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Yossi Itigin edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 9 revisions


UCS contains a tool to collect profiling information and save it to a file. Profiling is based on "locations", which are places in the code to collect timestamps from.
There are 3 types of locations:

  • SAMPLE - simple timestamp
  • SCOPE_START - mark the beginning of a nested block (code block or function call)
  • SCOPE_END - mark the end of a nested block.
  • REQUEST_NEW - start tracking a nonblocking send or receive request
  • REQUEST_EVENT - mark an event in the lifetime of a request
  • REQUEST_FREE - stop tracking a request

In addition there are several convenience macros to profile the code:

  • UCS_PROFILE_CODE - Measure the time of a code block.
  • UCS_PROFILE_FUNC[_VOID] - Wrap a function with profiling code which measures its time.
  • UCS_PROFILE[_NAMED]_CALL[_VOID] - Profile a function call (which wasn't wrapped with UCS_PROFILE_FUNC)

When enabling profile collection, one or more of the following modes can be used:

  • accum - Accumulate time and count per location.
  • log - Collect all timestamps. If the log buffer is exhausted, newer records would override old ones in a circular buffer fashion.

The profiling data is saved to a file when the program exits, or when UCS catches the signal SIGHUP.
In order to read the file, the ucx_read_profile tool should be used:

$ ucx_read_profile -h
Usage: ucx_read_profile [options] <file>
      -r             raw output
      -t UNITS       select time units (sec/msec/usec/nsec)

Usage example

The following profiled code is a top-level function called my_func which is profiled, and in addition it calls printf("Hello World!") and profiles that call:

UCS_PROFILE_FUNC_VOID(my_func, ()) {
    UCS_PROFILE_CALL(printf, "Hello World!\n");

Run an application and collect profile:

$ UCX_PROFILE_MODE=log,accum ./app

Read profile output file:

$ ucx_read_profile      

   command : ./app
   host    : my_host
   pid     : 9999
   units   : usec

                     NAME           AVG         TOTAL      COUNT             FILE     FUNCTION
                   printf        15.316            15          1     profiling.c:13   my_func_inner()
                  my_func        15.883            16          1     profiling.c:12   my_func()

     0.000  my_func 15.883 {                           profiling.c:12   my_func()
     0.332      printf 15.316 {                        profiling.c:13   my_func_inner()
    15.316      }
     0.236  }

See more advanced example in ucx_profiling.c

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