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File metadata and controls

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Learning ASP.NET 6 in Depth

  1. ASP.NET 6 overview

    • History and Backstory
    • Versioning Strategy
    • Installation
    • Project structure
    • .NET SDK
  2. ASP.NET 6 Fundamentals

    • Scaffold ASP.NET 6 API application using .NET SDK
    • Analyzing Program.cs file
    • Dependency injection
      • Register object as singleton lifetime
      • Register object as scoped lifetime
      • Register object as transient lifetime
    • Middlewares
      • Overview
      • Make custom middlewares
        • By implementing IMiddleware interface
        • By injecting RequestDelegate object
        • Write inline middlewares using app.Use, app.Map, app.MapWhen, app.UseWhen and app.Run
      • Static files middleware app.UseStaticFiles();
      • CORS middleware app.UseCors();
      • Add Correlationid middleware
      • Add global unhandled exception middleware and return standard ProblemDetails response
    • Setup host
    • Configurations
      • Read configurations from appsettings.{environment}.json and the IConfiguration interface
      • Options pattern
        • Bind configuration to strongly typed C# POCO using IOptions<T> interface
        • Bind configuration which can reload at runtime to strongly typed C# POCO using IOptionsSnapshot<T> or IOptionsMonitor<T> interface
    • Understanding HttpContext, HttpContext.Request and HttpContext.Response
    • Attribute routing
      • Bind multiple routes to a controller using Route attribute
      • Pass parameters to action methods using Route parameters
      • Action verbs HttpGetAttribute, HttpPostAttribute, HttpPutAttribute, HttpPatchAttribute and HttpDeleteAttribute
    • Model Binding
      • Model bind from the following sources
        • FromQuery : Gets values from the query string
        • FromRoute : Gets values from route data
        • FromForm : Gets values from posted form fields
        • FromBody : Gets values from the request body
        • FromHeader : Gets values from HTTP headers
    • Handle responses using IActionResult<T> or ActionResult<T>
    • Handle content negotiation using Accept header
      • Send XML response if Accept header is set to application/xml
      • Send JSON response if Accept header is set to application/json
    • Versioning in .NET6 API(s)
    • Handle HTTP Patch type requests
    • Model validation
      • Using Data Annotation Attributes
        • Compare : Validate if two properties in a model match.
        • EmailAddress : Validate if a property has an email format.
        • Phone : Validate if a property has a telephone number format.
        • Range : Validate if a property value falls within a specified range.
        • RegularExpression : Validate if a property value matches a specified regular expression.
        • Required : Validate if a field isn't null.
        • StringLength : Validate if a string property value doesn't exceed a specified length limit.
        • Url : Validate if a property has a URL format.
      • FluentValidation validation using Fluent methods
    • HTTP Client
      • Creating basic IHttpClientFactory using IHttpClientFactory.CreateClient();
      • Named HttpClient
      • Typed HttpClient
      • Add DelegatingHandler to HTTP Clients for executing common logic
      • Handle HTTP exceptions using Polly library
    • Filters
    • Compress response body
      • Add response compression using gzip algorithm
    • Globalization and localization
    • Rate Limiting
      • Rate Limiting using AspNetCoreRateLimit nuget package with memory provider.
      • Rate Limiting using AspNetCoreRateLimit and AspNetCoreRateLimit.Redis nuget package with Azure Cache for Redis provider.
    • Logging
      • Understanding log levels
      • Log using ILogger<T> extension methods
        • logger.LogTrace log trace level messages
        • logger.LogDebug log debug level messages
        • logger.LogInformation log information level messages
        • logger.Warning log warning level messages
        • logger.Error log error level messages
        • logger.Critical log critical level messages
      • Log using Azure AppInsights SDK
    • Hosted Services
      • Implement hosted services using IHostedService interface
      • Implement background services by overriding the BackgroundService class
    • Mapping objects from one type to another using Automapper nuget package
    • Mediator pattern
      • Implement loosely coupled services using MediatR nuget package
    • Swagger
      • Install Swashbuckle.AspNetCore nuget for adding Swagger OpenAPI support
      • Add API Info and description
      • Add summary tags for API level metadata
      • Add OperationIds to group API(s)
      • Enrich Operation Metadata
      • Enrich Response Metadata
      • Enrich Parameter Metadata
      • Enrich RequestBody Metadata
      • Enrich Schema Metadata
      • Add Tag Metadata
      • Change swagger route prefix to serve swagger.json from root level
      • Omit API(s) to be visible in Swagger
      • Generate Multiple Swagger Documents
    • Health checks
  3. Data Access in ASP.NET 6 API Application

