ones.

If --set-grace-period is set, it creates issues with Grace Period set, or update existing issues, to have Grace Period.

Grace Period is set to 15 days if enabled. If Exempt or Grace Period is set on an incident issue, the check lists the issue, but does not mark it as an error.

Exceptions are either configured in CR VA, or you can submit the Incident or CVE for an exemption approval. If approved, you can edit the Incident issue (setting Excempt: **true**), and link to the approved request.

Currently supported scan result files:

  • Container Registry VA scan (option --type va)
  • CRA Vulnerability scan (option --type cra)
  • Xray (option --type xray)
  • OWASP ZAP (option --type owasp-zap)
  • OWASP ZAP UI (option --type owasp-zap-ui)
  • Twistlock (option --type twistlock)

For more information on Container Registry VA and result format, see Vulnerability Advisor for IBM Cloud Container Registry{: external}. For more information on the CRA Vulnerability scanner, see the Configuring Code Risk Analyzer{: external}documentation.


$ cocoa incident process \
  <options> \
  <path to result file>

{: codeblock}


--type             # (Required) Scan type [cra | va]
--subject          # (Required) Subject of scans (repo, or image name)
--drilldown-url    # (Required) URL to the point where the incident was found (can be a pipelien run, a commit hash or an image URL with digest)
--set-grace-period # Should the created incidents have Grace period set
--git-provider     # Git service provider [github | gitlab] Default is "github"
--org              # The incident issue repository org
--repo             # The incident issue repository name
--label            # Label(s) to add to the incident issue (optional) e.g: --label=foo --label=bar
--assignee         #(Optional) Assignee(s) for the incident issue (github/gitlab username) e.g: --assigne=jane-doe --assignee=john-smith
--git-token-path   #(Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url      #(Optional) Github or Gitlab API url
--custom-exempt-label # (Optional) Defines the custom label with which the incident issue has been marked as exempted
--custom-comment   # (Optional) Additional text to be added to issue comments

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables:

INCIDENT_REPO_ORG=        # Can be used instead of --org (either the option or the variable is required)
INCIDENT_REPO_NAME=       # Can be used instead of --repo (either the option or the variable is required)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=                # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=        # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=          # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use --git-token-path field to set your GitLab Token and --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and --git-api-url field to set the # GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both of them are provided, --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

Return values:

  • The command lists incident issue URLs found or created according to the result file and subject.
  • If no issues are found, or all found issues have either Exempt or Grace period set, the command exits with zero status.
  • If any of the issues that are found have no Exempt or Grace Period set, the command exits with a nonzero status.

Running the command:

$ cocoa incident process \
  --type va \
  --subject \
  --drilldown-url \

{: codeblock}

cocoa incident process-legacy

{: #incident-process-legacy}

This command creates incident issues in the provided repository for scenarios when a scan file isn't available. Typically, such scenarios would be non-vulnerability related failures like unit-test failure, branch protection failure, acceptance test failure, and image signing failure. These failures would be non-vulnerabilities, yet they would be a deviation from the compliance posture. If issues exist already for incident-subject-tool combinations, the command does not create new ones. By default, high severity rating is set to issues created.

If --set-due-date is set, the command either creates issues, or updates existing issues with due dates. The due dates are calculated from the grace period of the issue, based on the severity.

If --close-resolved-issues flag is set, the command searches for open issues with the same tool, subject and the incident ID as the current run. If there are any issues found, while the --current-status was passed as success, the command closes those issues.

