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Enhance your workflow with extensions

Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes

Container CI actions

Continuous integration for container applications.

Build and push Docker images with Buildx

GitHub Action to login against a Docker registry

Set up Docker Buildx

GitHub Action to extract metadata (tags, labels) for Docker

Uses the git branch as the docker tag and pushes the container



Docker image to export Godot Engine games. Templates for Gitlab CI/GitHub Actions deploy to GitLab/GitHub Pages or

Run commands in a Linux container with a specific CPU architecture (armv6, armv7, aarch64, s390x, ppc64le)

Connect your GitHub Action workflow to Tailscale

automatically generates documentation, fabrication, etc. files for any KiCad project

Build and Release Go Binaries to GitHub Release Assets

Use doctl to manage your DigitalOcean resources

Install QEMU static binaries

Cache images created between main run and post run

Use registry to pull/push cache for an image (stages included)

Action to simplify using Dev Containers ( in GitHub workflows

Builds a Docker image and pushes to a private registry with support for multiple tags

Execute CodeBuild::startBuild for the current repo

Deploy to a Kubernetes cluster including, but not limited to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters

Easily run a Kubernetes cluster in your GitHub Action

Build, push and run unikernel images with Unikraft