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File metadata and controls

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This article will list some examples so that developers can quickly understand the functions of imglib and easily use them. All these examples can be found in example/.../, and you can run the example module to execute the corresponding functions.

Image Collection

Create a transparent image

        .register(new TransparentImageGenerator.Builder()

In this example, an image with size of 300px * 200px and transparent background will be created and saved to the file of .../out/transparent.png.

Create a mono color image

        .register(new MonoColorImageGenerator.Builder()

In this example, an image with size of 300px * 200px, transparency of 0.2 and random background color will be created and saved to file of .../out/mono_color.png. Tip: the transparency value is between [0, 1], when it is equal to 1, the image is completely opaque, and when it is equal to 0, the image is completely transparent.

Take a screenshot

        .register(new ScreenshotGenerator.Builder()
            .startPoint(600, 300)

In this example, a screenshot will be captured. The screenshot range is a rectangular area with the upper left corner coordinate of [600, 300], width of 280px and height of 190px. The captured screenshot will be saved to the file of .../out/screenshot.png.

Create a hash image

        .register(new HashImageGenerator.Builder("imglib-user")
            .fgColor(ColorUtils.of(50, 150, 50))

In this example, a two-dimensional matrix with size of 5px * 5px will be created. If the value of the pixel at the corresponding position in the matrix is true, the foreground color of the pixel will be set to [(R) 50, (G) 150, (B) 50], and the dot matrix image will be saved to the file of .../out/hash.png.

For the convenience of observation, the displayed image is not the image out/hash.png but the enlarged image, because the generated image has just only 25 pixels.

Extract image from page of PDF file


In this example, the specified pdf file of .../in/jvms8.pdf will be parsed, and the page whose index is 0 is extracted as an image, and the DPI (pixels per inch) is set to 280 when extracting the image, and the image is saved to the file of .../out/page_1_of_jvms8.jpg.

Extract image from frame of GIF file


In this example, the specified gif file of .../in/duck.gif will be parsed, all frames of the gif file will be extracted as a list of images, and these images will be saved to file directory of .../out/gif/ one by one in the order of frames.

original GIF file list of extracted images

Merging and Splitting

Split image with grid

        .addFilter(new GridSplitHandler.Builder()

In this example, a rectangular area with size of 400px * 250px will be used to extract images from the original image line by line from left to right until the rectangle touches (or contains) the image boundary, and the extracted images will be saved to the file directory of .../out/split/ in order.

original image list of images after split

Merge images with grid

        .addFilter(new GridMergeHandler.Builder()
            .fillColor(ColorUtils.of(240, 240, 240))

In this example, four images spring.jpg,summer.jpg,winter.jpg,autumn.jpg will be loaded from the file directory of .../in/to_merge/, and these images will be in order splicing in one image, the splicing rules are as follows:

  • use a grid with a fixed size of 530px * 530px to hold each image;
  • enable automatic grid adjustment, reset the size of the grid when the grid is not enough to accommodate an image;
  • set image center alignment, including horizontal and vertical;
  • the number of grids placed in each row is set to 2;
  • the blank part is filled with the color [(R) 240, (G) 240, (B) 240] if an image cannot cover the entire grid area;

The stitched image will be saved to file of .../out/after_merge.jpg.

list of original images merged image

Encode image(s) to GIF file

        .toFile(new GifFileEncoder.Builder()

In this example, four images of spring.jpg,summer.jpg,winter.jpg,autumn.jpg will be loaded from the file directory of .../in/to_merge/ and encoded into the file of .../out/seasons.gif, the output file switches to the next frame every 400ms, and has been set to repeat mode.

list of original images the GIF file after encoded

Image Processing

Although Thumbnailator is mainly used to process thumbnails, it still provides us with basic image processing capabilities, including size scaling, scaling, area cropping, rotation, and adding watermarks, etc. Imglib expands a series of new image processing capabilities on the basis of Thumbnailator, and all new functions implement the ImageFilter interface, which can be accessed through Thumbnails.Builder#addFilter(ImageFilter), Thumbnails.Builder#addFilters(List<ImageFilter>) way to use.

