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Substrate/Polkadot node Helm chart

Version: 5.13.2 Type: application


The Polkadot Helm Chart provides a convenient way to deploy and manage a Polkadot blockchain node in a Kubernetes cluster. This chart is designed to be highly configurable, supporting various configurations and features of the Polkadot node, including persistent storage, resource management, and custom networking.


  • Compatible with all Substrate-based relaychains, including Polkadot, Kusama, Paseo, Westend, Rococo, and more.
  • Compatible with all Substrate-based parachains, including Asset-hub, Bridge-hub, Coretime, People, Acala, Astar, Moonbase, and others.
  • Deploy RPC, collators, validators, or full nodes in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Use snapshots to speed up the deployment process.
  • Supports session key and node-key (ID) injection.


Name Email Url

Installing the chart

helm repo add parity
helm install polkadot-node parity/node

This will deploy a single Polkadot node with the default configuration.

Public snapshots

You can use the following public URLs to download chain snapshots:

For example, to restore Polkadot pruned snapshot running ParityDB, configure chart values like the following:

  chain: polkadot
  role: full
      enabled: true
      method: http-filelist
    pruning: 256

Polkadot and Kusama backups are pruned at 256 blocks. Westend backups are pruned at 1000 blocks.

Resizing the node disk

To resize the node persistent volume, perform the following steps:

  1. Patch the PVC storage size, eg. to 1000Gi:
kubectl patch pvc chain-data-polkadot-node-0  -p '{"spec":{"resources":{"requests":{"storage":"1000Gi"}}}}}'
  1. Delete the StatefulSet object with cascade=orphan (ie. without removing the attached pods):
kubectl delete sts polkadot-node --cascade=orphan
  1. Update the node.chainData.volumeSize to the new value (eg. 1000Gi) and upgrade the helm release.

Note that for a Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claims to be resizable, its StorageClass must have specific characteristics. More information on this topic is available in the Expanding Persistent Volumes Claims section of the Kubernetes documentation.

Optional Vault Integration

To integrate this chart with vault:

  • Vault agent injector installed on the cluster
  • Kubernetes auth enabled in your vault instance
  • Secrets for either the keys or the nodeKey created in your vault using kv-2
  • A policy for each of your secrets configured in your vault
  • an authentication role crated in your vault instance (should match the serviceAccount name for this chart) with policies for accessing your keys attached
      - name: aura
        type: aura
        scheme: sr25519
        vaultPath: kv/secret/polkadot-node # path at which the secret is located in Vault
        vaultKey: aura # key under which the secret value is stored in Vault
        extraDerivation: "//${HOSTNAME}//aura" # allows to have unique derived keys for each pod of the statefulset
      name: nodekey
      vaultPath: kv/secret/polkadot-node
      vaultKey: nodekey

Setting Up Node Key for Bootnodes and Validators

For both bootnodes and validators (refer to paritytech/polkadot-sdk#3852), it is necessary to set up a network key.

Steps to Set Up a Node Key

  1. Generate a Custom Node Key

    You can generate a custom node key using the following command:

    polkadot key generate-node-key
  2. Add the Generated Node Key

    To add the generated node key, use the following configuration:

      customNodeKey: "<your-generated-node-key>"
  3. Point to an Existing Node Key K8s Secret

    If you have an existing Kubernetes secret for the node key, point to it using:

        nodeKey: "<your-existing-node-key-secret>"
  4. Retrieve Node Key from vault

    see Optional Vault Integration

  5. Automatically Generate and Persist Node Key

    Alternatively, you can set the following to automatically generate a node key on startup and store it to the volume:

      persistGeneratedNodeKey: true


From v5.5.x to v5.5.2

  • Fix Bug from v5.5.0: --pruning is alias for --state-pruning not --blocks-pruning.

From v5.x.x to v5.5.0 (⚠️ breaking changes)

  • The pruning flag is now using --blocks-pruning which starts from polkadot version v0.9.28
  • The flag --pruning is now allowed in both .Values.node.flags and .Values.node.collatorRelayChain.flags. When using --pruning, ensure that the values of .Values.node.chainData.pruning and .Values.node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.pruning are explicitly set to false to maintain previous behavior.

From v5.x.x to v5.3.0 (⚠️ breaking changes)

  • The following flags have changed:
    • externalRelayChain.* -> replaced with collatorExternalRelayChain.* to match to new naming convention of different modes;

From v4.x.x to v5.0.0 (⚠️ breaking changes)

