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487 lines (473 loc) · 38.5 KB


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This is an alternative to lints.

To use extra_pedantic:

  • add it as a dev_dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
  extra_pedantic: 4.0.0
  • add this line to your analysis_options.yaml file:
include: package:extra_pedantic/analysis_options.yaml

And that's it.

Here is an overview of which lint rules are enabled and disabled:

Rule Name Status Comment Rule Description
always_declare_return_types No comment. Declare method return types.
annotate_overrides No comment. Annotate overridden members.
avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators No comment. Don't check for null in custom == operators.
prefer_collection_literals No comment. Use collection literals when possible.
prefer_conditional_assignment No comment. Prefer using ??= over testing for null.
prefer_final_fields No comment. Private field could be final.
prefer_for_elements_to_map_fromIterable No comment. Prefer 'for' elements when building maps from iterables.
prefer_generic_function_type_aliases No comment. Prefer generic function type aliases.
prefer_if_null_operators No comment. Prefer using if null operators.
prefer_spread_collections No comment. Use spread collections when possible.
use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters No comment. Use generic function type syntax for parameters.
avoid_empty_else No comment. Avoid empty else statements.
avoid_init_to_null No comment. Don't explicitly initialize variables to null.
avoid_relative_lib_imports No comment. Avoid relative imports for files in lib/.
avoid_return_types_on_setters No comment. Avoid return types on setters.
avoid_shadowing_type_parameters No comment. Avoid shadowing type parameters.
avoid_types_as_parameter_names No comment. Avoid types as parameter names.
curly_braces_in_flow_control_structures No comment. DO use curly braces for all flow control structures.
empty_catches No comment. Avoid empty catch blocks.
empty_constructor_bodies No comment. Use ; instead of {} for empty constructor bodies.
library_names No comment. Name libraries using lowercase_with_underscores.
library_prefixes No comment. Use lowercase_with_underscores when specifying a library prefix.
no_duplicate_case_values No comment. Don't use more than one case with same value.
null_closures No comment. Do not pass null as an argument where a closure is expected.
prefer_contains No comment. Use contains for List and String instances.
prefer_equal_for_default_values No comment. Use = to separate a named parameter from its default value.
prefer_is_empty No comment. Use isEmpty for Iterables and Maps.
prefer_is_not_empty No comment. Use isNotEmpty for Iterables and Maps.
prefer_iterable_whereType No comment. Prefer to use whereType on iterable.
recursive_getters No comment. Property getter recursively returns itself.
slash_for_doc_comments No comment. Prefer using /// for doc comments.
type_init_formals No comment. Don't type annotate initializing formals.
unawaited_futures No comment. Future results in async function bodies must be awaited or marked unawaited using dart:async.
unnecessary_const No comment. Avoid const keyword.
unnecessary_new No comment. Unnecessary new keyword.
unnecessary_null_in_if_null_operators No comment. Avoid using null in if null operators.
unrelated_type_equality_checks No comment. Equality operator == invocation with references of unrelated types.
use_rethrow_when_possible No comment. Use rethrow to rethrow a caught exception.
valid_regexps No comment. Use valid regular expression syntax.
control_flow_in_finally No comment. Avoid control flow in finally blocks.
empty_statements No comment. Avoid empty statements.
prefer_final_locals No comment. Prefer final for variable declarations if they are not reassigned.
throw_in_finally No comment. Avoid throw in finally block.
await_only_futures No comment. Await only futures.
cancel_subscriptions No comment. Cancel instances of dart.async.StreamSubscription.
close_sinks No comment. Close instances of dart.core.Sink.
hash_and_equals No comment. Always override hashCode if overriding ==.
implementation_imports No comment. Don't import implementation files from another package.
package_api_docs No comment. Provide doc comments for all public APIs.
package_names No comment. Use lowercase_with_underscores for package names.
package_prefixed_library_names No comment. Prefix library names with the package name and a dot-separated path.
test_types_in_equals No comment. Test type arguments in operator ==(Object other).
unnecessary_getters_setters No comment. Avoid wrapping fields in getters and setters just to be "safe".