If --read-only is set, the command does not create new issues or amend existing ones. Results are processed, and existing issues are collected for results. The output contains the issue URL list that are supposed to be tracked in issues if the read-only mode is not activated.


cocoa incident process-legacy \

{: codeblock}


--type             # (Required) Tool type
--subject          # (Required) Subject of scans (repo, or image name)
--drilldown-url    # (Required) URL to the point where the incident was found (can be a pipeline run, a commit hash or an image URL with digest)
--set-grace-period # Should the created incidents have Grace period set
--git-provider     # Git service provider [github | gitlab] Default is "github"
--org              # The incident issue repository org
--repo             # The incident issue repository name
--label            # Label(s) to add to the incident issue (optional) e.g: --label=foo --label=bar
--assignee          #(Optional) Assignee(s) for the incident issue (github/gitlab username) e.g: --assignee=jane-doe --assignee=john-smith
--git-token-path    #(Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url           #(Optional) Github or Gitlab API url
--close-resolved-issues # (Optional) Checking and closing resolved issues
--pipeline-run-url      # (Optional) The url to the pipeline run running the CLI command
--is-prod          # (Optional) Flag for whether or not the command was run in production environment. Default is false.
--read-only        # (Optional) Process result file in read-only mode (return found and existing issues, do not create new ones, set processed status to failure or success). Default is false
--custom-exempt-label # (Optional) Defines the custom label with which the incident has been marked as exempted
--incident-id         # (Required) Defines the incident ID to be used for creating legacy incident
--current-status      # (Required) Current status to be treated as success or failure [choices: "success", "failure"]
--custom-comment   # (Optional) Additional text to be added to issue comments

{: screen}

Environment variables:

INCIDENT_REPO_ORG=    # Can be used instead of --org (either the option or the variable is required)
INCIDENT_REPO_NAME=   # Can be used instead of --repo (either the option or the variable is required)
# Required Environment Variables, if using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=    # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables, if using GitLab:

{: #req-env-vars}

GITLAB_TOKEN=       # Gitlab Token (Optional if using --git-token-path)
GITLAB_URL=         # Gitlab API url (Optional if using --git-api-url)

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab you can use the the --git-token-path field to set your GitLab token and use the --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of the GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github you can use the --git-token-path field to set your GitHub token and use the --git-api-url field to set the GitHub Enterprise API URL (it defaults to instead of the GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If the GHE_TOKEN GH_URL and --git-token-path --git-api-url both pairs are both provided, --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

Return values:

  • The command lists incident issue URLs found or created if the --current-status was passed in as failure. The comand also closes the incident issue URLs matching the same incident-tool-subject combination if the --current-status was passed in as failure.
  • In --read-only mode the command lists details of found incidents if no issue is found for that incident.
  • If there are no issues found, or all found issues has exempt label set, the command exits with zero status.
  • If any of the issues found have no exempt label set, the command exits with a non-zero status.
  • In --read-only mode if any new incident is found that has no issue, the command exits with a non-zero status.

Running the command:

$ cocoa incident process-legacy \
  --type jest \
  --subject \
  --drilldown-url \
  --incident-id \
  --current-status success \

{: codeblock}

cocoa locker commands

{: #locker-commands}

The evidence locker is a Git repository, either on GitHub (Enterprise) or GitLab. The Git provider can be specified by using --git-provider (it can be either github or gitlab, by default it is github). For both providers, authentication is required, for GitHub set the GHE_TOKEN environment variable or --git-token-path field, for GitLab, set GITLAB_TOKEN or --git-token-path field. For GitLab, you must also specify where the GitLab instance is located, by using the GITLAB_URL environment variable or --git-api-url field. You can do the same for GitHub Enterprise instances, by using the GH_URL environment variable or --git-api-url field, but it defaults to

The name of the evidence locker repository can be set by using --org and --repo, or by using the EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_OWNER and EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_NAME environment variables.

By default, the CLI on each invocation ensures that you work with an up-to-date version of a Git locker. This behavior can be disabled by setting COCOA_USE_CACHE to any value except 0, false, no, or n. In this case, the CLI uses its internal cache to look up evidence (much faster), but results might be stale.