  • Chain backup upload functionality has been removed. I.e., the node.enableChainBackupGcs flag is no longer available. Backup upload was implemented in the form of init container. Since backup init container starts before the main container runs, the node does not have a chance to sync to the latest block. Instead, backup container syncs the DB chunks from the time the node was last online which most of the times would be a stale data. Additionally, after backup is completed the node will continue to run which is not always necessary as you probably just wanted to make a backup and exit the script. A more complete solution for making node backups will be published in the future releases of the chart;
  • Chain backup download scripts have been updated to use rclone. Multiple flags associated with this functionality have changed. Chain backup and relay chain backup restoration are now controlled by node.chainData.chainSnapshot.* and node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainSnapshot.* blocks of flags accordingly.
  • Chain backup restoration now supports a new method: downloading DB files by direct HTTP links using a list of files as a reference. I.e., a restoration process would first download a file containing a list of DB files that need to be downloaded. rclone will then use this file to generate HTTP links to the DB files and download it in parallel.
  • The following flags have changed:
    • initContainer.* -> replaced with initContainers.* to enable individual configuration of each init container;
    • kubectl.* -> merged into initContainers.*;
    • googleCloudSdk.* -> replaced with node.chainData.chainSnapshot.* and node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainSnapshot.*
    • node.chainData.snapshotUrl -> replaced with node.chainData.chainSnapshot.url
    • node.chainData.snapshotFormat -> replaced with node.chainData.chainSnapshot.method
    • node.chainData.GCSBucketUrl -> replaced with node.chainData.chainSnapshot.url
    • node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.snapshotUrl -> replaced with node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainSnapshot.url
    • node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.snapshotFormat -> replaced with node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainSnapshot.method
    • node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.GCSBucketUrl -> replaced with node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainSnapshot.url

v4.6.0 (⚠️ breaking change)

Substrate changed the default rpc flags: paritytech/substrate#13384
The dual RPC ports; --rpc-port=9933 (HTTP) ,--ws-port=9944 (WS) was replaced by a combined port --rpc-port=9944. Flags replaced:

--rpc-max--payload (replaced by --rpc--max-request-size and --rpc-max-response-size)
--ws-max-out-buffer-capacity (removed)
--ws-external (replaced by --rpc-external)
--unsafe-ws--external (replaced by --unsafe-rpc-external)
--ipc-path (removed)
--ws-port (replaced by --rpc-port)
--ws-max-connections (replaced by --rpc-max-connections)
--rpc-http (replaced by --rpc-addr)
--rpc-ws (replaced by --rpc-addr)

New value was added to support this change:

  • node.legacyRpcFlags

If your node is still using the old RPC flags, please set node.legacyRpcFlags=true

v4.5.0 (⚠️ small change)

The storage classes are now set to "" by default instead of "default". Make sure that the following values are set to the storage classes you are using if not already set (before 4.5.0, those were set explicitly to default) :

  • node.chainData.storageClass
  • node.chainKeystore.storageClass
  • node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.storageClass
  • node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.storageClass

From v3.x.x to v4.0.0 (⚠️ breaking changes)

The following chart parameters have been renamed or rearranged:

  • node.pruning -> node.chainData.pruning
  • node.database -> node.chainData.database
  • node.collator.isParachain -> node.isParachain
  • node.collator.relayChain -> node.collatorRelayChain.chain
  • node.collator.relayChainCustomChainspecPath -> node.collatorRelayChain.customChainspecPath
  • node.collator.relayChainCustomChainspecUrl -> node.collatorRelayChain.customChainspecUrl
  • node.collator.relayChainFlags -> node.collatorRelayChain.flags
  • node.collator.relayChainData.* -> node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.*
  • node.collator.relayChainPruning -> node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.pruning
  • node.collator.relayChainDatabase -> node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.database
  • node.collator.relayChainKeystore.* -> node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.*
  • node.collator.relayChainPrometheus.* -> node.collatorRelayChain.prometheus.*

The following flags are now invalid if they were previously set in node.flags or node.collator.relayChainFlags. An error will be thrown if any of those flags are set directly.

  • --name
  • --base-path
  • --chain
  • --validator
  • --collator
  • --light
  • --database
  • --pruning
  • --prometheus-external
  • --prometheus-port
  • --node-key
  • --wasm-runtime-overrides
  • --jaeger-agent
  • --rpc-methods
  • --rpc-external
  • --unsafe-rpc-external
  • --ws-external
  • --unsafe-ws-external
  • --rpc-cors
  • --rpc-port
  • --ws-port

From v2.x.x to v3.0.0 (⚠️ breaking changes)

There are now separate volumes for:

  • relaychain data
  • relaychain keystore
  • parachain data
  • parachain keystore

Some chart parameters have been grouped together and renamed. There are now separate sections for the following values:

  • node.chainData
  • node.chainKeystore
  • node.collator

Common storageClass parameter has been moved to the corresponding separate groups mentioned above.

As both the chain data and keystore can now be stored on up to 4 different volumes you may need to manually relocate the existing data to the newly created volumes.

If you're running a non-collator node:

  • Move chain files from the /data/chains/<chain_name> in the chain-data volume to /chain-data in the chain-data volume.
  • Move keystore files from the /data/chains/<chain_name>/keystore in the chain-data volume to /keystore in the chain-keystore volume.