void_checks No comment. Don't assign to void.
type_annotate_public_apis No comment. Type annotate public APIs.
avoid_slow_async_io No comment. Avoid slow async dart:io methods.
invariant_booleans Too many false positives. Conditions should not unconditionally evaluate to true or to false.
iterable_contains_unrelated_type No comment. Invocation of Iterable.contains with references of unrelated types.
list_remove_unrelated_type No comment. Invocation of remove with references of unrelated types.
literal_only_boolean_expressions No comment. Boolean expression composed only with literals.
no_adjacent_strings_in_list No comment. Don't use adjacent strings in list.
directives_ordering No comment. Adhere to Effective Dart Guide directives sorting conventions.
only_throw_errors No comment. Only throw instances of classes extending either Exception or Error.
prefer_asserts_in_initializer_lists No comment. Prefer putting asserts in initializer lists.
prefer_const_constructors No comment. Prefer const with constant constructors.
prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables No comment. Prefer declaring const constructors on @immutable classes.
prefer_typing_uninitialized_variables No comment. Prefer typing uninitialized variables and fields.
unnecessary_null_aware_assignments No comment. Avoid null in null-aware assignment.
unnecessary_overrides No comment. Don't override a method to do a super method invocation with the same parameters.
use_string_buffers No comment. Use string buffers to compose strings.
use_full_hex_values_for_flutter_colors No comment. Prefer an 8-digit hexadecimal integer(0xFFFFFFFF) to instantiate Color.
prefer_inlined_adds No comment. Inline list item declarations where possible.
unnecessary_parenthesis No comment. Unnecessary parentheses can be removed.
prefer_const_declarations No comment. Prefer const over final for declarations.
prefer_null_aware_operators No comment. Prefer using null aware operators.
always_put_required_named_parameters_first No comment. Put required named parameters first.
avoid_catching_errors No comment. Don't explicitly catch Error or types that implement it.
avoid_double_and_int_checks No comment. Avoid double and int checks.
avoid_implementing_value_types No comment. Don't implement classes that override ==.
avoid_js_rounded_ints No comment. Avoid JavaScript rounded ints.
avoid_returning_null_for_future No comment. Avoid returning null for Future.
avoid_returning_null_for_void No comment. Avoid returning null for void.
avoid_returning_this No comment. Avoid returning this from methods just to enable a fluent interface.
avoid_single_cascade_in_expression_statements No comment. Avoid single cascade in expression statements.
avoid_unused_constructor_parameters No comment. Avoid defining unused parameters in constructors.
avoid_void_async No comment. Avoid async functions that return void.
join_return_with_assignment No comment. Join return statement with assignment when possible.
parameter_assignments No comment. Don't reassign references to parameters of functions or methods.
prefer_final_in_for_each No comment. Prefer final in for-each loop variable if reference is not reassigned.
prefer_initializing_formals No comment. Use initializing formals when possible.
provide_deprecation_message No comment. Provide a deprecation message, via @Deprecated("message").
sort_pub_dependencies No comment. Sort pub dependencies alphabetically.
sort_unnamed_constructors_first No comment. Sort unnamed constructor declarations first.
unnecessary_await_in_return No comment. Unnecessary await keyword in return.
unsafe_html No comment. Avoid unsafe HTML APIs.
file_names No comment. Name source files using lowercase_with_underscores.
cast_nullable_to_non_nullable No comment. Don't cast a nullable value to a non nullable type.
exhaustive_cases No comment. Define case clauses for all constants in enum-like classes.
prefer_relative_imports No comment. Prefer relative imports for files in lib/.
tighten_type_of_initializing_formals No comment. Tighten type of initializing formal.
avoid_dynamic_calls No comment. Avoid method calls or property accesses on a "dynamic" target.
avoid_catches_without_on_clauses No comment. Avoid catches without on clauses.
avoid_type_to_string No comment. Avoid .toString() in production code since results may be minified.
avoid_web_libraries_in_flutter No comment. Avoid using web-only libraries outside Flutter web plugin packages.
no_default_cases No comment. No default cases.
no_logic_in_create_state No comment. Don't put any logic in createState.
