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Robert Schnitman
Recommended Citation:
       Schnitman, Robert (2018). afp v0.0.0.1.


  1. Installation
  2. Introduction
  3. do.bind()
  4. mapreduce()
  5. telecast()
  6. Conclusion
  7. References
  8. See also

0. Installation

## Dependencies: R >= 3.5

# install.packages("devtools")

1. Introduction

The afp package--Applied Functional Programming--provides functionals to simplify iterative processes in R. The Base R *apply() family, purrr library, and Julia programming language are the principal influences. The former two contain tools essential for functional programming that minimize the need to incorporate loops and increase code brevity; however, there is inelegance with respect to specific situations.

For example, to map a function and consequently bind rows or columns, purrr splits the decision into two functions rather than within one: map_dfr() and map_dfc(), both of which only output to data frames--while this feature is as intended, they nonetheless omit the possibility of a matrix when such a data type is preferred. Additionally, to reduce the results of a mapping, one must encase Map()/lapply() in Reduce(), while Julia blends the routine into mapreduce().

As such, afp exists to supplement the functionals in Base R, purrr, and others to support efficient and concise programming.

The following sections provide examples for the primary functions: do.bind(), mapreduce(), and telecast(). For a complete description of these and other functions within the packages, see the afp Handbook.

2. do.bind()

When executing lapply() to manipulate subsets of data, calling rbind() or cbind() within is common to fuse the transformed partitions. While the implementation is possible on one line by way of the*bind, lapply(x, f)) form, the readability and intended concision decreases as the complexity of the anonymous function increases. Even if the lapply() portion is stored in an object before hand, the intention of is not clear until *bind is stated. To minimize these issues, do.bind() wraps this process and clarifies its purpose: bind the results of the given function.

One may obtain similar results with map_dfr()/map_dfc() from purrr; but the output would always result in a data frame rather than the possibility of a matrix. Additionally, the binding rows or columns must be done in different functions, whereas it can be defined within do.bind().

There are three required parameters in this function: f, x, and m--respectively the function, collection (e.g. data frame), and margin (rbind/cbind designation). If m = 1 (the default), the results are combined row-wise; 2 for column-wise. A fourth parameter ... passes to

To note, the naming of this function is to be consistent with the previously mentioned function.

EXAMPLE - do.bind() #1: Store subset-contingent lm() coefficients in a matrix.

split1  <- split(mtcars, mtcars$gear)
adhoc1  <- function(s) {coef(lm(mpg ~ disp + wt + am, s))}
output1 <- do.bind(adhoc1, split1) # ==, lapply(split1, adhoc1)).
output1                            # Rownames indicate subset.

##   (Intercept)         disp        wt        am
## 3    27.99461 -0.007982643 -2.384834        NA
## 4    46.68250 -0.097327135 -3.171284 -2.817164
## 5    41.77904 -0.006730729 -7.230952        NA

EXAMPLE - do.bind() #2: Compute the median ozone-temperature ratio for each given month.

airquality2 <- na.omit(airquality) # NA values exist in airquality.
split2      <- split(airquality2, airquality2$Month)
adhoc2      <- function(x, y) {median(x/y)}
output2     <- do.bind(function(s) with(s, adhoc2(Ozone, Temp)), split2, 2) 
output2 # ==, lapply(split2, function(s) with(s, adhoc2(Ozone, Temp))))

##              5         6         7         8         9
## [1,] 0.3003337 0.3076923 0.7272928 0.5696203 0.2948718

3. mapreduce()

Base R has functionals that output a list by way of lapply() and Map() (among others), while Reduce() diminishes given elements in a consecutive manner until a single result remains. While these functions are relatively straightforward to combine (depending on the functions being passed), R does not inherently possess a singular function to accomplish this operation unlike Julia with mapreduce(). Therefore, mapreduce() in afp offers a simplified Julia-equivalent to streamline the intended procedure in R.

The three required parameters are f, o, and x ("fox", collectively)--function, (binary) operator, and collection (e.g. matrix). If f is multivariate, the fourth parameter y can take multiple arguments much like MoreArgs in mapply(). The final parameter ... passes to Reduce().

