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Sean Hefty edited this page Jun 14, 2019 · 40 revisions

Update this procedure with any new providers. Copy/paste markdown as new issue for each new release, and update as necessary.

Make a perfect tarball

  • For libfabric:
    • For new minor releases, make stable v1.Y.x branch
    • Cherry-pick relevant commits from master
    • Update the libfabric version number in to the final release version
    • Update the version number in include/windows/config.h
    • Update the version numbers in include/rdma/fabric.h
      • FI_VERSION_MAJOR should match first number in
      • FI_VERSION_MINOR should match second number in
    • Update providers to support the version in fabric.h
      • Tip: search for .fi_version and FI_VERSION.
    • Update the shared library version number(s) in per the GNU Libtool shared library version number rules
      • Always check the libtool rules, but as general rules: Stable releases (v1.x.y - where y is updated) should never see API changes; stable release c:r:a versions should normally be updated to c:r+1:a. Minor releases (v1.x.0 - where x is updated) may see API additions or backwards compatible API changes. If there are no API changes, minor release c:r:a versions should be updated to c:r+10:a relative to the highest numbered stable release. The r+10 allows for up to 9 additional stable releases without resulting in a collision in the release numbers. If there are new APIs or backwards compatible changes, update c:r:a to c+1:0:a+1. Non-compatible API changes should strongly be avoided.
      • Pro tip: run git log --stat --no-merges > log.txt as the head of the master
      • Examine this file all the way back to the Git tag for the previous release; look for changes to files in src/, include/, and include/rdma to help determine if the c:r:a version values need to change
      • Pro tip: run git log <last_version_tag>..HEAD -- include/rdma
      • Will show all changes to the external header files since the last release. The last_version_tag should be similar to v1.3.0
    • Update all documentation files (especially including dates and version numbers), including:
      • AUTHORS (via git log --pretty=format:'%aN <%aE>' | sort --ignore-case | uniq > AUTHORS)
      • Update the years in the copyright notices in COPYING
      • Provider Feature Matrix (PFM)
        • Add a link to this version's PFM on the main PFM wiki page
        • GNI provider
        • ND provider
        • mlx provider
        • PSM provider
        • PSM2 provider
        • RxD provider
        • RxM provider
        • Sockets provider
        • TCP provider
        • UDP provider
        • usNIC provider
        • verbs provider
        • GNI provider
        • ND provider
        • mlx provider
        • PSM provider
        • PSM2 provider
        • RxDprovider
        • RxM provider
        • Sockets provider
        • TCP provider
        • UDP provider
        • usNIC provider
        • verbs provider
      • Man pages
        • man/
        • man/
        • man/
        • man/
        • man/
        • man/
        • man/
        • man/
        • man/
        • man/
        • man/
        • man/
      • ...any other doc files that may not be included in this list
  • For fabtests:
    • Provide a release that matches the libfabric release number, even if there are no changes.
    • Update the version number in to the final release version
    • Update all documentation files (especially including dates and version numbers):
      • README
      • AUTHORS (via git log --pretty=format:'%aN <%aE>' | sort --ignore-case | uniq > AUTHORS)
      • Update the years in the copyright notices in COPYING
      • ...any other doc files that may not be included in this list
  • Update the libfabric release date in
  • Update the fabtests version number in to the final release version
  • Make final libfabric-x.y.z.tar.gz and libfabric-x.y.z.bz2 tarballs
  • Make final fabtests-x.y.z.tar.gz and fabtests-x.y.z.bz2 tarballs

Ensure that the tarball actually works

  • Ensure libfabric make distcheck passes
  • Build and install libfabric (from a tarball)
    • Check that the version number and release date is correct in the installed man pages
  • Build and install fabtests (from a tarball)
  • Ensure fabtests make distcheck passes
  • Ensure all providers pass all (relevant) tests
    • gni
    • nd
    • mlx
    • psm
    • psm2
    • rxm
    • sockets
    • udp
    • usnic
    • verbs
  • Build and install previous version of libfabric (from a tarball)
  • Build and install previous version of fabtests against previous version of libfabric (from a tarball)
  • rm -rf the installation of the previous version of libfabric
  • Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the installation of the new libfabric
  • Re-run all fabtests and ensure that they still pass
    • gni
    • nd
    • mlx
    • psm
    • psm2
    • rxm
    • sockets
    • udp
    • usnic
    • verbs

Test packaging

  • Ensure that building a libfabric source RPM works on a RHEL system
  • Ensure that building the libfabric binary RPMs (libfabric and libfabric-devel) work on a RHEL system
  • Install both RPMs on an RHEL system
  • Test building and running fabtests against the RPM-installed libfabric
  • Test building a libfabric-based program with the output from pkg-config with the RPM-installed libfabric.pc
  • Uninstall libfabric-devel and ensure libfabric programs still run correctly

Do the release

  • git tag -a vX.Y.Z on the libfabric master branch
  • git tag -a vX.Y.Z on the fabtests master branch
  • git push --tags --dry-run to libfabric. Remove --dry-run when you're convinced it is correct.
  • git push --tags --dry-run to fabtests. Remove --dry-run when you're convinced it is correct.
  • Make a libfabric release corresponding to the git tag on
  • Make a fabtests release corresponding to the git tag on
  • Copy the man/*.[0-9].md files from exactly the same Git hash that was used to make the official tarball to the gh-pages branch of the libfabric Git repo
    • Put them in vX.Y.Z/man/
    • Also put an file in that directory (copy one from the prior releases and edit it to reflect this version, and add/remove any man pages as relevant for this release)
  • Update the main page:
    • Add links to the new libfabric and fabtests release tarballs
    • Add link for the man pages for this release
  • Close the relevant Github milestone in ofiwg/libfabric and ofiwg/fabtests
  • Make a new milestone for the release after this one (e.g., v1.Y.x+1 or v1.Y+1.0)
  • Re-target all open issues for an appropriate future milestone
  • Ensure that new Github milestones exist in ofiwg/libfabric and ofiwg/fabtests for the next release
  • Update the libfabric version number in to <NEXT_VERSION>a1
  • Update the fabtests version number in to <NEXT_VERSION>a1
  • Send an email to the ofiwg mailing list announcing the release

Update infrastructure

  • As ofiwg-bot on
    • Make a new directory for tarballs under /var/www/html/downloads/ofiwg/nightly_tarballs
    • Adjust the current sym link in the same directory to point to the new directory
    • Make a new directory under /home/ofiwg-bot/cron/build-logs for build logs for this series
    • Adjust the current sym link in the same directory to point to the new directory