overridden_fields No comment. Don't override fields.
prefer_asserts_with_message No comment. Prefer asserts with message.
prefer_mixin No comment. Prefer using mixins.
prefer_null_aware_method_calls No comment. Prefer null aware method calls.
sized_box_for_whitespace Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow. SizedBox for whitespace.
unnecessary_nullable_for_final_variable_declarations No comment. Use a non-nullable type for a final variable initialized with a non-nullable value.
unnecessary_statements No comment. Avoid using unnecessary statements.
use_build_context_synchronously No comment. Do not use BuildContexts across async gaps.
use_is_even_rather_than_modulo No comment. Prefer intValue.isOdd/isEven instead of checking the result of % 2.
comment_references No comment. Only reference in scope identifiers in doc comments.
noop_primitive_operations No comment. Noop primitive operations.
prefer_final_parameters This makes it easier to refactor code. Prefer final for parameter declarations if they are not reassigned.
avoid_multiple_declarations_per_line Has false positives. Don't declare multiple variables on a single line.
avoid_private_typedef_functions Too pedantic. Avoid private typedef functions.
avoid_final_parameters No comment. Avoid final for parameter declarations.
avoid_returning_null Obsolete because of NNBD. Avoid returning null from members whose return type is bool, double, int, or num.
prefer_if_elements_to_conditional_expressions Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow. Prefer if elements to conditional expressions where possible.
prefer_foreach Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow. Use forEach to only apply a function to all the elements.
always_require_non_null_named_parameters Obsolete because of NNBD. Specify @required on named parameters without defaults.
prefer_void_to_null Obsolete because of NNBD. Don't use the Null type, unless you are positive that you don't want void.
camel_case_extensions Disabled because an underscore is useful to represent domains in generated code. Name extensions using UpperCamelCase.
omit_local_variable_types Too pedantic. Omit type annotations for local variables.
prefer_adjacent_string_concatenation No comment. Use adjacent strings to concatenate string literals.
prefer_single_quotes Too pedantic. Only use double quotes for strings containing single quotes.
always_put_control_body_on_new_line Too pedantic. Separate the control structure expression from its statement.
always_specify_types Too pedantic. Specify type annotations.
avoid_as Too pedantic. Avoid using as.
unnecessary_this Too many false positives. Don't access members with this unless avoiding shadowing.
prefer_bool_in_asserts No comment. Prefer using a boolean as the assert condition.
use_to_and_as_if_applicable Too pedantic. Start the name of the method with to/_to or as/_as if applicable.
sort_child_properties_last Too pedantic. Sort child properties last in widget instance creations.
prefer_function_declarations_over_variables With variables, the return type can be omitted safely which is useful in FP-style code. Use a function declaration to bind a function to a name.
always_use_package_imports Prefer relative imports Avoid relative imports for files in lib/.
avoid_annotating_with_dynamic It is better to always be explicit about dynamic. Avoid annotating with dynamic when not required.
avoid_bool_literals_in_conditional_expressions bool literals in conditional expressions make it easier to reason about them. X ? Y : Z is easier for humans than e.g. X
avoid_classes_with_only_static_members Classes with static members don't pollute the global namespace. Avoid defining a class that contains only static members.
avoid_escaping_inner_quotes Too pedantic. Avoid escaping inner quotes by converting surrounding quotes.
avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow. Avoid using forEach with a function literal.
avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes @immutable depends on meta. Avoid overloading operator == and hashCode on classes not marked @immutable.
avoid_positional_boolean_parameters Too pedantic. Avoid positional boolean parameters.
avoid_print Too pedantic. Avoid print calls in production code.
avoid_redundant_argument_values Too pedantic. Avoid redundant argument values.
avoid_renaming_method_parameters Too pedantic. Don't rename parameters of overridden methods.
avoid_setters_without_getters Too pedantic. Avoid setters without getters.
avoid_types_on_closure_parameters Too pedantic. Avoid annotating types for function expression parameters.
avoid_unnecessary_containers Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow. Avoid unnecessary containers.
camel_case_types Underscores can be useful in generated code. Name types using UpperCamelCase.
