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Jeff Squyres edited this page Sep 10, 2014 · 6 revisions

Open MPI Git repositories

As of September 2014, Github does not support fine-grained directory-based ACLs inside Git repositories.

As such, to continue Open MPI's long tradition of only allowing Release Managers and Gatekeepers to write to release branches, Open MPI has two Git repositories:

  1. ompi: This is the main repository for active development. Active Open MPI developers have push access to this repository. There is only one branch in this repository: master.
  • Do NOT push additional branches into this repository.
  • If you want to share a branch with someone, push it somewhere else (e.g., your own personal Github fork of the main ompi repository).
  • All wiki pages for the Open MPI code base are on this project.
  • All bugs/enhancements are filed as Github issues on this project.
  1. ompi-release: This repository contains all the branches for all of Open MPI's official release series (as of this writing: v0.9, v1.0, ..., v1.8).


Open MPI's first source code commit was on November 22, 2003. The project initially used CVS as its version control system. When Subversion finally hit v1.0, the project moved its code to a Subversion repository. The Subversion repository, a wiki and issue system (Trac) were all hosted at Indiana University.

Over time, developers started using Mercurial and Git for side development and forks. The project started supporting official Mercurial and Git mirrors of the SVN repository (on Bitbucket and Github, respectively).

Eventually, the Open MPI developers decided to wholly move to Git, and Github was selected as the hosting platform. In September, 2014, much of the Subversion and Trac (wiki and tickets) content were migrated to Github. Specifically:

  • The Subversion trunk was moved to the ompi Github repo (
  • The Subversion release branches were moved to the ompi-release Github repo (
  • All other Subversion branches (e.g., the private /tmp branches and the /vendor branches) were left in Subversion. Subversion was left in a read-only status.
  • The Trac wiki pages were converted to Github Markdown and moved to the ompi Github repo.
  • All open, non-Changeset-Move-Request Trac tickets were converted to be Github issues on the ompi Github repo.
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