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File metadata and controls

167 lines (149 loc) · 6.25 KB


The ng-admin interface uses English as the default language, but supports switching to another language, thanks to angular-translate. You just need to provide a dictionary translating the following terms:

    'BACK': 'Back',
    'DELETE': 'Delete',
    'CREATE': 'Create',
    'EDIT': 'Edit',
    'EXPORT': 'Export',
    'ADD_FILTER': 'Add filter',
    'SEE_RELATED': 'See all related {{ entityName }}',
    'LIST': 'List',
    'SHOW': 'Show',
    'SAVE': 'Save',
    'N_SELECTED': '{{ length }} Selected',
    'ARE_YOU_SURE': 'Are you sure?',
    'YES': 'Yes',
    'NO': 'No',
    'FILTER_VALUES': 'Filter values',
    'CLOSE': 'Close',
    'CLEAR': 'Clear',
    'CURRENT': 'Current',
    'REMOVE': 'Remove',
    'ADD_NEW': 'Add new {{ name }}',
    'BROWSE': 'Browse',
    'N_COMPLETE': '{{ progress }}% Complete',
    'CREATE_NEW': 'Create new',
    'SUBMIT': 'Submit',
    'SAVE_CHANGES': 'Save changes',
    'BATCH_DELETE_SUCCESS': 'Elements successfully deleted',
    'DELETE_SUCCESS': 'Element successfully deleted',
    'ERROR_MESSAGE': 'Oops, an error occurred (code: {{ status }})',
    'INVALID_FORM': 'Invalid form',
    'CREATION_SUCCESS': 'Element successfully created',
    'EDITION_SUCCESS': 'Changes successfully saved',
    'ACTIONS': 'Actions',
    'PAGINATION': '<strong>{{ begin }}</strong> - <strong>{{ end }}</strong> of <strong>{{ total }}</strong>',
    'NO_PAGINATION': 'No record found',
    'PREVIOUS': '« Prev',
    'NEXT': 'Next »',
    'DETAIL': 'Detail',
    'STATE_CHANGE_ERROR': 'State change error: {{ message }}',
    'NOT_FOUND': 'Not Found',
    'NOT_FOUND_DETAILS': 'The page you are looking for cannot be found. Take a break before trying again.',

Tip: For an always up-to-date list of terms to translate, check out translate.js in ng-admin source.

For instance, here is how to display all labels in French:

myApp.config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) {
    $translateProvider.translations('fr', {
      'BACK': 'Retour',
      'DELETE': 'Supprimer',
      'CREATE': 'Ajouter',
      'EDIT': 'Modifier',
      'EXPORT': 'Exporter',
      'ADD_FILTER': 'Filtrer',
      'SEE_RELATED': 'Voir les {{ entityName }} liés',
      'LIST': 'Liste',
      'SHOW': 'Détails',
      'SAVE': 'Enregistrer',
      'N_SELECTED': '{{ length }} sélectionnés',
      'ARE_YOU_SURE': 'Cette modification est définitive. Confirmez-vous ?',
      'YES': 'Oui',
      'NO': 'Non',
      'FILTER_VALUES': 'Filtrer',
      'CLOSE': 'Fermer',
      'CLEAR': 'Vider',
      'CURRENT': 'Aujourd\'hui',
      'REMOVE': 'Retirer',
      'ADD_NEW': 'Ajouter un nouveau {{ name }}',
      'BROWSE': 'Parcourir',
      'N_COMPLETE': '{{ progress }}% terminé',
      'CREATE_NEW': 'Créer',
      'SUBMIT': 'Valider',
      'SAVE_CHANGES': 'Enregistrer',
      'BATCH_DELETE_SUCCESS': 'Suppression enregistrée',
      'DELETE_SUCCESS': 'Suppression enregistrée',
      'ERROR_MESSAGE': 'Erreur serveur (code: {{ status }})',
      'INVALID_FORM': 'Formulaire invalide',
      'CREATION_SUCCESS': 'Création enregistrée',
      'EDITION_SUCCESS': 'Modifications enregistrées',
      'ACTIONS': 'Actions',
      'PAGINATION': '<strong>{{ begin }}</strong> - <strong>{{ end }}</strong> sur <strong>{{ total }}</strong>',
      'NO_PAGINATION': 'Aucun résultat',
      'PREVIOUS': '« Précédent',
      'NEXT': 'Suivant »',
      'DETAIL': 'Détail',
      'STATE_CHANGE_ERROR': 'Erreur de routage: {{ message }}',
      'NOT_FOUND': 'Page non trouvée',
      'NOT_FOUND_DETAILS': 'La page demandée n\'existe pas. Revenez à la page précédente et essayez autre chose.',

All labels and titles are translatable too. By default, ng-admin will appy the translation filter on all of them. For example, if you have a users entity, ng-admin generate a Users title for the menu if you add one with:
        .icon('<span class="fa fa-user"></span>')

You can then supply a translation with the key Users. If you'd like that key to have the same case as the others, just call the title method with the desired key and supply a translation with the same key:
        .icon('<span class="fa fa-user"></span>')

The same principle can be applied to fields labels, choices labels and entities labels:

nga.field('email'); // translation key will be 'Email'
nga.field('email').label('EMAIL'); // translation key will be 'EMAIL'

nga.field('role', 'choice')
    .validation({ required: true })
        { label: 'ADMIN', value: 'admin' }, // translation key will be 'ADMIN'
        { label: 'USER', value: 'user' }, // translation key will be 'USER'

admin.addEntity(nga.entity('users')); // translation key will be 'Users' (for list view and menus) and 'user' (for creation and edition views)
admin.addEntity(nga.entity('users').title('USERS')); // translation key will be 'USERS' (for list view and menus) and 'USER' (for creation and edition views)

If you need to translate the views titles and descriptions, just use the translate filter yourself in the template you supply. For example:

// In your entity configuration file
    .title('"USER_LIST" | translate');

    .title('{{ "USER_CREATE" | translate }}')

    .title('{{ "USER_EDIT" | translate }}{{ entry.values["email"] }}');

    .title('{{ "USER_DELETE" | translate }}{{ entry.values["email"] }}');

// In your translations file
myApp.config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) {
    $translateProvider.translations('fr', {
        USER_LIST: 'Liste des utilisateurs',
        USER_CREATE: 'Création d\'un utilisateur: ',
        USER_EDIT: 'Edition de l\'utilisateur: ',
        USER_DELETE: 'Suppression de l\'utilisateur: ',

To enable runtime language switch, or other options, refer to the angular-translate documentation.