Additionally, you can upload evidence and attachments to Cloud Object Storage{: external}as well for archiving purposes. It is done automatically when the following environment variables are present:

  • COS_ENDPOINT: The endpoint{: external}where the Cloud Object Storage bucket can be accessed.
  • COS_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the Cloud Object Storage bucket.
  • COS_API_KEY: An IBM Cloud API key{: external}or Service ID API key{: external}that has write access to the Cloud Object Storage bucket.
  • IBM_AUTH_ENDPOINT: The endpoint where the API key can be used to generate an IAM token{: external}(defaults to{: external}.

cocoa locker asset add < URI >

{: #locker-asset-add}

Adds an asset to the evidence locker. If the asset exists, the asset is printed.


--org              # (Required) Owner of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_OWNER`
--repo             # (Required) Name of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_NAME`
--type             # Type of the asset ("commit", "image", "generic")
--version          # Show version number
--format           # Output format ("id", "json", default: "id")
--git-provider     # Git service provider ("github", "gitlab", default: "github")
--git-token-path   # Git token path to read the secret from
--git-api-url      # Github or Gitlab API url
--related          # The ID of a related asset (default: [])
--date             # Asset creation date
--details          # Additional asset details, as key=value pairs (default: [])
--origin           # Additional details about the origin of the asset, as key=value pairs (default: [])
--dry-run          # Shows what would be added to the locker (default: false)

{: screen}

Use the --dry-run flag if you don't want to add anything to the locker, and you want to check what would be added to the locker.

The type of the asset can be specified with the --type flag, currently commit, image, and generic is supported.

The uri parameter can be any valid URI{: external}, but a few formats are treated specially:

  • In case uri scheme is docker (that is, it begins with docker://), the command assumes the --type=image flag
  • In case uri scheme is git, or the path ends with a .git suffix, the command assumes the --type=commit flag

When type is not generic (that is, image or commit), the URI must match on the following patterns:

  • For commit, the URI must have a fragment, which must be a 40-character hexadecimal commit sha (for example
  • For image, the URI must contain the image digest (for example docker://

When type is generic, the --type flag must be explicitly passed.

More details can be added to the asset by using the --details flag, which accepts key=value pairs.

More details about the origin of the asset can be provided by using the --origin flag, which accepts key=value pairs.

Some environment variables are automatically picked up to add details about the asset origin:

  • Setting TOOLCHAIN_CRN is the same as specifying --origin toolchain_crn=$TOOLCHAIN_CRN
  • Setting PIPELINE_ID is the same as specifying --origin pipeline_id=$PIPELINE_ID
  • Setting PIPELINE_RUN_ID is the same as specifying --origin pipeline_run_id=$PIPELINE_RUN_ID

The --date flag can be used to override the asset creation date (defaults to the current time), it accepts any string that Date.parse accepts.

Related assets can be added by using the --related flag (for multiple related assets, the flag can be specified multiple times). Assets can be specified with their internal ID, or by their URI (if they're not of type generic).

By default, the id format (the --format flag) prints the internal ID of the created asset. With the json format, the whole asset is going to be printed, as a JSON object.

Running the command to add a Git commit:

$ cocoa locker asset add '' \
                         --details tag=v1.2.3

{: codeblock}

Example output:


{: codeblock}

Running the command to add a Docker image:

$ cocoa locker asset add docker:// \
                         --origin "job_name=my job" \
                         --related \
                         --format json

{: codeblock}

Example output:

  "version": "1",
  "id": "0000000011111111222222223333333344444444555555556666666677777777",
  "uri": "docker://",
  "origin": {
    "job_name": "my job",
    "toolchain_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:toolchain:au-syd:a/111111111111c2f2222222222b22a7a63:ac2a22a2-2a2a-2222-aaa2-222aa22a2a2a::",
    "pipeline_run_id": "f333b3bc-3333-3fea-3333-333d3a3b33b3",
    "pipeline_id": "444aaa4a-b4c4-4444-4f4b-aa4444a444a4"
  "details": {
    "registry": "",
    "name": "foo/bar",
    "tag": "v1.2.3",
    "digest": "0000000011111111222222223333333344444444555555556666666677777777"
  "date": "2021-07-15T14:26:06.301Z",
  "type": "image",
  "related": [

{: codeblock}

Running the command to add a release:

$ cocoa locker asset add release:my-app@v1.2.3 \
                         --type generic \
                         --date 2021-06-01T12:00:00 \
                         --related docker:// \
                         --related docker://

{: codeblock}

Example output:


{: codeblock}

cocoa locker asset get < URI >

{: #locker-asset-get}

Retrieves an asset from the evidence locker.