cascade_invocations Too pedantic. Cascade consecutive method invocations on the same reference.
constant_identifier_names Too pedantic. Prefer using lowerCamelCase for constant names.
deprecated_consistency Too pedantic. Missing deprecated annotation.
diagnostic_describe_all_properties Too pedantic. DO reference all public properties in debug methods.
flutter_style_todos Too pedantic. Use Flutter TODO format: // TODO(username): message, https://URL-to-issue.
do_not_use_environment Too pedantic. Do not use environment declared variables.
leading_newlines_in_multiline_strings Too pedantic. Start multiline strings with a newline.
library_private_types_in_public_api Too pedantic. Avoid using private types in public APIs.
lines_longer_than_80_chars Too pedantic. Avoid lines longer than 80 characters.
missing_whitespace_between_adjacent_strings Too pedantic. Missing whitespace between adjacent strings.
non_constant_identifier_names Too pedantic. Name non-constant identifiers using lowerCamelCase.
no_runtimeType_toString Too pedantic. Avoid calling toString() on runtimeType.
one_member_abstracts Too pedantic. Avoid defining a one-member abstract class when a simple function will do.
prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables Too pedantic. Prefer const literals as parameters of constructors on @immutable classes.
prefer_constructors_over_static_methods Too pedantic. Prefer defining constructors instead of static methods to create instances.
prefer_double_quotes Too pedantic. Prefer double quotes where they won't require escape sequences.
prefer_expression_function_bodies Too pedantic. Use => for short members whose body is a single return statement.
prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings Too pedantic. Use interpolation to compose strings and values.
prefer_int_literals Too pedantic. Prefer int literals over double literals.
prefer_is_not_operator Too pedantic. Prefer is! operator.
public_member_api_docs Too pedantic. Document all public members.
sort_constructors_first Too pedantic. Sort constructor declarations before other members.
super_goes_last Deprecated Place the super call last in a constructor initialization list.
unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps Too pedantic. Avoid using braces in interpolation when not needed.
unnecessary_final final tells the reader 'This variable won't be mutated.' Don't use final for local variables.
unnecessary_lambdas In rare cases it is possible for this to introduce bugs. Don't create a lambda when a tear-off will do.
unnecessary_null_checks Too pedantic. Unnecessary null checks.
unnecessary_raw_strings Too pedantic. Unnecessary raw string.
unnecessary_string_escapes Too pedantic. Remove unnecessary backslashes in strings.
unnecessary_string_interpolations Too pedantic. Unnecessary string interpolation.
use_if_null_to_convert_nulls_to_bools Too pedantic. Use if-null operators to convert nulls to bools.
use_key_in_widget_constructors Too pedantic. Use key in widget constructors.
use_late_for_private_fields_and_variables Too pedantic. Use late for private members with a non-nullable type.
use_named_constants There could be multiple constants with the same value but different identifiers. Use predefined named constants.
use_raw_strings Too pedantic. Use raw string to avoid escapes.
use_setters_to_change_properties Too pedantic. Use a setter for operations that conceptually change a property.
null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter Too many false positives. Don't use null check on a potentially nullable type parameter.
require_trailing_commas Too pedantic. Use trailing commas for all function calls and declarations.
avoid_field_initializers_in_const_classes Too pedantic. Avoid field initializers in const classes.
conditional_uri_does_not_exist No comment. Missing conditional import.
depend_on_referenced_packages Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow. Depend on referenced packages.
eol_at_end_of_file Too pedantic. Put a single newline at end of file.
no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes Too pedantic. Avoid leading underscores for library prefixes.
no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers Too pedantic. Avoid leading underscores for local identifiers.
secure_pubspec_urls No comment. Use secure urls in pubspec.yaml.
sized_box_shrink_expand Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow. Use SizedBox shrink and expand named constructors.
unnecessary_constructor_name No comment. Unnecessary .new constructor name.
unnecessary_late No comment. Don't specify the late modifier when it is not needed.
use_decorated_box Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow. Use DecoratedBox.
use_test_throws_matchers Too pedantic. Use throwsA matcher instead of fail().
