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UCF Virtual Workshop 2020

Pavel Shamis (Pasha) edited this page Nov 7, 2020 · 55 revisions


You are registering for an open public standards setting discussion and development meeting of UCF. The discussions that take place during this meeting are intended to be open to the general public and all work product derived therefrom shall be made widely and freely available to the public. All information including exchange of technical information shall take place during open sessions of this meeting and UCF will not sponsor or support any private working group, standards setting or development sessions that may take place during this meeting. Your participation in any non-public interactions or settings during this meeting are outside the scope of UCF's intended open-public meeting format.


Nov 30 - Dec 3 (4 days)

Free registration for the event

Register here


Virtual - ZOOM (Zoom link to be provided)

Agenda (USA Central time zone)

Date Time Topic Speaker/Moderator
11/30 08:00-09:00
UCF State of the Union

Unified Communication Framework (UCF) - Collaboration between industry,laboratories, and academia to create production grade communication frameworks and open standards for data-centric and high-performance applications. In this talk we will present recent advances in development UCF projects including Open UCX, Apache Spark UCX as well incubation projects in the area of SmartNIC programming, benchmarking, and other areas of accelerated compute.

Gilad Shainer, Nvidia

Gilad Shainer serves as senior vice-president of marketing for Mellanox networking at NVIDIA, focusing on high- performance computing, artificial intelligence and the InfiniBand technology. Mr. Shainer joined Mellanox in 2001 as a design engineer and later served in senior marketing management roles since 2005. Mr. Shainer serves as the chairman of the HPC-AI Advisory Council organization, the president of UCF and CCIX consortiums, a member of IBTA and a contributor to the PCISIG PCI-X and PCIe specifications. Mr. Shainer holds multiple patents in the field of high-speed networking. He is a recipient of 2015 R&D100 award for his contribution to the CORE-Direct In-Network Computing technology and the 2019 R&D100 award for his contribution to the Unified Communication X (UCX) technology. Gilad Shainer holds a MSc degree and a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technion Institute of Technology in Israel.

Pavel Shamis (Pasha), Arm

Pavel Shamis is a Principal Research Engineer at Arm. His work is focused on co-design software, and hardware building blocks for high-performance interconnect technologies, development of communication middleware, and novel programming models. Prior to joining ARM, he spent five years at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) as a research scientist at Computer Science and Math Division (CSMD). In this role, Pavel was responsible for research and development multiple projects in high-performance communication domains including Collective Communication Offload (CORE-Direct & Cheetah), OpenSHMEM, and OpenUCX. Before joining ORNL, Pavel spent ten years at Mellanox Technologies, where he led Mellanox HPC team and was one of the key drivers in the enablement Mellanox HPC software stack, including OFA software stack, OpenMPI, MVAPICH, OpenSHMEM, and other. Pavel is a board member of UCF consortium and co-maintainer of Open UCX. He holds multiple patents in the area of in-network accelerator. Pavel is a recipient of 2015 R&D100 award for his contribution to the development CORE-Direct in-network computing technology and the 2019 R&D100 award for the development of Open Unified Communication X (Open UCX) software framework for HPC, data analytics, and AI.

GPU memory support

Seamless support of GPU buffers communication introduces yet another dimension for designing optimal data transfer protocols. In this talk we will have open discussion about outstanding issues and challenges, including out-of-box performance, PCI topology support, rendezvous protocols, memory type cache and memory hooks, and more.

Yossi Itigin, Nvidia

Yossi Itigin is a UCX team lead at NVIDIA, focuses on high-performance communication middleware, and a maintainer of OpenUCX project. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Mr. Itigin spent nine years at Mellanox Technologies in different technical roles, all related to developing and optimizing RDMA software.

