Enhance your workflow with extensions
Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes
Utilities actions
Auxiliary tools to enhance your experience on GitHub
Metrics embed
ActionAn infographics generator with 40+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account
create, read, update, delete, merge, validate and do more with yaml
Replaces lame commit messages with meaningful AI-generated messages when you push to remote
ActionCheckout a Git repository at a particular version
ActionCache artifacts like dependencies and build outputs to improve workflow execution time
Generates a snake game from a github user contributions grid. Output the animation as gif or svg
GitHub Script
ActionRun simple scripts using the GitHub client
Setup a Node.js environment by adding problem matchers and optionally downloading and adding it to the PATH
Converts Jupyter notebooks and Word docs into Jekyll blog posts
Blog Post Workflow
ActionAllows you to show your latest blog posts on your github profile or project readme
Setup PHP Action
ActionGitHub Action for PHP
Debugging with tmate
ActionDebug your GitHub Actions Environment interactively by using SSH or a Web shell
Generate profile summary cards and commit to default branch
Flutter action
ActionSetup your runner with Flutter environment
Paths Changes Filter
ActionExecute your workflow steps only if relevant files are modified
Create Pull Request
ActionCreates a pull request for changes to your repository in the actions workspace
Git Auto Commit
ActionAutomatically commits files which have been changed during the workflow run and push changes back to remote repository
ActionAutomatically label new pull requests based on the paths of files being changed
Setup Python
ActionSet up a specific version of Python and add the command-line tools to the PATH
The SILE Typesetter
ActionSimon’s Improved Layout Engine