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Ryuuganime Media SaveFile Format

Standardization attempt and Proof of Concept of cross tracking site services save file/exported list for media entries library in JSON, YAML, HJSON, PowerShell psd1, and CSON format.


This documentation is still in beta. The schema and the format may change in the future.

Table of Contents

What is this?

This is an attempt to standardize the save file format for media entries in JSON and YAML. This is a proof of concept and is not yet finalized. This is also not a standardization of the API, but rather the save file format.

The repo also acts as a schema holder for the SaveFile format.

Why do we need this?

There are many sites that offer a way to track media entries. However, there are no standardized save file formats for these entries. This makes it difficult to transfer your list from one site to another.

We also believe that user data must be readable and editable by the user, and not being locked by undocumented properties and formats.

How does it work?

Media entries are saved either in JSON(C), YAML, PowerShell psd1, CSON, and/or HJSON. Usage of these formats are not mutually exclusive, and the user can choose which format to use. However, we recommend developers to use YAML as default format for readability.

However, the usage of XML is not recommended, as it is not human-readable, and is not supported by the schema by default, we only offers a schema for JSON and YAML.

The file itself can be saved as an object (headered) or as an array (headerless).

Which media type is supported?

SaveFile format is virtually media type agnostic/independent.

However, the schema is mostly optimized for anime and manga progress system, where the media entry is divided into episodes/chapters and volumes, and progress is tracked by the number of episodes/chapters and volumes consumed, not by which episode/chapter and volume watched/read.

For example:

- id: 123456
  mediaType: animation
    chapter: 4
    chapter: 12

In this example, the user is already watching the 4th episode of the anime with ID 123456, and the upstream service has 12 episodes.

For other media types, the schema can be modified to fit the media type.

Why is the schema not optimized for other media types?

Each media type has its own progress system, and it is not possible to create a schema that can fit all media types, as seen in the example above.

However, the schema allows for additional allowed properties, so it is possible to add properties that are specific to the media type.

For example, TV and animation media type can use //chapter as episodes marker and //volume as seasons marker, while other media that can not determined by episodes and seasons (such game) can use //progress as percentile marker.

How do I use it?

SaveFile format must follow the schema defined in the schema folder, and the documentation of usage will be explained in this README.

Is there a way to store progress history for each record?

No, SaveFile format is not designed to store progress history. However, it is possible to store progress history in a separate file as <service>.mediahistory.log and readable as a TSV file with \t as delimiter.

Below is a format example of the history log:

[2022-12-20T17:50:00+07:00]	EVENT	ANIMATION	123456	"HELLO"	PROGEPISODE	CURRENT	CH:2 VL:8	CH:1 VL:8	null

Date format

The date format is based on RFC 3339 and ISO 8601 with the following format in Unix:



The status of the event. Can be either EVENT, INFO, ERROR, or WARN.


The kind of the logged information. Can be either USER, SERVICE, MEDIA, ANIMATION, COMIC, GAME, BOOK, TV, MOVIE, PODCAST, MUSIC, OTHER, or MESSAGE.


The ID of the entry. Can be either 0 or null if the entry is not yet registered.


The title of entry.

Event Type

Denoting what event has happened. Can be either:

Click to expand
  • PROGCH - Progress chapter
  • PROGPRCT - Progress percentile
  • PROGREP - Progress repeat
  • PROGVOL - Progress volume
  • SWCHPRIV - Switch privacy
  • SWCHREP - Switch repeat
  • SWCHSTAT - Switch status
  • UPDEND - Update end date
  • UPDNOTE - Update note
  • UPDPRIO - Update priority
  • UPDSCR - Update score
  • UPDSTRT - Update start date


The substatus of the event. Can be either CURRENT, PLANNED, PAUSED, STOPPED, COMPLETED, PROHIBITED or null


Details of the event after the event has happened. Can be either null or a string.


Details of the event before the event has happened. Can be either null or a string.


The message of the event. Can be either null or a string.

Ryuuganime Media SaveFile Format Documentation


JSON Path/Pointer in this documentation is based on JSON Pointer, for example. / is the root of JSON object ($json), and /metadata is the $json.metadata object.


This is not an official RFC documents or similar of it, but rather a technical proposal for a standardized save file format for media entries of usage for Ryuuganime projects and 3rd party can use such standardized format for another related project. It is not a finalized standard and is subject to change. The proposed format is intended for technical discussion and feedback, and the authors do not assume any liability for its usage. This document is provided as-is and is intended solely for informational purposes.