10:00-11:00 UCX ROCM Plans Sourav Chandra, AMD
UCX for Apache Spark

Utilizing accelerators in Apache Spark presents opportunities for significant speedup of ETL, ML and DL applications. In this talk i’ll describe acceleration of Spark data shuffle across network and GPU accelerators using UCX library. Will show our existing solutions on speeding up host-to-host data transfer, using one-sided communications, device-to-device acceleration for Rapids Spark using tag API, and our roadmap to unify these two solutions.

Peter Rudenko, Nvidia

Peter Rudenko is a software engineer in High Performance Computing team, focusing on accelerating data intensive applications, developing UCX communication library and various big data solutions.

12:00-13:00 UCX Python - Dask/RAPIDS Ben Zaitlen, NVIDIA, Peter Entschev, NVIDIA, Matthew Baker, ORNL
12/01 08:00-09:00 UCF - Future directions Steve Poole, Los Alamos National Laboratory
UCP Protocols v2

In order to achieve out-of-box performance, UCX must select the optimal protocol for the given scenario, considering factors such as buffer length, memory locality, and data layout. In this talk we will present and discuss the next version of protocol selection mechanism, and make sure it will be able to handle that task.

Yossi Itigin, Nvidia

Yossi Itigin is a UCX team lead at NVIDIA, focuses on high-performance communication middleware, and a maintainer of OpenUCX project. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Mr. Itigin spent nine years at Mellanox Technologies in different technical roles, all related to developing and optimizing RDMA software.

UCP Active messages API

Active messages is a common messaging interface for various PGAS (Partitioned Global Address Space) APIs/libraries. In this talk will give an overview of the existing UCP active messaging API, including recently introduced rendezvous protocol capabilities.

Mikhail Brinskii, Nvidia

Active messages is a common messaging interface for various PGAS (Partitioned Global Address Space) APIs/libraries. In this talk will give an overview of the existing UCP active messaging API, including recently introduced rendezvous protocol capabilities.

11:00-12:00 UCX development in Huawei Alex Margolin, Huawei
12:00-13:00 Open Smart NIC API - State of the Union Steve Poole, Los Alamos National Laboratory
12/02 08:00-09:00 BlazingSQL with UCX Rodrigo Aramburu & Felipe Aramburu, BlazingSQL
09:00-10:00 Charm++ with UCX Nitin Bhat, Charmworks
10:00-10:30 MPICH/UCX Update Ken Raffenetti ,Argonne National Laboratory
10:40-11:40 UCX counters in Score-P and Vampir Shuki Zanyovka, Huawei
11:40-12:40 Unified Communication Datatypes - State of the Union Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
Arm IP building blocks and standards for SmartNIC

This talk describes the building-blocks available from Arm for modern SmartNICs/DPUs along with relevant standards enabling operating systems to boot on Arm-based SmartNICs without modification. Support for interfaces like CXL in Arm IP that targets future SmartNIC architectures is also discussed.

Kshitij Sudan, Arm

Kshitij the Technical Assistant to the GM of Arm’s Infrastructure business unit. He is a systems architect and focuses on enabling Arm customers targeted different market segments using Arm IP. Kshitij holds a PhD in computer architecture from University of Utah.

12/03 08:00-09:00 UCC: Design and Implementation of Next Generation Collectives Library Manju Gorentla, Nvidia
09:00-09:30 One-to-many UCT transports, part I: Shared-memory Alex Margolin, Huawei
09:30-10:00 One-to-many UCT transports, part II: Multicast Morad Horany, Huawei
10:00-11:00 Until UCC is available - UCG status update Alex Margolin, Huawei
11:00-11:45 RDMA-CORE Linux kernel and user space updates Jason Gunthorpe, Nvidia
11:45-12:30 RDMA-CORE DMABUF Jianxin Xiong, Intel
12:30-13:30 Scaling Facebook's Deep Learning Recommender Model (DLRM) with UCC/XCCL Josh Ladd, Nvidia & Srinivas, Facebook
13:30-14:00 Open Smart NIC API - OpenSHMEM I/O Extensions for Fine-grained Access to Persistent Memory Storage Megan Grodowitz, Arm
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