--org              # (Required) Owner of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_OWNER`
--repo             # (Required) Name of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_NAME`
--type             # Type of the asset ("commit", "image", "generic")
--version          # Show version number
--git-provider     # Git service provider ("github", "gitlab", default: "github")
--git-token-path   # Git token path to read the secret from
--git-api-url      # Github or Gitlab API url
--format           # Output format ("id", "json", default: "id")

{: screen}

Run the command:

 cocoa locker asset get --format json

{: codeblock}

Example output:

  "version": "1",
  "id": "0000000011111111222222223333333344444444555555556666666677777777",
  "uri": "docker://",
  "origin": {
    "toolchain_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:toolchain:au-syd:a/111111111111c2f2222222222b22a7a63:ac2a22a2-2a2a-2222-aaa2-222aa22a2a2a::",
    "pipeline_run_id": "f333b3bc-3333-3fea-3333-333d3a3b33b3",
    "pipeline_id": "444aaa4a-b4c4-4444-4f4b-aa4444a444a4"
  "details": {
    "sha": "aaaaaaaabbbbbbbbccccccccddddddddeeeeeeee",
    "repository": "",
    "tag": "v1.2.3"
  "date": "2021-07-15T14:26:06.301Z",
  "type": "image",
  "related": []

{: codeblock}

cocoa locker asset list < URI >

{: #locker-asset-list}

Lists the related assets from the evidence locker.


--org              # (Required) Owner of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_OWNER`
--repo             # (Required) Name of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_NAME`
--type             # Type of the asset ("commit", "image", "generic")
--version          # Show version number
--git-provider     # Git service provider ("github", "gitlab", default: "github")
--git-token-path   # Git token path to read the secret from
--git-api-url      # Github or Gitlab API url
--format           # Output format ("id", "json", default: "id")

{: screen}

Run the command:

 cocoa locker asset list release:my-app@v1.2.3 --format id --type generic

{: codeblock}

Example output:


{: codeblock}

Running the command by using the json format combined with jq{: external}:

 cocoa locker asset list release:my-app@v1.2.3 --format json --type generic | jq -r '.[].uri'

{: codeblock}

Example output:


{: codeblock}

cocoa locker evidence add

{: #locker-evidence-add}

Adds evidence to the evidence locker.

The evidence locker can be specified by using flags. For more information, see cocoa locker commands.

The evidence can be configured by using the following flags:

  • --evidence-type-id: a string that identifies the type of the evidence (for example
  • --evidence-type-version: a string that identifies the evidence details schema (for example 1.0.0, v2, and so on)

Some optional flags can be specified as well:

  • --date: evidence creation date (defaults to the current timestamp), accepts a string that can be parsed with Date.parse.
  • --details: evidence details can be specified as key=value pairs, the flag can be specified multiple times (for example --details result=success --details foo=bar, and so on).
  • --origin: details about the origin of the evidence can be specified by using key=value pairs, for example --origin job_id=123, and so on.
  • --asset: specifies which assets (by their URI or internal ID) are relevant for the evidence, see cocoa locker asset commands. The flag can be specified multiple times. The asset must be already present in the locker.
  • --attachment: specifies file attachments to the evidence. Each attachment must point to an existing file, and each attachment name must be unique (that is, --attachment a/foo.json --attachment b/foo.json is not permitted).
  • --issue: list of issue URLs, which can be used to track activities that are related to the findings. The flag can be passed multiple times.
  • --scope: a unique identifier that can be used to correlate evidence from multiple sources.
  • --comment-on-issues: add a comment with details about the created evidence to the incident issues provided by using --issue flag
    • Since the issues can be either on gitlab or github, the provider is parsed from the issue URLs
    • Every issue must be from the same repository
    • The issue urls must match one of the following patterns:
      • https://<host>/<owner>/<name>/issues/<issue number> - for github
      • https://<host>/<owner>/<name>/-/issues/<issue number> - for gitlab
    • Required environment variables to access the issues repository:
      • if the urls point to github issues:
        • GH_URL: optional, defaults to
        • GHE_TOKEN
      • if the urls point to gitlab issues:
        • GITLAB_URL: required, Base URL of the Gitlab API
        • GITLAB_TOKEN