If you're running a collator node:

  • Move chain files from the /data/chains/<chain_name> in the chain-data volume to /chain-data in the chain-data volume.
  • Move keystore files from the /data/chains/<chain_name>/keystore in the chain-data volume to /keystore in the chain-keystore volume.
  • Move relaychain files from the /data/relay/polkadot in the chain-data volume to /relaychain-data/polkadot in the relaychain-data volume.
  • Move relaychain keystore from /data/relay/polkadot/chains/<relay_chain_name>/keystore in the chain-data volume to /relaychain-keystore in the relaychain-keystore volume


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Assign custom affinity rules
autoscaling.additionalMetrics object {} Additional metrics to track
autoscaling.enabled bool false Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
autoscaling.maxReplicas string nil Scale up to this number of replicas
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 Maintain min number of replicas
autoscaling.targetCPU string nil Target CPU utilization that triggers scale up
autoscaling.targetMemory string nil Target memory utilization that triggers scale up
dnsPolicy string "" Field dnsPolicy can be set to 'ClusterFirst', 'Default', 'None', or 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet' or '' to not specify dnsPolicy and let Kubernetes use its default behavior
extraContainers list [] Additional containers to run in the pod
extraInitContainers list [] Additional init containers to run in the pod
extraLabels object {} Additional common labels on pods and services
fullnameOverride string "" Provide a name to substitute for the full names of resources
image object {"debug":false,"pullPolicy":"Always","repository":"parity/polkadot","tag":"latest"} Image of Polkadot Node.
image.debug bool false Adds -x shell option to container. Note: passwords and keys used in container may appear in logs
image.pullPolicy string "Always" Image pull policy
image.repository string "parity/polkadot" Image repository
image.tag string "latest" Image tag
imagePullSecrets list [] Reference to one or more secrets to be used when pulling images. ref:
ingress object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"host":"chart-example.local","rules":[],"tls":[]} Creates an ingress resource
ingress.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the Ingress
ingress.enabled bool false Enable creation of Ingress string "chart-example.local" hostname used for default rpc ingress rule, if .Values.ingress.rules is set host is not used.
ingress.rules list [] Ingress rules configuration, empty = default rpc rule (send all requests to rps port)
ingress.tls list [] Ingress TLS configuration
initContainers object {"downloadChainSnapshot":{"cmdArgs":"","debug":false,"extraEnvVars":[],"image":{"repository":"","tag":"latest"},"resources":{}},"downloadChainspec":{"debug":false,"image":{"repository":"","tag":"latest"},"resources":{}},"downloadRuntime":{"debug":false,"image":{"repository":"paritytech/kubetools-kubectl","tag":"latest"},"resources":{}},"injectKeys":{"debug":false,"resources":{}},"persistGeneratedNodeKey":{"debug":false,"resources":{}},"retrieveServiceInfo":{"debug":false,"image":{"repository":"paritytech/kubetools-kubectl","tag":"latest"},"resources":{}}} Additional init containers
initContainers.downloadChainSnapshot.cmdArgs string "" Flags to add to the CLI command. We rely on rclone for downloading snapshots so make sure the flags are compatible.
initContainers.downloadChainSnapshot.debug bool false Adds -x shell option to container. Note: passwords and keys used in container may appear in logs
initContainers.downloadChainSnapshot.extraEnvVars list [] Additional environment variables to add to the container
initContainers.downloadChainSnapshot.image object {"repository":"","tag":"latest"} A container to use for downloading a node backup/snapshot
initContainers.downloadChainSnapshot.image.repository string "" Image repository
initContainers.downloadChainSnapshot.image.tag string "latest" Image tag
initContainers.downloadChainSnapshot.resources object {} The resources requests/limits for the container
initContainers.downloadChainspec.debug bool false Adds -x shell option to container. Note: passwords and keys used in container may appear in logs
initContainers.downloadChainspec.image.repository string "" Image repository
initContainers.downloadChainspec.image.tag string "latest" Image tag
initContainers.downloadChainspec.resources object {} Additional environment variables to add to the container
initContainers.downloadRuntime.debug bool false Adds -x shell option to container. Note: passwords and keys used in container may appear in logs
initContainers.downloadRuntime.image.repository string "paritytech/kubetools-kubectl" Image repository
initContainers.downloadRuntime.image.tag string "latest" Image tag
initContainers.downloadRuntime.resources object {} Additional environment variables to add to the container
initContainers.injectKeys.debug bool false Adds -x shell option to container. Note: passwords and keys used in container may appear in logs
initContainers.injectKeys.resources object {} Additional environment variables to add to the container
initContainers.persistGeneratedNodeKey.debug bool false Adds -x shell option to container. Note: passwords and keys used in container may appear in logs
initContainers.persistGeneratedNodeKey.resources object {} Additional environment variables to add to the container
initContainers.retrieveServiceInfo object {"debug":false,"image":{"repository":"paritytech/kubetools-kubectl","tag":"latest"},"resources":{}} A container to handle network configuration of the Polkadot node
initContainers.retrieveServiceInfo.debug bool false Adds -x shell option to container. Note: passwords and keys used in container may appear in logs
initContainers.retrieveServiceInfo.image.repository string "paritytech/kubetools-kubectl" Image repository
initContainers.retrieveServiceInfo.image.tag string "latest" Image tag