Ryuuganime Media SaveFile Format proposes a standardized save file format for media tracking entries in JSON, YAML, HJSON, PowerShell psd1, and CSON formats. The format is designed to ease user in modifying information and enable the transfer of media tracking information between different tracking sites and supports any type of media. While optimized for tracking anime and manga progress, the format is media type agnostic and allows for human-readable and editable user data. This document serves as a proof of concept for a cross-tracking site services save file/exported list for media entries library.


Media tracking sites offer a convenient way to keep track of progress and maintain a library of consumed1 entries. However, users often face the challenge of transferring their library between different tracking sites. This is because there is no standardized save file format for media entries, which makes it difficult to move data from one site to another. Ryuuganime Media SaveFile Format aims to address this issue by proposing a standardization for a cross-tracking site services save file/exported list for media entries library.

This document presents a proof of concept for a standardized save file format for media entries in JSON, YAML, HJSON, PowerShell psd1, and CSON formats. The proposed format is optimized for tracking anime and manga progress, but it is media type agnostic and supports any type of media. The format allows for human-readable and editable user data, and can be saved as an object or an array. This document aims to provide a starting point for the standardization of media entry save file formats, and while it is not yet finalized, it demonstrates the potential benefits of a standardized format for cross-site media tracking.

Code formatting, styling, and file name

  1. Properties must follow camelCase format. Code indentation preferably 2 spaces.

  2. File encoding must be UTF-8, and line ending must be LF (\n). However, UTF-8 with BOM is also allowed.

  3. Generally, the file name should append .savefile or .sf in the end of the file name, before the file extension.

    For example:


    If the file is a headerless format, the file name should append .headerless or .hl in the end of the file name, before the file extension.

    For example:


SaveFile Format

SaveFile format is a JSON, YAML, HJSON, PSD1, or CSON file that contains media entries. The file itself can be saved as an object (headered) or as an array (headerless).


A headered format is an object-format file that contains an information header (/metadata) object and an array of media entries (/entries).

Optionally, the headered format can also contains $schema property, which is a pointer to the schema file, by default it is


A headerless format only contains an array of media entries.

Headered Metadata (/metadata)

  • Type: Object
  • Is Required: Yes
  • Additional Properties: No

The headered metadata object contains information about the SaveFile format, such as the version of the format, the name of the SaveFile, and the description of the SaveFile.

The metadata also may contains information regarding:

  • Service name, URI, and version
  • Date of export
  • Media type
  • User information


  version: '1.0.0'
  name: MyService
  mediaType: animation
  description: MyService exported list
    name: MyService
    version: '1.0.0'
    date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
    id: 123456
    name: AnonyMouse

To add more properties outside of the schema, you can add them to /metadata/service, /metadata/user, /metadata/exported, or /metadata/other.


The version of the SaveFile format.


  • Type: String
  • Is Required: No

The name of the SaveFile.


  • Type: String
  • Is Required: Yes
  • Enumeration of: MediaType[]

The media type of the SaveFile.


  • Type: String
  • Is Required: No

Description of the SaveFile.


  • Type: Object
  • Is Required: No
  • Additional Properties: Allowed

Information regarding the service that exported the SaveFile.


  • Type: String
  • Is Required: Yes

The name of the service that exported the SaveFile.


  • Type: String
  • Is Required: Yes
  • Format: URI

The URI of the service that exported the SaveFile.


  • Type: String
  • Is Required: No

The version of the service that exported the SaveFile.


  • Type: Any
  • Is Required: No

Additional properties that are specific to the service.


  • Type: Object
  • Is Required: Yes
  • Additional Properties: Allowed

Information regarding export.


The date of export.


  • Type: Any
  • Is Required: No

Additional properties that are specific to the export.


  • Type: Object
  • Is Required: No
  • Additional Properties: Allowed

Information regarding the user.


  • Type: String | Integer
  • Is Required: Yes
  • Format: Any

The ID of the user.


  • Type: String
  • Is Required: No

The name of the user.


  • Type: String
  • Is Required: No
  • Format: URI

The URI of the user.


  • Type: Any
  • Is Required: No

Additional properties that are specific to the user.

Entries (/entries[])

  • Type: Array
  • Is Required: Yes
  • Unique Items: Yes
  • Minimum Items: 1

The entries array contains media entries.


