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Code of Conduct

In order to keep the Open Source Design community warm, welcoming, and safe place we ask that all participates read and adhere to the following code of conduct.

Be excellent to each other

Please treat each other, as well as the public, in an excellent way. What it means to "be excellent" is the following:

  • Be radically inclusive to existing members and newcomers looking to learn or participate
  • Be totally respectful of each others abilities, interests, and personal differences
  • Be exceedingly kind even in moments of disagreement while working towards consensus
  • Educate and illuminate others with something you know more about
  • Be open to feedback from others in the community, be it technical skill or interpersonally

These traits exemplify the type of community we strive for with Open Source Design. We want a diverse community where members treat each other excellently, at all times.

We want Open Source Design to be diverse because we A) believe in equality and B) know that diversity leads to healthier culture, which outputs better creativity.

Don't be a mean or a not nice person

The following are behaviors that are known to exclude and make other demographics of people feel unwelcome. Please do not do the following.

Don't be offensive

If you think you are offending someone for whatever reason, STOP immediately. If you're uncertain, ask a core community member (in private message). Asking for guidance will show good faith that you are striving to uphold our code of conduct.

Don't discriminate against anyone

Please be especially sensitive and aware of others who are different from you. Don't make jokes, offhand comments, or name your projects in ways that can be offensive relating to, but not limited to, the following topics

  • Age
  • Culture
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender identity & expression
  • Nationality
  • Physical disabilities or differences
  • Mental disabilities or differences
  • Politics
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation
  • Socio-economic status
  • Subcultural affiliation

Discriminatory comments or naming of projects that relate to any of the above topics are the most common forms of abuse. Thus we consider violations relating to these topics to be severe violations of our code of conduct.

Don't sexualize your work

This is another tricky point as some people see no harm in naming a code libraries things like bikini.js or crotchlessChaps.js or fat-man.rb or leaving comments in their code like A sexy ass variadic function. These little things may seem harmless, but can make others of different orientations, ideologies, or life experiences feel very uncomfortable. It is best to avoid such things as:

  • Don't use overtly sexual usernames, or project names
  • Don't refer to others in a sexualized way
  • Refrain from comments with sexual undertones and metaphors

Don't make unwelcome sexual advances

Most of our community are adults and should know when it's ok to flirt with other adults. However, we're also an online community whereby many people don't know each other in real life. Many of us come from different cultures. What might be seen as lighthearted flirting in one culture, might be extremely offensive to another culture. This discomfort causes people to not participate in communities. Therefore it's best to not do it. Open Source Design is a community about bringing great design to open source software, let's keep it focused on that.

Where this CoC is upheld

This code of conduct especially pertains to our online community platforms (GitHub: @opensourcedesign, Twitter: @opensrcdesign, Discourse Forum: as well as our offline events like the FOSDEM Open Source Design room, the FOSSASIA Design track, the Open Source Design Summit and local meetups. But it also pertains to your personal public communications and views.

Being a respectful contributor to Open Source Design by day and a ragging (or even mild) neo-nazi by night is still grounds for expulsion. Some people see this as impinging on personal freedoms, we disagree, sorry.

Consequences for violations

If a participant engages in behavior violating this code of conduct, the core members of this community may take any action they deem appropriate. Actions may range from a simple warning to the most drastic: expulsion from the community, exclusion from any interaction, and loss of all rights in the community.

Reporting violations

If you are aware of a violation of our code of conduct. Please contact one of our core contributors such as:

  • Kriesse (kristina at,
  • Jan (hey at,
  • Simon (contact at, or
  • Gilli (gilli at

and they will investigate as soon as possible. If you would like to remain anonymous in the report, please note this.

You can also reach out to our core contributors by e-mailing core at For the full list of who will receive that e-mail, check in this issue discussing the core e-mail address.

Decisions about consequences

Decisions about consequences of violating this code of conduct are made by the community’s core members as named above and will not be discussed with the person responsible for the violation until a decision has been reached.

Additions, amendments, and feedback

It is foreseeable that this code of conduct will need additions and to be improved upon. Online culture changes, new views and sensitivities emerge which need to be taken into account. In order to add or modify our Code of Conduct, please fork and send a pull request or open an issue with your proposed changes. Our community will happily review it for inclusion.


This Code of Conduct was based on the Ada Initiative's HOWTO design a code of conduct for your community, as well as CoCs from the Hoodie and Django projects.