Some environment variables are automatically picked up to add details about the asset origin:

  • Setting TOOLCHAIN_CRN is the same as specifying --origin toolchain_crn=$TOOLCHAIN_CRN
  • Setting PIPELINE_ID is the same as specifying --origin pipeline_id=$PIPELINE_ID
  • Setting PIPELINE_RUN_ID is the same as specifying --origin pipeline_run_id=$PIPELINE_RUN_ID

The behavior of the command can be altered by using these flags:

  • --dry-run: Adds nothing to the locker, but shows what would be added.
  • --format: controls the output format, id or json (id by default).

Run the command to save results for detect-secrets{: external}:

$ cocoa locker evidence add --evidence-type-id \
                            --evidnece-type-version 1.0.0 \
                            --details result=success \

{: codeblock}

Run the command to save unit test results:

$ cocoa locker evidence add --evidence-type-id \
                            --evidence-type-version 1.0.0 \
                            --details failure \
                            --attachment path/to/results/junit.xml \

{: codeblock}

cocoa locker evidence get < evidence-id >

{: #locker-evidence-get}

Retrieves a piece of evidence from the locker.


--org              # (Required) Owner of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_OWNER`
--repo             # (Required) Name of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_NAME`
--git-provider     # Git service provider ("github", "gitlab", default: "github")
--version          # Show version number
--git-token-path   # Git token path to read the secret from
--git-api-url      # Github or Gitlab API url
--format           # Output format ("json", default: "json")

{: screen}

Run the command:

 cocoa locker evidence get 0000000011111111222222223333333344444444555555556666666677777777

{: codeblock}

Example output:

  "id": "0000000011111111222222223333333344444444555555556666666677777777",
  "evidence_type_id": "image_signing",
  "evidence_type_version": "1.0.0",
  "date": "2021-09-08T10:10:43.955Z",
  "origin": {
    "toolchain_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:toolchain:us-south:a/111111111111c2f2222222222b22a7a63:ac2a22a2-2a2a-2222-aaa2-222aa22a2a2a::",
    "pipeline_run_id": "f333b3bc-3333-3fea-3333-333d3a3b33b3",
    "pipeline_id": "444aaa4a-b4c4-4444-4f4b-aa4444a444a4"
  "details": {
    "result": "success"
  "issues": [],
  "attachments": {
    "app-image_signature": "0000000011111111222222223333333344444444555555556666666677777777"
  "assets": [

{: codeblock}

cocoa locker evidence summary < asset-id >

{: #locker-evidence-summary}

Returns the evidence summary for one or more assets. When no assets are specified on the command line, assets are read from stdin.

Optional flags:

  • --latest-only: Discards evidence if newer evidence is available for an asset (true by default, set to false to disable this behavior)
  • --scope: Considers evidence that has the specified scope only (see evidence add --scope), can be specified multiple times
  • --check-immutable-storage: Checks if every evidence is also present in a Cloud Object Storage bucket and is protected by a retention period of at least 365 days. Appends evidence to the summary.
    • See cocoa locker section on how to configure the Cloud Object Storage bucket.
  • --dry-run: Has an effect when combined with --check-immutable-storage. If used, evidence is only appended to the summary but it does not get uploaded to the evidence locker.

