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Command Line Options

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Home > Configuring Jamulus

While the most common functions in Jamulus can be set using the GUI, Jamulus can also be controlled using these options on the command line. Exactly how you do this will depend on your operating system.

For example, on Windows to enable recording with the -R option: right-click on the Jamulus shortcut and choose "Properties" > Target. Add the necessary arguments to Jamulus.exe:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Jamulus\Jamulus.exe" -s -R "C:\path\to\your\Jam Recordings"

For Macintosh, start a Terminal window and run Jamulus with the desired options like this:

/Applications/ -s -R "/path/to/your/jam recordings"

You can see all possible options your version supports by starting Jamulus with the -h option.

Short Long name [...] means optional parameter
-a --servername Server name, required for HTML status (do not confuse with "[name]" in -o)
-c --connect Connect to given server address on startup, format address[:port] (client only)
-d --discononquit Disconnect all clients on quit
-e --centralserver Makes the server public. See note.
-f --listfilter Whitelist given IPs to register on serverlist of this server. Format: ip address 1;[ip address 2];[ip address 3]; ... see #413 (central server only)
-F --fastupdate Use 64 samples frame size mode. Requires fast CPU to avoid dropouts, and more bandwidth if clients also connect with "Enable Small Network Buffers" option. (server only)
-g --pingservers Ping servers in list to keep NAT port open (central server only)
-h,-? --help This help text (client and server)
-i --inifile Initialization file name (client and server)
-j --nojackconnect Disable auto Jack connections (client only)
-l --log Enable logging, set file name (server only)
-L --licence Show a CC license to be accepted on a new connection (server only)
-m --htmlstatus Enable HTML status file, set file name (server only)
-M --mutestream Starts Jamulus in muted state (client only)
-n --nogui Disable GUI (client and server)
-o --serverinfo Server location details in the format (see also QLocale):
[name];[city];[[country as QLocale ID]]; ...
[server1 address];[server1 name]; ...
[server1 city]; ...
[server1 country as QLocale ID]; ...
[server2 address]; ...
-p --port Local UDP port number (server only). Default is 22124
-R --recording See description in Server Setup. Include a writable path where the files should be stored (in quotes if appropriate). Recording stops when server stops (last person leaves). If the server receives a SIGUSR2 signal it will toggle recording on/off. (server only)
-s --server Start in server mode
-t --notranslation Disable translations (client and server)
-T --multithreading Enable multithreading (server only)
-u --numchannels Maximum number of channels. Default is 10, maximum is 50
-w --welcomemessage Welcome message on connect. Supports HTML and (inline) CSS formatting. It also accepts an external text file for more complex messages: eg: ./Jamulus -s -n -w /path/to/jamulusWelcome.txt
-z --startminimized Start minimized (server only)
--ctrlmidich MIDI controller channel to listen on (client only, see Tips & Tricks)
--clientname Window title and jack client name (client only)