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Raccoon IOS App

The installation here has been tested on:

  • Macbook pro with MacOSX Sierre 10.14 and XCode 11.2 beta
  • Iphone XR with IOS 13.2

Install the prerequisites

You need to install first Homebrew and npm (not detailed here). Then install ionic, cordova:

sudo npm install -g ionic
sudo npm install -g cordova
brew install ios-deploy
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

(The npm install of ios-deploy was not working for me).

Build App

Go to this directory, then run:

ionic cordova platform add ios@5.0.1
npm install
ionic cordova build ios

The build will stop because of development team settings. Open the project with Xcode:

open platforms/ios/MyApp.xcodeproj

In Xcode

  1. Changed bundle identifier to io.jeeliz.whatever in General tab/Identity section
  2. In General tab/Deployment Info, set the Target option to the right iOS version (13.2 in my case)
  3. in Build Settings tab, go to Signing, ensure you have a legitimate Team set up (it can be a Personal Team if you don't have a paid Apple Developer access),
  4. Ensure device is plugged and trusted then click on Product/Destination and set Device/Iphone
  5. Unlock the iphone and click on Product/Run

Then on device:

  • The icon of the app labeled with MyApp should pop up on the phone.
  • When you click on it, if you got an alert box saying that you are not allowed to open it, go to settings / general / Profiles & Device Management / Apple dev: ... and click on Trust apple development: ....
  • Re-run the app from XCode (or click again on the icon)