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Enhance your workflow with extensions

Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes

Container CI apps

Continuous integration for container applications.

Google Cloud Build logo

Build, test, & deploy in a fast, consistent, and secure manner logo

Full-stack review environments and end-to-end tests embedded into every pull request

Cirrus CI logo

Enjoy unlimited concurrency for fast and secure development cycle

GradientCI logo

GradientCI: Add a simple config file to your GitHub repo to train ML models directly from git commits

Faable Deploy logo

Fast deployment and hosting for Node.js. Compatible with Express and Fastify, connect your repository and enjoy

Jetify Cloud logo

Spin up a cloud development environment on the edge in seconds. Deploy to Jetify Cloud with 1-click

The CTRL Bot logo

A general-purpose GitHub Bot, working around *your* scripts logo

No/Low Code Kubernetes

FlexStack logo

Build, deploy, and iterate on AWS 10x faster