Run the command:

$ cocoa locker evidence summary \
    docker:// \
    docker:// \
    --scope 11a1aa11-1a11-11a1-aa11-a11a1a1111a1 \
    --scope 22a2aa22-2a22-22a2-aa22-a22a2a2222a2

{: codeblock}

Example read from stdin:

$ cat <<EOF | cocoa locker evidence summary

{: codeblock}

cocoa locker attachment get < attachment-id >

{: #locker-attachment-get}

Retrieves an attachment that was previously uploaded with cocoa locker evidence add.


--org              # (Required) Owner of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_OWNER`
--repo             # (Required) Name of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_NAME`
--git-provider     # Git service provider ("github", "gitlab", default: "github")
--version          # Show version number
--git-token-path   # Git token path to read the secret from
--git-api-url      # Github or Gitlab API url

{: screen}

Run the command to upload attachment:

$ cocoa locker evidence add --evidence-type-id \
                            --evidence-type-version 1.0 \
                            --details result=success \
                            --attachment path/to/junit.xml

{: codeblock}

Example output of attachment upload:

  "attachments": {
    "junit.xml": "5aa5555aa55aa55a555aa5a5aa555555aaaa5aa5aa5555a55a5aa5aa5a5aaaaa",

{: codeblock}

Run the command to retrieve the attachment:

 cocoa locker attachment get 5aa5555aa55aa55a555aa5a5aa555555aaaa5aa5aa5555a55a5aa5aa5a5aaaaa

{: codeblock}

cocoa locker check

{: #locker-check}

Checks the required configuration and settings of the locker.

Currently, only the Cloud Object Storage based locker has a configuration requirement:

  • Because every evidence must be kept for at least one year, the Cloud Object Storage bucket must be protected by a retention policy. Default retention period must be greater or equal to 365 days.

For more information, see cocoa locker commands.

Required Environment Variables:

COS_API_KEY=        # Cloud Object Storage API Key
COS_BUCKET_NAME=    # Bucket Name where the evidence will be uploaded in the COS Instance
COS_ENDPOINT=       # The COS API Endpoint matching the region where the bucket is located

{: screen}

Run the command:

 cocoa locker check --provider='cos'

{: codeblock}

cocoa locker evidence check

{: #locker-evidence-check}

Validate the required evidence based on the checks present in the config file cocoa locker evidence check.

Required Environment Variables:


--org              # (Required) Owner of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_OWNER`
--repo             # (Required) Name of the evidence locker repo, defaults to `EVIDENCE_LOCKER_REPO_NAME`
--git-provider     # Git service provider ("github", "gitlab", default: "github")
--git-token-path   # Git token path to read the secret from
--git-api-url      # Github or Gitlab API URL
--config-path      # (required) use this path to read the config file of all the required evidence check
--summary-path     # (required) use this path to read the summary file of all the evidences
--pre-deployment   # If present, will check only pre deployment checks, defaults to false
--post-deployment  # If present, will check only post deployment checks, defaults to false

{: screen}

Run the command:

 cocoa locker evidence check --summary-path=`<summary-path>` --config-path=`<config-path>` --pre-deployment --post-deployment

{: codeblock}

cocoa tekton commands

{: #tekton-commands}

cocoa tekton get-pipeline-logs

{: #tekton-get-pipeline-logs}

Creates log files for every step from a pipeline run and saves it to a directory. Use either the environment variables (PIPELINE_ID, PIPELINE_RUN_ID) or override the environment variables with explicit flags (--pipeline-id, --pipeline-run-id). Log files can be retrieved on a per-task and per-step level as well by supplying --task-name and --step-name flags.

If --task-name is provided, the command tries to pull and creates the log files for every step for the given task name.

If --step-name is provided along --task-name, the command creates the log file for the specific step for the provided task-name. --step-name without the --task-name is an invalid command signature.