use_colored_box No comment. Use ColoredBox.
use_enums No comment. Use enums rather than classes that behave like enums.
use_super_parameters Super parameters make inheritance more convenient, but inheritance should be avoided and composition should be preferred. Even if you need inheritance, you should declare an interface and mixins, and not use super constructors. Use super-initializer parameters where possible.
unnecessary_library_directive Too pedantic. Avoid library directives unless they have documentation comments or annotations.
collection_methods_unrelated_type No comment. Invocation of various collection methods with arguments of unrelated types.
combinators_ordering Too pedantic. Sort combinator names alphabetically.
dangling_library_doc_comments Too pedantic. Attach library doc comments to library directives.
discarded_futures No comment. Don't invoke asynchronous functions in non-async blocks.
implicit_call_tearoffs No comment. Explicitly tear-off call methods when using an object as a Function.
library_annotations Too pedantic. Attach library annotations to library directives.
unnecessary_null_aware_operator_on_extension_on_nullable No comment. Unnecessary null aware operator on extension on a nullable type.
unnecessary_to_list_in_spreads No comment. Unnecessary toList() in spreads.
unreachable_from_main Too pedantic. Unreachable top-level members in executable libraries.
use_string_in_part_of_directives No comment. Use string in part of directives.

And here's the whole analysis options file:

# ===============================================================
# ======= This file was generated by extra_pedantic_extra =======
# ===============================================================
  # strong-mode:
    # implicit-casts: false
    # implicit-dynamic: false
    strict-inference: true
    strict-raw-types: true
    strict-casts: true
  # enable-experiment:

  # All rules:
    - unnecessary_parenthesis # No comment.
    - annotate_overrides # No comment.
    - avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators # No comment.
    - prefer_collection_literals # No comment.
    - prefer_conditional_assignment # No comment.
    - prefer_final_fields # No comment.
    - prefer_for_elements_to_map_fromIterable # No comment.
    - prefer_generic_function_type_aliases # No comment.
    - prefer_if_null_operators # No comment.
    - prefer_spread_collections # No comment.
    - use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters # No comment.
    - avoid_empty_else # No comment.
    - avoid_init_to_null # No comment.
    - avoid_relative_lib_imports # No comment.
    - avoid_return_types_on_setters # No comment.
    - avoid_shadowing_type_parameters # No comment.
    - avoid_types_as_parameter_names # No comment.
    - curly_braces_in_flow_control_structures # No comment.
    - empty_catches # No comment.
    - empty_constructor_bodies # No comment.
    - library_names # No comment.
    - library_prefixes # No comment.
    - no_duplicate_case_values # No comment.
    - null_closures # No comment.
    - prefer_contains # No comment.
    - prefer_equal_for_default_values # No comment.
    - prefer_is_empty # No comment.
    - prefer_is_not_empty # No comment.
    - prefer_iterable_whereType # No comment.
    - recursive_getters # No comment.
    - slash_for_doc_comments # No comment.
    - type_init_formals # No comment.
    - unawaited_futures # No comment.
    - unnecessary_const # No comment.
    - unnecessary_new # No comment.
    - unnecessary_null_in_if_null_operators # No comment.
    - unrelated_type_equality_checks # No comment.
    - use_rethrow_when_possible # No comment.
    - valid_regexps # No comment.
    - control_flow_in_finally # No comment.
    - empty_statements # No comment.
    - prefer_final_locals # No comment.
    - throw_in_finally # No comment.
    - await_only_futures # No comment.
    - cancel_subscriptions # No comment.
    - close_sinks # No comment.
    - hash_and_equals # No comment.
    - implementation_imports # No comment.
    - package_api_docs # No comment.
    - package_names # No comment.
    - package_prefixed_library_names # No comment.
    - test_types_in_equals # No comment.
    - unnecessary_getters_setters # No comment.
    - void_checks # No comment.
    - type_annotate_public_apis # No comment.
    - avoid_slow_async_io # No comment.
    - iterable_contains_unrelated_type # No comment.
    - list_remove_unrelated_type # No comment.
    - literal_only_boolean_expressions # No comment.