initContainers.retrieveServiceInfo.resources object {} The resources requests/limits for the container
jaegerAgent object {"collector":{"port":14250,"url":null},"env":{},"image":{"repository":"jaegertracing/jaeger-agent","tag":"latest"},"ports":{"binaryPort":6832,"compactPort":6831,"samplingPort":5778},"resources":{}} Configuration of Jaeger agent
jaegerAgent.collector object {"port":14250,"url":null} Collector config
jaegerAgent.env object {} Environment variables to set on the Jaeger sidecar
jaegerAgent.image.repository string "jaegertracing/jaeger-agent" Image repository
jaegerAgent.image.tag string "latest" Image tag
jaegerAgent.ports.binaryPort int 6832 Accept jaeger.thrift over binary thrift protocol
jaegerAgent.ports.compactPort int 6831 Accept jaeger.thrift over compact thrift protocol
jaegerAgent.ports.samplingPort HTTP 5778 serve configs, sampling strategies
jaegerAgent.resources object {} Resource limits & requests
nameOverride string "" Provide a name in place of node for app: labels
node object {"allowUnsafeRpcMethods":false,"chain":"","chainData":{"annotations":{},"chainPath":null,"chainSnapshot":{"enabled":false,"filelistName":"files.txt","method":"gcs","url":""},"database":"rocksdb","ephemeral":{"enabled":false,"type":"emptyDir"},"kubernetesVolumeSnapshot":null,"kubernetesVolumeToClone":null,"pruning":1000,"storageClass":"","volumeSize":"100Gi"},"chainKeystore":{"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"annotations":{},"kubernetesVolumeSnapshot":null,"kubernetesVolumeToClone":null,"mountInMemory":{"enabled":false,"sizeLimit":null},"storageClass":"","volumeSize":"10Mi"},"collatorExternalRelayChain":{"enabled":false,"relayChainRpcUrls":[]},"collatorLightClient":{"enabled":false,"relayChain":"","relayChainCustomChainspec":false,"relayChainCustomChainspecPath":"/chain-data/relay_chain_chainspec.json","relayChainCustomChainspecUrl":null},"collatorRelayChain":{"chain":"polkadot","chainData":{"annotations":{},"chainPath":"","chainSnapshot":{"enabled":false,"filelistName":"files.txt","method":"gcs","url":""},"database":"rocksdb","ephemeral":{"enabled":false,"type":"emptyDir"},"kubernetesVolumeSnapshot":null,"kubernetesVolumeToClone":null,"pruning":1000,"storageClass":"","volumeSize":"100Gi"},"chainKeystore":{"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"annotations":{},"kubernetesVolumeSnapshot":null,"kubernetesVolumeToClone":null,"mountInMemory":{"enabled":false,"sizeLimit":null},"storageClass":"","volumeSize":"10Mi"},"customChainspec":false,"customChainspecPath":"/relaychain-data/relay_chain_chainspec.json","customChainspecUrl":null,"flags":[],"prometheus":{"enabled":false,"port":9625}},"command":"polkadot","customChainspec":false,"customChainspecPath":"/chain-data/chainspec.json","customChainspecUrl":null,"customNodeKey":[],"enableOffchainIndexing":false,"enableSidecarLivenessProbe":false,"enableSidecarReadinessProbe":false,"enableStartupProbe":true,"existingSecrets":{"extraDerivation":"","keys":[],"nodeKey":{}},"extraConfigmapMounts":[],"extraEnvVars":[],"extraSecretMounts":[],"flags":[],"forceDownloadChainspec":false,"isParachain":false,"keys":[],"legacyRpcFlags":false,"logLevels":[],"perNodeServices":{"apiService":{"annotations":{},"enabled":true,"externalDns":{"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300},"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster","extraPorts":[],"httpPort":9933,"prometheusPort":9615,"relayChainPrometheusPort":9625,"rpcPort":9944,"type":"ClusterIP","wsPort":9955},"paraP2pService":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"externalDns":{"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300},"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster","extraPorts":[],"port":30334,"publishUnreadyAddresses":true,"type":"NodePort","ws":{"enabled":false,"port":30335}},"relayP2pService":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"externalDns":{"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300},"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster","extraPorts":[],"port":30333,"publishUnreadyAddresses":true,"type":"NodePort","ws":{"enabled":false,"port":30334}},"setPublicAddressToExternalIp":{"autodiscoveryFix":false,"enabled":false,"ipRetrievalServiceUrl":""}},"persistGeneratedNodeKey":false,"persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy":null,"podManagementPolicy":null,"prometheus":{"enabled":true,"port":9615},"replicas":1,"resources":{},"role":"full","serviceAnnotations":{},"serviceExtraPorts":[],"serviceMonitor":{"enabled":false,"interval":"30s","metricRelabelings":[],"namespace":null,"relabelings":[],"scrapeTimeout":"10s","targetLabels":["node"]},"startupProbeFailureThreshold":30,"substrateApiSidecar":{"enabled":false},"telemetryUrls":[],"tracing":{"enabled":false},"updateStrategy":{"enabled":false,"maxUnavailable":1,"type":"RollingUpdate"},"vault":{"authConfigServiceAccount":null,"authConfigType":null,"authPath":null,"authRole":null,"authType":null,"keys":{},"nodeKey":{}},"wasmRuntimeOverridesPath":"/chain-data/runtimes","wasmRuntimeUrl":""} Deploy a substrate node. ref:
node.allowUnsafeRpcMethods bool false Allow executing unsafe RPC methods
node.chain string "" Name of the chain
node.chainData.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the volumeClaimTemplates
node.chainData.chainPath string nil Path on the volume to store chain data
node.chainData.chainSnapshot object {"enabled":false,"filelistName":"files.txt","method":"gcs","url":""} Configure parameters for restoring chain snapshot. Uses rclone
node.chainData.chainSnapshot.enabled bool false Enable chain snapshot restoration
node.chainData.chainSnapshot.filelistName string "files.txt" A remote file name containing names of DB file chunks. Appended to url
node.chainData.chainSnapshot.method string "gcs" Restoration method. One of: gcs, s3, http-single-tar, http-single-tar-lz4, http-filelist
node.chainData.chainSnapshot.url string "" A URL to download chain backup
