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File metadata and controls

280 lines (180 loc) · 7.11 KB


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Trampoline provides you with tools to easily setup, manage and index your Django models in ElasticSearch. It uses celery and is heavily reliant on elasticsearch_dsl.

It was designed to allow re-indexing of your documents without any downtime by using intermediary indices along with aliases.

## Installation

To install the package simply run:

pip install django-trampoline

## Settings

Add trampoline to your INSTALLED_APPS.

Define the setting:

        'default': {'hosts': 'localhost:9200'},
        # 'another_conn': {'hosts': 'localhost:9201'},
    'INDICES': {
        'index_name': {
            'models': (
    'OPTIONS': {
        'celery_queue': None,
        'fail_silently': True,
        'disabled': False,


localhost is already set by default.

Mapping of the different ElasticSearch hosts used in your project.


{} by default.

Each key inside INDICES represents an index which itself defines a list of models to be indexed.


#### celery_queue

None by default.

Specify which Celery queue should handle your indexation tasks.


True by default.

If fail_silently is True exceptions raised while indexing are caught and logged without being re-raised.


False by default.

## ESIndexableMixin

from trampoline.mixins import ESIndexableMixin

In order to make your model indexable you must make it inherit from ESIndexableMixin and implement a few things.

es_doc_type (required)

Set the attribute es_doc_type with the corresponding DocType used to serialize your model.

is_indexable (optional)

def is_indexable(self):
    return True

Tell whether a particular instance of the model should be indexed or skipped (defaults to true).

get_indexable_queryset (optional)

def get_indexable_queryset(cls):
    return []

Return the list of contents that should be indexed for this model using the command es_create_documents() defined bellow. Make sure you don't forget the classmethod decorator.


Mapping between your models and documents can either be manual or automatic. The two strategies are mutually exclusive.

Manual mapping (default)

Implement the method get_es_doc_mapping on your model and manually create your mapping.

# myapp/

class MyModel(models.Model):

    def get_es_doc_mapping(self):
        doc_type = self.es_doc_type() = =
        return doc_type

Return an instance of es_doc_type mapped with your current model instance.

Automatic mapping

Set es_auto_doc_type_mapping to True inside your model to enable automatic mapping.

This method will automatically copy values from your model to your doc type.

You can also override this behavior on a field by field basis by implementing a method named prepare_{field}.

# myapp/

import elasticsearch_dsl

class MyDocType(elasticsearch_dsl.DocType):
    simple_field = elasticsearch_dsl.String()
    computed_field = elasticsearch_dsl.String()

    def prepare_computed_field(self, obj):
        # obj being an instance of your model.
        return obj.field1 + obj.field2

## Management commands

All management commands accept the following arguments:

  • --help: Display an help message and the available arguments for the command.
  • --dry-run: Run the command in dry run mode without actually changing anything.
  • --verbosity: 0 to 3 from least verbose to the most. Default to 1.


Create a new index based on its definition inside ES_SETTINGS.


  • --index: Name of the index as defined in the settings.
  • --target (optional): Name of the actual index created.

If target is not provided a unique name will be generated by appending the current timestamp to index.


Delete an index along with all the documents in it.


  • index: Name of the index.
  • --yes (optional): Bypass the command line's verification.

### es_create_alias

Create an alias from one index name to the other.


  • --index: Name of the index as defined in the settings.
  • --target: Name of the actual index.

### es_delete_alias

Delete an alias from one index name to the other.


  • --index: Name of the index as defined in the settings.
  • --target: Name of the actual index.
  • --yes (optional): Bypass the command line's verification.


Create documents based on the method get_indexable_queryset() on the related models.


  • --index: Name of the index as defined in the settings.
  • --target (optional): Name of the actual index.
  • --threads (optional): Number of threads to be used, defaults to 4.
  • --cleanup (optional): Delete stale documents from the index.

target defaults to index if not provided.

## Pagination

A Search response cannot be as easily paginated as a QuerySet due to various constraints.

The best way to paginate a response is to use the custom paginator and view mixin provided with Trampoline.

### ESPaginationMixin

from trampoline.views import ESPaginationMixin

In order to paginate your view you must make it inherit from ESPaginationMixin and implement a few things.

page_size (optional)

Set page_size to the desired number of results per page (defaults to 10).

get_search (required)

def get_search(self):
  search = Search()
  return search

Return the Search object from which the response must be paginated.

Your view's context_data will then contain a page object as described bellow.

### Page

from trampoline.paginator import Page


Whether this is the last page of results or not.


Paginated search results.


Corresponding page number.


Link back to the paginator from which the page is generated.


Search response.


Total number of results for the search.


from trampoline.paginator import ESSearchPaginator

You can also use the paginator on itself and outside of ESPaginationMixin if you ever need it. See the example bellow:

page_size = 10
page_number = 2
search = Search()
paginator = ESSearchPaginator(search, page_size)
page = paginator.get_page(page_number)