Enhance your workflow with extensions
Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes
Project management actions
Organize, manage, and track your project with tools that build on top of issues and pull requests.
Are you an early 🐤 or a night 🦉? When are you most productive during the day? Let s check out in your readme
Hercules Insights
ActionRun various Git history analyses with src-d/hercules
Create Pull Request
ActionCreates a pull request for changes to your repository in the actions workspace
Waka - Readme
ActionWakaTime coding activity graph in your profile readme
ActionUpdate a pinned gist to contain WakaTime stats
Create Release
ActionCreates github releases
Repo Visualizer
ActionA GitHub Action that creates an SVG diagram of your repo
Add & Commit
ActionAutomatically commit changes made in your workflow run directly to your repo
Python Semantic Release
ActionAutomated Releases via SemVer and Commit Message Conventions
Add To GitHub projects
ActionAutomatically add issues and PRs to GitHub projects
ActionAre you an early 🐤 or a night 🦉? Let s check out in gist
ActionA GitHub Action to report out issue metrics
GitHub Deployments
ActionGitHub action for working painlessly with deployment statuses
Pull Request Stats
ActionGithub action to print relevant stats about Pull Request reviewers
Github Pull Request
Action⤵️ Create pull request
Create Issue Branch
ActionGitHub action that creates a new branch after assigning an issue
Delete merged branch
ActionNo more manually deleting merged branches, this lovely app does it for you
🤖 Automate GitHub Project cards with any webhook event
Lock Threads
ActionLock closed issues, pull requests and discussions after a period of inactivity
Bump version, tag commit and generates changelog with conventional commits