node.chainData.database string "rocksdb" Database backend engine to use
node.chainData.ephemeral object {"enabled":false,"type":"emptyDir"} Mount chain-data volume using an ephemeral volume ref:
node.chainData.ephemeral.type string "emptyDir" Type supports emptyDir, generic
node.chainData.kubernetesVolumeSnapshot string nil If set, create a clone of the volume (using volumeClaimTemplates.dataSource.VolumeSnapshot) and use it to store chain data
node.chainData.kubernetesVolumeToClone string nil If set, create a clone of the volume (using volumeClaimTemplates.dataSource.PersistentVolumeClaim) and use it to store chain data
node.chainData.pruning int 1000 Set the amount of blocks to retain. If set to 0 archive node will be run. If deprecated --pruning flags is used in node.flags, set this to false.
node.chainData.storageClass string "" Storage class to use for persistent volume
node.chainData.volumeSize string "100Gi" Size of the volume for chain data
node.chainKeystore object {"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"annotations":{},"kubernetesVolumeSnapshot":null,"kubernetesVolumeToClone":null,"mountInMemory":{"enabled":false,"sizeLimit":null},"storageClass":"","volumeSize":"10Mi"} Configure chain keystore parameters
node.chainKeystore.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Access mode of the volume
node.chainKeystore.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the volumeClaimTemplates
node.chainKeystore.kubernetesVolumeSnapshot string nil If set, create a clone of the volume (using volumeClaimTemplates.dataSource.VolumeSnapshot) and use it for the keystore
node.chainKeystore.kubernetesVolumeToClone string nil If set, create a clone of the volume (using volumeClaimTemplates.dataSource.PersistentVolumeClaim) and use it for the keystore
node.chainKeystore.mountInMemory object {"enabled":false,"sizeLimit":null} Mount chain keystore in memory using an emptyDir volume
node.chainKeystore.mountInMemory.enabled bool false Enable mounting in-memory keystore
node.chainKeystore.mountInMemory.sizeLimit string nil Size limit of the emptyDir holding a keystore. Requires K8s >=1.22
node.chainKeystore.storageClass string "" Storage class to use for persistent volume
node.chainKeystore.volumeSize string "10Mi" Size of the volume
node.collatorExternalRelayChain object {"enabled":false,"relayChainRpcUrls":[]} EXPERIMENTAL!!! Run the collator node without a relay chain via external relay chain ref: Enabling this option will disable the values of collatorRelayChain
node.collatorExternalRelayChain.enabled bool false Enable deployment of the external collator
node.collatorExternalRelayChain.relayChainRpcUrls list [] List of Relay Chain RPCs to connect
node.collatorLightClient object {"enabled":false,"relayChain":"","relayChainCustomChainspec":false,"relayChainCustomChainspecPath":"/chain-data/relay_chain_chainspec.json","relayChainCustomChainspecUrl":null} EXPERIMENTAL!!! Run the collator node without a relay chain via light client ref: paritytech/cumulus#2270 Enabling this option will disable the values of collatorRelayChain
node.collatorLightClient.enabled bool false Enable deployment of the external collator
node.collatorLightClient.relayChain string "" Name of the Relay Chain to connect
node.collatorLightClient.relayChainCustomChainspec bool false Use the file defined in collatorLightClient.relayChainCustomChainspecPath as the chainspec. Ensure that the file is either mounted or generated with an init container.
node.collatorLightClient.relayChainCustomChainspecPath string "/chain-data/relay_chain_chainspec.json" Path to the file containing the chainspec of the collator relay-chain
node.collatorLightClient.relayChainCustomChainspecUrl string nil URL to retrive custom chain spec
node.collatorRelayChain.chain string "polkadot" Name of the Relay Chain to connect
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the volumeClaimTemplates
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainPath string "" Path on the volume to store chain data
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainSnapshot object {"enabled":false,"filelistName":"files.txt","method":"gcs","url":""} Configure parameters for restoring relay chain snapshot. Uses rclone
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainSnapshot.enabled bool false Enable relay chain snapshot restoration
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainSnapshot.filelistName string "files.txt" A remote file name containing names of DB file chunks. Appended to url
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainSnapshot.method string "gcs" Restoration method. One of: gcs, s3, http-single-tar, http-single-tar-lz4, http-filelist
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.chainSnapshot.url string "" A URL to download chain backup
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.database string "rocksdb" Database backend engine to use for the collator relay-chain database
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.ephemeral object {"enabled":false,"type":"emptyDir"} Mount relaychain-data volume using an ephemeral volume ref:
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.ephemeral.type string "emptyDir" Type supports emptyDir, generic
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.kubernetesVolumeSnapshot string nil If set, create a clone of the volume (using volumeClaimTemplates.dataSource.VolumeSnapshot) and use it to store relay-chain data
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.kubernetesVolumeToClone string nil If set, create a clone of the volume (using volumeClaimTemplates.dataSource.PersistentVolumeClaim) and use it to store relay-chain data
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.pruning int 1000 Set the amount of blocks to retain for the collator relay-chain database. If set to 0 archive node will be run. If deprecated --pruning flags is used in node.collatorRelayChain.flags, set this to false.
