Enhance your workflow with extensions
Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes
Mobile actions
Improve your workflow for the small screen.
Actiongenerates a human-readable test report from the Xcode result bundle and shows it on GitHub Checks
Fastlane Action
ActionAn action for executing fastlane lanes
iOS Build Action
ActionBuild iOS project (.xcodeproj, .xcworkspace), and export ipa with custom entitlements
Imports a PKCS12 certificate and private key into a macOS Keychain
ActionLibrary Easy FrogoRecyclerView Based on RecyclerView, Full and Clear Documentation, Have Empty View :books:
This github action automatically builds the android apk under the artifact section
Compares the size of 2 APKs
Build iOS Action
ActionBuild iOS project (.xcodeproj, .xcworkspace), export .ipa, optional upload to BrowserStack App Live
Build Android App
ActionBuild Android (gradle), export .apk or .aab, optional upload to Play Store, optional upload to BrowserStack App Live
Full and Clear Documentation
Downloads an Apple Provisioning Profiles from the AppStore Connect API
ActionLibrary Easy Notification, Full and Clear Documentation,
GitHub Action for triggering Appflow builds
ActionSend GitHub Updates to Telegram, see readme for step by step instructions
ZReviewTender uses brand new App Store Google Play API to resend App reviews to your Slack channel automatically
Appium Server Action
ActionInstall and Run Appium Server for your Android and iOS mobile testing
setup-android for self hosted runner
iOS Bump Version
Actionupdate Xcode Project version and build number
Firebase Test Lab Action
ActionA GitHub Action to test mobile applications (Android, iOS) using Firebase Test Lab
App Shield protect
ActionSecure your Android and iOS mobile apps with proven in-app protection including obfuscation, device checks and anti-tamper