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Running Pollyjs

For Node.js

In Node.js environments Polly uses nock under the hood.

  • lockdown - use recorded nocks, disables all http calls even when not nocked, doesn't record.
  • wild - all requests go out to the internet, don't replay anything, doesn't record anything.
  • record - use recorded nocks, record new nocks.
  • update - remove recorded nocks, record nocks.
  • dryrun - default use recorded nocks, allow http calls, doesn't record anything, useful for writing new tests.

Handy scripts for your package.json:

  "test":         "yarn --coverage --watchAll",
  "test:record":  "NOCK_BACK_MODE=record    yarn test",
  "test:refresh": "NOCK_BACK_MODE=update    yarn test",
  "test:offline": "NOCK_BACK_MODE=lockdown  yarn test",
  "test:live":    "NOCK_BACK_MODE=wild      yarn test",

DEBUG Environment Variable

  • The DEBUG variable lets you see plenty of interesting internal details for many popular nodejs libraries.
  "test:log-minimal":    "DEBUG=nock.scope          yarn test",
  "test:log-short":      "DEBUG=nock.intercept      yarn test",
  "test:log-data":       "DEBUG=nock.*intercept*    yarn test"