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.storageClass string "" Storage class to use for persistent volume
node.collatorRelayChain.chainData.volumeSize string "100Gi" Size of the volume
node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Access mode of the volume
node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the volumeClaimTemplates
node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.kubernetesVolumeSnapshot string nil If set, create a clone of the volume (using volumeClaimTemplates.dataSource.VolumeSnapshot) and use it for the keystore
node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.kubernetesVolumeToClone string nil If set, create a clone of the volume (using volumeClaimTemplates.dataSource.PersistentVolumeClaim) and use it for the keystore
node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.mountInMemory object {"enabled":false,"sizeLimit":null} Mount relay-chain keystore in memory using an emptyDir volume
node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.mountInMemory.enabled bool false Enable mounting in-memory keystore
node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.mountInMemory.sizeLimit string nil Size limit of the emptyDir holding a keystore. Requires K8s >=1.22
node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.storageClass string "" Storage class to use for persistent volume
node.collatorRelayChain.chainKeystore.volumeSize string "10Mi" Size of the volume
node.collatorRelayChain.customChainspec bool false Use the file defined in collatorRelayChain.customChainspecPath as the chainspec. Ensure that the file is either mounted or generated with an init container.
node.collatorRelayChain.customChainspecPath string "/relaychain-data/relay_chain_chainspec.json" Path to the file containing the chainspec of the collator relay-chain Set to /relaychain-data to use additional volume
node.collatorRelayChain.customChainspecUrl string nil URL to retrive custom chain spec
node.collatorRelayChain.flags list [] Flags to add to the Polkadot binary
node.collatorRelayChain.prometheus object {"enabled":false,"port":9625} Expose relay chain metrics via Prometheus format in /metrics endpoint. Passes the following args to the Polkadot binary: - "--prometheus-external" \ - "--prometheus-port {{ port }}"
node.collatorRelayChain.prometheus.enabled bool false Expose Prometheus metrics
node.collatorRelayChain.prometheus.port int 9625 The port for exposed Prometheus metrics
node.command string "polkadot" Command to run within the container
node.customChainspec bool false Use the file defined in node.customChainspecPath as the chainspec. Ensure that the file is either mounted or generated with an init container.
node.customChainspecPath string "/chain-data/chainspec.json" Node may require custom name for chainspec file. ref: moonbeam moonbeam-foundation/moonbeam#1104 (comment) Note: path should start with /chain-data/ since this folder mount in init container download-chainspec.
node.customChainspecUrl string nil URL to retrive custom chain spec
node.customNodeKey list [] List of the custom node key(s) for all pods in statefulset.
node.enableOffchainIndexing bool false Enable Offchain Indexing.
node.enableSidecarLivenessProbe bool false Enable Node liveness probe through paritytech/ws-health-exporter running as a sidecar container
node.enableSidecarReadinessProbe bool false Enable Node readiness probe through paritytech/ws-health-exporter running as a sidecar container
node.enableStartupProbe bool true Enable Node container's startup probe
node.existingSecrets object {"extraDerivation":"","keys":[],"nodeKey":{}} Inject keys from already existing Kubernetes secrets
node.existingSecrets.keys list [] List of kubernetes secret names to be added to the keystore. Each secret should contain 3 keys: type, scheme and seed Secret example: templates/keys.yaml Supercedes node.vault.keys
node.existingSecrets.nodeKey object {} K8s secret with node key Secret example: templates/customNodeKeySecret.yaml Supercedes node.vault.nodeKey
node.extraConfigmapMounts list [] Mount already existing ConfigMaps into the main container.
node.extraEnvVars list [] Environment variables to set for the main container:
node.extraSecretMounts list [] Mount already existing k8s Secrets into main container. NOTE: This is NOT used to inject keys to the keystore or add node key.
node.flags list [] Flags to add to the Polkadot binary
node.forceDownloadChainspec bool false Replace chain spec if it already exists
node.isParachain bool false Deploy a collator node. ref: If Collator is enabled, collator image must be used
node.keys list [] Keys to use by the node. ref:
node.legacyRpcFlags bool false Use deprecated ws/rpc flags. ref: paritytech/substrate#13384
node.logLevels list [] Log level
node.perNodeServices object {"apiService":{"annotations":{},"enabled":true,"externalDns":{"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300},"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster","extraPorts":[],"httpPort":9933,"prometheusPort":9615,"relayChainPrometheusPort":9625,"rpcPort":9944,"type":"ClusterIP","wsPort":9955},"paraP2pService":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"externalDns":{"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300},"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster","extraPorts":[],"port":30334,"publishUnreadyAddresses":true,"type":"NodePort","ws":{"enabled":false,"port":30335}},"relayP2pService":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"externalDns":{"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300},"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster","extraPorts":[],"port":30333,"publishUnreadyAddresses":true,"type":"NodePort","ws":{"enabled":false,"port":30334}},"setPublicAddressToExternalIp":{"autodiscoveryFix":false,"enabled":false,"ipRetrievalServiceUrl":""}} Configuration of individual services of the node
node.perNodeServices.apiService.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the Service