Add a border to the image

        .addFilter(new BorderHandler.Builder()
            .fillColor(ColorUtils.of(240, 230, 175))

In this example, a border will be added to the image of .../in/panda.jpg with a margin of 20 px horizontally and 30 px vertically, and the processed image will be saved to file of .../out/bordered.jpg.

original image after add border

Add a mosaic to the image

        .addFilter(new MosaicHandler.Builder()

In this example, a mosaic will be added to a part of the .../in/panda.jpg image.The coordinates of the upper left corner of the area are [480, 260], and the width and height are 180px and 160px respectively. The side length of each mosaic block is fixed at 10 px, and the processed image will be saved to the file of.../out/after_mosaic.jpg.

original image after mosaic

Rounded the corners of image

        .addFilter(new RoundRectHandler.Builder()

In this example, the four corners of the original image .../in/panda.jpg will be changed to rounded corners, the horizontal and vertical diameters of the corner arcs are both 100px, and the processed image will be saved to file of .../out/rounded.png. It is worth noting that the rounded image must be specified as a PNG format when saving, otherwise it will have no effect.

original image after rounded the corners

Enlarge image size lossless

        .addFilter(new HighQualityExpandHandler.Builder()

Although Thumbnailator already offers the ability to resize images, images usually become blurry which have been enlarged by it because of the loss of image quality. When we need to expand the image lossless, we can use HighQualityExpandHandler to achieve it.

In this example, the size of the original image .../in/chaotic_points.png is 100px * 60px, after zooming in, we will get a 300px * 180px image which has been saved to file of ... /out/expanded.png. Usually, we only need to specify a final width (or final height), and set it to keep the aspect ratio, so that we can get an image that is proportional to the original image.

original image enlarged image
size:100px * 60px size:300px * 180px

Grayscaled image

        .addFilter(new ModeAdaptor(
            new WeightGrayingStrategy.Builder()

In this example, the original image .../in/panda.jpg will be grayscaled, and the strategy adopted is to grayscale by weight. The red component accounts for 30%, and the green component accounts for 59%. The blue component accounts for 11%, and the grayscaled image will be saved to the file of .../out/grayed.jpg. Assuming that the original RGB value of any pixel is [r', g', b'], the formula for calculating the gray value is val = (r' * 0.3 + g' * 0.59 + b' * 0.11) , and the final RGB value of the pixel is [val, val, val].

In addition to the graying strategy by weight, imglib also provides the average graying strategy AvgGrayingStrategy, the maximum graying strategy MaxGrayingStrategy, the minimum graying strategy MinGrayingStrategy and the fixed component graying strategy FixedGrayingStrategy, and developers can extend AbstractGrayingStrategy to achieve custom grayscale implementation.

original image grayscaled image

Binarized image

AbstractGrayingStrategy strategy = new FixedGrayingStrategy(FixedGrayingStrategy.FixedOption.R);
        .addFilter(new ModeAdaptor(
            new SimpleBinaryStrategy.Builder()

In this example, the original image .../in/panda.jpg will be binarized, the grayscale strategy adopted is the fixed component (R) grayscale strategy, and the binarization strategy is the simple strategy which requires setting a threshold threshold, when the gray value is greater than the threshold, each component of the pixel will be set to 255, otherwise it will be set to 0.

In addition to the simple binarization strategy, developers can extend AbstractBinaryStrategy to achieve the custom binarization implementation.

original image binarized image

Opening shape

        .addFilter(new ShapeAdaptor(
            new Line.Builder()
                .start(new Point(200, 260))
                .end(new Point(1000, 260))
                .stroke(new BasicStroke(6))

In this example, a straight line will be drawn on the original image /in/panda.jpg, the starting point and ending point of the line are [200, 260], [1000, 260] respectively, and the color of the line is random. The thickness of the brush is set to 6px, and the processed image will be saved to file of .../out/painted_line.jpg.

For the extension of the opening shape, developers can implement it by extending AbstractOpenedShape.

original image image after adding opening shape

Closed shape

        .addFilter(new ShapeAdaptor(
            new Oval.Builder()
                .rect(new Rectangle(220, 110, 680, 350))

In this example, an oval will be drawn on the original image /in/panda.jpg, the coordinates of the upper left corner of the circumscribed rectangle of the ellipse are [220, 110], and the length and width of the circumscribed rectangle are 680px and 350px, and set to fill the oval with a random color, the processed image will be saved to the file of .../out/fill_oval.jpg.

For a closed shape, there are two modes of drawing, one is to fill the interior, and the other is to only draw the border. If the developer wishes to draw the shape's border, a brush Stroke object should also be specified. In addition to the ellipse, imglib also provides the implementation of the rectangle Rect, and developers can achieve other closed shapes by extending AbstractClosedShape.

original image image after adding closed shape