diff --git a/docs/advanced/task_management.rst b/docs/advanced/task_management.rst index 70b6bcfc86..b1cb6c696a 100644 --- a/docs/advanced/task_management.rst +++ b/docs/advanced/task_management.rst @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ Here is the base class of ``TaskGen``: .. autoclass:: qlib.workflow.task.gen.TaskGen :members: + :noindex: ``Qlib`` provides a class `RollingGen `_ to generate a list of ``task`` of the dataset in different date segments. This class allows users to verify the effect of data from different periods on the model in one experiment. More information is `here <../reference/api.html#TaskGen>`__. @@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ Users need to provide the MongoDB URL and database name for using ``TaskManager` .. autoclass:: qlib.workflow.task.manage.TaskManager :members: + :noindex: More information of ``Task Manager`` can be found in `here <../reference/api.html#TaskManager>`__. @@ -64,11 +66,13 @@ An easy way to get the ``task_func`` is using ``qlib.model.trainer.task_train`` It will run the whole workflow defined by ``task``, which includes *Model*, *Dataset*, *Record*. .. autofunction:: qlib.workflow.task.manage.run_task + :noindex: Meanwhile, ``Qlib`` provides a module called ``Trainer``. .. autoclass:: qlib.model.trainer.Trainer :members: + :noindex: ``Trainer`` will train a list of tasks and return a list of model recorders. ``Qlib`` offer two kinds of Trainer, TrainerR is the simplest way and TrainerRM is based on TaskManager to help manager tasks lifecycle automatically. diff --git a/docs/component/data.rst b/docs/component/data.rst index d3b8cafed2..60e8d4fa1b 100644 --- a/docs/component/data.rst +++ b/docs/component/data.rst @@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ Here are some interfaces of the ``QlibDataLoader`` class: .. autoclass:: qlib.data.dataset.loader.DataLoader :members: + :noindex: API --- @@ -361,6 +362,7 @@ Here are some important interfaces that ``DataHandlerLP`` provides: .. autoclass:: qlib.data.dataset.handler.DataHandlerLP :members: __init__, fetch, get_cols + :noindex: If users want to load features and labels by config, users can define a new handler and call the static method `parse_config_to_fields` of ``qlib.contrib.data.handler.Alpha158``. @@ -451,6 +453,7 @@ The ``DatasetH`` class is the `dataset` with `Data Handler`. Here is the most im .. autoclass:: qlib.data.dataset.__init__.DatasetH :members: + :noindex: API --- @@ -470,9 +473,11 @@ Global Memory Cache .. autoclass:: qlib.data.cache.MemCacheUnit :members: + :noindex: .. autoclass:: qlib.data.cache.MemCache :members: + :noindex: ExpressionCache @@ -487,6 +492,7 @@ The following shows the details about the interfaces: .. autoclass:: qlib.data.cache.ExpressionCache :members: + :noindex: ``Qlib`` has currently provided implemented disk cache `DiskExpressionCache` which inherits from `ExpressionCache` . The expressions data will be stored in the disk. @@ -502,6 +508,7 @@ The following shows the details about the interfaces: .. autoclass:: qlib.data.cache.DatasetCache :members: + :noindex: ``Qlib`` has currently provided implemented disk cache `DiskDatasetCache` which inherits from `DatasetCache` . The datasets' data will be stored in the disk. diff --git a/docs/component/model.rst b/docs/component/model.rst index 111f640294..e0c630ccaa 100644 --- a/docs/component/model.rst +++ b/docs/component/model.rst @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ The base class provides the following interfaces: .. autoclass:: qlib.model.base.Model :members: + :noindex: ``Qlib`` also provides a base class `qlib.model.base.ModelFT <../reference/api.html#qlib.model.base.ModelFT>`_, which includes the method for finetuning the model. diff --git a/docs/component/online.rst b/docs/component/online.rst index 351098db4d..d7113c19fc 100644 --- a/docs/component/online.rst +++ b/docs/component/online.rst @@ -32,21 +32,25 @@ Online Manager .. automodule:: qlib.workflow.online.manager :members: + :noindex: Online Strategy =============== .. automodule:: qlib.workflow.online.strategy :members: + :noindex: Online Tool =========== .. automodule:: qlib.workflow.online.utils :members: + :noindex: Updater ======= .. automodule:: qlib.workflow.online.update :members: + :noindex: diff --git a/docs/component/recorder.rst b/docs/component/recorder.rst index ed5e4762bc..ca545b75bd 100644 --- a/docs/component/recorder.rst +++ b/docs/component/recorder.rst @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ The ``ExpManager`` module in ``Qlib`` is responsible for managing different expe .. autoclass:: qlib.workflow.expm.ExpManager :members: get_exp, list_experiments + :noindex: For other interfaces such as `create_exp`, `delete_exp`, please refer to `Experiment Manager API <../reference/api.html#experiment-manager>`_. @@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ The ``Experiment`` class is solely responsible for a single experiment, and it w .. autoclass:: qlib.workflow.exp.Experiment :members: get_recorder, list_recorders + :noindex: For other interfaces such as `search_records`, `delete_recorder`, please refer to `Experiment API <../reference/api.html#experiment>`_. @@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ Here are some important APIs that are not included in the ``QlibRecorder``: .. autoclass:: qlib.workflow.recorder.Recorder :members: list_artifacts, list_metrics, list_params, list_tags + :noindex: For other interfaces such as `save_objects`, `load_object`, please refer to `Recorder API <../reference/api.html#recorder>`_. diff --git a/docs/component/report.rst b/docs/component/report.rst index 30fca07883..01d3a21234 100644 --- a/docs/component/report.rst +++ b/docs/component/report.rst @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ API .. automodule:: qlib.contrib.report.analysis_position.report :members: + :noindex: Graphical Result ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ API .. automodule:: qlib.contrib.report.analysis_position.score_ic :members: + :noindex: Graphical Result @@ -151,6 +153,7 @@ API .. automodule:: qlib.contrib.report.analysis_position.risk_analysis :members: + :noindex: Graphical Result @@ -270,6 +273,7 @@ API .. automodule:: qlib.contrib.report.analysis_model.analysis_model_performance :members: + :noindex: Graphical Results