node.perNodeServices.apiService.enabled bool true If enabled, generic service to expose common node APIs
node.perNodeServices.apiService.externalDns object {"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300} External DNS configuration ref:
node.perNodeServices.apiService.externalDns.customPrefix string "" Custom prefix to use instead of prefixing the hostname with the name of the Pod
node.perNodeServices.apiService.externalDns.enabled bool false Enable External DNS
node.perNodeServices.apiService.externalDns.hostname string "" External DNS hostname
node.perNodeServices.apiService.externalDns.ttl int 300 DNS record TTL
node.perNodeServices.apiService.externalTrafficPolicy string "Cluster" Traffic policy
node.perNodeServices.apiService.extraPorts list [] Additional ports on per node Services
node.perNodeServices.apiService.httpPort int 9933 deprecated, use rpcPort
node.perNodeServices.apiService.prometheusPort int 9615 Prometheus port
node.perNodeServices.apiService.relayChainPrometheusPort int 9625 Relay chains Prometheus port
node.perNodeServices.apiService.rpcPort int 9944 Port of the RPC endpoint
node.perNodeServices.apiService.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
node.perNodeServices.apiService.wsPort int 9955 deprecated, use rpcPort
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"externalDns":{"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300},"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster","extraPorts":[],"port":30334,"publishUnreadyAddresses":true,"type":"NodePort","ws":{"enabled":false,"port":30335}} If enabled, create service to expose parachain P2P
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the Service
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.enabled bool false Enable exposing parachain P2P Service
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.externalDns object {"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300} External DNS configuration ref:
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.externalDns.customPrefix string "" Custom prefix to use instead of prefixing the hostname with the name of the Pod
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.externalDns.enabled bool false Enable External DNS
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.externalDns.hostname string "" External DNS hostname
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.externalDns.ttl int 300 DNS record TTL
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.externalTrafficPolicy string "Cluster" Traffic policy
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.extraPorts list [] Additional ports on per node Services
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.port int 30334 Port of the P2P endpoint (parachain)
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.publishUnreadyAddresses bool true Publish the P2P port even if the pod is not ready (e.g., node is syncing). It's recommended to keep this to true.
node.perNodeServices.paraP2pService.type string "NodePort" Service type bool false If enabled, additionally expose WebSocket port. Useful for bootnodes int 30335 WS port
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"externalDns":{"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300},"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster","extraPorts":[],"port":30333,"publishUnreadyAddresses":true,"type":"NodePort","ws":{"enabled":false,"port":30334}} If enabled, create service to expose relay chain P2P
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the Service
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.externalDns object {"customPrefix":"","enabled":false,"hostname":"","ttl":300} External DNS configuration ref:
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.externalDns.customPrefix string "" Custom prefix to use instead of prefixing the hostname with the name of the Pod
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.externalDns.enabled bool false Enable External DNS
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.externalDns.hostname string "" External DNS hostname
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.externalDns.ttl int 300 DNS record TTL
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.externalTrafficPolicy string "Cluster" Traffic policy
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.extraPorts list [] Additional ports on per node Services
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.port int 30333 Port of the P2P endpoint (relay chain)
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.publishUnreadyAddresses bool true Publish the P2P port even if the pod is not ready (e.g., node is syncing). It's recommended to keep this to true.
node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.type string "NodePort" Service type bool false If enabled, additionally expose WebSocket port. Useful for bootnodes int 30334 WS port
node.perNodeServices.setPublicAddressToExternalIp.autodiscoveryFix bool false EXPERIMENTAL!!! libp2p autodiscovery uses the external IP and port from --listen-addr instead of --public-addr. This flag will set the service port as an additional --listen-addr.
node.perNodeServices.setPublicAddressToExternalIp.enabled bool false If enabled, set --public-addr flag to be the NodePort p2p services external address
node.perNodeServices.setPublicAddressToExternalIp.ipRetrievalServiceUrl string "" Web service to use for public IP retrieval
node.persistGeneratedNodeKey bool false If enabled, generate a persistent volume to use for the keys
node.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy string nil Persistent volume claim retention policy of stateful set (ie. whether to retain or delete the attached PVCs when scaling down or deleting the stateful set). ref:
node.podManagementPolicy string nil Pod management policy of stateful set. ref:
node.prometheus object {"enabled":true,"port":9615} Expose metrics via Prometheus format in /metrics endpoint. Passes the following args to the Polkadot binary: - "--prometheus-external" \ - "--prometheus-port {{ .Values.node.prometheus.port }}"