    • Data Access using Micro ORM Dapper and PostgreSQL

      • Install Npgsql
      • Install Dapper Micro ORM
      • Install Azure Data Studio
      • Configure Azure Database for PostgreSQL
      • Expose CRUD API(s) using Dapper MicroORM exposing the following endpoints
        • Offset pagination /api/Persons?page=1&limit=10
        • Keyset pagination /api/Persons?searchAfter=4499b79a-c710-45e4-ba87-083d22c4d6ad_2023-04-17T12:00:25&limit=10
        • Get single by id /api/Persons/b1333cad-9d7c-4a64-8823-db8c9aa55646
        • Create /api/Persons
        • Update /api/Persons/b1333cad-9d7c-4a64-8823-db8c9aa55646
        • Deleting /api/Persons/b1333cad-9d7c-4a64-8823-db8c9aa55646
    • Data Access using EF Core 6 ORM and PostgreSQL

      • Install EF Core 6
      • Install Azure Data Studio
      • Configure Azure Database for PostgreSQL
      • Add DbSet<T> to model tables in database
      • Analyze DbContext
      • Make repository pattern with DbContext extension methods
      • Add configurations to add constraints to database tables
      • Add seed data
      • Add migrations using EF Core migration scripts and idempotent option
      • Expose CRUD API(s) using EF Core ORM exposing the following endpoints
        • Offset pagination /api/Employees?page=1&limit=10
        • Keyset pagination /api/Employees?searchAfter=4499b79a-c710-45e4-ba87-083d22c4d6ad_2023-04-17T12:00:25&limit=10
        • Get single by id /api/Employees/b1333cad-9d7c-4a64-8823-db8c9aa55646
        • Create /api/Employees
        • Update /api/Employees/b1333cad-9d7c-4a64-8823-db8c9aa55646
        • Deleting /api/Employees/b1333cad-9d7c-4a64-8823-db8c9aa55646
  4. Response Caching in ASP.NET 6 API Application

    • Add In Memory Caching using IMemoryCache
    • Add Distributed Caching using Azure Cache for Redis and StackExchange.Redis
  5. Security in ASP.NET 6 API Application

    • Add Authentication

      • Understand Claim, ClaimsIdentity and ClaimsPrincipal
      • Implement Basic Authentication
      • Implement Cookie Authentication
      • Implement JWT Authentication (Custom)
        • Hash plain text passwords using BCrypt algorithm and BCrypt.Net-Next nuget
        • Generate JWTs using System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt
        • Add the following API(s)
          • /api/Account/Register to register the user
          • /api/Account/Login to login the user and generate the initial set of access token and refresh token
          • /api/Account/Token to refresh the access token using the refresh token sent
          • /api/Account/Revoke to revoke the refresh token
    • Add Authorization

      • Implement Role based Authorization
      • Implement Policy based Authorization
        • Understand policy "requirements" and implement the IAuthorizationRequirement interface
        • Override the HandleRequirementAsync to make custom policy requirement
        • Register the custom requirement in Program.cs
    • Case Study: Add JWT Authentication and Role Authorization using Auth0

      • Understand OAuth2
      • Understand OAuth2 terminologies
      • Understand OAuth flows
        • Implicit flow
        • Client credentials flow
        • Auth Code flow
      • Create Application in Auth0
      • Set Redirects URLs in Auth0
      • Secure all API endpoints using Auth0
      • Define permissions on the API and do policy authorization
  6. Handling file uploads and file downloads

    • File uploads
      • Handle upload single or multiple files
      • Store uploaded file locally in wwwroot folder
      • Store uploaded file in Azure Blob Storage Containers
    • File downloads
      • Stream CSV file to response
      • Stream Excel .xlsx file to response
  7. Testing

    • Unit Testing

      • Add Unit testing using
      • Understanding [Fact] and [Theory]
      • Intialize test data using constructor
      • Cleanup test data using Dispose method
      • Create parameterized tests
        • Pass primitive parameters using [InlineData]
        • Pass primitive and complex parameters using [MemberData]
        • Pass primitive and complex parameters using [ClassData]
      • Share test context in same class using IClassFixture
      • Share test context between multiple classes using ICollectionFixture
      • Mock a dependency service using Moq
      • Verify if mocked service was called using Verify() or VerifyAll()
    • Integration Testing

      • Create custom web application factory by inheriting WebApplicationFactory<TStartup>
      • Use EF Core In Memory Database for Integration Testing
      • Write Integration tests for API(s) using
  8. Synchronous Inter-Service communication using gRPC and HTTP2

    • Build a gateway API and internal API communicating with each other synchronously using gRPC
  9. Asynchronous Inter-Service communication using Message Queues

    • Build a gateway API and internal API(s) (Azure Function) communicating with each other asynchronously using Azure Service Bus.
  10. Hosting ASP.NET 6 API application

    • Host ASP.NET 6 API application using IIS and folder publish
    • Host ASP.NET 6 API application using Azure App Service and manual publish