-o --output-dir       # (Required) Specifies the directory where the logs will be saved
   --pipeline-id      # ID of the pipeline
   --pipeline-run-id  # ID of the pipeline run
-u --use-task-ref     # (Optional) Can be used to override the default name of the pipeline task to the taskRef, when creating the directory
   --task-name       # (Optional) use task-name to fetch the logs for --task-name
   --step-name       # (Optional) use step-name in conjunction with task-name to fetch the log for --step-name

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables:

TOOLCHAIN_REGION= # Region of the toolchain
PIPELINE_ID=      # Can be used instead of '--pipeline-id option
PIPELINE_RUN_ID=  # Can be used instead of '--pipeline-run-id option

{: screen}

Running the command:

$ cocoa tekton get-pipeline-logs \
  --output-dir=<output-dir> \
  --pipeline-id=<pipeline-id> \
  --pipeline-run-id=<pipeline-run-id> \

{: codeblock}

cocoa changelog commands

{: #changelog-commands}

cocoa changelog

{: #changelog}

This command is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.0. {: important}

cocoa changelog is not supported in {{}}. {: important}

Prints the changelog between two revisions in the repo to stdout.


--org   # Defaults to GHE_ORG env variable, github organization
--repo  # Defaults to GHE_REPO env variable, name of the github repository

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables:

GHE_TOKEN=  # Github Enterprise API Token (Required)
GHE_ORG=    # The owner of the repository (optional, when --org is not provided)
GHE_REPO=   # The repository name (optional, when --repo is not provided)

{: screen}

This command contains three usage methods:

  • Check commits in range when both --from and --to options are provided.


--from  # git commit hash to calculate the changes from
--to    # git commit hash to calculate the changes to

{: screen}

Running the command:

$ cocoa changelog \
  --org=<github-organization> \
  --repo=<github-repo-name> \
  --from=<commit-hash-to-calculcate-changes-from> \

{: codeblock}

  • Contain all commits that belong to a specific pull request when the --pr option is provided.


--pr # pull request number from which the changelog is calculated

{: screen}

Running the command:

$ cocoa changelog \
  --org=<github-organization> \
  --repo=<github-repo-name> \

{: codeblock}

  • If the preceding information is not provided, the changelog contains the changes of the currently merged pull request.

Running the command:

$ cocoa changelog \
  --org=<github-organization> \

{: codeblock}

cocoa comment commands

{: #comment-commands}

cocoa comment add

{: #comment-add}

Adds a comment to an issue or pull request in GitLab or GitHub.


--content           	# (Required) The content to be added as comment to issue or pr
--id       		# (Required) The issue number or pull request number
--type             	# (Optional) The type (issue or pr), default is issue
--org               	# The git repo org
--repo              	# The git repo name
--git-provider     	# (Optional) Git service provider [github | gitlab] Default is "github"
--git-token-path    	# (Optional) Github or Gitlab Token's path
--git-api-url       	# (Optional) Github or Gitlab API url

{: screen}

Required Environment Variables:

GHE_ORG=                    # Can be used instead of --org (either the option or the variable is required)
GHE_REPO=                   # Can be used instead of --repo (either the option or the variable is required)

{: screen}

Required environment variables, if you are using GitHub:

GHE_TOKEN=    # Github Enterprise API Token (Optional if you are using --git-token-path)

{: screen}

Required environment variables, if you are using GitLab:

GITLAB_TOKEN=        # Git Repos and Issue Tracking API Token (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)
GITLAB_URL=          # Git Repos and Issue Tracking URL Example: https://<region> (Required if you are using 'gitlab' as provider)

{: screen}

If you are using gitlab, use the --git-token-path field to set your GitLab token and use the --git-api-url field to set the GitLab API URL instead of the GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL environment variables. If you are using github, use the --git-token-path field to set your GitHub Token and use the --git-api-url field to set the GitHub Enterprise API URL instead of the GHE_TOKEN and GH_URL environment variables. If both environment properties and command line parameters are provided, then --git-token-path and --git-api-url take precedence.

Running the command:

$ cocoa comment add --id 1 \
                    --content "This is a test comment" \
                    --type pr \
                    --git-provider gitlab \
                    --org <github-organization> \
					--repo <github-repo-name>

{: codeblock}