EXAMPLE - mapreduce() #1: Element-wise divide manipulated matrices.

matrixl <- list(A = matrix(c(1:9), 3, 3), B = matrix(10:18, 3, 3), C = matrix(19:27, 3, 3))
output1 <- mapreduce(function(x) x^2 + 1, `/`, matrixl) # == Reduce(`/`, Map(function(x) x^2 + 1, matrixl))

##              [,1]         [,2]         [,3]
## [1,] 0.0000547016 0.0002061856 0.0003107868
## [2,] 0.0001022035 0.0002490183 0.0003310752
## [3,] 0.0001560306 0.0002837380 0.0003456270

EXAMPLE - mapreduce() #2: A case of multiple arguments.

# Using the same list from the previous example...
output2 <- with(matrixl, mapreduce(function(i, j, k) i*j - k, `/`, A, list(B, C)))

##               [,1]          [,2]          [,3]
## [1,] -1.387799e-10 -3.408547e-12 -3.442132e-13
## [2,] -2.925642e-11 -1.456427e-12 -1.839155e-13
## [3,] -9.059628e-12 -6.829299e-13 -1.031438e-13

4. telecast()

Map()/mapply() from Base R executes functions pairwise when given multiple data objects, as do map2()/pmap() from purrr. While beneficial in their own right, said functions cannot concisely map over datasets independently of each other, which would be useful for storing disparate information into a single list.

Inspired by broadcast() from Julia, telecast() essentially wraps mapply() within lapply() to achieve this outcome.

The two functions (both required) are f and l, respectively a function and list. The third parameter as.vector, which is optional, converts the output to a vector if set to TRUE (and thus will resemble the output from rapply()); by default, it is FALSE for a list format.

EXAMPLE - telecast() #1: Apply means to each variable for all datasets in a stored list.

l <- list(mc = mtcars, aq = airquality, lcs = LifeCycleSavings) <- function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) # airquality has NA values.
output1 <- telecast(, l) 
output1 # Compare: lapply(l, function(x) mapply(, x))

## $`mc`
##        mpg        cyl       disp         hp       drat         wt 
## 20.090625   6.187500 230.721875 146.687500   3.596563   3.217250 
##       qsec         vs         am       gear       carb 
## 17.848750   0.437500   0.406250   3.687500   2.812500 
## $aq
##      Ozone    Solar.R       Wind       Temp      Month        Day 
##  42.129310 185.931507   9.957516  77.882353   6.993464  15.803922 
## $lcs
##        sr     pop15     pop75       dpi      ddpi 
##    9.6710   35.0896    2.2930 1106.7584    3.7576 

EXAMPLE - telecast() #2: Iteratively reduce each variable for all datasets in a list and store in a vector.

# With the same list in the previous example...

red.div <- function(y) Reduce(`/`, na.omit(y))
output2 <- telecast(red.div, l, as.vector = TRUE) 
output2 # Compare: rapply(l, red.div)

##      mc.mpg        mc.cyl       mc.disp         mc.hp       mc.drat 
## 3.488260e-39  6.971465e-24  9.175733e-70  1.724534e-64  3.483381e-17 
##        mc.wt       mc.qsec         mc.vs       mc.gear 
## 1.767344e-15  2.807034e-38           NaN           Inf  2.126822e-17 
##      mc.carb      aq.Ozone    aq.Solar.R       aq.Wind       aq.Temp 
## 1.149781e-11 1.016406e-169 1.081719e-313 5.634846e-147 5.949698e-286 
##     aq.Month        aq.Day     lcs.pop15     lcs.pop75 
## 3.666302e-127 2.556316e-167  2.774085e-44  2.731185e-74  7.078060e-14 
##      lcs.dpi      lcs.ddpi 
## 2.849951e-136  5.292273e-23 

5. Conclusion

The functions discussed and demonstrated will be improved on a continuous basis to (1) minimize repetitive iterative processing and (2) emphasize code efficiency and brevity. New functions to be added based on feasibility and future needs as appropriate.

6. References

afp Handbook
Julia programming language
Julia - broadcast()
Julia - mapreduce()
Tidyverse - purrr

7. See also

afpj, the Julia-equivalent library of afp
Advanced R by Hadley Wickham

End of Document