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File metadata and controls

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A Ruby client for the UBW REST API. Note that the API is currently readonly.

The goal of this gem is to provide a Ruby-ish wrapper for the UBW API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ubw-client', '~> 0.1', git: ''

And then execute:

$ bundle


Configuration example:

# The site must be set before using the gem, as it is the base URL for all API calls.
# By default ENV['UBW_SITE'] is used but it can be set like so = '' 

# A Faraday::Connection can be obtained and configured before use (perhaps to disable a proxy)
Ubw::Client.connection do |connection|
  connection.proxy {}
  connection.use SomeCustomMiddleware

Getting started:

# Fetch a SubProject
# => #<Ubw::SubProject sub_cost_code="S0001-001", cost_code="S0001", status="N", is_active?=true>

# Fetch all SubProjects
# => #<Ubw::ResultSet:0x000032fd23ad42 @result_count=10, @items=[#<Ubw::SubProject sub_cost_code="S0001-001", cost_code="S0001", status="N", is_active?=true>, ...]

# Find all Prices where module_name is 'WGS' or 'Library Prep' and cost_code is 'S0001'
# Note that the values here can either be a String or an Array
Ubw::Price.where(module_name: ['WGS', 'Library Prep'], cost_code: 'S0001')
# => #<Ubw::ResultSet:0x0001972ae1df28 @result_count=2, @items=[#<Ubw::Price module_name="WGS", cost_code="S0001", unit_price="9.99">, ...]


There are currently only two resources: Ubw::SubProject and Ubw::Price.

Ubw::SubProject can be looked up by sub_cost_code e.g. Ubw::SubProject.find(sub_cost_code)

Both also include where and all class methods.


Result Sets represent a collection of resources e.g. a list of Ubw::Prices. #result_count will give the size of the collection:

Ubw::Price.where(module_name: 'WGS').result_count
# => 3

They are also enumerable, allowing you iterate through #items. e.g.

# Are there any SubProjects that have cost_codes that don't start with 'S'?
Ubw::SubProject.all.any? { |sub_project| sub_project.cost_code[0] != 'S' }
# => false


After checking out the repo, run bundle to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.