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Order Manager (order-manager)

This project essentially showcases how the components of a distributed application can be implementated using numerous web technologies of modern age, integrated together for asynchronous communication and for synchronous communications both, and how they work together to solve real-world business problems. Some of the technologies used in this project, which deserve special mention, include:

  • Spring Boot 3.2
  • Keycloak for User Account Manager, Authn and Authz Reference Doc
  • Modern strategy implemented for Spring Security
  • Use of RestClient (Spring Boot 3.2 implementation) instead of FeignClient (Spring Boot 2.7 style)
  • Kafka for asynchronous communication (such as notification service) across web services using message queues
  • Docker Compose [To be replaced with Kubernetesfor auto-scaling]
  • Testcontainers for automated API testing and Contract testing with Rest-Assured
  • Container orchestration (deployment descriptor for Kubernetes to add next)

Order management APIs-

  • built with Spring Boot 3,
  • tested with TestContainers and Rest-Assured!

This application has three main business components, implemented as Microservices:

  • Product
  • Order
  • Inventory

More components, services, config and connectors are there as well-

  • to integrate the three main actors (our "heroes"), and
  • Gateway and User Authentication with Keykloak: <./gateway/>
  • API Documentation with OpenAPI Specification (OAS)
  • to facilitate smooth communication among the services.

And the result is: unmatched and flawless user experience. :)


Tech Tools Used for Development

  • Spring Boot, with Spring Web
  • Spring Cloud Config (for service integration)
  • Spring Security (for Authz-n-Authn)
  • Keycloak (for user account management)
  • MongoDB (NoSQL Database)
  • Spring Data MongoDB (for Mongo Repository)
  • MySQL (Relational Database System)
  • Spring Data MySQL (for JPA Repository)
  • Flyway (for Database Migration)
  • Docker-Compose (for containerization)
  • Swagger (for OpenAPI-based API documentation)
  • Testcontainers (for Test Automation with stubs)
  • Rest-Assured (for Testing and Validation)
  • Lombok (for boilerplate code injection)
  • Spring RestClient (Spring Boot 3.2 offering. It replaces the older option Spring OpenFeign (for inter-service communication))
  • Resilient4j v2 for Fault Tolerance

The Development work to resumes in full swing today. A long break until now had got inevitable.

General Note

I enjoy the following approach for inception, enhancement and fortification of projects:

  1. Start in simple, lazy and less structured approach.
  2. Modularise, distribute and containerise various components, guided by relative prioritization.
  3. Look out for fan-out scenarios and go for asynchronous messaging across services accordingly.
  4. Alongside work, in gradual steps, towards making the deliverables (distributables) compact in file size and deploy them in replicas (clusters).

Suggestions and feedback comments from readers are always welcomed with love.


  • Product
  • Order
  • Inventory
  • Gateway (with redirection, and OAuth2 with Keycloak and Docker-Compose)
  • More may be added on need basis.

Product Module

This module is for adding, listing, modifying and removing products and product details.

API Base

The product API has its base at "/api/products".

Database Details

MongoDB engine powers the product module. The data store is well expected to be enriched with newer fields very frequently, so NoSQL database technology is used for this. The database is deployed in a Docker container with a persistent volume to hold business data.

Project Setup with Dependencies

The module for Product has been set up with the following dependencies, specified in Spring Init:

  • Lombok
  • Spring Web
  • Spring Data MongoDB
  • Testcontainers
  • Rest-Assured
  • Swagger (for OpenAPI-based API documentation)

Spring Boot project dependencies


Manual Testing

Product module: manual testing

Automated Testing

A number of test cases are already provided in the Tests class. For POST request to add one new product, the following JSON-formatted data can be used to formulate request body:


Testing Done on 11-Apr-2024

Product module: automated testing

Testing Done on 02-May-2024

Product module: automated testing

Order Module

This module is for creating, listing, modifying and removing orders and order details.

API Base

The order API has its base at "/api/orders".

Database Details

MySQL engine powers the order module. The data store is expected to be structured with infrequent field additions, modifications and removals. So, SQL database (RDBMS) technology is used for this. The database is deployed in a Docker container with a persistent volume to hold business data.

Project Setup with Dependencies

The module for Product has been set up with the following dependencies, specified in Spring Init:

  • Lombok
  • Spring Web
  • Spring Data MySQL
  • Flyway
  • Testcontainers
  • Rest-Assured
  • Spring OpenFeign
  • WireMock for using stubs during automated API testing
  • Swagger (for OpenAPI-based API documentation)

Spring Boot project dependencies (Intial Set)

Spring Boot project dependencies

Project dependency added for Wiremock

Project dependency added for Wiremock


Manual Testing

Order module: manual testing

Automated Testing

A number of test cases are already provided in the Tests class. For POST request to create one new order, the following JSON-formatted data can be used to formulate request body:


Testing Done on 11-Apr-2024

Order module: automated testing

Testing Done on 02-May-2024

Order module: automated testing

Testing Done on 06-May-2024 with WireMock

  • Before Stubbing: Order Request and Positive Scenario Response Order module: automated API testing with stubbing

  • Before Stubbing: Order Request and Negative Scenario Response Order module: automated API testing with stubbing

  • With Stubbing of Inventory API: Response Order module: automated API testing with stubbing

Inventroy Module

This module is for checking whether there is enough quantity available in inventory stock in order to place a new item order.

API Base

The inventory API has its base at "/api/inventory".

Database Details

MySQL engine powers the inventory module. The data store is expected to be structured with infrequent field additions, modifications and removals. So, SQL database (RDBMS) technology is used for this. The database is deployed in a Docker container with a persistent volume to hold business data.

Project Setup with Dependencies

The module for Product has been set up with the following dependencies, specified in Spring Init (

  • Lombok
  • Spring Web
  • Spring Data MySQL
  • Flyway
  • Testcontainers
  • Rest-Assured
  • Spring OpenFeign
  • Swagger (for OpenAPI-based API documentation)

Spring Boot project dependencies


Manual Testing

For GET request to check the in-stock availability of an item, the following URL pattern can be prepared and hit:


Positive Test Scenario

Inventory module: manual testing

Negative Test Scenario 01

Inventory module: manual testing

Negative Test Scenario 02

Inventory module: manual testing

Automated Testing

Testing Done on 11-Apr-2024

Inventory module: automated testing

Gateway Module

This module is for accepting the requests for external clients in first place and then redirecting them to appropriate microservices, such as:

  • to Product to view product list and to add new product to data store;
  • to Order to place an order for an item. It internally checks at Inventory service whether the requested quantity for the SKU is available in store (warehouse/shop);
  • one "backend access" for development purpose.

API Port

The gateway API is served at port 9000 and comes into access when the following URL patterns are hit:

Examplary values are shown the the inventory URL above.

Database Details

MySQL engine powers the user-authorization-and-authentication database. The data store is not accessed by the gateway code directly nor from the wild outside without any authorization check. The open source tool Keycloak is in place to manage user Authz-n-Authn data and very low variation in the data dictionary is expected. So, SQL database (RDBMS) technology is used for this. Keykloak tool and the database are both deployed in Docker containers with a persistent volumes.

Project Setup with Dependencies

The module for Product has been set up with the following dependencies, specified in Spring Init (

  • Gateway
  • OAuth2 Resource Server

Spring Boot project dependencies

Keycloak Config and Auth Testing

Configuration and manual testing across service endpoint integration are detailed out in the separate Markdown file: - gateway implementation with

Contact Pointers

Credits and Gratitude

I thank all who have mentored, taught and guided me. Also, I appreciate who have supported my work with pair programming and more.