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37 lines (22 loc) · 1.29 KB

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37 lines (22 loc) · 1.29 KB

update every thing and install brew with script from home page brew install zsh zoxide fd neovim atuin aichat ripgrep fzf thefuck node go tokei
apt install stow , git clone dotfiles repo ==> this configure zsh and works well

curl -L | sh /dev/stdin to install kitty the terminal emulater that iam planning to use install jetbrains mono unzip to /usr/local/share/fonts then run fc-cache -fv like this link maybe installing

made brew zsh defualt shell

add brew to the path

sudo apt install i3 i3blocks rofi sxhkd jq mpv feh sxiv xclip

added i3 repos to apt for latest version

download kanata moved to /usr/local/bin add systemd service config from dotfiles

install zap from official script zap install activitywatch , local send

add ppa for syncthing and installed with apt moved old ~/.local/state/syncthing/ to new place

added scripts to dotfiles

installed nordic gtk3 theme

move old .mozilla

install picom from apt and use default config

install obs from their ppa

install anki with script

install vscoduim through their ppa