    - no_adjacent_strings_in_list # No comment.
    - directives_ordering # No comment.
    - only_throw_errors # No comment.
    - prefer_asserts_in_initializer_lists # No comment.
    - prefer_const_constructors # No comment.
    - prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables # No comment.
    - prefer_typing_uninitialized_variables # No comment.
    - unnecessary_null_aware_assignments # No comment.
    - unnecessary_overrides # No comment.
    - use_string_buffers # No comment.
    - use_full_hex_values_for_flutter_colors # No comment.
    - prefer_inlined_adds # No comment.
    - always_declare_return_types # No comment.
    - prefer_const_declarations # No comment.
    - prefer_null_aware_operators # No comment.
    - always_put_required_named_parameters_first # No comment.
    - avoid_catching_errors # No comment.
    - avoid_double_and_int_checks # No comment.
    - avoid_implementing_value_types # No comment.
    - avoid_js_rounded_ints # No comment.
    - avoid_returning_null_for_future # No comment.
    - avoid_returning_null_for_void # No comment.
    - avoid_returning_this # No comment.
    - avoid_single_cascade_in_expression_statements # No comment.
    - avoid_unused_constructor_parameters # No comment.
    - avoid_void_async # No comment.
    - join_return_with_assignment # No comment.
    - parameter_assignments # No comment.
    - prefer_final_in_for_each # No comment.
    - prefer_initializing_formals # No comment.
    - provide_deprecation_message # No comment.
    - sort_pub_dependencies # No comment.
    - sort_unnamed_constructors_first # No comment.
    - unnecessary_await_in_return # No comment.
    - unsafe_html # No comment.
    - file_names # No comment.
    - cast_nullable_to_non_nullable # No comment.
    - exhaustive_cases # No comment.
    - prefer_relative_imports # No comment.
    - tighten_type_of_initializing_formals # No comment.
    - avoid_dynamic_calls # No comment.
    - avoid_catches_without_on_clauses # No comment.
    - avoid_type_to_string # No comment.
    - avoid_web_libraries_in_flutter # No comment.
    - no_default_cases # No comment.
    - no_logic_in_create_state # No comment.
    - overridden_fields # No comment.
    - prefer_asserts_with_message # No comment.
    - prefer_mixin # No comment.
    - prefer_null_aware_method_calls # No comment.
    - unnecessary_nullable_for_final_variable_declarations # No comment.
    - unnecessary_statements # No comment.
    - use_build_context_synchronously # No comment.
    - use_is_even_rather_than_modulo # No comment.
    - comment_references # No comment.
    - noop_primitive_operations # No comment.
    - prefer_final_parameters # This makes it easier to refactor code.
    - unnecessary_null_aware_operator_on_extension_on_nullable # No comment.
    - unnecessary_to_list_in_spreads # No comment.
    - implicit_call_tearoffs # No comment.
    - discarded_futures # No comment.
    - collection_methods_unrelated_type # No comment.
    - use_enums # No comment.
    - use_colored_box # No comment.
    - unnecessary_late # No comment.
    - unnecessary_constructor_name # No comment.
    - secure_pubspec_urls # No comment.
    - conditional_uri_does_not_exist # No comment.
    - use_string_in_part_of_directives # No comment.
    # - prefer_adjacent_string_concatenation # No comment.
    # - prefer_single_quotes # Too pedantic.
    # - always_put_control_body_on_new_line # Too pedantic.
    # - always_specify_types # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_as # Too pedantic.
    # - unnecessary_this # Too many false positives.
    # - prefer_bool_in_asserts # No comment.
    # - use_to_and_as_if_applicable # Too pedantic.
    # - sort_child_properties_last # Too pedantic.
    # - prefer_function_declarations_over_variables # With variables, the return type can be omitted safely which is useful in FP-style code.
    # - always_use_package_imports # Prefer relative imports
    # - avoid_annotating_with_dynamic # It is better to always be explicit about dynamic.
    # - avoid_bool_literals_in_conditional_expressions # bool literals in conditional expressions make it easier to reason about them. X ? Y : Z is easier for humans than e.g. X || Z
    # - avoid_classes_with_only_static_members # Classes with static members don't pollute the global namespace.
    # - avoid_escaping_inner_quotes # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls # Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow.
