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Mod Creation_Assets_Items

Quentin E. / iDeath edited this page Jun 30, 2022 · 4 revisions


A detailed tutorial on how to make custom items for Risk of Rain 2.

Table of Contents

R2API Wiki

Two R2API submodules will be detailed through this tutorial, with one only briefly covered :

Reminder about the R2API submodules :

For a submodule to be loaded at the start of the game, and thus be properly used by your plugin code, don't forget to declare at the top of your class heriting from BaseUnityPlugin : The R2APISubmoduleDependency attribute, with, as parameters : the name of the submodules that you'll be using in your code. A more complete example of that is available under the C# BepinEx Plugin Code section.

allows for an easy way of adding custom items, equipments, buffs, and elite types to the game. We'll only focus on the item and equipment part of the submodule on this tutorial.

To add an item to the game, a mod maker will have to call the ItemAPI.Add(CustomItem item) or its equipement counterpart, ItemAPI.Add(CustomEquipment item) method. But what is a CustomItem / CustomEquipment?

  • CustomItem / CustomEquipment

    A CustomItem instance holds 2 variables :

    • An ItemDef / EquipmentDef
    • An array of ItemDisplayRule

    ItemDef / EquipmentDefare classes from the game code, they basically hold all the needed informations for the game to define an item or an equipment, its name, its tier, the text that will show up when you look at its logbook entry, and so on. ItemDisplayRule allows to define one rule, or multiple rules that will dictate where the item 3d model will show up on the survivors.

Once the method is called, an ItemIndex or an EquipmentIndex (depending on what you are doing) will be returned by ItemAPI for you to use on your plugin code to do various checks, like if a player currently have your item and such.

MyCustomItemIndex = ItemAPI.Add(customItem);


if (characterBody.inventory.GetItemCount(MyCustomItemIndex)  >  0)
	// This player currently have my custom item in its inventory !

A more complete example of that is available under the C# BepinEx Plugin Code section.

Please note that ItemAPI uses ItemDropAPI to add your item to the game item pool, so it also needs to be part of your R2APISubmoduleDependency attribute parameters !

creates a way for custom items and equipments to drop, while also allowing modders to prevent certain pickups from dropping. We won't cover this submodule entirely in this tutorial, as ItemAPI already uses it and do the necessary stuff to make your item drop in a run. Setting a correct ItemTier when filling your ItemDef is important for this to work !

From the R2API Wiki :

  • Creates a detour for mods to load in their own resources/assets.
  • Hooking on UnityEngine.Resources.Load is being done so that the paths provided are scanned, if an assetbundle path is recognized it'll instead load the asset directly from the assetbundle.

Important part for us :

  • A Custom path must follow a pattern like this : When an assetbundle is added to this API, a modprefix must come with it, for example : @MyAssetBundle The path to the custom object provided then looks like this : @MyAssetBundle:Assets/Import/belt/belt.prefab

In short, this API will allow us to load your custom icons, 3d models, and so on easily into the game by providing a distinguishable custom path. A more complete example of that is available under the C# BepinEx Plugin Code section.

Risk of Rain 2 uses Unity Version 2018.4.16, so let's download that and install it. I did an .unitypackage out of my Rampage mod, that you can download here, it'll serve as a base for this part.

Launch the editor and create a new project. Once that done, double click the .unitypackage, it should make a popup, every files should be checked by default, press Import, once its imported, you should see various new files in your Assets/ folder.

Click on Window -> PackageManager and search for AssetBundleBrowser and install it, if not already done so.

Let's start with the Import/ folder. As you can see when going into the Import/belt/ folder, a prefab called is already configured to be included in a future exampleitemmod assetbundle :

Highlight path and assetbundle name Same goes for the icon located in the Import/belt_icon/ folder :

can change the targeted assetbundle

You can change the name of the future assetbundle by selecting New on the dropdown menu when clicking on it.

Once all the assets you wanted to package are correctly assigned an assetbundle, simply right click on the window explorer of Unity and click on AB Make, it'll be created in the Assets/AssetBundle folder.

AB Make

rampage assetbundle

Now that we have our assetbundle, we can finally do the best part, the code. ;)

C# BepinEx Plugin Code

Building from source

  • Clone / Download as zip the Boilerplate Item Solution
  • Open CustomItem.sln
  • The code is honestly pretty straight forward, though there is one thing to do still :

Importing the assetbundle into the Visual Studio Project :

  • Right click the project name in the solution explorer
  • Add
  • Existing item
  • Add the assetbundle
  • Properties of assetbundle
  • Select Embedded resource

embed resource

Then, in the Assets.cs file, make sure that the namespace and the filename of the assetbundle is correctly set.

using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("CustomItem.rampage"))

You can now compile and test your plugin !

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