Enhance your workflow with extensions
Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes
Testing actions
Eliminate bugs and ship with more confidence by adding these tools to your workflow.
Is Website vulnerable
ActionScans a url for public javascript library vulnerabilities
Step CI Action
ActionRun Step CI workflows
Lua Busted
ActionGitHub Action for running Cypress end-to-end and component tests
Lost Pixel
ActionLost Pixel Integration
Android Emulator Runner
ActionInstalls, configures and starts an Android Emulator directly on hardware-accelerated runners
Cancel Workflow Action
ActionThis Action will cancel any previous runs that are not completed for a given workflow
Test Reporter
ActionShows test results in GitHub UI: .NET (xUnit, NUnit, MSTest), Dart, Flutter, Java (JUnit), JavaScript (JEST, Mocha)
ActionRun Flank from Github actions
Publish Test Results
ActionPublishes JUnit, NUnit, XUnit, TRX, JSON test results on GitHub for .NET, Dart, Java, JS, Jest, Mocha, Python, Scala, …
ActionList of pre-commit hooks to ensure the quality of your dbt projects
Lint Action
ActionGitHub Action for detecting and fixing linting errors
Lighthouse Check
ActionGitHub Action for running one or multiple Lighthouse audits featuring PR comments, Slack notifications and more
Actionrun pre-commit
ActionCheck if all links are valid in markdown files
TestForest Dashboard
ActionDisplay test results summary in a GitHub Actions workflow
Authz0 scanner
ActionUnauthorized access can be identified based on URLs and Roles Credentials
ActionSet up a BEAM-based CI environment, supporting languages and tools such as Erlang/OTP, Elixir, Gleam, rebar3, and hex.
Magic Nix Cache
ActionFree, no-configuration Nix cache. Cut CI time by 50% or more by caching to GitHub Actions cache
Actiongenerates a human-readable test report from the Xcode result bundle and shows it on GitHub Checks