    # - omit_local_variable_types # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_positional_boolean_parameters # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_print # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_redundant_argument_values # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_renaming_method_parameters # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_setters_without_getters # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_types_on_closure_parameters # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_unnecessary_containers # Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow.
    # - camel_case_types # Underscores can be useful in generated code.
    # - cascade_invocations # Too pedantic.
    # - constant_identifier_names # Too pedantic.
    # - deprecated_consistency # Too pedantic.
    # - diagnostic_describe_all_properties # Too pedantic.
    # - flutter_style_todos # Too pedantic.
    # - do_not_use_environment # Too pedantic.
    # - leading_newlines_in_multiline_strings # Too pedantic.
    # - library_private_types_in_public_api # Too pedantic.
    # - lines_longer_than_80_chars # Too pedantic.
    # - missing_whitespace_between_adjacent_strings # Too pedantic.
    # - non_constant_identifier_names # Too pedantic.
    # - no_runtimeType_toString # Too pedantic.
    # - one_member_abstracts # Too pedantic.
    # - prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables # Too pedantic.
    # - prefer_constructors_over_static_methods # Too pedantic.
    # - prefer_double_quotes # Too pedantic.
    # - prefer_expression_function_bodies # Too pedantic.
    # - prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings # Too pedantic.
    # - prefer_int_literals # Too pedantic.
    # - prefer_is_not_operator # Too pedantic.
    # - public_member_api_docs # Too pedantic.
    # - sort_constructors_first # Too pedantic.
    # - super_goes_last # Deprecated
    # - unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps # Too pedantic.
    # - unnecessary_final # final tells the reader 'This variable won't be mutated.'
    # - unnecessary_lambdas # In rare cases it is possible for this to introduce bugs.
    # - unnecessary_null_checks # Too pedantic.
    # - unnecessary_raw_strings # Too pedantic.
    # - unnecessary_string_escapes # Too pedantic.
    # - unnecessary_string_interpolations # Too pedantic.
    # - use_if_null_to_convert_nulls_to_bools # Too pedantic.
    # - use_key_in_widget_constructors # Too pedantic.
    # - use_late_for_private_fields_and_variables # Too pedantic.
    # - use_named_constants # There could be multiple constants with the same value but different identifiers.
    # - use_raw_strings # Too pedantic.
    # - use_setters_to_change_properties # Too pedantic.
    # - null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter # Too many false positives.
    # - require_trailing_commas # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_field_initializers_in_const_classes # Too pedantic.
    # - camel_case_extensions # Disabled because an underscore is useful to represent domains in generated code.
    # - depend_on_referenced_packages # Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow.
    # - eol_at_end_of_file # Too pedantic.
    # - no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes # Too pedantic.
    # - no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers # Too pedantic.
    # - prefer_void_to_null # Obsolete because of NNBD.
    # - sized_box_shrink_expand # Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow.
    # - always_require_non_null_named_parameters # Obsolete because of NNBD.
    # - prefer_foreach # Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow.
    # - use_decorated_box # Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow.
    # - use_test_throws_matchers # Too pedantic.
    # - prefer_if_elements_to_conditional_expressions # Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow.
    # - avoid_returning_null # Obsolete because of NNBD.
    # - use_super_parameters # Super parameters make inheritance more convenient, but inheritance should be avoided and composition should be preferred. Even if you need inheritance, you should declare an interface and mixins, and not use super constructors.
    # - unnecessary_library_directive # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_final_parameters # No comment.
    # - combinators_ordering # Too pedantic.
    # - dangling_library_doc_comments # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_private_typedef_functions # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_multiple_declarations_per_line # Has false positives.
    # - library_annotations # Too pedantic.
    # - sized_box_for_whitespace # Disabled because this rule decreases productivity by disturbing flow.
    # - invariant_booleans # Too many false positives.
    # - unreachable_from_main # Too pedantic.
    # - avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes # @immutable depends on meta.