node.prometheus.enabled bool true Expose Prometheus metrics
node.prometheus.port int 9615 The port for exposed Prometheus metrics
node.replicas int 1 Number of replicas to deploy
node.resources object {} Resource limits & requests
node.role string "full" Type of the node. One of: full, authority, validator, collator, light
node.serviceAnnotations object {} Annotations to add to the Service
node.serviceExtraPorts list [] Additional ports on main Service
node.serviceMonitor object {"enabled":false,"interval":"30s","metricRelabelings":[],"namespace":null,"relabelings":[],"scrapeTimeout":"10s","targetLabels":["node"]} Service Monitor of Prometheus-Operator ref:
node.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enables Service Monitor
node.serviceMonitor.interval string "30s" Scrape interval
node.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings list [] Metric relabelings config
node.serviceMonitor.namespace string nil Namespace to deploy Service Monitor. If not set deploys in the same namespace with the chart
node.serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] Relabelings config
node.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout string "10s" Scrape timeout
node.serviceMonitor.targetLabels list ["node"] Labels to scrape
node.startupProbeFailureThreshold int 30 On startup, the number of attempts to check the probe before restarting the pod
node.substrateApiSidecar.enabled bool false Enable Sustrate API as a sidecar
node.telemetryUrls list [] URLs to send telemetry data
node.tracing.enabled bool false Enable Jaeger Agent as a sidecar
node.updateStrategy object {"enabled":false,"maxUnavailable":1,"type":"RollingUpdate"} How node updates should be applied.
node.updateStrategy.enabled bool false Enable custom updateStrategy
node.updateStrategy.maxUnavailable int 1 Can be an int or a %
node.updateStrategy.type string "RollingUpdate" Type supports RollingUpdate or OnDelete
node.vault object {"authConfigServiceAccount":null,"authConfigType":null,"authPath":null,"authRole":null,"authType":null,"keys":{},"nodeKey":{}} Component to inject secrets via annotation of Hashicorp Vault ref:
node.vault.authConfigServiceAccount string nil Configures auth-config-service-account annotation
node.vault.authConfigType string nil Configures auth-config-type annotations
node.vault.authPath string nil Configures the authentication path for the Kubernetes auth method
node.vault.authRole string nil Configures the Vault role used by the Vault Agent auto-auth method.
node.vault.authType string nil Configures the authentication type for Vault Agent. For a list of valid authentication methods, see the Vault Agent auto-auth documentation.
node.vault.keys object {} Keys to fetch from Hashicorp Vault and set on the node
node.vault.nodeKey object {} Node key to use via vault
node.wasmRuntimeOverridesPath string "/chain-data/runtimes" Define the WASM runtime overrides directory path
node.wasmRuntimeUrl string "" Download a WASM runtime to override the on-chain runtime when the version matches. Note that this will download the runtime file in the directory specified in node.wasmRuntimeOverridesPath Then on startup, the node will load all runtime files from this directory including previously downloaded runtimes
nodeSelector object {} Define which Nodes the Pods are scheduled on
podAnnotations object {} Annotations to add to the Pod
podDisruptionBudget object {"enabled":false,"maxUnavailable":null,"minAvailable":null} podDisruptionBudget configuration
podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Enable podDisruptionBudget
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable string nil maxUnavailable replicas
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable string nil minAvailable replicas
podSecurityContext object {"fsGroup":1000,"runAsGroup":1000,"runAsUser":1000} SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. This defaults to non root user with uid 1000 and gid 1000. ref:
podSecurityContext.fsGroup int 1000 Set container's Security Context fsGroup
podSecurityContext.runAsGroup int 1000 Set container's Security Context runAsGroup
podSecurityContext.runAsUser int 1000 Set container's Security Context runAsUser
serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"createRoleBinding":true,"name":""} Service account for the node to use. ref:
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the Service Account
serviceAccount.create bool true Enable creation of a Service Account for the main container
serviceAccount.createRoleBinding bool true Creates RoleBinding string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
substrateApiSidecar object {"args":["node","build/src/main.js"],"env":{},"image":{"repository":"parity/substrate-api-sidecar","tag":"latest"},"metrics":{"enabled":false,"port":9100},"resources":{}} Configuration of Substrate API ref:
substrateApiSidecar.args list ["node","build/src/main.js"] Arguments to set on the API sidecar
substrateApiSidecar.env object {} Environment variables to set on the API sidecar
substrateApiSidecar.image.repository string "parity/substrate-api-sidecar" Image repository
substrateApiSidecar.image.tag string "latest" Image tag
substrateApiSidecar.resources object {} Resource limits & requests
terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 60 Grace termination period of the Pod
tolerations list [] Tolerations for use with node taints
wsHealthExporter object {"env":{},"image":{"repository":"paritytech/ws-health-exporter","tag":"99611363-20240306"},"resources":{}} Configuration of the WS Health exporter. ref:
wsHealthExporter.env object {} Environment variables to set on the API sidecar
wsHealthExporter.image.repository string "paritytech/ws-health-exporter" Image repository
wsHealthExporter.image.tag string "99611363-20240306" Image tag
wsHealthExporter.resources object {} Resource limits & requests

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