Enum: MediaType

  • Type: String
  • Enumeration of:
    • animation
    • comic
    • game
    • tv
    • movie
    • book
    • podcast
    • other


This is not a complete list of media types, and is subject to change.

Int: Progress

  • Type: Integer
  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: unset

The progress of the media entry.

If the media is not yet started, the progress is 0, replacing the null value.

Object: Dates

  • Type: Object
  • Additional Properties: No
  • Requires: start, finish

The dates object contains information regarding the start and finish dates of the media entry.

The object may also contain a season property, which is a string that represents the season of the year when the media entry started.


The start date of the media entry.


The finish date of the media entry.


  • Type: String
  • Enumeration of: spring, summer, fall, winter
  • Is Required: No

The season of the year when the media entry started.


Time of broadcast

Object: DatesChild

  • Type: Object
  • Additional Properties: No
  • Requires: date, month, year

The dates child object contains information regarding the date, month, and year


  • One of:
    • Type: Integer
      • Minimum: 1
      • Maximum: 31
    • Type: Null
  • Is Required: Yes

The day of the month.


  • One of:
    • Type: Integer
      • Minimum: 1
      • Maximum: 12
    • Type: Null
  • Is Required: Yes

The month of the year.


  • One of:
    • Type: Integer
      • Minimum: 1
      • Maximum: 9999
    • Type: Null
  • Is Required: Yes

The year.


JSON Headerless

    "id": 45619,
    "title": "SPY x FAMILY Part 2",
    "status": "current",
    "current": {
      "episode": 12,
      "isRepeating": false
    "date": {
      "start": "2022-10-02",
      "finish": null
    "notes": "",
    "repeatCount": 0,
    "rating": 0,
    "isPrivate": false,
    "metadata": {
      "slug": "spy-x-family-part-2",
      "date": {
        "season": "fall",
        "start": "2022-10-01",
        "finish": "2022-12-24"
      "origin": {
        "language": "ja",
        "country": "JP"
      "isNsfw": false

HJSON Headerless

    id: 45619
    title: 'SPY x FAMILY Part 2'
    status: 'current'
    // Kitsu JSON:API does not support upstream episode datas
    current: {
      episode: 12
      isRepeating: false
    date: {
      start: '2022-10-02'
      finish: null
    notes: ''
    repeatCount: 0
    rating: 0
    isPrivate: false
    metadata: {
      slug: 'spy-x-family-part-2'
      date: {
        season: 'fall'
        start: '2022-10-01'
        finish: '2022-12-24'
      origin: {
        language: 'ja'
        country: 'JP'
      isNsfw: false

PSD1 Headered

  metadata = @{
    version = '1.0.0'
    name = 'animeManga-autoBackup (MangaDex)'
    mediaType = 'comic'
    description = 'MangaDex exported list, by animeManga-autoBackup'
    service = @{
      name = 'MangaDex'
      uri = ''
    exported = @{
      date = '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'
    user = @{
      id = 'cd6eccb3-5bc0-42bc-b4a7-970036e9b544'
      name = 'AnonyMouse'
  entries = @(
      id = 'df1e3421-1bf4-4be1-b750-2cbcab901469'
      title = 'Ayumu Sensei to Hikaru-kun'
      status = 'planned'
      upstream = @{
        chapter = 4
        volume = 0
      current = @{
        chapter = 0
        volume = 0
      date = @{
        start = $Null
        finish = $Null
      rating = 0
      isPrivate = $False
      metadata = @{
        mappings = @{
          myAnimeList = $Null
          aniList = $Null
          kitsu = $Null
          animePlanet = $Null
          mangaUpdates = '03g50ni'
          novelUpdates = $Null
        status = 'completed'
        contentRating = 'safe'
        origin = @{
          language = 'ja'
          country = 'JP'

YAML Headered

  version: '1.0.0'
  name: Trakt
  mediaType: movie
  description: Trakt exported list
    name: Trakt
    date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
  # Below is not a real user (。_。)
    id: 123456
    name: AnonyMouse
  - id: 464
    title: Monsters, Inc.
    status: completed
      episode: 1
      episode: 1
      isRepeating: false
      finish: 2018-12-22
    notes: ''
    repeatCount: 0
    rating: 7
      slug: monsters-inc-2001
        imdb: tt0198781
        tmdb: 585
      year: 2001


  1. Read: Watched/Read/Listened/Played